An inlet to three dreadful things – Thomas Brooks
(“A Heavenly Cordial” 1665)
Death is dreadful to the unbelieving sinner, for it puts an everlasting end to all his temporal . . .
and enjoyments.
Death will put an everlasting end to all his pleasures of sin. Now the sinner shall never more have one merry day. In hell there is . . .
no singing but howling;
no music but madness;
no sporting but sighing;
no dancing but wringing of hands
and gnashing of teeth for evermore!
In a word, now the sinner shall find by woeful experience that death will be an inlet to three dreadful things:
1. To judgment, Heb. 9:27;
2. To an irreversible sentence of condemnation, Mat. 25:41;
3. To endless, ceaseless, and remediless sufferings.