B - Christian Hymns
B, is the second letter of the alphabet and is the beginning letter of many famous hymns that have enthralled and inspired down the ages. ‘Be Still My Soul’ written by Kathrina von Schlegel and ‘Be Thou My Vision’ by Mary E Byrne, spring to mind. Of course, words like ‘Beware’ would have a cautionary note at the beginning of a hymn and ‘Behold’ at the beginning of many a hymn calls us to behold the Saviour. There are a vast number of hymns under the B section.

Letter B Hymns
B, is the second letter of the alphabet and is the beginning letter of many famous hymns that have enthralled and inspired down the ages. ‘Be Still My Soul’ written by Kathrina von Schlegel and ‘Be Thou My Vision’ by Mary E Byrne, spring to mind. Of course, words like ‘Beware’ would have a cautionary note at the beginning of a hymn and ‘Behold’ at the beginning of many a hymn calls us to behold the Saviour. There are a vast number of hymns under the B section.