A thread-bare soul – Thomas Brooks
Take hold of all opportunities to enrich your souls with spiritual riches. Men will easily, readily, greedily, and unweariedly grasp all opportunities wherein they may get earthly riches; and why should not you be as diligent in taking hold of all opportunities to enrich your precious souls? Is not the soul worth more than raiment, more than friends, more than relations, more than life yes, more than all? And why, then, do you not labor to enrich your souls?
It is better have a rich soul under a thread-bare coat; than a thread-bare soul under a silk or golden coat.
If he is a monster among men, who makes liberal provision for his dog and starves his wife; what a monster is he who makes much provision for his baser part but none for his noble part!
The neglect of golden, soul-enriching opportunities, has made many a man’s life a hell.