What, Never Thirst Again ? May Agnew Stephens (1865-1935)

What, Never Thirst Again ? – May Agnew Stephens (1865-1935) What, Never Thirst Again ? Hymn by May Agnew Stephens (1865-1935) There flows from Calvary a streamFor every sinner’s pain,And he that drinketh, Jesus said,Shall never thirst again. Refrain What! never thirst again?No, never thirst again;What! never thirst again?No, never thirst again,For he that drinketh, […]

When We all get to Heaven

When We all get to Heaven Eliza Hewitt, 1898. 1.      Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,Sing His mercy and His grace.In the mansions bright and blessèdHe’ll prepare for us a place. Refrain: When we all get to Heaven,What a day of rejoicing that will be!When we all see Jesus ,We’ll sing and shout the victory! […]

What Child is This?

What Child is This? Will­iam C. Dix, 1865. 1.      What Child is this who, laid to restOn Mary’s lap is sleeping?Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,While shepherds watch are keeping?This, this is Christ the King,Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,The Babe, the Son of Mary. 2.      Why lies He in […]

We have not known Thee

We have not known Thee – Thom­as B. Pol­lock,  1889. Thom­as B. Pol­lock,  1889. 1.      We have not known Thee as we ought,Nor learned Thy wisdom, grace and power;The things of earth have filled our thought,And trifles of the passing hour.Lord, give us light Thy truth to see,And make us wise in knowing Thee. 2.      […]
