JESUS HIMSELF – Henry Burton I do not ask Thee, Lord, for outward sign,For portents in the earth of flaming sky;It is enough to know that Thou art mine,And not far off, but intimately nigh. No burning bush I need to speak Thy name,Or call me forward to the newer task;Give me a burning heart, […]
JESUS ONLY – C. T. Studd
JESUS ONLY – C. T. Studd I’m going to live for Jesus,And fling the world away,I’m going to give to JesusMy life and all to-day. I’ve done it, Hallelujah!And now I pray the prayer That I may follow “JesusOnly,” everywhere. I’m such a great big sinner,And still a bigger fool;I must keep close to JesusAnd […]
Jabez’ Prayer Joseph Hart
Jabez’ Prayer – Joseph Hart A saint there was in days of old(Though we but little of him hear)In honour high, of whom is toldA short, but an effectual prayer .This prayer, my brethren, let us view,And try if we can pray so too. He called on Israel’s God, ’tis said; Let us take notice […]
JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER Hannes Zegement Grove
JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER – Hannes Zegement Grove JESUS YOU ARE MY HEALER Jesus you are my HealerMy Maker, my Author and loving ReaderCreator of my heart, Protector of my pain and sorrowThank you for the time with my dad—You let me borrow Jesus you are my Saviour my KingWhile my body is aching […]
Jesus Martha Petrusevich
Jesus – Martha Petrusevich Jesus I stand and before my eyes I see,The man, who had to die for me. So that I, wouldn’t need to die, And forever live with Him on high. I stand and before my eyes I see, Amazing love He has for me. Love like this is hard to find, […]
Jesus Angie Conjurske
Jesus – Angie Conjurske When life is looking rather sad And things are failing ~ turning bad. When life is looking rather sad And things are failing ~ turning bad. Don’t let your crying hide His face Remember He has promised grace. He said He’d never leave us lone We never face things on our […]
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Bernard of Clairvaux
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts – Bernard of Clairvaux Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts,Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men, Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts,Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men,From the best bliss that earth impartsWe turn unfilled to Thee again. Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;Thou savest those […]
Jesus Lives, And So Shall I Christian F. Gellert
Jesus Lives, And So Shall I – Christian F. Gellert Jesus lives, and so shall I.Death! thy sting is gone forever: Jesus lives, and so shall I.Death! thy sting is gone forever:He, who deigned for me to die,Lives, the bands of death to sever.He shall raise me with the just:Jesus is my Hope and trust. […]
Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting Jean Sophia Pigott
Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting – Jean Sophia Pigott Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art, Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art,I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart.Here I gaze and gaze upon Thee, As Thy beauty fills my soul,For by […]