Win the World for Christ

Win the World for Christ Hear our watchword loudly ringing,Win the world for Christ; Hear our watchword loudly ringing,Win the world for Christ;Precious souls to Jesus bringing,Win the world for Christ;We must all take hold together;Ev’ry one must do his share;Seek them one by one, till the work is done;Labor on (labor on) with pray’r. […]

Will There Be Any Stars?

Will There Be Any Stars? I am thinking today of that beautiful landI shall reach when the sun goeth down; I am thinking today of that beautiful landI shall reach when the sun goeth down;When through wonderful grace by my Savior I stand,Will there be any stars in my crown? Will there be any stars, […]

Who Will Follow Jesus?

Who Will Follow Jesus? Who will follow Jesus , Standing for the right, Who will follow Jesus, Standing for the right,Holding up His banner In the thickest fight?List’ning for His orders, Ready to obey,Who will follow Jesus,Serving Him today? Who will follow Jesus? Who will make reply,“I am on the Lord’s side; Master, here am […]

When Jesus Speaks

When Jesus Speaks I hear sweet whisperings of loveWhen Jesus speaks to me; I hear sweet whisperings of loveWhen Jesus speaks to me;And blessèd comfort from above,When Jesus speaks to me. When Jesus speaks, when Jesus speaks,So faithful He will ever beThat I will rejoiceTo hear His sweet voice,When Jesus speaks to me. ’Twill be […]

Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout again,Victory in Jesus, victory! Soldiers of King Jesus, raise the shout again,Victory in Jesus, victory!Marching to the music of the glad refrain,Victory in Jesus evermore. Victory, victory, victory in Jesus!Sing His overcoming blood, sing the grace that frees us;Ring it out more boldly, song of […]

The Very Same Jesus

The Very Same Jesus Come, sinners, to the living One,He’s just the same Jesus Come, sinners, to the living One,He’s just the same JesusAs when He raised the widow’s son,The very same Jesus. The very same Jesus,The wonder working Jesus;Oh praise His Name, He’s just the sameThe very same Jesus. Come, feast upon the living […]

The Very Friend I Need

The Very Friend I Need When I’m sad and heavy laden,Burdened with the weight of sin, When I’m sad and heavy laden,Burdened with the weight of sin,Jesus is the very Friend I need;To the bloodstained cross He points me,And He gives me peace within,Jesus is the very Friend I need. O, He is the best […]

Under the Blood

Under the Blood Lord, keep my soul from day to day,Under the blood, under the blood; Lord, keep my soul from day to day,Under the blood, under the blood;Take doubt and fear and sin away,Under the precious blood. Under the blood, the precious blood,Under the cleansing, healing flood;Keep me, Savior, from day to day;Under the […]

This Same Jesus

This Same Jesus Why stand ye idly gazing t’ward Heaven’s blessèd height?This same Jesus is coming back again; Why stand ye idly gazing t’ward Heaven’s blessèd height?This same Jesus is coming back again;The shining angels told it, arrayed in spotless white;This same Jesus is coming back again. This same Jesus, this same Jesus;Oh, tell the […]

Tell the Whole Wide World

Tell the Whole Wide World Tell the whole wide world of Jesus ,Bear the news from shore to shore; Tell the whole wide world of Jesus,Bear the news from shore to shore;Telling sinners of the Savior,Let the light spread more and more. Tell the world, the whole wide world,Bear the news from shore to shore;Tell […]

Sunshine in My Soul

Sunshine in My Soul There is sunshine in my soul today,More glorious and bright There is sunshine in my soul today,More glorious and brightThan glows in any earthly sky,For Jesus is my Light. O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,When the peaceful, happy moments roll;When Jesus shows His smiling face,There is sunshine in the soul. There is […]

Stepping in the Light

Stepping in the Light Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,Trying to follow our Savior and King; Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,Trying to follow our Savior and King;Shaping our lives by His blessèd example,Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring. How beautiful to walk in the steps of […]

Speak for Jesus

Speak for Jesus Speak for Jesus; He hath touched you,Raised you from the death of sin; Speak for Jesus; He hath touched you,Raised you from the death of sin;Use for Him the life He gives you;Rise, and precious jewels win! Arise and speak! arise and speak!Christ is list’ning now above;Arise and speak for Him Who […]


Sometime A voice is heard in the dewy dawn,And the call is sweet and low; A voice is heard in the dewy dawn,And the call is sweet and low;Come now, my child to the Shepherd’s fold,Where the living waters flow;But the gay heart answers in careless tones,As light as the morning chime,“Let me live for […]

Somebody Else Needs a Blessing

Somebody Else Needs a Blessing We’re “counting” the blessings, our joys we record,The wonderful mercies like sunbeams outpoured; We’re “counting” the blessings, our joys we record,The wonderful mercies like sunbeams outpoured;But let us remember while praising the Lord,Somebody else needs a blessing. Somebody else needs a blessing,Somebody else needs a blessing;We’ll let our lights shine […]

Singing I Go

Singing I Go The trusting heart to Jesus clings,Nor any ill forebodes, The trusting heart to Jesus clings,Nor any ill forebodes,But at the cross of Calv’ry, sings,Praise God for lifted loads! Singing I go along life’s road,Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,Singing I go along life’s road,For Jesus has lifted my load. The passing days […]

Sing Away the Shadows

Sing Away the Shadows Sing away the shadows,Flitting o’er the sky; Sing away the shadows,Flitting o’er the sky;Sing of starry comforts,In the by and by!Sing of love unfailing,Mercies ever new;Pardon, peace and blessing,Guidance kind and true. Sing away, sing away,Hopeful be the lay;Sing away the shadows,Flitting o’er the sky;Sing away, sing away,Trusting ev’ry day;Sing of […]

Since I Found My Savior

Since I Found My Savior Life wears a different face to me,Since I found my Savior; Life wears a different face to me,Since I found my Savior;Rich mercy at the cross I see,My dying, living Savior. Golden sunbeams round me play;Jesus turns my night to day;Heaven seems not far away,Since I found my Savior. He […]

Seek Ye First

Seek Ye First Seek ye first the kingdom; not the things of earth.Priceless are the treasures of immortal worth. Seek ye first the kingdom; not the things of earth.Priceless are the treasures of immortal worth.Like a flitting shadow, time will pass away,But the heav’nly riches change not, nor decay. “Seek ye first the kingdom,” ’tis […]

Saved from the Wreck

Saved from the Wreck Adrift on the waters, so dark and so cold,Afar from the beautiful city of gold, Adrift on the waters, so dark and so cold,Afar from the beautiful city of gold,A vessel is sinking, for heavy the gale,The cable is broken, and tattered each sail. Poor child of the wreck, see the […]

Safe in the Shepherd’s Care

Safe in the Shepherd’s Care Though beneath the drifting snow,Summer flow’rs have been laid low, Though beneath the drifting snow,Summer flow’rs have been laid low,I am safe in the tender Shepherd’s care;Tho’ the sunbeams hide away,On the dark and cloudy day,I am safe in the tender Shepherd’s care. Safe, in the tender Shepherd’s care,Safe on […]

Room for You

Room for You There is room in the fold of the ShepherdFor those who have wandered away; There is room in the fold of the ShepherdFor those who have wandered away;There is room in the heart of the SaviorFor every poor sinner today. Room, room, room for you,In the heart of the Savior above;Room for […]

The Precious Friend

The Precious Friend There’s an eye that watches o’er me,Everywhere I’m called to go; There’s an eye that watches o’er me,Everywhere I’m called to go;There’s a light that shines before me,Brighter still the way will grow;There’s a tender hand to guide me,Thro’ the sunlight and the shade;There’s a Friend Who walks beside me,Ready to defend […]

Peaceful the Wondrous Night

Peaceful the Wondrous Night Peaceful the wondrous night,Peaceful and holy, Peaceful the wondrous night,Peaceful and holy,Under the silv’ry light,Gleaming afar.Faithfully watching there,Shepherds so lowly,Over the hills so fair,Saw glory’s star. Hail to the starry night,Sparkling with glory;Angels on wings of light,Thronging the sky.Hail to that starry night!Wondrous its story:Jesus the Prince of Light,Came from above. […]

Once My Way Was Dark and Dreary

Once My Way Was Dark and Dreary Once my way was dark and dreary,For my heart was full of sin,But the sky is bright and cheery,Since the fullness of His love came in. I can never tell how much I love Him,I can never tell His love for me,For it passeth human measure,Like a deep, […]

O Sing His Praise

O Sing His Praise O sing His praise, who governs earth and sky;Sing His tender mercy, ever nigh; O sing His praise, who governs earth and sky;Sing His tender mercy, ever nigh;Sing of the love that ransoms man from sin,Love that conquered death, our souls to win. Sweet praises bring the heav’nly King;To every nation […]

Move Forward

Move Forward Let the whole wide world be taken,In the name of Christ our King; Let the whole wide world be taken,In the name of Christ our King;Let the powers of sin be shaken,And our shouts of victory ring;Jesus calls, why should we tarry?Let our loyal hearts respond,And the fight of faith we’ll carryTo the […]

Mine, Still Mine

Mine, Still Mine Thro’ scenes of joy or sorrow,Jesus still is mine; Thro’ scenes of joy or sorrow,Jesus still is mine;Thro’ ev’ry new tomorrow,He will still be mine. My Savior faileth never;O how His glories shine,I’ll sing it out forever,He is mine, still mine. Thro’ earthly tribulation,Jesus still is mine;My strength and consolation,He is mine, […]

Listen to the Blessed Invitation

Listen to the Blessed Invitation Listen to the blessèd invitation,Sweeter than the notes of angel song, Listen to the blessèd invitation,Sweeter than the notes of angel song,Chiming softly with a heav’nly cadence,Calling to the passing throng. Him that cometh unto Me.Him that cometh unto Me,Him that cometh unto Me,I will not ever cast out. Weary […]

Let the Joy Overflow

Let the Joy Overflow There’s a clear fountain flowingFrom the bright throne above, There’s a clear fountain flowingFrom the bright throne above,And its waters are glowingWith the sunshine of love;Take the blest consolation,Which the Lord will bestow,Take the cup of salvationLet the joy overflow. O the joy! With this wondrous salvationBe our hearts all aglow;O […]

In a Little While We’re Going Home

In a Little While We’re Going Home Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,In a little while we’re going home; Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,In a little while we’re going home;For the night will end in the everlasting day,In a little while we’re […]

I Shall Be No Stranger There

I Shall Be No Stranger There When the pearly gates are openedTo a sinner “saved by grace,” When the pearly gates are openedTo a sinner “saved by grace,”When thro’ everlasting mercy,I behold my Savior’s face,When I enter in the mansionsOf the city bright and fair,I shall have a royal welcome,For I’ll be no stranger there. […]

I Love Jesus

I Love Jesus I love Jesus, for He saved my soul;From His cross the tides of mercy roll; I love Jesus, for He saved my soul;From His cross the tides of mercy roll;Long and far He sought me, when astray;Now, He leads me in His own right way. I love Jesus ; He’s my King;Of […]

His Word Was with Power

His Word Was with Power There’s pow’r, mighty pow’r in the word of the King;He speaks, and the captive is free; There’s pow’r, mighty pow’r in the word of the King;He speaks, and the captive is free;The lips of the dumb with rejoicing shall sing;O speak, blessèd Savior, to me! O the pow’r, mighty pow’r,In […]

He Set the Joy-Bells Ringing

He Set the Joy-Bells Ringing Oh, bless the Lord, He cleansed my soul,And filled my lips with singing; Oh, bless the Lord, He cleansed my soul,And filled my lips with singing;He came in my poor, sinful heart,And set the joy-bells ringing. Oh, praise the Lord, He first loved me;I feel new life upspringing;He came in […]

The Happy Crowning Day

The Happy Crowning Day There’s an hour which no man knoweth,Nor the angels round the throne, There’s an hour which no man knoweth,Nor the angels round the throne,When the Lord shall come in glory from the sky;All the saints shall rise to meet Him,For He calleth for his own;They shall hear the trumpet sounding by […]

Good News

Good News Good news! good news of a soul redeemed,A penitent forgiven! Good news! good news of a soul redeemed,A penitent forgiven!Good news! good news that another friendIs on the way to Heaven! Rejoice! rejoice! there’s joy todayIn the land beyond the river;Another gem for His diadem,A star to shine forever. Good news! good news […]

Give Me Thy Heart

Give Me Thy Heart “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father aboveNo gift so precious to Him as our love; “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father aboveNo gift so precious to Him as our love;Softly He whispers wherever thou art,“Gratefully trust Me and give Me thy heart.” “Give Me thy heart, give me thy […]

For God So Loved the World

For God So Loved the World A story sweet and wondrous,Like heav’nly music swells; A story sweet and wondrous,Like heav’nly music swells;In chimings clear to all who will hear,Ring out the Gospel bells. For God so loved the worldThat He gave His only begotten Son,That whosoever believeth in Him,Whosoever believeth in HimShould not perish,Should not […]

Father All Holy

Father All Holy Father all holy, bend we so lowly,Glowing with love’s tender flame; Father all holy, bend we so lowly,Glowing with love’s tender flame;Father in Heaven, praises be given,Hallowed forever Thy Name.Telling the story, spreading Thy glory,Send forth Thy people, we pray,Till every nation know Thy salvation,Under Thy kingdom’s full sway. Angels adore Thee, […]

The Everlasting Hymn

The Everlasting Hymn Holy, holy, holy;Angel voices singing; Holy, holy, holy;Angel voices singing;Holy, holy, holy,Through high heaven ringing.From that temple, pure and bright,Bathed in streams of crystal light,Hear the everlasting hymn,Holy, holy, holy. Holy, holy, holy;Grandest music swelling;Holy, holy, holy,All sweet notes excelling.Those who conquered by His might,Wearing now their crowns of light,Join the everlasting […]

Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor,All that are weary, sad and oppressed; Come unto Jesus, all ye that labor,All that are weary, sad and oppressed;Still He is calling, oh, friend and neighbor,“Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.” Down thro’ the ages, sweetly ’tis ringing,This word of Jesus , […]

Come, for All Things Are Ready!

Come, for All Things Are Ready! Come, for all things are ready! ’Tis a banquet of love;Here’s a free invitation from the Master above: Come, for all things are ready! ’Tis a banquet of love;Here’s a free invitation from the Master above:It is written in crimson, drawn from Calvary’s flood,From the wonderful fountain of the […]

Carry the Light

Carry the Light Many in darkness are far astray,Carry the light, carry the light, Many in darkness are far astray,Carry the light, carry the light,Spreading the beams of the Gospel day,Carry the beautiful light;Tell them the gift of the Father’s love,How the dear Savior He gave;Tell them of mercy that smiles above,Jesus almighty to save! […]

Calvary’s Stream Is Flowing

Calvary’s Stream Is Flowing From that dear cross where Jesus died,Calv’ry’s stream is flowing; From that dear cross where Jesus died,Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;From bleeding hands and feet and side,Calv’ry’s stream is flowing. Calv’ry’s stream is flowing,Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;Flowing so free for you and for me,Calv’ry’s stream is flowing. Come, wash the stain of […]

By Grace I Will

By Grace I Will Will you go to Jesus now, dear friend?He is calling you today: Will you go to Jesus now, dear friend?He is calling you today:Will you seek the bright and better land,By “the true and living Way”? I will, I will! by the grace of God, I will;I will go to Jesus […]

Brighter Are the Sunbeams

Brighter Are the Sunbeams Brighter are the sunbeams on this day,O rejoice, heart and voice! Brighter are the sunbeams on this day,O rejoice, heart and voice!Sweeter buds unfolding by the way,Telling of the quick’ning life of spring;Bright sunbeams tell out the storyOf the Easter joy and glory,And winter’s gone cold and hoary,All hail our Victor […]

A Blessing in Prayer

A Blessing in Prayer There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master’s feet,There is favor now at the mercy seat, There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master’s feet,There is favor now at the mercy seat,For atoning blood has been sprinkled there;There is always a blessing, a blessing in prayer . There’s a blessing in […]

Beautiful Words of Jesus

Beautiful Words of Jesus Beautiful words of Jesus ,Spoken so long ago, Beautiful words of Jesus,Spoken so long ago,Yet, as we sing them over,Dearer to us they grow,Calling the heavy laden,Calling to hearts oppressed,“Come unto Me, ye weary;Come, I will give you rest.” Hear the call of His voice, so sweet;Bring your load to the […]

Beautiful Robes

Beautiful Robes We shall walk with Him in white,In that country pure and bright, We shall walk with Him in white,In that country pure and bright,Where shall enter naught that may defile;Where the day-beam ne’er declines,For the blessèd light that shinesIs the glory of a Savior’s smile. Refrain Beautiful robes, beautiful robes,Beautiful robes we then […]

All Over the World

All Over the World Bear the good tidings all over the world,Let the bright banner of love be unfurled, Bear the good tidings all over the world,Let the bright banner of love be unfurled,Wherever sorrow and sin shall be found,There let the news of salvation resound. Refrain All over the world,All over the world,Let the […]

All in the Silent Night

All in the Silent Night All in the silent night,Numberless angels bright All in the silent night,Numberless angels brightCame on their wings of lightThronging the deep blue sky;Beautiful songs they sang,Wonderful echoes rang;Glory to Christ our King,Glory to God on high. Glory, glory to God!Glory, glory to God,Glory, all glory to God on high!Let every […]
