Sweet Hour of Prayer
Sweet Hour of Prayer – William Walford, 1845. William Walford, 1845. 1. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer !That calls me from a world of care,And bids me at my Father’s throneMake all my wants and wishes known.In seasons of distress and grief,My soul has often found reliefAnd oft escaped the tempter’s snareBy […]
Sweet By and By
Sweet By and By – Sanford F. Bennett, 1868. Sanford F. Bennett, 1868. 1. There’s a land that is fairer than day,And by faith we can see it afar;For the Father waits over the wayTo prepare us a dwelling place there. Refrain: In the sweet by and by,We shall meet on that beautiful shore;In […]
Some Day the Silver Cord will Break
Some Day the Silver Cord will Break – Fanny Crosby, 1891 Fanny Crosby, 1891 1. Some day the silver cord will break,And I no more as now shall sing;But, O the joy when I shall wakeWithin the presence of the King! Refrain: And I shall see Him face to face,And tell the story, saved by […]
Saved by the Blood
Saved by the Blood – S. J. Henderson, 1902. S. J. Henderson, 1902. 1. Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!Now ransomed from sin and a new work begun,Sing praise to the Father and praise to the Son,Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Refrain: Glory, I’m saved! Glory, I’m saved!My sins are […]
Satisfied – Clara T. Williams, 1875. Clara T. Williams, 1875. 1. All my life long I had pantedFor a drink from some clear spring,That I hoped would quench the burningOf the thirst I felt within. Refrain: Hallelujah! I have found HimWhom my soul so long has craved!Jesus satisfies my longings,Through His blood I now am […]