AWAY WITH HIM Hannes Zegement Grove


Away with Him, the crowd cried out that day
Crucify Him, the crowd wanted Him to pay
Away, away with Him the crowd did not know
That God had a plan for humanity to show
Now Jesus blood is on their hands, through the choice they made

Away with Him, to the cross they said
And on the rugged cross the Son of God died
The words written:  The King of the Jews as His only true crime
They the crowd in rebellion youths our Saviour denied
We love today His story and think, why oh why, oh why?

Away with Him, your little heart cries all the day long
Don’t need a Saviour to reign over me ― for I am too strong
If Jesus was here today you would crucify Him too
You would sell out God for one Saturday night
Full of booze, girls under the stars so bright

Away with Him, the voice so clear
Away with Him, yes you my dear
You should have said no, no last night
And today you would have just heard right
Different words from the One crucified in the light
