All that God has begun He Himself continues – Andrew Murray
Men have never had their eyes opened to see that all that God has begun he himself continues; that all that he demands he himself works out; that his divine purpose as author of all carries with it the assurance that he will perfect all he began.
The God whom Christ has made known is one who works both to will and to do, who perfects in us every good work to do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight. Through him all things: if we really believe and seek spiritually to understand this word, what a change it would work in our spiritual life! We should begin to see how really we may follow in the footsteps of the Son of God, and expect the Father to work all for us as he did for him. He said, I can do nothing of myself, I speak not of myself, but the Father doeth the works, and taught us that the great mark of his human life was what God had meant the life of Adam to be, an unceasing dependence, an entire yielding of spirit to the Father, waiting for and receiving his working in him. It is this disposition, the mind that was in Christ Jesus, the very spirit of his Son, that God sent forth into our hearts, that we might live like him.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 68)
Andrew Murray