Win the World for Christ

Win the World for Christ Hear our watchword loudly ringing,Win the world for Christ; Hear our watchword loudly ringing,Win the world for Christ;Precious souls to Jesus bringing,Win the world for Christ;We must all take hold together;Ev’ry one must do his share;Seek them one by one, till the work is done;Labor on (labor on) with pray’r. […]

The Very Friend I Need

The Very Friend I Need When I’m sad and heavy laden,Burdened with the weight of sin, When I’m sad and heavy laden,Burdened with the weight of sin,Jesus is the very Friend I need;To the bloodstained cross He points me,And He gives me peace within,Jesus is the very Friend I need. O, He is the best […]

This Same Jesus

This Same Jesus Why stand ye idly gazing t’ward Heaven’s blessèd height?This same Jesus is coming back again; Why stand ye idly gazing t’ward Heaven’s blessèd height?This same Jesus is coming back again;The shining angels told it, arrayed in spotless white;This same Jesus is coming back again. This same Jesus, this same Jesus;Oh, tell the […]

Tell the Whole Wide World

Tell the Whole Wide World Tell the whole wide world of Jesus ,Bear the news from shore to shore; Tell the whole wide world of Jesus,Bear the news from shore to shore;Telling sinners of the Savior,Let the light spread more and more. Tell the world, the whole wide world,Bear the news from shore to shore;Tell […]

Stepping in the Light

Stepping in the Light Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,Trying to follow our Savior and King; Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,Trying to follow our Savior and King;Shaping our lives by His blessèd example,Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring. How beautiful to walk in the steps of […]

Speak for Jesus

Speak for Jesus Speak for Jesus; He hath touched you,Raised you from the death of sin; Speak for Jesus; He hath touched you,Raised you from the death of sin;Use for Him the life He gives you;Rise, and precious jewels win! Arise and speak! arise and speak!Christ is list’ning now above;Arise and speak for Him Who […]

Somebody Else Needs a Blessing

Somebody Else Needs a Blessing We’re “counting” the blessings, our joys we record,The wonderful mercies like sunbeams outpoured; We’re “counting” the blessings, our joys we record,The wonderful mercies like sunbeams outpoured;But let us remember while praising the Lord,Somebody else needs a blessing. Somebody else needs a blessing,Somebody else needs a blessing;We’ll let our lights shine […]

Move Forward

Move Forward Let the whole wide world be taken,In the name of Christ our King; Let the whole wide world be taken,In the name of Christ our King;Let the powers of sin be shaken,And our shouts of victory ring;Jesus calls, why should we tarry?Let our loyal hearts respond,And the fight of faith we’ll carryTo the […]

Let the Joy Overflow

Let the Joy Overflow There’s a clear fountain flowingFrom the bright throne above, There’s a clear fountain flowingFrom the bright throne above,And its waters are glowingWith the sunshine of love;Take the blest consolation,Which the Lord will bestow,Take the cup of salvationLet the joy overflow. O the joy! With this wondrous salvationBe our hearts all aglow;O […]

In a Little While We’re Going Home

In a Little While We’re Going Home Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,In a little while we’re going home; Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,In a little while we’re going home;For the night will end in the everlasting day,In a little while we’re […]

Carry the Light

Carry the Light Many in darkness are far astray,Carry the light, carry the light, Many in darkness are far astray,Carry the light, carry the light,Spreading the beams of the Gospel day,Carry the beautiful light;Tell them the gift of the Father’s love,How the dear Savior He gave;Tell them of mercy that smiles above,Jesus almighty to save! […]

All Over the World

All Over the World Bear the good tidings all over the world,Let the bright banner of love be unfurled, Bear the good tidings all over the world,Let the bright banner of love be unfurled,Wherever sorrow and sin shall be found,There let the news of salvation resound. Refrain All over the world,All over the world,Let the […]
