Z – Illustrations for Sermons Zion, and the role it played in the Bible will be found in this section. Category FilterZ Results See all results Letter Z Illustrations Search Letter Z Illustrations- Click! Category FilterZ Results See all results Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email Zion, and the role it played in the Bible will […]

Y – Illustrations for Sermons Stories of brave youth who have resisted temptation and endured deep hardship. Youth who have turned their back on God, whose lives ended in tragedy are a warning to all who read about them in this section. People who said ‘YES’ to God are found in this section. Category FilterY […]

X – Illustrations for Sermons Xerxes the king can found in this section as an incident is told of his life. Results See all results Letter X Illustrations Search Letter X Illustrations- Click! Results See all results Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email Xerxes the king can found in this section as an incident is told […]

W – Illustrations for Sermons Wisdom that comes from God so different to that of the world. It is a priceless gift. Worldly wealth passes away but incidents of those who recognized that Heavenly wealth is eternal will inspire. Warnings that have saved lives and those which have been left unheeded and resulted in tragedy […]

V – Illustrations for Sermons In this section there will be stories about the need for Christians to visit those in need, those in prison and widows as God told us in His Word. Vanity that God hates is another category that is illustrated through those who succumbed to pride. Victory as a Christian in […]

U – Illustrations for Sermons In the ‘U’ section of anecdotes and illustrations we find stories about unity among Christians which can draw the unsaved to God. Unfaithfulness is also dealt with here as well as stories about the ‘underdog’ who triumphed by God’s grace and other ‘U’ categories. Category FilterU Results See all […]

T – Illustrations for Sermons Temptation is a very important category under ‘T’ as temptation is one of the greatest dangers in the Christian walk where Satan would draw us away from God. Testimonies play a huge role in this section as one after the other are there for us to be invigorated by what […]

S – Illustrations for Sermons Salvation is the first category that comes to mind under the ‘S’ section of anecdotes, and what wonderful stories there are of the salvation of souls. There are incidents of sacrifice, story about safety where God protected in severe danger, service for the Master. Sanctification and the necessity to be […]

R – Illustrations for Sermons Repentance and the impossible people that repented if we think of those in Whitfield’s time who seemed unreachable with the Gospel until God radically saved them makes very exciting reading in this section. There will be illustrations on the Rapture, for those who take this view on the Second Coming, […]

Q – Illustrations for Sermons In this section there are references to famous Quotes that are an asset to use in sermons especially while referencing the person who stated the original quote. Queens will also appear in this section, those who were faithful to God and those who like Queen Jezebel opposed the prophets of […]

P – Illustrations for Sermons There is a great variety of illustrations that fall in this section, as so many subjects fall under the ‘P’ section. Among them is parenting, patience, poetry and its influence, praise, prayer so essential for every Christian to survive, preaching and the impact of preaching from the earliest church days, […]

O – Illustrations for Sermons In the ‘O’ section, obedience to God is illustrated very vividly in real life incidents, as well as obedience to those God has put in authority. There are also illustrations about when obedience to God required to say no to the commands of man as in the case of Haman […]

N – Illustrations for Sermons There are illustrations that deal with the New Year as a new beginning and opportunity to leave behind the failures of the past year and walk into the new year with fresh dedication, surrendered to God. There will also be illustrations about necessities and trusting God despite being in need, […]

M – Illustrations for Sermons There are wonderful illustrations in this section that deal with marriage, the trials of marriage, the blessing of marriage and historical marriages that made an impact on history. This section also speaks of martyrs for the faith that inspire us to stand up for the Lord as they were faithful […]

L – Illustrations for Sermons coming soonSermons that deal with leadership will benefit from the illustrations and anecdote on leadership telling of great leaders who have inspired down the ages. Poignant incidents of the longsuffering of brave Christians down the ages, old and young and love that is willing to die for others, loyalty to […]

K – Illustrations for Sermons K stands for King and there are wonderfully exciting stories of Kings in history that made their mark in the world and that belonged to God. ‘K’ also stands for kindness and the great impact it has had on others. Sometimes it has been the kindness of a Christian and […]

J – Illustrations for Sermons In this section there is much that deals with the Joy of the Christian and especially joy under persecution and joy despite hardship, poverty and trying circumstances. Other anecdotes deal with Justification, Judges, Jewels, and other J words. J is the first letter of our Savior’s name and therefore there […]

I – Illustrations for Sermons There are precious incidents, true-life stories of integrity not only of those who were far on their journey with the Lord but children that stood true and would not yield to temptation or the threat of persecution. Influence and the importance of being a good influence and thereby a light […]

H – Illustrations for Sermons Humor that is not out of place is a wonderful quality in Christians that just bubble over with joy. Incidents in this section will share the wonderful sense of humor that many of the saints had. There are inspirational stories about Heaven and warning stories about Hell. The Holy Spirit […]

G – Illustrations for Sermons The important opportunities and example of Grandparents are part of this section as well as Guidance, Gratefulness and Greatness, not greatness as counted in the world’s annals, but greatness in God’s eyes. Other subjects starting with the letter ‘G’ are Gentleness, which is such an essential characteristic for every Christian, […]

F – Illustrations for Sermons There are precious stories of faithfulness, faith that weathered trials, friendship, and forgiveness in this section. Real life incidents of Freedom from the bondage of sin attained through the Blood of Christ, Freedom from slavery which is a picture of a soul set free, gentleness, genuineness, grace and other positive […]

E – Illustrations for Sermons There are wonderful anecdotes in the ‘E’ section, we have only to think of those under ‘Example’ to be inspired by the examples of other’s fortitude and to be challenged to be an example ourselves! In the subjects touched in this category there are stories that come under ‘Encouragement’, ‘End’, […]

D – Illustrations for Sermons In the ‘D’ section of the illustrations, we find important and vivid stories about true discipleship, discipline in the Christian walk and the much-needed dedication anecdotes to inspire others. There are of course illustrations about the negative impact of discontent, dishonesty, disappointments, and other ‘D’ categories which can be used […]

C – Illustrations for Sermons Under the ‘C’ category of illustrations, there are much needed aspects for which the anecdotes can give light, inspire, and challenge. Illustrations that deal with children who have stood firm despite opposition, some who have suffered deeply for the sake of the Gospel will be a wonder help when preaching […]

B – Illustrations for Sermons ‘B’ is the second letter of the Alphabet and many subjects starting with the letter ‘B’ form part of this section. Blessing is a ‘B’ word and illustrations under the blessing of salvation, can be found here. The Bible is crucial to every Christian in keeping he or she in […]

A – Illustrations for Sermons coming soon Category FilterA Results See all results Letter A Illustrations Search Letter A Illustrations- Click! Category FilterA Results See all results Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email coming soon…