To Conquer and to Save

To Conquer and to Save To conquer and to save, the Son of GodCame to his own in great humility, To conquer and to save, the Son of GodCame to his own in great humility,Who wont to ride on cherub wings abroad,And round him wrap the mantle of the sky.The mountains bent their necks to […]

Wake Not, O Mother, Sounds of Lamentation

Wake Not, O Mother, Sounds of Lamentation Wake not, O Mother, sounds of lamentation;Weep not, O widow, weep not hopelessly: Wake not, O Mother, sounds of lamentation;Weep not, O widow, weep not hopelessly:Strong is his arm, the bringer of salvation,Strong is the word of God to succor thee. Bear forth the cold corpse slowly, slowly […]

Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Jerusalem, Jerusalem!  enthroned once on high,Thou favored home of God on earth, thou heaven below the sky, Jerusalem, Jerusalem!  enthroned once on high,Thou favored home of God on earth, thou heaven below the sky,Now brought to bondage with thy sons, a curse and grief to see,Jerusalem, Jerusalem, our tears shall flow for thee. […]

Sit Thou on My Right Hand, My Son

Sit Thou on My Right Hand, My Son ‘Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!’ saith the Lord.‘Sit thou on my right hand, my Son, ‘Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!’ saith the Lord.‘Sit thou on my right hand, my Son,Till in the fatal hourOf my wrath, and my power,Thy foes shall […]

O More than Merciful!

O More than Merciful! O more than merciful!  whose bounty gaveThy guiltless self to glut the greedy grave, O more than merciful!  whose bounty gaveThy guiltless self to glut the greedy grave,Whose heart was rent to pay thy people’s price,The great High-priest at once and sacrifice;Help, Saviour, by thy cross and crimson stain,Nor let thy […]

Lord, Whose Love, in Power Excelling

Lord, Whose Love, in Power Excelling Lord, whose love, in power excelling,Washed the leper’s stain away, Lord, whose love, in power excelling,Washed the leper’s stain away,Jesus , from thy heavenly dwelling,Hear us, help us, when we pray. From the filth of vice and folly,From infuriate passion’s rage,Evil thoughts and hopes unholy,Heedless youth and selfish age; […]

Incarnate Word

Incarnate Word Incarnate Word, who, wont to dwellIn lowly shape and cottage cell, Incarnate Word, who, wont to dwellIn lowly shape and cottage cell,Didst not refuse a guest to beAt Cana’s poor festivity: O, when our soul from care is free,Then, Saviour, may we think on Thee,And seated at the festal board,In Fancy’s eye behold […]

Abashed Be All the Boast of Age

Abashed Be All the Boast of Age Abashed be all the boast of age,Be hoary learning dumb, Abashed be all the boast of age,Be hoary learning dumb,Expounded of the mystic page,Behold an infant come. O Wisdom, whose unfading powerBeside the Eternal stood,To frame, in nature’s earliest hour,The land, the sky, the flood; Yet didst not […]

O, Saviour, Is Thy Promise Fled?

O, Saviour, Is Thy Promise Fled? O, Saviour, is thy promise fled?No longer might thy grace endure, O, Saviour, is thy promise fled?No longer might thy grace endure,To heal the sick and raise the dead,And preach the gospel to the poor? Come, Jesus, come, return again;With brighter beam thy servants bless,Who long to feel thy […]

There Was Joy in Heaven

There Was Joy in Heaven There was joy in Heaven,There was joy in Heaven, There was joy in Heaven,There was joy in Heaven,When this goodly world to frameThe Lord of might and mercy came;Shouts of joy were heard on high,And the stars sang from the sky,Glory to God in Heav’n. There was joy in Heaven,There […]

The Lord Will Come!

The Lord Will Come! The Lord will come! the earth shall quake,The hills their fixèd seat forsake; The Lord will come! the earth shall quake,The hills their fixèd seat forsake;And, withering from the vault of night,The stars withdraw their feeble light. The Lord will come! but not the sameAs once in lowly form He came,A […]

Bread of the World

Bread of the World Bread of the world, in mercy broken,Wine of the soul, in mercy shed, Bread of the world, in mercy broken,Wine of the soul, in mercy shed,By Whom the words of life were spoken,And in Whose death our sins are dead. Look on the heart by sorrow broken,Look on the tears by […]

The Lord of Might From Sinai’s Brow

The Lord of Might From Sinai’s Brow The Lord of might from Sinai’s browGave forth his voice of thunder; The Lord of might from Sinai’s browGave forth his voice of thunder;And Israel lay on earth below,Outstretch’d, in fear and wonder:Beneath his feet was pitchy night,And at his left hand and his rightThe rocks were rent […]

Lord of Mercy and of Might

Lord of Mercy and of Might Lord of mercy and of might,of mankind the life and light, Lord of mercy and of might,of mankind the life and light,Maker, Teacher, infinite;Jesus , hear and save! Who, when sin’s primeval doomgave creation to the tomb,didst not scorn a Virgin’s womb,Jesus, hear and save! Strong Creator, Savior mild,humbled […]


Epiphany Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!Dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine aid! Brightest and best of the sons of the morning!Dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine aid!Star of the East, the horizon adorning,Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. Cold on His cradle the dew drops are […]

Oh Saviour, Whom This Holy Morn

Oh Saviour, Whom This Holy Morn Oh Saviour, whom this holy mornGave to our world below; Oh Saviour, whom this holy mornGave to our world below;To mortal want and labour born,And more than mortal woe! Incarnate Word! by every grief,By each temptation tried,Who lived to yield our ills relief,And to redeem us died! If gaily […]

Make Us Clean

Make Us Clean Lord! whose love, in power excelling,Wash’d the leper’s stain away, Lord! whose love, in power excelling,Wash’d the leper’s stain away,Jesus ! from Thy heavenly dwelling,Hear us, help us, when we pray! From the filth of vice and folly,From infuriate passion’s rage,Evil thoughts and hopes unholy,Heedless youth and selfish age; From the lusts […]
