O Most Merciful!

O Most Merciful! O most merciful!O most bountiful! O most merciful!O most bountiful!God the Father Almighty!By the Redeemer’sSweet intercessionHear us, help us when we cry. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

O God, That Madest Earth and Sky

O God, That Madest Earth and Sky O God, that madest earth and sky, the darkness and the day,Give ear to this thy family, and help us when we pray. O God, that madest earth and sky, the darkness and the day,Give ear to this thy family, and help us when we pray.For wide the […]

O God, My Sins Are Manifold

O God, My Sins Are Manifold O God, my sins are manifold, against my life they cry,And all my guilty deeds foregone, up to thy temple fly;Wilt thou releast my trembling soul, that to despair is driven?‘Forgive!’ a blessed voice replied, ‘and thou shalt be forgiven.’ My foemen, Lord, are fierce and feel, they spurn […]

Creator of the Rolling Flood

Creator of the Rolling Flood Creator of the rolling flood!On whom thy people hope alone; Creator of the rolling flood!On whom thy people hope alone;Who cam’st, by water and by blood,For man’s offences to atone; Who from the labors of the deepDidst set thy servant Peter free,To feed on earth thy chosen sheep,And build an […]

Spirit of Truth

Spirit of Truth Spirit of Truth, on this thy dayTo thee for help we cry; Spirit of Truth, on this thy dayTo thee for help we cry;To guide us through the dreary wayOf dark mortality. We ask not, Lord, thy cloven flame,Or tongues of various tone;But long thy praises to proclaimWith fervor in our own. […]

O, King of Earth and Air and Sea

O, King of Earth and Air and Sea O, King of earth and air and sea,The hungry ravens cry to thee; O, King of earth and air and sea,The hungry ravens cry to thee;To thee the scaly tribes that sweepThe bosom of the boundless deep; To thee the lions roaring call,The common Father, kind to […]

O Hand of Bounty

O Hand of Bounty O, hand of bounty, largely spread,By whom our every want is fed, O, hand of bounty, largely spread,By whom our every want is fed,Whate’er we touch, or taste, or see,We owe them all, O Lord, to thee;The corn, the oil, the purple wine,Are all thy gifts, and only thine. The stream […]

When Spring Unlocks the Flowers

When Spring Unlocks the Flowers When spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil;When summer’s balmy showers refresh the mower’s toil; When spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil;When summer’s balmy showers refresh the mower’s toil;When winter binds in frosty chains the fallow and the flood;In God the earth rejoiceth still and […]

O Thou, Who Gav’st Thy Servant Grace

O Thou, Who Gav’st Thy Servant Grace O Thou, who gav’st Thy servant graceOn Thee the living Rock to rest, O Thou, who gav’st Thy servant graceOn Thee the living Rock to rest,To look on Thine unveiled face,And lean on Thy protecting breast. Grant us, O King of mercy, stillTo feel Thy presence from above,And […]

O Captain of God’s Host

O Captain of God’s Host O Captain of God’s host, whose dreadful mightLed forth to war the armèd seraphim, O Captain of God’s host, whose dreadful mightLed forth to war the armèd seraphim,And from the starry height,Subdued in burning light,Cast down that ancient dragon dark and grim; Thine angels, Christ, we laud in solemn lays,Our […]

From Foes That Would the Land Devour

From Foes That Would the Land Devour From foes that would the land devour,From guilty pride and lust of power, From foes that would the land devour,From guilty pride and lust of power,From wild sedition’s lawless hour,From yoke of slavery, From blinded zeal by faction led,From giddy change by fancy bred,From poisonous error’s serpent headGood […]

Forth From the Dark and Stormy Sky

Forth From the Dark and Stormy Sky Forth from the dark and stormy sky,Lord, to Thine altar’s shade we fly; Forth from the dark and stormy sky,Lord, to Thine altar’s shade we fly;Forth from the world, its hope and fear,Savior, we seek Thy shelter here:Weary and weak, Thy grace we pray;Turn not, O Lord, Thy […]

Hosanna to the Living Lord!

Hosanna to the Living Lord! Hosanna to the living Lord!Hosanna to the Incarnate Word! Hosanna to the living Lord!Hosanna to the Incarnate Word!To Christ, Creator, Saviour, King,Let earth, let heaven, Hosanna sing!Hosanna, Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, Lord! Thine angels cry;Hosanna, Lord! Thy saints reply;Above, beneath us, and around,The dead and living swell the […]

I Praised the Earth

I Praised the Earth I praised the earth, in beauty seenWith garlands gay of various green; I praised the earth, in beauty seenWith garlands gay of various green; I praised the sea, whose ample fieldShone glorious as a silver shield; And earth and ocean seem’d to say,“Our beauties are but for a day!” I praised […]

Help, Lord! Or We Perish!

Help, Lord ! Or We Perish! When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming,When o’er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming, When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming,When o’er the dark wave the red lightning is gleaming, Nor hope lends a ray the poor seamen to cherish,We fly […]
