Affliction, Jewels of - Charles Spurgeon
WEEP not because the vessel of your present comfort has gone out to sea, and you have lost sight of the white sails; it shall come back again to you laden with nobler treasure. Weep not because the sun has gone down, for it descends that the dews may be brought forth and the earth may be watered, and the flowers may drip with perfume. Wait you awhile, and the sun shall come back to you again, and the morn shall be the brighter because of the gloom of the night. O sorrow not, heir of Heaven, because the skies are clouded, the clouds are big with mercy; and each cloud is the mother of ten thousand blossoms, and harvests lie concealed in yonder darkness! O be you confident that among all your jewels, all your precious ornaments and tokens of love that God has given you, you have nothing brighter than the jet jewels of affliction, no diamonds of a finer water than those of trouble.