A servant in his congregation - Bonar, Andrew

CRAIGNURE, ISLE OF MULL, 6th August 1884.


      — I was greatly surprised on receiving your letter. But I suppose you were yourself taken altogether unawares. This comfort, however, you have, sure and full, viz., that E. has only gone to ‘the mountain of myrrh and hill of frankincense’ for a season, and then shall come back with Christ in immortal health, soul and body. You can think of her every day as ‘with Christ’ in the Paradise above, enjoying blessedness to which we here are strangers, and you may be sure that the Lord intends for you some peculiar blessing by this sore bereavement. What a word that is in Heb. 12:10 : affliction sent not only that we may get some profit by it, but ‘that we may be partakers of His holiness.’

      I shall try to remember your afflicted parents as well as yourself When you return to town will you let me know, that I may call ?

      –Believe me, your affectionate pastor,

