The Shepherd Boy’s Song
The Shepherd Boy’s Song He that is down needs fear no fallHe that is low, no pride;He that is humble ever shallHave God to be his guide. I am content with that I have,Little be it or much;And Lord, contentment still I crave,Because Thou savest such. Fullness to such a burden isThat go on pilgrimage;Here […]
Who Would True Valour See
Who Would True Valour See Who would true Valour seeLet him come hither; Who would true Valour seeLet him come hither;Who would true Valour seeLet him come hither;One here will Constant be,Come Wind, come Weather.There’s no Discouragement,Shall make him once Relent,His first avow’d Intent,To be a Pilgrim. Who so beset him round,With dismal Storys,Do but […]
Upon Time and Eternity
Upon Time and Eternity Eternity is like unto a Ring.Time, like to Measure, doth it self extend; Eternity is like unto a Ring.Time, like to Measure, doth it self extend;Measure commences, is a finite thing.The Ring has no beginning, middle, end. John Bunyan
Upon the Begger
Upon the Begger He wants, he asks, he pleads his poverty,They within doors do him an alms deny. He wants, he asks, he pleads his poverty,They within doors do him an alms deny.He doth repeat and aggravate his grief,But they repulse him, give him no relief. He begs, they say, Begone; he will not hear,But […]
Upon the Whipping of the Top
Upon the Whipping of the Top Tis with the whip the boy sets up the top,The whip makes it run round upon its toe; Tis with the whip the boy sets up the top,The whip makes it run round upon its toe;The whip makes it hither and thither hop:‘Tis with the whip the top is […]
Upon the Vine Tree
Upon the Vine Tree What is the vine, more than another tree?Nay most, than it, more tall, more comely be. What is the vine, more than another tree?Nay most, than it, more tall, more comely be.What workman thence will take a beam or pin,To make ought which may be delighted in?Its excellency in its fruit […]
Upon the Thief
Upon the Thief The thief, when he doth steal, thinks he doth gain;Yet then the greatest loss he doth sustain. The thief, when he doth steal, thinks he doth gain;Yet then the greatest loss he doth sustain. Come, thief, tell me thy gains, but do not falter.When summ’d, what comes it to more than the […]
Upon the Swallow
Upon the Swallow This pretty bird, O! how she flies and sings,But could she do so if she had not wings? This pretty bird, O! how she flies and sings,But could she do so if she had not wings?Her wings bespeak my faith, her songs my peace;When I believe and sing my doubtings cease. John […]
Upon the Sun’s Reflection upon the Clouds in a Fair Morning
Upon the Sun’s Reflection upon the Clouds in a Fair Morning Look yonder, ah! methinks mine eyes do seeClouds edged with silver, as fine garments be; Look yonder, ah! methinks mine eyes do seeClouds edged with silver, as fine garments be;They look as if they saw that golden faceThat makes black clouds most beautiful with […]
Upon the Skilfull Player of an Instrument
Upon the Skilfull Player of an Instrument He that can play well on an instrument,Will take the ear, and captivate the mind He that can play well on an instrument,Will take the ear, and captivate the mindWith mirth or sadness; for that it is bentThereto, as music in it place doth find. But if one […]
Upon the Sight of a Pound of Candles Falling to the Ground
Upon the Sight of a Pound of Candles Falling to the Ground But be the candles down, and scattered too,Some lying here, some there? What shall we do? But be the candles down, and scattered too,Some lying here, some there? What shall we do?Hold, light the candle there that stands on high, It you may […]
Upon the Sacraments
Upon the Sacraments Two sacraments I do believe there be,Baptism and the Supper of the Lord; Two sacraments I do believe there be,Baptism and the Supper of the Lord;Both mysteries divine, which do to me,By God’s appointment, benefit afford.But shall they be my God, or shall I haveOf them so foul and impious a thought,To […]
Upon the Pismire
Upon the Pismire Must we unto the pismire go to school,To learn of her in summer to provide Must we unto the pismire go to school,To learn of her in summer to provideFor winter next ensuing. Man’s a fool,Or silly ants would not be made his guide. But, sluggard, is it not a shame for […]
Upon the Lord’s Prayer
Upon the Lord’s Prayer Our Father which in heaven art,Thy name be always hallowed; Our Father which in heaven art,Thy name be always hallowed;Thy kingdom come, thy will be done;Thy heavenly path be followed By us on earth as ’tis with thee,We humbly pray;And let our bread us given be,From day to day. Forgive our […]
Upon the Lark and the Fowler
Upon the Lark and the Fowler Thou simple bird, what makes thou here to play?Look, there’s the fowler, pr’ythee come away. Thou simple bird, what makes thou here to play?Look, there’s the fowler, pr’ythee come away.Do’st not behold the net? Look there, ’tis spread,Venture a little further, thou art dead. Is there not room enough […]
Upon the Flint in the Water
Upon the Flint in the Water This flint, time out of mind, has there abode,Where crystal streams make their continual road. This flint, time out of mind, has there abode,Where crystal streams make their continual road.Yet it abides a flint as much as ’twereBefore it touched the water, or came there Its hard obdurateness is […]
Upon the Fish in the Water
Upon the Fish in the Water The water is the fish’s element;Take her from thence, none can her death prevent; The water is the fish’s element;Take her from thence, none can her death prevent;And some have said, who have transgressors been,As good not be, as to be kept from sin. 2. The water is the […]
Upon the Disobedient Child
Upon the Disobedient Child Children become, while little, our delights!When they grow bigger, they begin to fright’s. Children become, while little, our delights!When they grow bigger, they begin to fright’s.Their sinful nature prompts them to rebel,And to delight in paths that lead to hell. Their parents’ love and care they overlook,As if relation had them […]
Upon the Bee
Upon the Bee The bee goes out, and honey home doth bring,And some who seek that honey find a sting. The bee goes out, and honey home doth bring,And some who seek that honey find a sting.Now would’st thou have the honey, and be freeFrom stinging, in the first place kill the bee. Comparison. This […]
Upon the Barren Fig-Tree in God’s Vineyard
Upon the Barren Fig-Tree in God’s Vineyard What, barren here! in this so good a soil?The sight of this doth make God’s heart recoil What, barren here! in this so good a soil?The sight of this doth make God’s heart recoilFrom giving thee his blessing; barren tree,Bear fruit, or else thine end will cursed be! […]
Upon Over-Much Niceness
Upon Over-Much Niceness Tis much to see how over nice some areAbout the body and household affair, Tis much to see how over nice some areAbout the body and household affair,While what’s of worth they slightly pass it by,Not doing, or doing it slovenly. Their house must be well furnished, be in print,Meanwhile their soul […]
Upon Fire
Upon Fire Who falls into the fire shall burn with heat;While those remote scorn from it to retreat. Who falls into the fire shall burn with heat;While those remote scorn from it to retreat.Yea, while those in it, cry out, O! I burn,Some farther off those cries to laughter turn. Comparison. While some tormented are […]
Upon Apparel
Upon Apparel God gave us Cloaths to hide our Nakedness,And we by them, do it expose to View. God gave us Cloaths to hide our Nakedness,And we by them, do it expose to View.Our Pride, and unclean Minds, to an excess,By our Apparel we to others shew. John Bunyan
Upon a Snail
Upon a Snail She goes but softly, but she goeth sure,She stumbles not, as stronger creatures do. She goes but softly, but she goeth sure,She stumbles not, as stronger creatures do.Her journey’s shorter, so she may endureBetter than they which do much farther go. She makes no noise, but stilly seizeth onThe flower or herb […]
Upon a Sheet of White Paper
Upon a Sheet of White Paper This subject is unto the foulest pen,Or fairest handled by the sons of men. This subject is unto the foulest pen,Or fairest handled by the sons of men. ‘Twill also show what is upon it writ,Be it wisely, or nonsense for want of wit, Each blot and blur it […]
Upon a Penny Loaf
Upon a Penny Loaf Thy price one penny is in time of plenty,In famine doubled, ’tis from one to twenty. Thy price one penny is in time of plenty,In famine doubled, ’tis from one to twenty.Yea, no man knows what price on thee to setWhen there is but one penny loaf to get. Comparison. This […]
Upon a Lowering of Morning
Upon a Lowering of Morning Well, with the day I see the clouds appear,And mix the light with darkness everywhere; Well, with the day I see the clouds appear,And mix the light with darkness everywhere;This threatening is, to travellers that goLong journeys, slabby rain they’ll have, or snow. Else, while I gaze, the sun doth […]
Upon a Looking Glass
Upon a Looking Glass In this see thou thy beauty, hast thou any,Or thy defects, should they be few or many. In this see thou thy beauty, hast thou any,Or thy defects, should they be few or many. Thou may’st, too, here thy spots and freckles see,Hast thou but eyes, and what their numbers be. […]
The Spirit of Prayer
The Spirit of Prayer Wouldst thou have that good, that blessed mind,That is so much to heavenly things inclin’d Wouldst thou have that good, that blessed mind,That is so much to heavenly things inclin’d That it aloft will soar, and always beContemplating on blest eternity. That mind that never thinks itself at rest,But when it […]
The Sinner and the Spider
The Sinner and the Spider I am a man, and in God’s image made,I have a soul shall neither die nor fade, Sinner. What black, what ugly crawling thing art thou? Spider. I am a spider——————- Sinner. A spider, ay, also a filthy creature. Spider. Not filthy as thyself in name or feature.My name entailed […]
The Operation of Faith
The Operation of Faith The word of faith unto me pardon brings,Shows me the ground and reason whence it springs: The word of faith unto me pardon brings,Shows me the ground and reason whence it springs: To wit, free grace, which moved God to giveHis Son to die and bleed, that I might live This […]
The Necessity of a New Heart
The Necessity of a New Heart Now wouldst thou have a heart that tender is,A heart that forward is to close with bliss; Now wouldst thou have a heart that tender is,A heart that forward is to close with bliss; A heart that will impressions freely takeOf the new covenant, and that will make The […]
The Fowls Flying in the Air
The Fowls Flying in the Air Methinks I see a sight most excellent,All sorts of birds fly in the firmament: Methinks I see a sight most excellent,All sorts of birds fly in the firmament: Some great, some small, all of a divers kind,Mine eye affecting, pleasant to my mind. Look how they tumble in the […]
On the Rising of the Sun
On the Rising of the Sun Look, look, brave Sol doth peep up from beneath,Shows us his golden face, doth on us breathe; Look, look, brave Sol doth peep up from beneath,Shows us his golden face, doth on us breathe; brave He also doth compass us round with glories,Whilst he ascends up to his highest […]
On the Cackling of a Hen
On the Cackling of a Hen The hen, so soon as she an egg doth lay,(Spreads the fame of her doing what she may.) The hen, so soon as she an egg doth lay,(Spreads the fame of her doing what she may.)About the yard she cackling now doth go,To tell what ’twas she at her […]
On Promising Fruitfulness of a Tree
On Promising Fruitfulness of a Tree A comely sight indeed it is to seeA world of blossoms on an apple-tree: A comely sight indeed it is to seeA world of blossoms on an apple-tree:Yet far more comely would this tree appear,If all its dainty blooms young apples were. But how much more might one upon […]
Of Uprightness and Sincerity
Of Uprightness and Sincerity Wouldst thou be very upright and sincere?Wouldst thou be that within thou dost appear, Wouldst thou be very upright and sincere?Wouldst thou be that within thou dost appear, Or seem to be in outward exerciseBefore the most devout, and godly wise? Yea, art thou thus when no eye doth thee seeBut […]
Of the Rose Bush
Of the Rose Bush This homely bush doth to mine eyes exposeA very fair, yea, comely ruddy rose. This homely bush doth to mine eyes exposeA very fair, yea, comely ruddy rose.This rose doth also bow its head to me,Saying, Come, pluck me, I thy rose will be; Yet offer I to gather rose or […]
Of The Mole in the Ground
Of The Mole in the Ground The mole’s a creature very smooth and slick,She digs i’ th’ dirt, but ’twill not on her stick; The mole’s a creature very smooth and slick,She digs i’ th’ dirt, but ’twill not on her stick;So’s he who counts this world his greatest gains,Yet nothing gets but’s labour for […]
Of the Love of Christ
Of the Love of Christ The love of Christ, poor I! may touch upon;But ’tis unsearchable. O! there is none The love of Christ, poor I! may touch upon;But ’tis unsearchable. O! there is noneIts large dimensions can comprehendShould they dilate thereon world without end. When we had sinned, in his zeal he swore,That he […]
Of the Going Down of the Sun
Of the Going Down of the Sun What, hast thou run thy race, art going down?Thou seemest angry, why dost on us frown? What, hast thou run thy race, art going down?Thou seemest angry, why dost on us frown? Yea, wrap thy head with clouds and hide thy face,As threatening to withdraw from us thy […]
Of the Fly at the Candle
Of the Fly at the Candle What ails this fly thus desperately to enterA combat with the candle? Will she venture What ails this fly thus desperately to enterA combat with the candle? Will she ventureTo clash at light? Away, thou silly fly;Thus doing thou wilt burn thy wings and die. But ’tis a folly […]
Of The Boy and Butterfly
Of The Boy and Butterfly Behold, how eager this our little boyIs for a butterfly, as if all joy, Behold, how eager this our little boyIs for a butterfly, as if all joy,All profits, honours, yea, and lasting pleasures,Were wrapped up in her, or the richest treasuresFound in her would be bundled up together,When all […]
Of Moses and His Wife
Of Moses and His Wife This Moses was a fair and comely man,His wife a swarthy Ethiopian; This Moses was a fair and comely man,His wife a swarthy Ethiopian;Nor did his milk-white bosom change her sin.She came out thence as black as she went in. Now Moses was a type of Moses’ law,His wife likewise […]
Of Man by Nature
Of Man by Nature From God he’s a backslider,Of ways he loves the wider; From God he’s a backslider,Of ways he loves the wider;With wickedness a sider,More venom than a spider.In sin he’s a considerer,A make-bate and divider;Blind reason is his guider,The devil is his rider. John Bunyan
Of Love to God
Of Love to God When I do this begin to apprehend,My heart, my soul, and mind, begins to bend When I do this begin to apprehend,My heart, my soul, and mind, begins to bend To God-ward, and sincerely for to loveHis son, his ways, his people, and to move With brokenness of spirit after himWho […]
Of Judgment
Of Judgment As ’tis appointed men should die,So judgment is the next As ’tis appointed men should die,So judgment is the nextThat meets them most assuredly;For so saith holy text. Wherefore of judgment I shall nowInform you what I may,That you may see what ’tis, and how‘Twill be with men that day. This world it […]
Of Holiness of Life
Of Holiness of Life Now, then, if holiness thou wouldst obtain,And wouldst a tender Christian man remain, Now, then, if holiness thou wouldst obtain,And wouldst a tender Christian man remain, Keep faith in action, let that righteousnessThat Christ fulfilled always have express And clear distinction in thy heart, from allThat men by Scripture, or besides, […]
Of Hell and the Estate of Those Who Perish
Of Hell and the Estate of Those Who Perish Thus, having show’d you what I seeOf heaven, I now will tell Thus, having show’d you what I seeOf heaven, I now will tellYou also, after search, what beThe damned wights of hell. And O, that they who read my linesWould ponder soberly,And lay to heart […]
Of Heaven
Of Heaven Heaven is a place, also a state,It doth all things excel, Heaven is a place, also a state,It doth all things excel,No man can fully it relate,Nor of its glory tell. God made it for his residence,To sit on as a throne,Which shows to us the excellenceWhereby it may be known. Doubtless the […]
Of Godly Fear
Of Godly Fear Us godly fear delightful unto thee,That fear that God himself delights to see Us godly fear delightful unto thee,That fear that God himself delights to see Bear sway in them that love him? then he willThy godly mind in this request fulfil. By giving thee a fear that tremble shall,At every trip […]
Of Death
Of Death Death, as a king rampant and stoutThe world he dare engage; Death, as a king rampant and stoutThe world he dare engage;He conquers all, yea, and doth routThe great, strong, wise, and sage. No king so great, nor prince so strong,But death can make to yield,Yea, bind and lay them all along,And make […]
Of Child with Bird at the Bush
Of Child with Bird at the Bush My little bird, how canst thou sitAnd sing amidst so many thorns? My little bird, how canst thou sitAnd sing amidst so many thorns?Let me a hold upon thee get,My love with honour thee adorns. Thou art at present little worth,Five farthings none will give for thee,But pr’ythee, […]
Meditations upon an Egg
Meditations upon an Egg The egg’s no chick by falling from the hen;Nor man a Christian, till he’s born again. 1. The egg’s no chick by falling from the hen;Nor man a Christian, till he’s born again.The egg’s at first contained in the shell;Men, afore grace, in sins and darkness dwell. The egg, when laid, […]
Meditations upon a Candle
Meditations upon a Candle Man’s like a candle in a candlestick,Made up of tallow and a little wick; Man’s like a candle in a candlestick,Made up of tallow and a little wick;And as the candle when it is not lighted,So is he who is in his sins benighted. Nor can a man his soul with […]
Meditation upon the Day Before the Sun Rising
Meditation upon the Day Before the Sun Rising But all this while, where’s he whose golden raysDrives night away and beautifies our days? But all this while, where’s he whose golden raysDrives night away and beautifies our days? Where’s he whose goodly face doth warm and heal,And show us what the darksome nights conceal? Where’s […]
Christian Conduct
Christian Conduct When understand my meaning by my words,How sense of mercy unto faith affords When understand my meaning by my words,How sense of mercy unto faith affords Both grace to sanctify, and holy makeThat soul that of forgiveness doth partake. Thus having briefly showed you what is The way of life, or sanctity, of […]
How Graces Are to Be Obtained
How Graces Are to Be Obtained The next word that I would unto thee say,Is how thou mayst attain without delay, The next word that I would unto thee say,Is how thou mayst attain without delay, Those blessed graces, and that holinessThou dost with so much godly zeal express Thy love to, and thy longing […]
From Mount Gerizzim
From Mount Gerizzim Besides what I said of the Four Last Things,And of the weal and woe that from them springs; Besides what I said of the Four Last Things,And of the weal and woe that from them springs; An after-word still runneth in my mind,Which I shall here expose unto that wind That may […]
From Mount Ebal
From Mount Ebal Thus having heard from Gerizzim, I shallNext come to Ebal, and you thither call, Thus having heard from Gerizzim, I shallNext come to Ebal, and you thither call, Not there to curse you, but to let you hearHow God doth curse that soul that shall appear An unbelieving man, a graceless wretch;Because […]
A Boy and Watchmaker
A Boy and Watchmaker Boy: This watch my father did on me bestow,A golden one it is, but ’twill not go,Unless it be at an uncertainty:But as good none as one to tell a lie. When ’tis high day my hand will stand at nine;I think there’s no man’s watch so bad as mine.Sometimes ’tis […]