Babe in a Manger - Christmas Carol

New Christmas Carol by Roy Daniel written to the Tune of ‘Be Thou My Vision’ / Tune Name ‘Slane’

Ang-els were sing-ing “No-el” up a-bove,

Shep-herds were told of God’s peace and great love.

Wise kings came search-ing, They saw a great star,

Babe in a man-ger, The Rul-er of all.


Child in a man-ger, both God, Man and King,

Sent with the pur-pose: to die for my sin.

Hands of a ba-by That one day would be

Pierc-éd on Cal-va-ry, Nailed to a tree.


Ri-sen in po-wer, the stone rolled a-way.

Ascend-ed to glo-ry, He’s com-ing a-gain!

While we are wait-ing, live for the King.

Babe in a man-ger His prais-es we sing!


One day in glo-ry Christ Je-sus will be

High King of Hea-ven for e-ter-ni-ty.

Shout hal-le-lu-jah in His Ho-ly name!

Wor-ship for-e-ver Beth-le-hem’s Babe.

Roy Daniel (Used by Permission)

Picture of Roy Daniel

Roy Daniel

Roy Daniel, a preacher, author and songwriter, has composed a new Christmas carol titled Babe in a Manger, set to the beloved tune of Be Thou My Vision. This hymn beautifully incorporates many attributes of God, offering a heartfelt tribute to the glory and majesty of the Christ child. With its profound lyrics and timeless melody, the carol invites listeners to reflect on the divine nature of Jesus and His humble birth. Roy Daniel has dedicated this song to Vance Pichenino, whose father recently underwent a significant operation, as a gesture of comfort, hope, and faith during a challenging time. Vance is a Really Sweet Lad who loves Jesus and sings amazingly by God's Grace.

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