William Cowper

William Cowper William Cowper was an Englishman, converted to Christ in 1764 while recovering from a bout of insanity. He became a fervent Christian. William Cowper remained a steadfast evangelical throughout his life, though he suffered repeated attacks to his mind that robbed him of assurance of salvation. William Cowper wrote a number of excellent […]

Longing to Be with Christ

Longing to Be with Christ To Jesus, the Crown of my Hope,My soul is in haste to be gone; To Jesus, the Crown of my Hope,My soul is in haste to be gone;Oh bear me, ye cherubim, up,And waft me away me away to his throne! My Saviour, whom absent I love,Whom, not having seen, […]

I Will Praise the Lord at All Times

I Will Praise the Lord at All Times Winter has a joy for me,While the Saviour’s charms I read, Winter has a joy for me,While the Saviour’s charms I read,Lowly, meek, from blemish free,In the snowdrop’s pensive head. Spring returns, and brings alongLife-invigorating suns:Hark! the turtle’s plaintive songSeems to speak his dying groans! Summer has […]

Grace and Providence

Grace and Providence Almighty King! whose wondrous handSupports the weight of sea and land; Almighty King! whose wondrous handSupports the weight of sea and land;Whose grace is such a boundless store,No heart shall break that sighs for more. Thy providence supplies my food,And ’tis thy blessing makes it good;My soul is nourished by thy word:Let […]

Praise for Faith

Praise for Faith Of all the gifts thine hand bestows,Thou Giver of all good! Of all the gifts thine hand bestows,Thou Giver of all good!Not heaven itself a richer knowsThan my Redeemer’s blood. Faith too, the blood-receiving grace,From the same hand we gain;Else, sweetly as it suits our case,That gift had been in vain. Till […]

Not of Works

Not of Works Grace, triumphant in the throneScorns a rival, reigns alone; Grace, triumphant in the throneScorns a rival, reigns alone;Come and bow beneath her sway,Cast your idol works away!Works of man, when made his plea,Never shall accepted be;Fruits of pride (vain-glorious worm!)Are the best he can perform. Self, the god his soul adores,Influences all […]


Dependence To keep the lamp alive,With oil we fill the bowl; To keep the lamp alive,With oil we fill the bowl;‘Tis water makes the willow thrive,And grace that feeds the soul. The Lord’s unsparing handSupplies the living stream;It is not at our own command,But still derived from him. Beware of Peter’s word,Nor confidently say,“I never […]

The Narrow Way

The Narrow Way What thousands never knew the road!What thousands hate it when ’tis known! What thousands never knew the road!What thousands hate it when ’tis known!None but the chosen tribes of GodWill seek or choose it for their own. A thousand ways in ruin end,One only leads to joys on high;By that my willing […]

Abuse of the Gospel

Abuse of the Gospel Too many, Lord, abuse thy graceIn this licentious day, Too many, Lord, abuse thy graceIn this licentious day,And while they boast they see thy faceThey turn their own away. Thy book displays a gracious lightThat can the blind restore;But these are dazzled by the sight,And blinded still the more. The pardon […]

A Living and a Dead Faith

A Living and a Dead Faith The Lord receives his highest praiseFrom humble minds and hearts sincere; The Lord receives his highest praiseFrom humble minds and hearts sincere;While all the loud professor saysOffends the righteous Judge’s ear. To walk as children of the day,To mark the precepts’ holy light,To wage the warfare, watch, and pray,Show […]

True and False Comforts

True and False Comforts O God, whose favourable eyeThe sin-sick soul revives, O God, whose favourable eyeThe sin sick soul revives,Holy and heavenly is the joyThy shining presence gives. Not such as hypocrites suppose,Who with a graceless heartTaste not of thee, but drink a dosePrepared by Satan’s art. Intoxicating joys are theirs,Who while they boast […]

The New Convert

The New Convert The new born child of Gospel grace,Like some fair tree when summer’s nigh, The new-born child of Gospel grace,Like some fair tree when summer’s nigh,Beneath Emmanuel’s shining faceLifts up his blooming branch on high. No fears he feels, he sees no foes,No conflict yet his faith employs,Nor has he learnt to whom […]

Hatred of Sin

Hatred of Sin Holy Lord God! I love thy truth,Nor dare thy least commandment slight; Holy Lord God! I love thy truth,Nor dare thy least commandment slight;Yet pierced by sin, the serpent’s tooth,I mourn the anguish of the bite. But though the poison lurks within,Hope bids me still with patience wait;Till death shall set me […]

The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy

The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy Sin enslaved me many years,And led me bound and blind; Sin enslaved me many years,And led me bound and blind;Till at length a thousand fearsCame swarming o’er my mind.“Where,” said I, in deep distress,“Will these sinful pleasures end?How shall I secure my peace,And make the Lord my friend?” […]

Love Constraining to Obedience

Love Constraining to Obedience No strength of nature can sufficeTo serve the Lord aright: No strength of nature can sufficeTo serve the Lord aright:And what she has she misapplies,For want of clearer light. How long beneath the law I layIn bondage and distress!I toil’d the precept to obey,But toil’d without success. Then, to abstain from […]

My Soul Thirsteth for God

My Soul Thirsteth for God I thirst, but not as once I did,The vain delights of earth to share; I thirst, but not as once I did,The vain delights of earth to share;Thy wounds, Emmanuel, all forbidThat I should seek my pleasures there. It was the sight of thy dear crossFirst wean’d my soul from […]

For the Poor

For the Poor When Hagar found the bottle spent,And wept o’er Ishmael, When Hagar found the bottle spent,And wept o’er Ishmael,A message from the Lord was sentTo guide her to a well. Should not Elijah’s cake and cruseConvince us at this day,A gracious God will not refuseProvisions by the way? His saints and servants shall […]

Lively Hope and Gracious Fear

Lively Hope and Gracious Fea I was a grovelling creature once,And basely cleaved to earth; I was a grovelling creature once,And basely cleaved to earth;I wanted spirit to renounceThe clod that gave me birth. But God has breathed upon a worm,And sent me from aboveWings such as clothe an angel’s form,The wings of joy and […]

The Christian

The Christian Honour and happiness uniteTo make the Christian’s name a praise; Honour and happiness uniteTo make the Christian’s name a praise;How fair the scene, how clear the light,That fills the remnant of his days! A kingly character he bears,No change his priestly office knows;Unfading is the crown he wears,His joys can never reach a […]

True Pleasures

True Pleasures Lord, my soul with pleasure springsWhen Jesus ‘ name I hear; Lord, my soul with pleasure springsWhen Jesus’ name I hear;And when God the Spirit bringsThe word of promise near:Beauties too, in holiness,Still delighted I perceive;Nor have words that can expressThe joys thy precepts give. Clothed in sanctity and grace,How sweet it is […]

Joy and Peace in Believing

Joy and Peace in Believing O Lord, my best desire fulfil,And help me to resign O Lord, my best desire fulfil,And help me to resignLife, health, and comfort to thy will,And make thy pleasure mine. Why should I shrink at thy command,Whose love forbids my fears?Or tremble at the gracious handThat wipes away my tears? […]

The Hidden Life

The Hidden Life To tell the Saviour all my wants,How pleasing is the task! To tell the Saviour all my wants,How pleasing is the task!Nor less to praise him when he grantsBeyond what I can ask. My labouring spirit vainly seeksTo tell but half the joy;With how much tenderness he speaks,And helps me to reply. […]


Retirement Far from the world, O Lord, I flee,From strife and tumult far; Far from the world, O Lord, I flee,From strife and tumult far;From scenes where Satan wages stillHis most successful war. The calm retreat, the silent shade,With prayer and praise agree;And seem by thy sweet bounty madeFor those who follow thee. There, if […]

The Happy Change

The Happy Change How blessed thy creature is, O God,When, with a single eye, How blessed thy creature is, O God,When, with a single eye,He views the lustre of thy word,The dayspring from on high! Through all the storms that veil the skiesAnd frown on earthly things,The Sun of Righteousness he eyes,With healing on his […]


Submission O Lord, my best desire fulfil,And help me to resign O Lord, my best desire fulfil,And help me to resignLife, health, and comfort to thy will,And make thy pleasure mine. Why should I shrink at thy command,Whose love forbids my fears?Or tremble at the gracious handThat wipes away my tears? No, rather let me […]

Prayer for Patience

Prayer for Patience Lord, who hast suffered all for me,My peace and pardon to procure, Lord, who hast suffered all for me,My peace and pardon to procure,The lighter cross I bear for theeHelp me with patience to endure. The storm of loud repining hush;I would in humble silence mourn;Why should the unburnt, though burning bush,Be […]


Self-Acquaintance Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart,Which of itself complains, Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart,Which of itself complains,And mourns, with much and frequent smart,The evil it contains. There fiery seeds of anger lurk,Which often hurt my frame;And wait but for the tempter’s workTo fan them to a flame. Legality holds out a bribeTo purchase […]

Mourning and Longing

Mourning and Longing The Saviour hides his face!My spirit thirsts to prove The Saviour hides his face!My spirit thirsts to proveRenewed supplies of pardoning grace,And never fading love. The favoured souls who knowWhat glories shine in him,Pant for his presence as the roePants for the living stream. What trifles tease me now!They swarm like summer […]

Peace After a Storm

Peace After a Storm When darkness long has veiled my mind,And smiling day once more appears, When darkness long has veiled my mind,And smiling day once more appears,Then, my Redeemer, then I findThe folly of my doubts and fears. Straight I upbraid my wandering heart,And blush that I should ever beThus prone to act so […]

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The Valley of the Shadow of Death My soul is sad, and much dismayed;See, Lord, what legions of my foes My soul is sad, and much dismayed;See, Lord, what legions of my foesWith fierce Apollyon at their head,My heavenly pilgrimage oppose! See, from the ever-burning lake,How like a smoky cloud they rise!With horrid blasts my […]

Looking Upwards in a Storm

Looking Upwards in a Storm God of my life, to thee I call,Afflicted at thy feet I fall; God of my life, to thee I call,Afflicted at thy feet I fall;When the great water floods prevail,Leave not my trembling heart to fail! Friend of the friendless and the faint,Where should I lodge my deep complaint?Where […]


Temptation The billows swell, the winds are high,Clouds overcast my wintry sky; The billows swell, the winds are high,Clouds overcast my wintry sky;Out of the depths to thee I call,My fears are great, my strength is small. O Lord, the pilot’s part perform,And guard and guide me through the storm;Defend me from each threatening ill,Control […]

Afflictions Sanctified by the Word

Afflictions Sanctified by the Word Oh, how I love thy holy word,Thy gracious covenant, O Lord! Oh, how I love thy holy word,Thy gracious covenant, O Lord!It guides me in the peaceful way;I think upon it all the day. What are the mines of shining wealth,The strength of youth, the bloom of health!What are all […]

Welcome Cross

Welcome Cross ‘Tis my happiness belowNot to live without the cross, ‘Tis my happiness belowNot to live without the cross,But the Saviour’s power to know,Sanctifying every loss:Trials must and will befall;But with humble faith to seeLove inscribed upon them all,This is happiness to me. God in Israel sows the seedsOf affliction, pain, and toil;These spring […]

Light Shining out of Darkness

Light Shining out of Darkness God moves in a mysterious wayHis wonders to perform; God moves in a mysterious wayHis wonders to perform;He plants his footsteps in the sea,And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable minesOf never failing skill,He treasures up his bright designs,And works his sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,The […]

Seeking the Beloved

Seeking the Beloved To those who know the Lord I speak;Is my Beloved near? To those who know the Lord I speak;Is my Beloved near?The Bridegroom of my soul I seek,Oh! when will he appear? Though once a man of grief and shame,Yet now he fills a throne,And bears the greatest, sweetest nameThat earth or […]

The Waiting Soul

The Waiting Soul Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord,And cheer me from the north; Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord,And cheer me from the north;Blow on the treasures of thy word,And call the spices forth! I wish, thou know’st, to be resigned,And wait with patient hope;But hope delayed fatigues the mind,And drinks the […]

The Shining Light

The Shining Light My former hopes are fled,My terror now begins; My former hopes are fled,My terror now begins;I feel, alas! that I am deadIn trespasses and sins. Ah, whither shall I fly?I hear the thunder roar;The law proclaims destruction nigh,And vengeance at the door. When I review my ways,I dread impending doom:But sure a […]

On the Death of a Minister

On the Death of a Minister His master taken from his head,Elisha saw him go; His master taken from his head,Elisha saw him go;And in desponding accents said,“Ah, what must Israel do?” But he forgot the Lord, who liftsThe beggar to the throne;Nor knew that all Elijah’s giftsWould soon be made his own. What! when […]

The Light and Glory of the Word

The Light and Glory of the Word The Spirit breathes upon the Word,And brings the truth to sight; The Spirit breathes upon the Word,And brings the truth to sight;Precepts and promises affordA sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page,Majestic like the sun;It gives a light to every age,It gives, but borrows none. The hand […]

Exhortation to Prayer

Exhortation to Prayer What various hindrances we meetIn coming to a mercy-seat! What various hindrances we meetIn coming to a mercy-seat!Yet who that knows the worth of prayer But wishes to be often there? Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw,Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw,Gives exercise to faith and love,Brings every blessing from above. Restraining […]

Jesus Hastening to Suffer

Jesus Hastening to Suffer The Saviour, what a noble flameWas kindled in his breast, The Saviour, what a noble flameWas kindled in his breast,When hasting to Jerusalem,He marched before the rest! Good will to men, and zeal for God,His every thought engross;He longs to be baptized with blood,He pants to reach the cross! With all […]

Welcome to the Table

Welcome to the Table This is the feast of heavenly wine,And God invites to sup; This is the feast of heavenly wine,And God invites to sup;The juices of the living VineWere pressed to fill the cup. Oh! bless the Savior, ye that eat,With royal dainties fed;Not heaven affords a costlier treat,For Jesus is the bread. […]

On Opening a Place for Social Prayer

On Opening a Place for Social Prayer Jesus ! where’er thy people meet,There they behold thy mercy seat; Jesus! where’er thy people meet,There they behold thy mercy seat;Where’er they seek thee, thou art found,And every place is hallowed ground. For thou, within no walls confined,Inhabitest the humble mind;Such ever bring thee where they come,And going, […]

Jehovah Jesus

Jehovah Jesus My song shall bless the Lord of all,My praise shall climb to his abode; My song shall bless the Lord of all,My praise shall climb to his abode;Thee, Saviour, by that name I call,The great Supreme, the Mighty God. Without beginning or decline,Object of faith and not of sense;Eternal ages saw him shine,He […]

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Children Gracious Lord, our children see,By thy mercy we are free; Gracious Lord, our children see,By thy mercy we are free;But shall these, alas! remainSubjects still of Satan’s reign?Israel’s young ones, when of oldPharaoh threatened to withhold,Then thy messenger said, “No;Let the children also go!” When the angel of the Lord,Drawing forth his […]

Pleading for and with Youth

Pleading for and with Youth Sin has undone our wretched race;But Jesus has restored, Sin has undone our wretched race;But Jesus has restored,And brought the sinner face to faceWith his forgiving Lord. This we repeat from year to year,And press upon our youth;Lord, give them an attentive ear,Lord, save them by thy truth! Blessings upon […]

Prayer for a Blessing on the Young

Prayer for a Blessing on the Young Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth,The gift of saving grace; Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth,The gift of saving grace;And let the seed of sacred truthFall in a fruitful place. Grace is a plant, where’er it grows,Of pure and heavenly root;But fairest in the youngest shows,And yields the […]


Sardis “Write to Sardis,” saith the Lord,“And write what he declares, “Write to Sardis,” saith the Lord,“And write what he declares,He whose Spirit, and whose word,Upholds the seven stars:All thy works and ways I search,Find thy zeal and love decayed;Thou art called a living church,But thou art cold and dead. “Watch, remember, seek, and strive,Exert […]

Old Testament Gospel

Old Testament Gospel Israel in ancient daysNot only had a view Israel in ancient daysNot only had a viewOf Sinai in a blaze,But learned the Gospel too;The types and figures were a glass,In which they saw a Saviour’s face. The paschal sacrificeAnd blood-besprinkled door,Seen with enlightened eyes,And once applied with power,Would teach the need of […]


Contentment Fierce passions discompose the mind,As tempests vex the sea; Fierce passions discompose the mind,As tempests vex the sea;But calm content and peace we find,When, Lord, we turn to thee. In vain by reason and by ruleWe try to bend the will;For none but in the Saviour’s schoolCan learn the heavenly skill. Since at his […]

Lovest Thou Me?

Lovest Thou Me? Hark, my soul! it is the Lord;‘Tis thy Saviour, hear his word; Hark, my soul! it is the Lord;‘Tis thy Saviour, hear his word;Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee,“Say, poor sinner, lovest thou me? “I delivered thee when bound,And when bleeding, healed thy wound;Sought thee wandering, set thee right;Turned thy darkness into […]

The House of Prayer

The House of Prayer Thy mansion is the Christian’s heart,O Lord, thy dwelling place secure! Thy mansion is the Christian’s heart,O Lord, thy dwelling-place secure!Bid the unruly throng depart,And leave the consecrated door. Devoted as it is to thee,A thievish swarm frequents the place;They steal away my joys from me,And rob my Saviour of his […]

The Sower

The Sower Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough,Break up your fallow-ground; Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough,Break up your fallow-ground;The sower is gone forth to sow,And scatter blessings round. The seed that finds a stony soilShoots forth a hasty blade;But ill repays the sower’s toil,Soon withered, scorched, and dead. The thorny ground is […]

Praise for the Fountain Opened

Praise for the Fountain Opened There is a fountain filled with bloodDrawn from Emmanuel’s veins; There is a fountain filled with bloodDrawn from Emmanuel’s veins;And sinners , plunged beneath that flood,Lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to seeThat fountain in his day;And there have I, as vile as he,Washed all my sins […]


Jehovah-Shammah “As birds their infant brood protect,And spread their wings to shelter them, “As birds their infant brood protect,And spread their wings to shelter them,(Thus saith the LORD to his elect,)So will I guard Jerusalem.” And what then is Jerusalem,This darling object of his care?Where is its worth in God’s esteem,Who built it? who inhabits […]

The Covenant

The Covenant The Lord proclaims his grace abroad!“Behold, I change your hearts of stone; The Lord proclaims his grace abroad!“Behold, I change your hearts of stone;Each shall renounce his idol-god,And serve, henceforth, the Lord alone. “My grace, a flowing stream, proceedsTo wash your filthiness away;Ye shall abhor your former deeds,And learn my statutes to obey. […]

Ephraim Repenting

Ephraim Repenting My God! till I received thy stroke,How like a beast was I! My God! till I received thy stroke,How like a beast was I!So unaccustomed to the yoke,So backward to comply. With grief my just reproach I bear,Shame fills me at the thought;How frequent my rebellions were,What wickedness I wrought. Thy merciful restraint […]

Jehovah Our Righteousness

Jehovah Our Righteousness My God! how perfect are thy ways!But mine polluted are; My God! how perfect are thy ways!But mine polluted are;Sin twines itself about my praise,And slides into my prayer . When I would speak what thou hast doneTo save me from my sin,I cannot make thy mercies known,But self-applause creeps in. Divine […]

The Future Peace and Glory of the Church

The Future Peace and Glory of the Church Hear what God the Lord hath spoken:“O my people, faint and few, Hear what God the Lord hath spoken:“O my people, faint and few,Comfortless, afflicted, broken,Fair abodes I build for you.Thorns of heartfelt tribulationShall no more perplex your ways:You shall name your walls Salvation,And your gates shall […]

The Contrite Heart

The Contrite Heart The Lord will happiness divineOn contrite hearts bestow; The Lord will happiness divineOn contrite hearts bestow;Then tell me, gracious God, is mineA contrite heart, or no? I hear, but seem to hear in vain,Insensible as steel;If aught is felt, ’tis only pain,To find I cannot feel. I sometimes think myself inclinedTo love […]

O Lord, I Will Praise Thee

O Lord, I Will Praise Thee I will praise thee every dayNow thine anger’s turned away; I will praise thee every dayNow thine anger’s turned away;Comfortable thoughts ariseFrom the bleeding sacrifice. Here, in the fair Gospel-field,Wells of free salvation yieldStreams of life, a plenteous store,And my soul shall thirst no more. Jesus is become at […]

Vanity of the World

Vanity of the World God gives his mercies to be spent;“Your hoard will do your soul no good; God gives his mercies to be spent;“Your hoard will do your soul no good;Gold is a blessing only lent,Repaid by giving others food. The world’s esteem is but a bribe,To buy their peace you fell your own;The […]


Jehovah-Shalom Jesus ! whose blood so freely streamedTo satisfy the law’s demand; Jesus! whose blood so freely streamedTo satisfy the law’s demand;By thee from guilt and wrath redeemed,Before the Father’s face I stand. To reconcile offending man,Make Justice drop her angry rod;What creature could have formed the plan,Or who fulfil it but a God? No […]


Jehovah-Nissi By whom was David taught,To aim the dreadful blow, By whom was David taught,To aim the dreadful blow,When he Goliath fought,And laid the Gittite low?Nor sword nor spear the stripling took,But chose a pebble from the brook. ‘Twas Israel’s God and King,Who sent him to the fight;Who gave him strength to fling,And skill to […]


Jehovah-Rophi Heal us, Emmanuel! here we are,Waiting to feel thy touch; Heal us, Emmanuel! here we are,Waiting to feel thy touch;Deep wounded souls to thee repair,And, Saviour we are such. Our faith is feeble, we confess,We faintly trust thy word;But wilt thou pity us the less?Be that far from thee, Lord! Remember him who once […]

Stanzas on Death III

Stanzas on Death III He lives who lives to God alone,And all are dead beside; He lives who lives to God alone,And all are dead beside;For other source than God is noneWhence life can be supplied. To live to God is to requiteHis love as best we may:To make his precepts our delight,His promises our […]

Stanzas on Death II

Stanzas on Death II Thankless for favours from on high,Man thinks he fades too soon; Thankless for favours from on high,Man thinks he fades too soon;Though ’tis his privilege to die,Would he improve the boon. But he, not wise enough to scanHis blest concerns aright,Would gladly stretch life’s little spanTo ages, if he might. To […]

Stanzas on Death

Stanzas on Death “O most delightful hour by manExperienced here below, “O most delightful hour by manExperienced here below,The hour that terminates his span,His folly and his woe! “Worlds should not bribe me back to treadAgain life’s dreary waste,To see again my day o’erspreadWith all the gloomy past. “My home henceforth is in the skies,Earth, […]

A Tale, Founded on a Fact

A Tale, Founded on a Fact Where Humber pours his rich commercial streamThere dwelt a wretch, who breathed but to blaspheme;In subterraneous caves his life he led,Black as the mine in which he wrought for bread. When on a day, emerging from the deep,A Sabbath-day (such Sabbaths thousands keep!)The wages of his weekly toil he […]

A Fable

A Fable ’Tis Providence alone securesIn every change both mine and yours; A raven, while with glossy breastHer new-laid eggs she fondly press’d,And, on her wicker-work high mounted,Her chickens prematurely counted, (A fault philosophers might blame,If quite exempted from the same,)Enjoy’d at ease the genial day;’Twas April, as the bumpkins say, The legislature call’d it […]

A Comparison

A Comparison The lapse of time and rivers is the same,Both speed their journey with a restless stream, The lapse of time and rivers is the same,Both speed their journey with a restless stream.The silent pace, with which they steal awayNo wealth can bribe, no prayers persuade to stay. Alike irrevocable both when pastAnd a […]

The Love of the World Reproved

The Love of the World Reproved “Renounce the world!” the preacher cries.“We do!” a multitude replies. Thus says the prophet of the Turk,Good Mussulman, abstain from pork;There is a part in every swineNo friend or follower of mine May taste, whate’er his inclination,On pain of excommunication.Such Mahomet’s mysterious charge,And thus he left the point at […]
