Asa did . . . right in the eyes-F.B.Meyer

Asa did . . . right in the eyes

of the Lord, as did David his father. 1 Kings xv. 11.

IT is a great thing to have such a testimony as this. We may do right in our own eyes; yet the eye of the Lord may detect evil which neither our associates nor we have seen. We may deceive ourselves, we may deceive others; but we cannot deceive God. In the home or business, in situation or factory, let us live as under the searching gaze of God.

Asa’s life was one of religious activity: he destroyed the idols of his father, and even deposed his queen mother, “because she made an idol in a grove.” It needs Divine courage so to live for God that at home or afield men shall take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus. This is what the world is languishing for  reality, consistency under all circumstances, and before all men.

There are, however, two clouds overhanging this otherwise bright life. “The high places were not removed ” (14). Though idols were destroyed, the groves in which they were erected remained. They were no snare to him; and he took care that during his life they should not ensnare others; but after his death, in the reign of Jehoshaphat his son, “the people offered and burnt incense” in them (xxii. 43). We must not only cleanse our way before the Lord, but remove any evil thing which may cause others to stumble.

The other cloud is indicated in 2 Chron. xvi. 12: “He was diseased in his feet.. . . Yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians.” Strange that in affliction he should not have turned to the Great Physician. The enemy of souls is ever on the watch. Pray that amid the pains of death you may not act unworthily.

