Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Glorious things of thee are spoken,Zion, city of our God! Glorious things of thee are spoken,Zion, city of our God!He, whose word cannot be broken,Formed thee for his own abode.On the Rock of ages founded,What can shake thy sure repose?With salvation’s walls surrounded,Thou may’st smile at all thy foes. […]
None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee
None Upon Earth I Desire Besides Thee How tedious and tasteless the hours,When Jesus no longer I see; How tedious and tasteless the hours,When Jesus no longer I see;Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and sweet flow’rs,Have lost all their sweetness with me:The mid summer sun shines but dim,The fields strive in vain to look gay;But when […]
Pleading for Mercy
Pleading for Mercy In mercy, not in wrath, rebukeThy feeble worm, my God! In mercy, not in wrath, rebukeThy feeble worm, my God!My spirit dreads thine angry look,And trembles at thy rod. Have mercy, Lord, for I am weak,Regard my heavy groans;O let thy voice of comfort speak,And heal my broken bones! By day my […]
The Change
The Change Savior shine and cheer my soul,Bid my dying hopes revive; Savior shine and cheer my soul,Bid my dying hopes revive;Make my wounded spirit whole,Far away the tempter drive:Speak the word and set me free,Let me live alone to thee. Shall I sigh and pray in vain,Wilt thou still refuse to hear;Wilt thou not […]
Ask What I Shall Give Thee III
Ask What I Shall Give Thee III Behold the throne of grace!The promise calls me near; Behold the throne of grace!The promise calls me near;There Jesus shows a smiling face,And waits to answer prayer. That rich atoning blood,Which sprinkled round I see;Provides for those who come to God,An all prevailing plea. My soul ask what […]
When Hannah Pressed With Grief
When Hannah Pressed With Grief When Hannah pressed with grief,Poured forth her soul in prayer ; When Hannah pressed with grief,Poured forth her soul in prayer;She quickly found relief,And left her burden there:Like her, in every trying case,Let us approach the throne of grace. When she began to pray,Her heart was pained and sad;But ere […]
Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder If the Lord our leader be,We may follow without fear; If the Lord our leader be,We may follow without fear;East or West, by land or sea,Home, with him, is everywhere;When from Esau Jacob fled,Though his pillow was a stone,And the ground his humble bed,Yet he was not left alone. Kings are often waking […]
Men Honoured Above Angels
Men Honoured Above Angels Now let us join with hearts and tongues,And emulate the angels’ songs; Now let us join with hearts and tongues,And emulate the angels’ songs;Yea, sinners may address their KingIn songs that angels cannot sing. They praise the Lamb who once was slain;But we can add a higher strain;Not only say, “He […]