Adam and His Fig Leaves - Lee Brainard
In Genesis chapter three we find the Lord going for a walk in the garden of Eden in the cool of the evening, seeking fellowship with man. But he found no fellowship that evening as had been the case previously. Why? Because Adam and Eve had done wrong and they knew it. They were ashamed and didn’t want to face God. They tried to cover up their nakedness with aprons made out of fig leaves. And when they heard the voice of God coming their way, they hid.
Perhaps this sounds strange to your ears. Why would anyone not want to walk with God? Why would they try to cover up their nakedness? Why would they hide from God? But if you stop to think about it, man does the same thing today. We do things that we know we should not do. We trample on His known will and ignore His Word. Rather than going to Him, confessing our sins, and restoring fellowship, we find our own solution to our problem. We put on the fig leaves of religion. Then we run and hide. We would rather wear fig leaves and hide than enjoy restored fellowship with God.
But we were not created for fig leaves. We were created to walk and talk with God. So come out of the woods, throw aside your fig leaves, and let God cover you with his sacrifice, the Lamb of God slain for the sins of the world. God is calling … “Where are you?”
~Lee Brainard, September 19, 2015