Blessing, Anticipation of – Charles Spurgeon
OH, start not back, you men of prayer! Fail not now, since God is still your arm! You carry bows, turn not back in the day of battle! You have the trophies of past victories before your eyes! Now for a mighty attack upon the mercy seat, that you may win power to overcome the gates of Hell! Let us be vehement—violent I was about to say; for “the kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Let us cannonade the gate of Heaven! Let us uprise, each man and each woman, every soul that has power, and let us cry unto the mighty God, that he would be pleased to give us such a blessing that we shall not have room enough to receive it. It must come, only be ready for it. It will come; it comes even now! Thank God! Take courage! Be on your watch-tower! and the Lord bless us for his name’s sake. Amen.