Angry at First, Saved at Last. – Dwight Lyman Moody

In Dublin I was speaking to a lady in the inquiry-room, when I noticed a gentlemen walking up and down before the door. I went forward, and said: “Are you a Christian?” He was very angry, and turned on his heel and left me. The following Sunday night I was preaching about “receiving,” and I put the question: “Who’ll receive Him now?” That young man was present, and the question sank into his heart. The next day he called upon me—he was a merchant in that city—and said: “Do you remember me?” “No, I don’t.” “Do you remember the young man who answered you so roughly the other night?” “Yes, I do.” “Well, I’ve come to tell you that I am saved.” “How did it happen?” “Why, I was listening to your sermon last night, and when you asked, “Who’ll receive Him now?” God put it into my heart to say: “I will;” and He has opened my eyes to see His Son now.
