Another story from J. J. Rouse “Pioneer work in Canada

2) Another story from J. J. Rouse “Pioneer work in Canada.”

“However, the truth of the Word ofGod as to man’s ruin and God’s remedy is never popular, and we met a number who were quite hostile. One woman, the jeweller’s wife, came one night, and the net day I met her on the street and expressed to her my pleasure at seeing her at the meeting the night before, and added I hoped she would come again, which brought the haughty rely, “Never again for me.” I then undertook to assure her the meeting was free, allow ere welcome, when again with more emphasis she said, “never again for me.” I then asked her, “Why not come again?” Then the truth did come out. She said, “I never slept all night after being there.” Oh, how many there are who rather than have their peace disturbed, and get saved, prefer to go on in their sins, and die and go to hell, and have no peace or rest forever.”
