But the truth is – Thomas Brooks

Many there are, who are accounted . . .
deep scholars,
great linguists,
profound philosophers,
good grammarians,
excellent mathematicians,
sharp logicians,
cunning politicians,
fine rhetoricians,
sweet musicians, etc.

But the truth is, he is the best grammarian who has learned to speak the truth from his heart; and he is the best astronomer who has his thoughts in heaven; and he is the best musician who has learned practically to sing out the praises of God; and he is the best arithmetician who knows how to number his days; and he is the best philosopher who every day grows holier and holier; and he is the best skilled in economics  who trains up his family in the fear of the Lord; and he is the best politician who is as good at taking and giving Scriptural counsel; and he is the best linguist who speaks the language of Canaan.

The holy Christian is the best man in the world, nay, he is such a one “of whom this world is not worthy,” and therefore God cannot but take singular pleasure and delight in him.
