Psalm 30 Part 2 – Health, Sickness, and Recovery

Psalm 30 Part 2 – Health, Sickness, and Recovery Firm was my health, my day was bright,And I presumed ‘twould ne’er be night; Firm was my health, my day was bright,And I presumed ‘twould ne’er be night;Fondly I said within my heart,“Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart.” But I forgot thine arm was strongWhich made […]

Psalm 30, Part 1 – Sickness Healed, and Sorrow Removed

Psalm 30, Part 1 – Sickness Healed, and Sorrow Removed I will extol thee, Lord, on high,At thy command diseases fly: I will extol thee, Lord, on high,At thy command diseases fly:Who but a God can speak and saveFrom the dark borders of the grave? Sing to the Lord, ye saints of his,And tell how […]

Psalm 29 – Storm and Thunder

Psalm 29 – Storm and Thunder Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame,Give to the Lord renown and power, Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame,Give to the Lord renown and power,Ascribe due honors to his name,And his eternal might adore. The Lord proclaims his power aloudOver the ocean and the land;His voice […]

Psalm 27, Part 2 – Prayer and Hope

Psalm 27, Part 2 – Prayer and Hope Soon as I heard my Father say,“Ye children, seek my grace,” Soon as I heard my Father say,“Ye children, seek my grace,”My heart replied without delay,“I’ll seek my Father’s face.” Let not thy face be hid from me,Nor frown my soul away;God of my life, I fly […]

Psalm 27, Part 1 – The Church Is Our Delight and Safety

Psalm 27, Part 1 – The Church Is Our Delight and Safety The Lord of glory is my light,And my salvation too; The Lord of glory is my light,And my salvation too;God is my strength, nor will I fearWhat all my foes can do. One privilege my heart desires;O grant me an abodeAmong the churches […]

Psalm 26 – Self-Examination

Psalm 26 – Self-Examination Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways,And try my reins, and try my heart Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways,And try my reins, and try my heartMy faith upon thy promise stays,Nor from thy law my feet depart. I hate to walk, I hate to sit,With men of […]

Psalm 25, Part 3 – Distress of Soul

Psalm 25, Part 3 – Distress of Soul Mine eyes and my desireAre ever to the Lord; Mine eyes and my desireAre ever to the Lord;I love to plead his promises,And rest upon his word. Turn, turn thee to my soul,Bring thy salvation near;When will thy hand release my feetOut of the deadly snare? When […]

Psalm 25, Part 2 – Divine Instruction

Psalm 25, Part 2 – Divine Instruction Where shall the man be foundThat fears t’ offend his God? Where shall the man be foundThat fears t’ offend his God?That loves the gospel’s joyful sound,And trembles at the rod? The Lord shall make him knowThe secrets of his heart,The wonders of his cov’nant show,And all his […]

Psalm 25, Part 1 – Waiting for Pardon and Direction

Psalm 25, Part 1 – Waiting for Pardon and Direction I Lift my soul to God,My trust is in his name: I Lift my soul to God,My trust is in his name:Let not my foes that seek my bloodStill triumph in my shame. Sin, and the powers of hell,Persuade me to despair:Lord, make me know […]

Psalm 24 – Saints Dwell in Heaven

Psalm 24 – Saints Dwell in Heaven This spacious earth is all the Lord’s,And men, and worms, and beasts, and birds: This spacious earth is all the Lord’s,And men, and worms, and beasts, and birds:He raised the building on the seas,And gave it for their dwelling-place. But there’s a brighter world on high,Thy palace, Lord, […]

Psalm 24 – Dwelling With God

Psalm 24 – Dwelling With God The earth for ever is the Lord’s,With Adam’s num’rous race; The earth for ever is the Lord’s,With Adam’s num’rous race;He raised its arches o’er the floods,And built it on the seas. But who among the sons of menMay visit thine abode?He that has hands from mischief clean,Whose heart is […]

Psalm 23 – God Our Shepherd

Psalm 23 – God Our Shepherd The Lord my Shepherd is,I shall be well supplied; The Lord my Shepherd is,I shall be well supplied;Since he is mine and I am his,What can I want beside? He leads me to the placeWhere heav’nly pasture grows,Where living waters gently pass,And full salvation flows. If e’er I go […]

Psalm 22, Part 2 – Christ’s Sufferings and Kingdom

Psalm 22, Part 2 – Christ’s Sufferings and Kingdom “Now from the roaring lion’s rage,O Lord, protect thy Son, “Now from the roaring lion’s rage,O Lord, protect thy Son,Nor leave thy darling to engageThe powers of hell alone.” Thus did our suff’ring Savior pray,With mighty cries and tears;God heard him in that dreadful day,And chased […]

Psalm 22, Part 1 – The Sufferings and Death of Christ

Psalm 22, Part 1 – The Sufferings and Death of Christ Why has my God my soul forsook,Nor will a smile afford? Why has my God my soul forsook,Nor will a smile afford?(Thus David once in anguish spoke,And thus our dying Lord.) Though ’tis thy chief delight to dwellAmong thy praising saints,Yet thou canst hear […]

Psalm 22 – Christ’s Sufferings and Exaltation

Psalm 22 – Christ’s Sufferings and Exaltation Now let our mournful songs recordThe dying sorrows of our Lord, Now let our mournful songs recordThe dying sorrows of our Lord,When he complained in tears and blood,As one forsaken of his God. The Jews beheld him thus forlorn,And shake their heads, and laugh in scorn:“He rescued others […]

Psalm 21 – Christ Exalted to the Kingdom, Verses 1-9

Psalm 21 – Christ Exalted to the Kingdom, Verses 1-9 David rejoiced in God his strength,Raised to the throne by special grace; David rejoiced in God his strength,Raised to the throne by special grace;But Christ the Son appears at length,Fulfils the triumph and the praise. How great is the Messiah’s joyIn the salvation of thy […]

Psalm 21 – Our King Is the Care of Heaven

Psalm 21 – Our King Is the Care of Heaven The king, O Lord, with songs of praise,Shall in thy strength rejoice; The king, O Lord, with songs of praise,Shall in thy strength rejoice;And, blest with thy salvation, raiseTo heav’n his cheerful voice. Thy sure defence through nations roundHas spread his glorious name;And his successful […]

Psalm 20 – Prayer and Hope of Victory, For a day of prayer in time of war.

Psalm 20 – Prayer and Hope of Victory, For a day of prayer in time of war. Now may the God of power and graceAttend his people’s humble cry! Now may the God of power and graceAttend his people’s humble cry!Jehovah hears when Isr’el prays,And brings deliverance from on high. The name of Jacob’s God […]

Psalm 19, Part 1 – The Books of Nature and Scripture, For a Lord’s Day Morning

Psalm 19, Part 1 – The Books of Nature and Scripture, For a Lord’s Day Morning Behold, the lofty skyDeclares its Maker God, Behold, the lofty skyDeclares its Maker God,And all his starry works on highProclaim his power abroad. The darkness and the lightStill keep their course the same;While night to day, and day to […]

Psalm 19 – The Books of Nature and of Scripture

Psalm 19 – The Books of Nature and of Scripture Great God, the heav’ns’ well-ordered frameDeclares the glories of thy name: Great God, the heav’ns’ well-ordered frameDeclares the glories of thy name:There thy rich works of wonder shine;A thousand starry beauties there,A thousand radiant marks appearOf boundless power and skill divine. From night to day, […]

Psalm 19 – The Books of Nature and of Scripture Compared

Psalm 19 – The Books of Nature and of Scripture Compared The heav’ns declare thy glory, Lord,In every star thy wisdom shines The heav’ns declare thy glory, Lord,In every star thy wisdom shinesBut when our eyes behold thy word,We read thy name in fairer lines. The rolling sun, the changing light,And nights and days, thy […]

Psalm 18, Part 2 – The Conqueror’s Song

Psalm 18, Part 2 – The Conqueror’s Song To thine almighty arm we oweThe triumphs of the day; To thine almighty arm we oweThe triumphs of the day;Thy terrors, Lord, confound the foe,And melt their strength away. ‘Tis by thine aid our troops prevail,And break united powers,Or burn their boasted fleets, or scaleThe proudest of […]

Psalm 18, Part 1 – Victory and Triumph Over Temporal Enemies

Psalm 18, Part 1 – Victory and Triumph Over Temporal Enemies We love thee, Lord, and we adore;Now is thine arm revealed: We love thee, Lord, and we adore;Now is thine arm revealed:Thou art our strength, our heav’nly tower,Our bulwark, and our shield. We fly to our eternal Rock,And find a sure defence;His holy name […]

Psalm 18, Part 3 – Rejoicing in God, Verses 30, 31, 34, 35, 46-50

Psalm 18, Part 3 – Rejoicing in God, Verses 30, 31, 34, 35, 46-50 Just are thy ways, and true thy word,Great Rock of my secure abode: Just are thy ways, and true thy word,Great Rock of my secure abode:Who is a God beside the Lord?Or where’s a refuge like our God? ‘Tis he that […]

Psalm 18, Part 2 – Sincerity Proved and Rewarded, Verses 20-26

Psalm 18, Part 2 – Sincerity Proved and Rewarded, Verses 20-26, Lord, thou hast seen my soul sincere,Hast made thy truth and love appear; Lord, thou hast seen my soul sincere,Hast made thy truth and love appear;Before mine eyes I set thy laws,And thou hast owned my righteous cause. Since I have learned thy holy […]

Psalm 18, Part 1 – Deliverance From Despair, Verses 1-6, 15-18

Psalm 18, Part 1 – Deliverance From Despair, Verses 1-6, 15-18 Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength,My rock, my tower, my high defence: Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength,My rock, my tower, my high defence:Thy mighty arm shall be my trust,For I have found salvation thence. Death, and the terrors of […]

Psalm 17 – Portion of Saints and Sinners, Or, Hope and Despair in Death

Portion of Saints and Sinners, Or, Hope and Despair in Death Arise, my gracious God,And make the wicked flee; Arise, my gracious God,And make the wicked flee;They are but thy chastising rod,To drive thy saints to thee. Behold, the sinner dies,His haughty words are vain;Here in this life his pleasure lies,And all beyond is pain. […]

Psalm 16, Part 2 – The Death and Ressurection of Christ

Psalm 16, Part 2 – The Death and Ressurection of Christ I set the Lord before my face,He bears my courage up; I set the Lord before my face,He bears my courage up;My heart and tongue their joys express,My flesh shall rest in hope. “My spirit, Lord, thou wilt not leaveWhere souls departed are;Nor quit […]

Psalm 16, Part 3 – Courage in Death, and Hope of the Resurrection

Psalm 16, Part 3 – Courage in Death, and Hope of the Resurrection When God is nigh, my faith is strong;His arm is my almighty prop: When God is nigh, my faith is strong;His arm is my almighty prop:Be glad, my heart; rejoice, my tongue;My dying flesh shall rest in hope. Though in the dust […]

Psalm 16, Part 2 – Christ’s All-Sufficiency

Psalm 16, Part 2 – Christ’s All-Sufficiency How fast their guilt and sorrows riseWho haste to seek some idol-god! How fast their guilt and sorrows riseWho haste to seek some idol-god!I will not taste their sacrifice,Their offerings of forbidden blood. My God provides a richer cup,And nobler food to live upon;He for my life has […]

Psalm 14, Part 2, The Folly of Persecutors

Psalm 14, Part 2, The Folly of Persecutors Are sinners now so senseless grownThat they the saints devour? Are sinners now so senseless grownThat they the saints devour?And never worship at thy throne,Nor fear thine awful power? Great God! appear to their surprise;Reveal thy dreadful name;Let them no more thy wrath despise,Nor turn our hope […]

Psalm 14, Part 1, By Nature All Men Are Sinners

Psalm 14, Part 1, By Nature All Men Are Sinners Fools in their heart believe and say“That all religion’s vain; Fools in their heart believe and say“That all religion’s vain;There is no God that reigns on high,Or minds th’ affairs of men.” From thoughts so dreadful and profane,Corrupt discourse proceeds;And in their impious hands are […]

Psalm 13 – Complaint Under Temptations of the Devil

Psalm 13 – Complaint Under Temptations of the Devil How long wilt thou conceal thy face?My God, how long delay? How long wilt thou conceal thy face?My God, how long delay?When shall I feel those heav’nly raysThat chase my fears away? How long shall my poor lab’ring soulWrestle and toil in vain?Thy word can all […]

Psalm 13 – Pleading with God Under Desertion

Psalm 13 – Pleading with God Under Desertion How long, O Lord, shall I complain,Like one that seeks his God in vain? How long, O Lord, shall I complain,Like one that seeks his God in vain?Canst thou thy face for ever hide,And I still pray, and be denied? Shall I for ever be forgot,As one […]

Psalm 12 – Complaint of A General Corruption of Manners

Psalm 12 – Complaint of A General Corruption of Manners Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail,Religion loses ground, Help, Lord, for men of virtue fail,Religion loses ground,The sons of violence prevail,And treacheries abound. Their oaths and promises they break,Yet act the flatterer’s part;With fair, deceitful lips they speak,And with a double heart. If we […]

Psalm 11 – God Loves the Righteous and Hates the Wicked

Psalm 11 – God Loves the Righteous and Hates the Wicked My refuge is the God of love;Why do my foes insult and cry, My refuge is the God of love;Why do my foes insult and cry,“Fly like a tim’rous, trembling dove,To distant woods or mountains fly?” If government be all destroyed,(That firm foundation of […]

Psalm 9, Part 2 – The Wisdom and Equity of Providence, Verse 12

Psalm 9, Part 2 – The Wisdom and Equity of Providence, Verse 12 When the great Judge, supreme and just,Shall once inquire for blood, When the great Judge, supreme and just,Shall once inquire for blood,The humble souls that mourn in dustShall find a faithful God. He from the dreadful gates of deathDoes his own children […]

Psalm 9, Part 1 – Wrath and Mercy From the Judgment-Seat, Verses 1-4, 9-11

Psalm 9, Part 1 – Wrath and Mercy From the Judgment-Seat, Verses 1-4, 9-11 With my whole heart I’ll raise my song,Thy wonders I’ll proclaim; With my whole heart I’ll raise my song,Thy wonders I’ll proclaim;Thou, sovereign Judge of right and wrong,Wilt put my foes to shame. I’ll sing thy majesty and grace;My God prepares […]

Psalm 8, Part 1 – The Hosanna of Children, V. 1, 2 paraphrased

Psalm 8, Part 1 – The Hosanna of Children, V. 1, 2 paraphrased Almighty Ruler of the skies,Through the wide earth thy name is spread; Almighty Ruler of the skies,Through the wide earth thy name is spread;And thine eternal glories riseO’er all the heav’ns thy hands have made. To thee the voices of the youngA […]

Psalm 8 – Christ’s Condescension and Glorification

Psalm 8 – Christ’s Condescension and Glorification O LORD, our Lord, how wondrous greatIs thine exalted name! O LORD, our Lord, how wondrous greatIs thine exalted name!The glories of thy heav’nly stateLet men and babes proclaim. When I behold thy works on high,The moon that rules the night,And stars that well adorn the sky,Those moving […]

Psalm 8 – God’s Sovereignty and Goodness

Psalm 8 – God’s Sovereignty and Goodness O Lord, our heav’nly King,Thy name is all divine; O Lord, our heav’nly King,Thy name is all divine;Thy glories round the earth are spread,And o’er the heav’ns they shine. When to thy works on highI raise my wondering eyes,And see the moon, complete in light,Adorn the darksome skies […]

Psalm 7 – God’s Care of His People

Psalm 7 – God’s Care of His People My trust is in my heav’nly Friend,My hope in thee, my God; My trust is in my heav’nly Friend,My hope in thee, my God;Rise, and my helpless life defendFrom those that seek my blood. With insolence and fury theyMy soul in pieces tear,As hungry lions rend the […]

Psalm 6 – Temptations in Sickness Overcome

Psalm 6 – Temptations in Sickness Overcome Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes,When thou with kindness dost chastise; Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes,When thou with kindness dost chastise;But thy fierce wrath I cannot bear:O let it not against me rise. Pity my languishing estate,And ease the sorrows that I feel;The wounds thine heavy hand […]

Psalm 6 – Complaint in Sickness

Psalm 6 – Complaint in Sickness In anger, Lord, rebuke me not;Withdraw the dreadful storm; In anger, Lord, rebuke me not;Withdraw the dreadful storm;Nor let thy fury grow so hotAgainst a feeble worm. My soul’s bowed down with heavy cares,My flesh with pain oppressed;My couch is witness to my tears,My tears forbid my rest. Sorrow […]

Psalm 5 – For the Lord’s Day Morning

Psalm 5 – For the Lord’s Day Morning Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearMy voice ascending high; Lord, in the morning thou shalt hearMy voice ascending high;To thee will I direct my prayer ,To thee lift up mine eye; Up to the hills where Christ is goneTo plead for all his saints,Presenting at his […]

Psalm 4 – An Evening Psalm

Psalm 4 – An Evening Psalm Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray,I am for ever thine; Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray,I am for ever thine;I fear before thee all the day,Nor would I dare to sin. And while I rest my weary head,From cares and business free,‘Tis sweet conversing on […]

Psalm 4 – Hearing of Prayer

Psalm 4 – Hearing of Prayer O God of grace and righteousness,Hear and attend when I complain; O God of grace and righteousness,Hear and attend when I complain;Thou hast enlarged me in distress,Bow down a gracious ear again. Ye sons of men, in vain ye tryTo turn my glory into shame;How long will scoffers love […]

Psalm 3 – A Morning Psalm

Psalm 3 – A Morning Psalm O Lord, how many are my foes,In this weak state of flesh and blood! O Lord, how many are my foes,In this weak state of flesh and blood!My peace they daily discompose,But my defence and hope is God. Tired with the burdens of the day,To thee I raised an […]

Psalm 3 – Doubts and Fears Suppressed

Psalm 3 – Doubts and Fears Suppressed My God, how many are my fears!How fast my foes increase! My God, how many are my fears!How fast my foes increase!Conspiring my eternal death,They break my present peace. The lying tempter would persuadeThere’s no relief in heav’n;And all my swelling sins appearToo big to be forgiv’n. But […]

Psalm 2 – Why Did the Jews?

Psalm 2 – Why Did the Jews? Why did the Jews proclaim their rage?The Romans, why their swords employ? Why did the Jews proclaim their rage?The Romans, why their swords employ?Against the Lord their powers engage,His dear Anointed to destroy? “Come, let us break his bands,” they say,“This man shall never give us laws:”And thus […]

Psalm 2 – Maker and Sovereign Lord

Psalm 2 – Maker and Sovereign Lord Maker and sovereign LordOf heav’n, and earth, and seas, Maker and sovereign LordOf heav’n, and earth, and seas,Thy providence confirms thy word,And answers thy decrees. The things so long foretoldBy David are fulfilled,When Jews and Gentiles joined to slayJesus , thine holy child. Why did the Gentiles rage,And […]

Psalm 2 – Christ’s Death, Ressurection, and Ascension

Psalm 2 – Christ’s Death, Ressurection, and Ascension Why did the nations join to slayThe Lord’s anointed Son? Why did the nations join to slayThe Lord’s anointed Son?Why did they cast His laws awayAnd tread His gospel down? The Lord, that sits above the skies,Derides their rage below;He speaks with vengeance in His eyesAnd strikes […]

Psalm 1 – The Difference Between the Righteous and the Wicked

Psalm 1 – The Difference Between the Righteous and the Wicked Happy the man whose cautious feetShun the broad way that sinners go, Happy the man whose cautious feetShun the broad way that sinners go,Who hates the place where atheists meet,And fears to talk as scoffers do. He loves t’ employ the morning lightAmongst the […]

Psalm 1 – The Way and End of the Righteous and the Wicked

Psalm 1 – The Way and End of the Righteous and the Wicked Blest is the man who shuns the placeWhere sinners love to meet; Blest is the man who shuns the placeWhere sinners love to meet;Who fears to tread their wicked ways,And hates the scoffer’s seat: But in the statutes of the LordHas placed […]

Psalm 1 – The Saint Happy, the Sinner Miserable

Psalm 1 – The Saint Happy, the Sinner Miserable The man is ever bless’dWho shuns the sinners’ ways, The man is ever bless’dWho shuns the sinners’ ways,Among their councils never stands,Nor takes the scorner’s place; But makes the law of GodHis study and delight,Amidst the labours of the day,And watches of the night. He like […]

Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne

Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne Before Jehovah’s awful throne,Ye nations, bow with sacred joy; Before Jehovah’s awful throne,Ye nations, bow with sacred joy;Know that the Lord is God alone;He can create, and he destroy. His sovereign power, without our aid,Made us of clay, and formed us men;And when like wandering sheep we strayed,He brought us to […]

Come, Sound His Praise Abroad

Come, Sound His Praise Abroad Come, sound his praise abroad,And hymns of glory sing! Come, sound his praise abroad,And hymns of glory sing!Jehovah is the sovereign God,The universal King. He formed the deeps unknown;He gave the seas their bound;The watery worlds are all his own,And all the solid ground. Come, worship at his throne;Come, bow […]

With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed

With Glory Clad, With Strength Arrayed With glory clad, with strength arrayed,The Lord, that o’er all nature reigns, With glory clad, with strength arrayed,The Lord, that o’er all nature reigns,The world’s foundations strongly laid,And the vast fabric still sustains. How sure established is thy throne,Which shall no change or period see!For thou, O Lord, and […]

Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King

Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King Sweet is the work, my God, my King,To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing; Sweet is the work, my God, my King,To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing;To show thy love by morning light,And talk of all thy truth at night. Sweet is the day […]

How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair

How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair How pleasant, how divinely fair,O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are! How pleasant, how divinely fair,O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are!With strong desire my spirit faintsTo meet the assemblies of thy saints. Blest are the saints that sit on high,Around thy throne of majesty;Thy brightest glories shine above,And all […]

Lord of the Worlds Above!

Lord of the Worlds Above! Lord of the worlds above!How pleasant and how fair Lord of the worlds above!How pleasant and how fairThe dwellings of thy love,Thy earthly temples, are!To thine abode My heart aspires,With warm desires To see my God. O happy souls that prayWhere God delights to hear!O happy men that payTheir constant […]

Jesus Shall Reign!

Jesus Shall Reign! Jesus shall reign where’er the SunDoth his successive journeys run; Jesus shall reign where’er the SunDoth his successive journeys run;His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,Till suns shall rise and set no more. For him shall endless prayer be made,And praises throng to crown his head;His name like sweet perfume shall riseWith […]

Great God, Whose Universal Sway

Great God, Whose Universal Sway Great God, whose universal swayThe known and unknown worlds obey, Great God, whose universal swayThe known and unknown worlds obey,Now give the kingdom to thy Son,Extend his power, exalt his throne. The sceptre well becomes his hands;All heaven submits to his commands;His justice shall avenge the poor,And pride and rage […]

God of My Childhood and My Youth

God of My Childhood and My Youth God of my childhood and my youth,The guide of all my days, God of my childhood and my youth,The guide of all my days,I have declared thy heavenly truth,And told thy wondrous ways. Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs,And leave my fainting heart?Who shall sustain my sinking yearsIf […]

Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim

Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim Great God, indulge my humble claim,Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest: Great God, indulge my humble claim,Be thou my hope, my joy, my rest:The glories that compose thy nameStand all engaged to make me blessed. Thou great and good, thou just and wise,Thou art my Father and […]

A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart A broken heart, my God, my KingIs all the sacrifice I bring; A broken heart, my God, my KingIs all the sacrifice I bring;The God of grace will ne’er despiseA broken heart for sacrifice. O Thou that hear’st when sinners cry,Though all my crimes before thee lie,Behold me not with angry look,But […]

Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive

Show Pity, Lord; O Lord, Forgive Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive;Let a repenting rebel live: Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive;Let a repenting rebel live:Are not thy mercies large and free?May not a sinner trust in thee? My lips with shame my sins confessAgainst thy law, against thy grace!Lord, should thy judgment be severe,I […]

Great Is the Lord Our God

Great Is the Lord Our God Great is the Lord our God,And let his praise be great; Great is the Lord our God,And let his praise be great;He makes his churches his abode,His most delightful seat. These temples of his grace,How beautiful they stand!The honours of our native place,And bulwarks of our land. In Zion […]

God Is the Refuge of His Saints

God Is the Refuge of His Saints God is the refuge of his saints,When storms of sharp distress invade; God is the refuge of his saints,When storms of sharp distress invade;Ere we can offer our complaints,Behold him present with his aid! Let mountains from their seats be hurledDown to the deep, and buried there,Convulsions shake […]

High in the Heavens, Eternal God

High in the Heavens, Eternal God High in the heavens, eternal God,Thy goodness in full glory shines; High in the heavens, eternal God,Thy goodness in full glory shines;Thy truth shall break through every cloudThat veils and darkens thy designs. For ever firm thy justice stands,As mountains their foundations keep;Wise are the wonders of thy hands;Thy […]

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need My Shepherd will supply my need,Jehovah is his name; My Shepherd will supply my need,Jehovah is his name;In pastures fresh he makes me feed,Beside the living stream. He brings my wandering spirit back,When I forsake his ways;And leads me, for his mercy’s sake,In paths of truth and grace. When […]

The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord

The Heavens Declare Thy Glory, Lord of the The heavens declare thy glory, Lord,In every star thy wisdom shines; The heavens declare thy glory, Lord,In every star thy wisdom shines;But when our eyes behold thy word,We read thy name in fairer lines. The rolling sun, the changing light,And night and day, thy power confess;But the […]

Eternal Power, Whose High Abode

Eternal Power, Whose High Abode Eternal Power, whose high abodeBecomes the grandeur of a God, Eternal Power, whose high abodeBecomes the grandeur of a God,Infinite lengths beyond the boundsWhere stars revolve their little rounds! Thee while the first archangel sings,He hides his face behind his wings,And ranks of shining thrones aroundFall worshipping, and spread the […]

Father, How Wide Thy Glory Shines!

Father, How Wide Thy Glory Shines! Father, how wide thy glory shines!How high thy wonders rise! Father, how wide thy glory shines!How high thy wonders rise!Known through the earth by thousand signsBy thousands through the skies. Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power,Their motions speak thy skill;And on the wings of every hourWe read thy patience […]

Eternal Wisdom! Thee We Praise

Eternal Wisdom! Thee We Praise Eternal Wisdom! Thee we praise,Thee the creation sings, Eternal Wisdom! Thee we praise,Thee the creation sings,With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas,And heaven’s high palace rings. Thy hand, how wide it spreads the sky!How glorious to behold!Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye,And starred with sparkling gold. There thou […]

Praise Ye the Lord! ‘Tis Good to Raise

Praise Ye the Lord! ‘Tis Good to Raise Praise ye the Lord! ’tis good to raiseYour hearts and voices in his praise: Praise ye the Lord! ’tis good to raiseYour hearts and voices in his praise:His nature and his works inviteTo make this duty our delight. He formed the stars, those heavenly flames,He counts their […]

I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath

I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath,And when my voice is lost in death, I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath,And when my voice is lost in death,Praise shall employ my nobler powers;My days of praise shall ne’er be past,While life, and thought, and being last,Or immortality endures. […]

My God, the Spring of All My Joys

My God, the Spring of All My Joys My God, the spring of all my joys,The life of my delights, My God, the spring of all my joys,The life of my delights,The glory of my brightest days,And comfort of my nights! In darkest shades, if thou appear,My dawning is begun;Thou art my souls bright morning […]

Thee We Adore, Eternal Name!

Thee We Adore, Eternal Name! Thee we adore, eternal name!And humbly own to thee, Thee we adore, eternal name!And humbly own to thee,How feeble is our mortal frame,What dying worms we be! Our wasting lives grow shorter still,As days and months increase;And every beating pulse we tellLeaves but the number less. The year roll round, […]

O God Our Help in Ages Past

O God Our Help in Ages Past O God our help in ages past,Our hope for years to come, O God our help in ages past,Our hope for years to come,Our shelter from the stormy blast,And our eternal home: Under the shadow of thy throne,Still may we dwell secure;Sufficient is thine arm alone,And our defence […]

Come, Ye That Love the Lord

Come, Ye That Love the Lord Come, ye that love the Lord,And let your joys be known; Come, ye that love the Lord,And let your joys be known;Join in a song with sweet accord,While ye surround his throne:Let those refuse to singWho never knew our God;But servants of the heavenly KingMay speak their joys abroad. […]

Psalm 149 – Praise God, All His Saints

Psalm 149 – Praise God, All His Saints All ye that love the Lord, rejoice,And let your songs be new; All ye that love the Lord, rejoice,And let your songs be new;Amidst the church with cheerful voiceHis later wonders show. The Jews, the people of his grace,Shall their Redeemer sing;And Gentile nations join the praise,While […]

Psalm 148 Paraphrased – Universal Praise to God

Psalm 148 Paraphrased – Universal Praise to God Loud hallelujahs to the Lord,From distant worlds where creatures dwell;Let heav’n begin the solemn word,And sound it dreadful down to hell. The Lord, how absolute he reigns!Let every angel bend the knee;Sing of his love in heav’nly strains,And speak how fierce his terrors be. High on a […]

Psalm 148 – Praise To God From All Creatures

Psalm 148 – Praise To God From All Creatures Ye tribes of Adam, join With heav’n, and earth, and seas, Ye tribes of Adam, join With heav’n, and earth, and seas,And offer notes divine To your Creator’s praise:Ye holy throng Of angels bright, In worlds of light, Begin the song. Thou sun with dazzling rays, […]

Psalm 147, Part 3 – Summer and Winter

Psalm 147, Part 3 – Summer and Winter O Britain, praise thy mighty God,And make his honors known abroad, O Britain, praise thy mighty God,And make his honors known abroad,He bid the ocean round thee flow;Not bars of brass could guard thee so. Thy children are secure and blest;Thy shores have peace, thy cities rest;He […]

Psalm 147, Part 2 – The Divine Nature, Providence, and Grace

Psalm 147, Part 2 – The Divine Nature, Providence, and Grace Praise ye the Lord; ’tis good to raiseOur hearts and voices in his praise; Praise ye the Lord; ’tis good to raiseOur hearts and voices in his praise;His nature and his works inviteTo make this duty our delight. The Lord builds up Jerusalem,And gathers […]

Psalm 147, Part 1 – The Seasons of the Year

Psalm 147, Part 1 – The Seasons of the Year With songs and honors sounding loud,Address the Lord on high; With songs and honors sounding loud,Address the Lord on high;Over the heav’ns he spreads his cloud,And waters veil the sky. He sends his showers of blessing downTo cheer the plains below;He makes the grass the […]

Psalm 146 – Praise to God For His Goodness and Truth

Psalm 146 – Praise to God For His Goodness and Truth Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall joinIn work so pleasant, so divine; Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall joinIn work so pleasant, so divine;Now, while the flesh is mine abode,And when my soul ascends to God. Praise shall employ my noblest powers,While […]

Psalm 145, Part 4 – Mercy to Sufferers

Psalm 145, Part 4 – Mercy to Sufferers Let every tongue thy goodness speak,Thou sovereign Lord of all; Let every tongue thy goodness speak,Thou sovereign Lord of all;Thy strength’ning hands uphold the weak,And raise the poor that fall. When sorrow bows the spirit down,Or virtue lies distressedBeneath some proud oppressor’s frown,Thou giv’st the mourners rest. […]

Psalm 145, Part 3 – The Goodness of God

Psalm 145, Part 3 – The Goodness of God Sweet is the memory of thy grace,My God, my heav’nly King; Sweet is the memory of thy grace,My God, my heav’nly King;Let age to age thy righteousnessIn sounds of glory sing. God reigns on high, but not confinesHis goodness to the skies;Through the whole earth his […]

Psalm 145, Part 2 – The Greatness of God

Psalm 145, Part 2 – The Greatness of God Long as I live I’ll bless thy name,My King, my God of love; Long as I live I’ll bless thy name,My King, my God of love;My work and joy shall be the sameIn the bright world above. Great is the Lord, his power unknown,And let his […]

Psalm 145, Part 1 – The Greatness of God

Psalm 145, Part 1 – The Greatness of God My God, my King, thy various praiseShall fill the remnant of my days; My God, my King, thy various praiseShall fill the remnant of my days;Thy grace employ my humble tongueTill death and glory raise the song. The wings of every hour shall bearSome thankful tribute […]

Psalm 144, Part 3 – Grace Above Riches

Psalm 144, Part 3 – Grace Above Riches Happy the city where their sons,Like pillars round a palace set, Happy the city where their sons,Like pillars round a palace set,And daughters, bright as polished stones,Give strength and beauty to the state. Happy the country where the sheep,Cattle, and corn, have large increase;Where men securely work […]

Psalm 144, Part 2 – The Vanity of Man and Condescension of God

Psalm 144, Part 2 – The Vanity of Man and Condescension of God Lord, what is man, poor feeble man,Born of the earth at first? Lord, what is man, poor feeble man,Born of the earth at first?His life a shadow, light and vain,Still hasting to the dust. O what is feeble, dying man,Or any of […]

Psalm 144, Part 1 – Assistance and Victory in the Spiritual Warfare

Psalm 144, Part 1 – Assistance and Victory in the Spiritual Warfare For ever blessed be the Lord,My Savior and my shield; For ever blessed be the Lord,My Savior and my shield;He sends his Spirit with his word,To arm me for the field. When sin and hell their force unite,He makes my soul his care,Instructs […]

Psalm 143 – Complaint of Heavy Afflictions in Mind and Body

Psalm 143 – Complaint of Heavy Afflictions in Mind and Body My righteous Judge, my gracious God,Hear when I spread my hands abroad, My righteous Judge, my gracious God,Hear when I spread my hands abroad,And cry for succor from thy throne;O make thy truth and mercy known! Let judgment not against me pass;Behold, thy servant […]

Psalm 142 – God Is the Hope of the Helpless

Psalm 142 – God Is the Hope of the Helpless To God I made my sorrows known,From God I sought relief; To God I made my sorrows known,From God I sought relief;In long complaints before his throneI poured out all my grief. My soul was overwhelmed with woes,My heart began to break;My God, who all […]

Psalm 141 – Watchfulness and Brotherly Reproof

Psalm 141 – Watchfulness and Brotherly Reproof My God, accept my early vows,Like morning incense in thine house; My God, accept my early vows,Like morning incense in thine house;And let my nightly worship riseSweet as the evening sacrifice. Watch o’er my lips, and guard them, Lord,From every rash and heedless word;Nor let my feet incline […]

Psalm 139, Part 3 – Sincerity Professed, and Grace Tried

Psalm 139, Part 3 – Sincerity Professed, and Grace Tried My God, what inward grief I feelWhen impious men transgress thy will! My God, what inward grief I feelWhen impious men transgress thy will!I mourn to hear their lips profaneTake thy tremendous name in vain. Does not my soul detest and hateThe sons of malice […]

Psalm 139, Part 2 – The Wonderful Formation of Man

Psalm 139, Part 2 – The Wonderful Formation of Man ‘Twas from thy hand, my God, I came,A work of such a curious frame ‘Twas from thy hand, my God, I came,A work of such a curious frameIn me thy fearful wonders shine,And each proclaims thy skill divine. Thine eyes did all my limbs survey,Which […]

Psalm 139, Part 1 – The All-Seeing God

Psalm 139, Part 1 – The All-Seeing God Lord, thou hast searched and seen me through,Thine eye commands with piercing view Lord, thou hast searched and seen me through,Thine eye commands with piercing viewMy rising and my resting hours,My heart and flesh with all their powers. My thoughts, before they are my own,Are to my […]

Psalm 135, Part 1 – The Church Is God’s House and Care

Psalm 135, Part 1 – The Church Is God’s House and Care Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name,While in his holy courts ye wait, Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name,While in his holy courts ye wait,Ye saints, that to his house belong,Or stand attending at his gate. Praise ye the Lord, the Lord […]

Psalm 135 – Praise Due to God, Not to Idols

Psalms » Psalm 135 – Praise Due to God, Not to Idols Awake, ye saints; to praise your King,Your sweetest passions raise,Your pious pleasure, while you sing,Increasing with the praise. Great is the Lord, and works unknownAre his divine employ;But still his saints are near his throne,His treasure and his joy. Heav’n, earth, and sea […]

Psalm 134 – Daily and Nightly Devotion

Psalm 134 – Daily and Nightly Devotion Ye that obey th’ immortal King,Attend his holy place; Ye that obey th’ immortal King,Attend his holy place;Bow to the glories of his power,And bless his wondrous grace. Lift up your hands by morning light,And send your souls on high;Raise your admiring thoughts by nightAbove the starry sky. […]

Psalm 133 – Brotherly Love

Psalm 133 – Brotherly Love Lo! what an entertaining sightAre brethren that agree! Lo! what an entertaining sightAre brethren that agree!Brethren, whose cheerful hearts uniteIn bands of piety! When streams of love from Christ the springDescend to every soul,And heav’nly peace, with balmy wing,Shades and bedews the whole; ‘Tis like the oil, divinely sweet,On Aaron’s […]

Psalm 131 – Humility and Submission

Psalm 131 – Humility and Submission Is there ambition in my heart?.Search, gracious God, and see; Is there ambition in my heart?.Search, gracious God, and see;Or do I act a haughty part?Lord, I appeal to thee. I charge my thoughts, be humble still,And all my carriage mild,Content, my Father, with thy will,And quiet as a […]

Psalm 130 – Pardoning Grace

Psalm 130 – Pardoning Grace Out of the deeps of long distress,The borders of despair, Out of the deeps of long distress,The borders of despair,I sent my cries to seek thy grace,My groans to move thine ear. Great God, should thy severer eye,And thine impartial hand,Mark and revenge iniquity,No mortal flesh could stand. But there […]

Psalm 129 – Persecutors Punished

Psalm 129 – Persecutors Punished Up from my youth, may Isr’el say,Have I been nursed in tears; Up from my youth, may Isr’el say,Have I been nursed in tears;My griefs were constant as the day,And tedious as the years. Up from my youth I bore the rageOf all the sons of strife;Oft they assailed my […]

Psalm 128 – Family Blessings

Psalm 128 – Family Blessings O happy man, whose soul is filledWith zeal and reverent awe! O happy man, whose soul is filledWith zeal and reverent awe!His lips to God their honors yield,His life adorns the law. A careful providence shall standAnd ever guard thy head,Shall on the labors of thy handIts kindly blessings shed. […]

Psalm 127 – The Blessing of God on the Business and Comforts of Life

Psalm 127 – The Blessing of God on the Business and Comforts of Life If God succeed not, all the costAnd pains to build the house are lost; If God succeed not, all the costAnd pains to build the house are lost;If God the city will not keep,The watchful guards as well may sleep. What […]

Psalm 126 – Surprising Deliverance

Psalm 126 – Surprising Deliverance When God restored our captive state,Joy was our song, and grace our theme; When God restored our captive state,Joy was our song, and grace our theme;The grace beyond our hopes so greatThat joy appeared a painted dream. The scoffer owns thy hand, and paysUnwilling honors to thy name;While we with […]

Psalm 125 – The Saint’s Trial and Safety

Psalm 125 – The Saint’s Trial and Safety Unshaken as the sacred hill,And firm as mountains be, Unshaken as the sacred hill,And firm as mountains be,Firm as a rock the soul shall restThat leans, O Lord, on thee. Not walls nor hills could guard so wellOld Salem’s happy ground,As those eternal arms of loveThat every […]

Psalm 124 – A Song For the Fifth of November

Psalm 124 – A Song For the Fifth of November Had not the Lord, may Isr’el say,Had not the Lord maintained our side, Had not the Lord, may Isr’el say,Had not the Lord maintained our side,When men, to make our lives a prey,Rose like the swelling of the tide; The swelling tide had stopped our […]

Psalm 123 – Pleading With Submission

Psalm 123 – Pleading With Submission O thou whose grace and justice reignEnthroned above the skies, O thou whose grace and justice reignEnthroned above the skies,To thee our hearts would tell their pain,To thee we lift our eyes. As servants watch their master’s hand,And fear the angry stroke;Or maids before their mistress stand,And wait a […]

Psalm 122 – Going to Church

Psalm 122 – Going to Church How did my heart rejoice to hearMy friends devoutly say, How did my heart rejoice to hearMy friends devoutly say,“In Zion let us all appear,And keep the solemn day!” I love her gates, I love the road;The church, adorned with grace,Stands like a palace built for God,To show his […]

Psalm 121 – Divine Protection

Psalm 121 – Divine Protection Up to the hills I lift mine eyes,Th’ eternal hills beyond the skies; Up to the hills I lift mine eyes,Th’ eternal hills beyond the skies;Thence all her help my soul derives;There my Almighty refuge lives. He lives; the everlasting God,That built the world, that spread the flood;The heav’ns with […]

Psalm 120 – Complaint of Quarrelsome Neighbors

Psalm 120 – Complaint of Quarrelsome Neighbors Thou God of love, thou ever-blest,Pity my suff’ring state; Thou God of love, thou ever-blest,Pity my suff’ring state;When wilt thou set my soul at restFrom lips that love deceit? Hard lot of mine! my days are castAmong the sons of strife,Whose never-ceasing brawling wasteMy golden hours of life. […]

Psalm 119, Part 9 – Desire of Knowledge

Psalm 119, Part 9 – Desire of Knowledge Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord;How good thy works appear! Ver. 64,68,18 Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord;How good thy works appear!Open mine eyes to read thy word,And see thy wonders there. Ver. 73,125 My heart was fashioned by thy hand;My service is thy due:O […]

Psalm 119, Part 8 – The Word of God Is the Saint’s Portion

Psalm 119, Part 8 – The Word of God Is the Saint’s Portion Lord, I have made thy word my choice,My lasting heritage; Lord, I have made thy word my choice,My lasting heritage;There shall my noblest powers rejoice,My warmest thoughts engage. I’ll read the histories of thy love,And keep thy laws in sight,While through the […]

Psalm 119, Part 7 – Imperfection of Nature, and Perfection of Scripture

Psalm 119, Part 7 – Imperfection of Nature, and Perfection of Scripture Let all the heathen writers joinTo form one perfect book; Let all the heathen writers joinTo form one perfect book;Great God! if once compared with thine,How mean their writings look! Not the most perfect rules they gaveCould show one sin forgiv’n,Nor lead a […]

Psalm 119, Part 6 – Holiness and Comfort From the Word

Psalm 119, Part 6 – Holiness and Comfort From the Word Lord, I esteem thy judgments right,And all thy statutes just; Ver. 128 Lord, I esteem thy judgments right,And all thy statutes just;Thence I maintain a constant fightWith every flatt’ring lust. Ver. 97,9 Thy precepts often I survey;I keep thy law in sight,Through all the […]

Psalm 119, Part 5 – Delight in Scripture

Psalm 119, Part 5 – Delight in Scripture O how I love thy holy law!‘Tis daily my delight; Ver. 97 O how I love thy holy law!‘Tis daily my delight;And thence my meditations drawDivine advice by night. Ver. 148 My waking eyes prevent the dayTo meditate thy word;My soul with longing melts awayTo hear thy […]

Psalm 119, Part 4 – Instruction From Scripture

Psalm 119, Part 4 – Instruction From Scripture How shall the young secure their hearts,And guard their lives from sin? Ver. 9 How shall the young secure their hearts,And guard their lives from sin?Thy word the choicest rules impartsTo keep the conscience clean. Ver. 130 When once it enters to the mind,It spreads such light […]

Psalm 119, Part 3 – Professions of Sincerity, Repentance, and Obedience

Psalm 119, Part 3 – Professions of Sincerity, Repentance, and Obedience Thou art my portion, O my God;Soon as I know thy way, Ver. 57,60 Thou art my portion, O my God;Soon as I know thy way,My heart makes haste t’ obey thy word,And suffers no delay. Ver. 30,14 I choose the path of heav’nly […]

Psalm 119, Part 2 – Secret Devotion and Spiritual-Mindedness

Psalm 119, Part 2 – Secret Devotion and Spiritual-Mindedness To thee, before the dawning lightMy gracious God, I pray; Ver. 147,55 To thee, before the dawning lightMy gracious God, I pray;I meditate thy name by night,And keep thy law by day. Ver. 81 My spirit faints to see thy grace,Thy promise bears me up;And while […]

Psalm 119, Part 1 – The Blessedness of Saints, and Misery of Sinners

Psalm 119, Part 1 – The Blessedness of Saints, and Misery of Sinners Blest are the undefiled in heart,Whose ways are right and clean; Ver. 1-3 Blest are the undefiled in heart,Whose ways are right and clean;Who never from thy law depart,But fly from every sin. Blest are the men that keep thy word,And practise […]

Psalm 118, Part 4 – Hosanna; the Lord’s Day

Psalm 118, Part 4 – Hosanna; the Lord’s Day This is the day the Lord hath made,He calls the hours his own; Or, Christ’s Resurrection and Our Salvation This is the day the Lord hath made,He calls the hours his own;Let heav’n rejoice, let earth be glad,And praise surround the throne. Today he rose and […]

Psalm 118, Part 3 – Christ the Foundation of His Church

Psalm 118, Part 3 – Christ the Foundation of His Church Behold the sure foundation-stoneWhich God in Zion lays, Behold the sure foundation-stoneWhich God in Zion lays,To build our heav’nly hopes upon,And his eternal praise. Chosen of God, to sinners dear,And saints adore the name;They trust their whole salvation here,Nor shall they suffer shame. The […]

Psalm 118, Part 2 – Public Praise For Deliverance From Death

Psalm 118, Part 2 – Public Praise For Deliverance From Death Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cryAnd rescued from the grave; Lord, thou hast heard thy servant cryAnd rescued from the grave;Now shall he live; and none can die,If God resolve to save. Thy praise, more constant than before,Shall fill his daily breath;Thy hand, […]

Psalm 118, Part 1 – Deliverance From A Tumult

Psalm 118, Part 1 – Deliverance From A Tumult The Lord appears my helper now,Nor is my faith afraid The Lord appears my helper now,Nor is my faith afraidWhat all the sons of earth can do,Since heav’n affords its aid. ‘Tis safer, Lord, to hope in thee,And have my God my friend,Than trust in men […]

Psalm 118 – An Hosanna for the Lord’s Day

Psalm 118 – An Hosanna for the Lord’s Day See what a living stoneThe builders did refuse; See what a living stoneThe builders did refuse;Yet God hath built his church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. The scribe and angry priestReject thine only Son;Yet on this Rock shall Zion rest,As the chief corner-stone. The work, […]

Psalm 117 – Praise to God From All Nations

Psalm 117 – Praise to God From All Nations O all ye nations, praise the Lord,Each with a diff’rent tongue; O all ye nations, praise the Lord,Each with a diff’rent tongue;In every language learn his word,And let his name be sung. His mercy reigns through every land;Proclaim his grace abroad;For ever firm his truth shall […]

Psalm 116, Part 2 – Vows Made in Trouble Paid in the Church

Psalm 116, Part 2 – Vows Made in Trouble Paid in the Church What shall I render to my GodFor all his kindness shown? What shall I render to my GodFor all his kindness shown?My feet shall visit thine abode,My songs address thy throne. Among the saints that fill thine houseMy off’rings shall be paid;There […]

Psalm 116, Part 1 – Recovery from Sickness

Psalm 116, Part 1 – Recovery from Sickness I love the Lord; he heard my cries,And pitied every groan; I love the Lord; he heard my cries,And pitied every groan;Long as I live, when troubles rise,I’ll hasten to his throne. I love the Lord; he bowed his ear,And chased my griefs away;O let my heart […]

Psalm 115 – The True God Our Refuge

Psalm 115 – The True God Our Refuge Not to ourselves, who are but dust,Not to ourselves is glory due, Not to ourselves, who are but dust,Not to ourselves is glory due,Eternal God, thou only just,Thou only gracious, wise, and true. Shine forth in all thy dreadful name;Why should a heathen’s haughty tongueInsult us, and, […]

Psalm 114 – Miracles Attending Israel’s Journey

Psalm 114 – Miracles Attending Israel’s Journey When Isr’el, freed from Pharaoh’s hand,Left the proud tyrant and his land, When Isr’el, freed from Pharaoh’s hand,Left the proud tyrant and his land,The tribes with cheerful homage ownTheir King, and Judah was his throne. Across the deep their journey lay;The deep divides to make them way;Jordan beheld […]

Psalm 113 – The Majesty and Condescension of God

Psalm 113 – The Majesty and Condescension of God Ye that delight to serve the Lord,The honors of his name record, Ye that delight to serve the Lord,The honors of his name record,His sacred name for ever bless;Where’er the circling sun displaysHis rising beams, or setting rays,Let lands and seas his power confess. Not time, […]

Psalm 112 – The Blessings of the Liberal Man

Psalm 112 – The Blessings of the Liberal Man That man is blest who stands in aweOf God, and loves his sacred law: That man is blest who stands in aweOf God, and loves his sacred law:His seed on earth shall be renowned;His house the seat of wealth shall be,An inexhausted treasury,And with successive honors […]

Psalm 111 – The Perfections of God

Psalm 111 – The Perfections of God Great is the Lord; his works of mightDemand our noblest songs: Great is the Lord; his works of mightDemand our noblest songs:Let his assembled saints uniteTheir harmony of tongues. Great is the mercy of the Lord;He gives his children food;And, ever mindful of his word,He makes his promise […]

Psalm 110, Part 2 – Christ Exalted, and Multitudes Converted

Psalm 110, Part 2 – Christ Exalted, and Multitudes Converted Thus the eternal Father spakeTo Christ the Son: “Ascend and sit Thus the eternal Father spakeTo Christ the Son: “Ascend and sitAt my right hand, till I shall makeThy foes submissive at thy feet. “From Zion shall thy word proceed;Thy word, the sceptre in thy […]

Psalm 110, Part 1 – Christ’s Kingdom and Priesthood

Psalm 110, Part 1 – Christ’s Kingdom and Priesthood Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne,And near the Father sit; Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne,And near the Father sit;In Zion shall thy power be known,And make thy foes submit. What wonders shall thy gospel do!Thy converts shall surpassThe num’rous drops of morning dew,And own thy […]

Psalm 109 – Love to Enemies From the Example of Christ

Psalm 109 – Love to Enemies From the Example of Christ God of my mercy and my praise,Thy glory is my song, God of my mercy and my praise,Thy glory is my song,Though sinners speak against thy graceWith a blaspheming tongue. When in the form of mortal manThy Son on earth was found,With cruel slanders, […]

Psalm 107, Part 4 – Deliverance From Storms and Shipwreck

Psalm 107, Part 4 – Deliverance From Storms and Shipwreck Would you behold the works of God,His wonders in the world abroad, Would you behold the works of God,His wonders in the world abroad,Go with the mariners, and traceThe unknown regions of the seas. They leave their native shores behind,And seize the favor of the […]

Psalm 107, Part 3 – Intemperance Punished and Pardoned

Psalm 107, Part 3 – Intemperance Punished and Pardoned Vain man, on foolish pleasures bent,Prepares for his own punishment; Vain man, on foolish pleasures bent,Prepares for his own punishment;What pains, what loathsome maladies,From luxury and lust arise! The drunkard feels his vitals waste,Yet drowns his health to please his taste;Till all his active powers are […]

Psalm 107, Part 2 – Correction for Sin, and Release by Prayer

Psalm 107, Part 2 – Correction for Sin, and Release by Prayer From age to age exalt his name;God and his grace are still the same; From age to age exalt his name;God and his grace are still the same;He fills the hungry soul with food,And feeds the poor with every good. But if their […]

Psalm 107, Part 1 – Israel Led to Canaan, and Christians to Heaven

Psalm 107, Part 1 – Israel Led to Canaan, and Christians to Heaven Give thanks to God; he reigns above;Kind are his thoughts, his name is Love; Give thanks to God; he reigns above;Kind are his thoughts, his name is Love;His mercy ages past have known,And ages long to come shall own. Let the redeemed […]

Psalm 107, Last Part – Colonies Planted

Psalm 107, Last Part – Colonies Planted When God, provoked with daring crimes,Scourges the madness of the times, When God, provoked with daring crimes,Scourges the madness of the times,He turns their fields to barren sand,And dries the rivers from the land. His word can raise the springs again,And make the withered mountains green;Send showery blessings […]

Psalm 106, Part 2 – Israel Punished and Pardoned

Psalm 106, Part 2 – Israel Punished and Pardoned God of eternal love,How fickle are our ways! God of eternal love,How fickle are our ways!And yet how oft did Isr’el proveThy constancy of grace! They saw thy wonders wrought,And then thy praise they sung;But soon thy works of power forgot,And murmured with their tongue. Now […]

Psalm 106, Part 1 – Praise to God

Psalm 106, Part 1 – Praise to God To God, the great, the ever-blest,Let songs of honor be addressed; To God, the great, the ever-blest,Let songs of honor be addressed;His mercy firm for ever standsGive him the thanks his love demands. Who knows the wonders of thy ways?Who shall fulfil thy boundless praise?Blest are the […]

Psalm 105, Abridged – God’s Conduct of Israel, and the Plagues of Egypt

Psalm 105, Abridged – God’s Conduct of Israel, and the Plagues of Egypt Give thanks to God, invoke his name,And tell the world his grace; Give thanks to God, invoke his name,And tell the world his grace;Sound through the earth his deeds of fame,That all may seek his face. His cov’nant, which he kept in […]

Psalm 104 – The Glory of God in Creation and Providence

Psalm 104 – The Glory of God in Creation and Providence My soul, thy great Creator praise:When clothed in his celestial rays, My soul, thy great Creator praise:When clothed in his celestial rays,He in full majesty appears,And, like a robe, his glory wears. The heav’ns are for his curtains spread,The unfathomed deep he makes his […]

Psalm 103, Part 3 – God’s Universal Dominion

Psalm 103, Part 3 – God’s Universal Dominion The Lord, the sovereign King,Hath fixed his throne on high; The Lord, the sovereign King,Hath fixed his throne on high;O’er all the heav’nly world he rules,And all beneath the sky. Ye angels, great in might,And swift to do his will,Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear,Whose […]

Psalm 103, Part 2 – God’s Gentle Chastisement

Psalm 103, Part 2 – God’s Gentle Chastisement The Lord, how wondrous are his ways!How firm his truth! how large his grace! The Lord, how wondrous are his ways!How firm his truth! how large his grace!He takes his mercy for his throne,And thence he makes his glories known. Not half so high his power hath […]

Psalm 103, Part 1 – Blessing God for His Goodness to Soul and Body

Psalm 103, Part 1 – Blessing God for His Goodness to Soul and Body Bless, O my soul, the living God,Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad;Let all the powers within me joinIn work and worship so divine. Bless, O my soul, the God of grace;His favors claim thy highest praise:Why should the wonders he […]

Psalm 102, Part 3 – Man’s Mortality, and Christ’s Eternity

Psalm 102, Part 3 – Man’s Mortality, and Christ’s Eternity It is the Lord our Savior’s handWeakens our strength amidst the race;Disease and death at his commandArrest us, and cut short our days. Spare us, O Lord, aloud we pray,Nor let our sun go down at noon;Thy years are one eternal day,And must thy children […]

Psalm 102, Part 2 – Prayer Heard, and Zion Restored

Psalm 102, Part 2 – Prayer Heard, and Zion Restored Let Zion and her sons rejoice,Behold the promised hour;Her God hath heard her mourning voice,And comes t’ exalt his power. Her dust and ruins that remainAre precious in our eyes;Those ruins shall be built again,And all that dust shall rise. The Lord will raise JerusalemAnd […]

Psalm 102, Part 1 – A Prayer of the Afflicted

Psalm 102, Part 1 – A Prayer of the Afflicted Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face;But answer, lest I die; Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face;But answer, lest I die;Hast thou not built a throne of graceTo hear when sinners cry? My days are wasted like the smokeDissolving in the air;My […]

Psalm 101 – The Magistrate’s Psalm

Psalm 101 – The Magistrate’s Psalm Mercy and judgment are my song;And since they both to thee belong, Mercy and judgment are my song;And since they both to thee belong,My gracious God, my righteous King,To thee my songs and vows I bring. If I am raised to bear the sword,I’ll take my counsels from thy […]

Psalm 100 – “Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving”

Psalm 100 – “Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving” Ye nations round the earth, rejoiceBefore the Lord, your sovereign King; Ye nations round the earth, rejoiceBefore the Lord, your sovereign King;Serve him with cheerful heart and voice,With all your tongues his glory sing. The Lord is God; ’tis he aloneDoth life, and breath, and being […]

Psalm 150 – A Song of Praise

Psalm 150 – A Song of Praise In God’s own house pronounce his praise,His grace he there reveals; In God’s own house pronounce his praise,His grace he there reveals;To heav’n your joy and wonder raise,For there his glory dwells. Let all your sacred passions move,While you rehearse his deeds;But the great work of saving loveYour […]

Praise for Creation and Providence

Praise for Creation and Providence I sing the mighty power of God,that made the mountains rise,That spread the flowing seas abroad,and built the lofty skies.I sing the wisdom that ordainedthe sun to rule the day;The moon shines full at God’s command,and all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord,who filled the earth […]

Stones Made Children of Abraham

Stones Made Children of Abraham Vain are the hopes that rebels placeUpon their birth and blood,Descended from a pious race;Their fathers now with God. He from the caves of earth and hellCan take the hardest stones,And fill the house of Abram wellWith new-created sons. Such wondrous power doth he possessWho formed our mortal frame,Who called […]

Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Etc., II

Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Etc., II How heavy is the nightThat hangs upon our eyes, How heavy is the nightThat hangs upon our eyes,Till Christ with his reviving lightOver our souls arise! Our guilty spirits dreadTo meet the wrath of Heav’n;But, in his righteousness arrayed,We see our sins forgiv’n. Unholy and impureAre all our thoughts […]

Christ Our Wisdom, Righteousness, Etc.

Christ Our Wisdom, Righteousness, Etc. Buried in shadows of the nightWe lie till Christ restores the light; Buried in shadows of the nightWe lie till Christ restores the light;Wisdom descends to heal the blind,And chase the darkness of the mind. Our guilty souls are drowned in tearsTill his atoning blood appears;Then we awake from deep […]

Election Excludes Boasting

Election Excludes Boasting But few among the carnal wise,But few of noble race, But few among the carnal wise,But few of noble race,Obtain the favor of thine eyes,Almighty King of Grace. He takes the men of meanest nameFor sons and heirs of God;And thus he pours abundant shameOn honorable blood. He calls the fool, and […]


Regeneration Not all the outward forms on earth,Nor rites that God has giv’n, Not all the outward forms on earth,Nor rites that God has giv’n,Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth,Can raise a soul to heav’n. The sovereign will of God aloneCreates us heirs of graceBorn in the image of his Son,A new, peculiar […]

Justification by Faith, Not by Works

Justification by Faith, Not by Works Vain are the hopes the sons of menOn their own works have built; Vain are the hopes the sons of menOn their own works have built;Their hearts by nature all unclean,And all their actions guilt. Let Jew and Gentile stop their mouthsWithout a murm’ring word,And the whole race of […]

Christ, or Wisdom, Obeyed or Resisted

Christ, or Wisdom, Obeyed or Resisted Thus saith the Wisdom of the Lord,“Blest is the man that hears my word, Thus saith the Wisdom of the Lord,“Blest is the man that hears my word,Keeps daily watch before my gates,And at my feet for mercy waits. “The soul that seeks me shall obtainImmortal wealth and heav’nly […]

Christ the Wisdom of God

Christ the Wisdom of God Shall Wisdom cry aloud,And not her speech be heard? Shall Wisdom cry aloud,And not her speech be heard?The voice of God’s eternal Word,Deserves it no regard? “I was his chief delight,His everlasting Son,Before the first of all his works,Creation, was begun. “Before the flying clouds,Before the solid land,Before the fields, […]

Advice to Youth

Advice to Youth Now in the heat of youthful bloodRemember your Creator God: Now in the heat of youthful bloodRemember your Creator God:Behold, the months come hast’ning on,When you shall say, “My joys are gone!” Behold, the aged sinner goes,Laden with guilt and heavy woes,Down to the regions of the dead,With endless curses on his […]

Youth and Judgment II

Youth and Judgment II Lo! the young tribes of Adam rise,And through all nature roveFulfil the wishes of their eyes,And taste the joys they love. They give a loose to wild desires;But let the sinners knowThe strict account that God requiresOf all the works they do. The Judge prepares his throne on high,The frighted earth […]

The Promises of the Covenant of Grace

The Promises of the Covenant of Grace In vain we lavish out our livesTo gather empty wind; In vain we lavish out our livesTo gather empty wind;The choicest blessings earth can yieldWill starve a hungry mind. Come, and the Lord shall feed our soulsWith more substantial meat,With such as saints in glory love,With such as […]

Youth and Judgment

Youth and Judgment Ye sons of Adam, vain and young,Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue,Taste the delights your souls desire,And give a loose to all your fire; Pursue the pleasures you design,And cheer your hearts with songs and wine;Enjoy the day of mirth, but knowThere is a day of judgment too. God from on high […]

Life the Day of Grace and Hope

Life the Day of Grace and Hope Life is the time to serve the Lord,The time t’ insure the great reward; Life is the time to serve the Lord,The time t’ insure the great reward;And while the lamp holds out to burn,The vilest sinner may return. Life is the hour that God has giv’nTo ‘scape […]

God Dwells With the Humble and Penitent

God Dwells With the Humble and Penitent Thus saith the high and lofty One:“I sit upon my holy throne;My name is God, I dwell on high,Dwell in my own eternity. “But I descend to worlds below,On earth I have a mansion too;The humble spirit and contriteIs an abode of my delight. “The humble soul my […]

God Holy, Just, and Sovereign

God Holy, Just, and Sovereign How should the sons of Adam’s raceBe pure before their God?If he contend in righteousness,We fall beneath his rod. To vindicate my words and thoughtsI’ll make no more pretence;Not one of all my thousand faultsCan bear a just defence. Strong is his arm, his heart is wise;What vain presumer’s dareAgainst […]

Salvation, Righteousness, and Strength in Christ

Salvation, Righteousness, and Strength in Christ Jehovah speaks! let Isr’el hear;Let all the earth rejoice and fear, Jehovah speaks! let Isr’el hear;Let all the earth rejoice and fear,While God’s eternal Son proclaimsHis sovereign honors and his names. “I am the last, and I the first,The Savior God, and God the just;There’s none beside pretends to […]

Afflictions and Death Under Providence

Afflictions and Death Under Providence Not from the dust affliction grows,Nor troubles rise by chance; Not from the dust affliction grows,Nor troubles rise by chance;Yet we are born to cares and woes;A sad inheritance! As sparks break out from burning coals,And still are upwards borneSo grief is rooted in our souls,And man grows up to […]

God Far Above Creatures

God Far Above Creatures Shall the vile race of flesh and bloodContend with their Creator God?Shall mortal worms presume to beMore holy, wise, or just than he? Behold, he puts his trust in noneOf all the spirits round his throne:Their natures, when compared with his,Are neither holy, just, nor wise. But how much meaner things […]

A Song for Morning or Evening

A Song for Morning or Evening God, how endless is thy love!Thy gifts are every evening new;And morning mercies from aboveGently distill like early dew. Thou spread’st the curtains of the night,Great guardian of my sleeping hours;Thy sovereign word restores the light,And quickens all my drowsy powers. I yield my powers to thy command,To thee […]

An Evening Hymn

An Evening Hymn Thus far the Lord has led me on,Thus far his power prolongs my days; Thus far the Lord has led me on,Thus far his power prolongs my days;And every evening shall make knownSome fresh memorial of his grace. Much of my time has run to waste,And I perhaps am near my home;But […]

A Morning Hymn

A Morning Hymn God of the morning! at whose voiceThe cheerful sun makes haste to rise, God of the morning! at whose voiceThe cheerful sun makes haste to rise,And like a giant doth rejoiceTo run his journey through the skies. From the fair chambers of the eastThe circuit of his race begins,And, without weariness or […]

The Strength of Christ’s Love

The Strength of Christ’s Love Who is this fair one in distress,That travels from the wilderness? Who is this fair one in distress,That travels from the wilderness?And pressed with sorrows and with sins,On her beloved Lord she leans. This is the spouse of Christ our God,Bought with the treasure of his blood;And her request and […]

Christ Dwells in Heaven, But Visits on Earth

Christ Dwells in Heaven, But Visits on Earth When strangers stand and hear me tellWhat beauties in my Savior dwell, When strangers stand and hear me tellWhat beauties in my Savior dwell,Where he is gone they fain would know,That they may seek and love him too. My best Beloved keeps his throneOn hills of light, […]

The Church the Garden of Christ

The Church the Garden of Christ We are a garden walled around,Chosen and made peculiar ground; We are a garden walled around,Chosen and made peculiar ground;A little spot enclosed by graceOut of the world’s wide wilderness. Like trees of myrrh and spice we stand,Planted by God the Father’s hand;And all his springs in Zion flow,To […]

The Church’s Beauty in the Eyes of Christ

The Church’s Beauty in the Eyes of Christ Kind is the speech of Christ our Lord,Affection sounds in every word: Kind is the speech of Christ our Lord,Affection sounds in every word:Lo! thou art fair, my love,” he cries,“Not the young doves have sweeter eyes.” “Sweet are thy lips, thy pleasing voiceSalutes mine ear with […]

The Coronation of Christ, and Espousals of the Church

The Coronation of Christ, and Espousals of the Church Daughters of Zion, come, beholdThe crown of honor and of gold Daughters of Zion, come, beholdThe crown of honor and of goldWhich the glad church, with joys unknown,Placed on the head of Solomon. Jesus , thou everlasting King,Accept the tribute which we bring;Accept the well-deserved renown,And […]

Christ Found in the Street, and Brought to the Church

Christ Found in the Street, and Brought to the Church Often I seek my Lord by night,Jesus , my Love, my soul’s delight; Often I seek my Lord by night,Jesus, my Love, my soul’s delight;With warm desire and restless thoughtI seek him oft, but find him not. Then I arise and search the street,Till I […]

Christ Inviting, and the Church Answering the Invitation

Christ Inviting, and the Church Answering the Invitation Hark! the Redeemer from on highSweetly invites his fav’rites nigh;From caves of darkness and of doubt,He gently speaks, and calls us out. “My dove, who hidest in the rock,Thine heart almost with sorrow broke,Lift up thy face, forget thy fear,And let thy voice delight mine ear. “Thy […]

The Invitation of the Gospel

The Invitation of the Gospel Let every mortal ear attend,And every heart rejoice; Let every mortal ear attend,And every heart rejoice;The trumpet of the gospel soundsWith an inviting voice. Lo! all ye hungry, starving souls.That feed upon the wind,And vainly strive with earthly toysTo fill an empty mind. Eternal Wisdom has preparedA soul-reviving feast,And bids […]

The Banquet of Love

The Banquet of Love Behold the Rose of Sharon here,The Lily which the valleys bear; Behold the Rose of Sharon here,The Lily which the valleys bear;Behold the Tree of Life, that givesRefreshing fruit and healing leaves. Amongst the thorns so lilies shine;Amongst wild gourds the noble vine;So in mine eyes my Savior proves,Amidst a thousand […]

Seeking the Pastures of Christ the Shephered

Seeking the Pastures of Christ the Shephered Thou whom my soul admires aboveAll earthly joy and earthly love,Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know,Where doth thy sweetest pasture grow? Where is the shadow of that rock,That from the sun defends thy flock?Fain would I feed among thy sheep,Among them rest, among them sleep. Why should […]

Christ the King at His Table

Christ the King at His Table Let him embrace my soul, and proveMine interest in his heav’nly love; Let him embrace my soul, and proveMine interest in his heav’nly love;The voice that tells me, “Thou art mine,”Exceeds the blessings of the vine. On thee th’ anointing Spirit came,And spreads the savor of thy name;That oil […]


Adoption Behold what wondrous graceThe Father has bestowed Behold what wondrous graceThe Father has bestowedOn sinners of a mortal race,To call them sons of God! ‘Tis no surprising thingThat we should be unknown;The Jewish world knew not their king,God’s everlasting Son. Nor doth it yet appearHow great we must be made;But when we see our […]

Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation

Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation What equal honors shall we bringTo thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb,When all the notes that angels singAre far inferior to thy name? Worthy is he that once was slain,The Prince of Peace that groaned and died;Worthy to rise, and live, and reignAt his Almighty Father’s side. Power and dominion […]

Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, Worshipped by All the Creation

Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, Worshipped by All the Creation Come, let us join our cheerful songsWith angels round the throne;Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,But all their joys are one. “Worthy the Lamb that died,” they cry,“To be exalted thus:”“Worthy the Lamb,” our lips reply,“For he was slain for us.” Jesus is worthy […]

Christ Our High Priest and King

Christ Our High Priest and King Now to the Lord, that makes us knowThe wonders of his dying love, Now to the Lord, that makes us knowThe wonders of his dying love,Be humble honors paid below,And strains of nobler praise above. ‘Twas he that cleansed our foulest sins,And washed us in his richest blood;‘Tis he […]

Triumph Over Death

Triumph Over Death Great God, I own thy sentence just,And nature must decay;I yield my body to the dust,To dwell with fellow clay. Yet faith may triumph o’er the grave,And trample on the tombsMy Jesus , my Redeemer, lives;My God, my Savior, comes. The mighty Conqueror shall appearHigh on a royal seat,And death, the last […]

The Virgin Mary’s Song

The Virgin Mary’s Song Our souls shall magnify the Lord,In God the Savior we rejoice: Our souls shall magnify the Lord,In God the Savior we rejoice:While we repeat the Virgin’s song,May the same Spirit tune our voice! The Highest saw her low estate,And mighty things his hand hath done:His overshadowing power and graceMakes her the […]

Babylon Fallen

Babylon Fallen In Gabriel’s hand a mighty stoneLies, a fair type of Babylon:“Prophets, rejoice, and all ye saints,God shall avenge your long complaints.” He said, and dreadful as he stood,He sunk the millstone in the flood:“Thus terribly shall Babel fall,Thus, and no more be found at all.” Rev. 18:20,21 Isaac Watts

The Devil Vanquished

The Devil Vanquished Let mortal tongues attempt to singThe wars of heav’n, when Michael stoodChief general of th’ Eternal King,And fought the battles of our God. Against the dragon and his hostThe armies of the Lord prevail:In vain they rage, in vain they boast,Their courage sinks, their weapons fail. Down to the earth was Satan […]

Original Sin

Original Sin Backward with humble shame we lookOn our original; Backward with humble shame we lookOn our original;How is our nature dashed and brokeIn our first father’s fall! To all that’s good averse and blind,But prone to all that’s illWhat dreadful darkness veils our mind!How obstinate our will! Conceived in sin, O wretched state!Before we […]

The Song of Moses and the Lamb

The Song of Moses and the Lamb We sing the glories of thy love,We sound thy dreadful name;The Christian church unites the songsOf Moses and the Lamb. Great God! how wondrous are thy worksOf vengeance and of grace!Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord,How just and true thy ways! Who dares refuse to fear thy name,Or […]

Hezekiah’s Song

Hezekiah’s Song When we are raised from deep distress,Our God deserves a song;We take the pattern of our praiseFrom Hezekiah’s tongue. The gates of the devouring graveAre opened wide in vain,If he that holds the keys of deathCommands them fast again. Pains of the flesh are wont t’ abuseOur minds with slavish fears:“Our days are […]

Electing Grace

Electing Grace Jesus, we bless thy Father’s name;Thy God and ours are both the same; Jesus, we bless thy Father’s name;Thy God and ours are both the same;What heav’nly blessings from his throneFlow down to sinners through his Son! “Christ be my first elect,” he said,Then chose our souls in Christ our head,Before he gave […]

The Holy Scriptures

The Holy Scriptures God, who in various methods toldHis mind and will to saints of old, God, who in various methods toldHis mind and will to saints of old,Sent down his Son, with truth and grace,To teach us in these latter days. Our nation reads the written word,That book of life, that sure record:The bright […]


Baptism ‘Twas the commission of our Lord,“Go teach the nations, and baptize:” ‘Twas the commission of our Lord,“Go teach the nations, and baptize:”The nations have received the wordSince he ascended to the skies. He sits upon th’ eternal hills,With grace and pardon in his hands;And sends his cov’nant with the seals,To bless the distant British […]

The Song of Zacharias

The Song of Zacharias Now be the God of Isr’el blessed,Who makes his truth appear; Now be the God of Isr’el blessed,Who makes his truth appear;His mighty hand fulfils his word,And all the oaths he sware. Now he bedews old David’s rootWith blessings from the skies;He makes the Branch of Promise grow,The promised Horn arise. […]

Submission to Afflictive Providences

Submission to Afflictive Providences Naked as from the earth we came,And crept to life at first, Naked as from the earth we came,And crept to life at first,We to the earth return again,And mingle with our dust. The dear delights we here enjoy,And fondly call our own,Are but short favors borrowed now,To be repaid anon. […]

The Works of Moses and the Lamb

The Works of Moses and the Lamb How strong thine arm is, mighty God!Who would not fear thy name?Jesus, how sweet thy graces are!Who would not love the Lamb? He has done more than Moses did,Our Prophet and our King;From bonds of hell he freed our souls,And taught our lips to sing. In the Red […]

The Christian Race

The Christian Race Awake, our souls; away, our fears,Let every trembling thought begone; Awake, our souls; away, our fears,Let every trembling thought begone;Awake, and run the heav’nly race,And put a cheerful courage on. True, ’tis a strait and thorny road,And mortal spirits tire and faint;But they forget the mighty God,That feeds the strength of every […]

Death of Kindred Improved

Death of Kindred Improved Must friends and kindred droop and die,And helpers be withdrawn? Must friends and kindred droop and die,And helpers be withdrawn?While sorrow with a weeping eyeCounts up our comforts gone? Be thou our comfort, mighty God!Our helper and our friend;Nor leave us in this dangerous road,Till all our trials end. O may […]

The Privileges of the Living Above the Dead

The Privileges of the Living Above the Dead Awake, my zeal; awake, my love,To serve my Savior here below, Awake, my zeal; awake, my love,To serve my Savior here below,In works which perfect saints aboveAnd holy angels cannot do. Awake, my charity, to feedThe hungry soul, and clothe the poor;In heav’n are found no sons […]

God Glorious, and Sinners Saved

God Glorious, and Sinners Saved Father, how wide thy glories shine!How high thy wonders rise!Known through the earth by thousand signs,By thousand through the skies. Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power,Their motions speak thy skill,And on the wings of every hourWe read thy patience still. But when we view thy strange designTo save rebellious worms,Our […]

God’s Condescension to Human Affairs

God’s Condescension to Human Affairs Up to the Lord, that reigns on high,And views the nations from afar,Let everlasting praises fly,And tell how large his bounties are. He that can shake the worlds he made,Or with his word, or with his rod,His goodness, how amazing great!And what a condescending God! God, that must stoop to […]

The Last Judgment

The Last Judgment See where the great incarnate GodFills a majestic throne;While from the skies his awful voiceBears the last judgment down. “I am the first, and I the last,Through endless years the same;I AM is my memorial still,And my eternal name. “Such favors as a God can giveMy royal grace bestows:Ye thirsty souls, come […]

The True Improvement of Life

The True Improvement of Life Ane is this life prolonged to me?Are days and seasons giv’n?O let me, then, prepare to beA fitter heir of heav’n. In vain these moments shall not pass,These golden hours be gone:Lord, I accept thine offered grace,I bow before thy throne. Now cleanse my soul from every sinBy my Redeemer’s […]

Christ’s Dying, Rising, and Reigning

Christ’s Dying, Rising, and Reigning He dies! the friend of sinners dies!Lo! Salem’s daughters weep around; He dies! the friend of sinners dies!Lo! Salem’s daughters weep around;A solemn darkness veils the skies;A sudden trembling shakes the ground. Come, saints, and drop a tear or twoFor him who groaned beneath your load:He shed a thousand drops […]


Hell With holy fear and humble song,The dreadful God our souls adore;Rev’rence and awe become the tongueThat speaks the terrors of his power. Far in the deep where darkness dwells,The land of horror and despair,Justice has built a dismal hell,And laid her stores of vengeance there. Eternal plagues, and heavy chains,Tormenting racks, and fiery coals,And […]

The Christian’s Treasure

The Christian’s Treasure How vast the treasure we possess!How rich thy bounty, King of grace! How vast the treasure we possess!How rich thy bounty, King of grace!This world is ours, and worlds to come;Earth is our lodge, and heav’n our home. All things are ours: the gifts of God;The purchase of a Savior’s blood;While the […]

Adam, Our Father and Our Head

Adam, Our Father and Our Head Adam, our father and our head,Transgressed, and justice doomed us dead; Adam, our father and our head,Transgressed, and justice doomed us dead;The fiery law speaks all despair:There’s no reprieve nor pardon there. But, O unutterable graceThe Son of God takes Adam’s place;Down to our world the Savior flies,Stretches his […]

Christ’s Suffering and Glory

Christ’s Suffering and Glory Now for a tune of lofty praiseTo great Jehovah’s equal Son! Now for a tune of lofty praiseTo great Jehovah’s equal Son!Awake, my voice, in heav’nly laysTell the loud wonders he hath done. Sing how he left the worlds of light,And the bright robes he wore above;How swift and joyful was […]

Divine Wrath and Mercy

Divine Wrath and Mercy Adore and tremble, for our GodIs a consuming fire!His jealous eyes his wrath inflame,And raise his vengeance higher. Almighty vengeance, how it burns!How bright his fury glows!Vast magazines of plagues and stormsLie treasured for his foes. Those heaps of wrath, by slow degrees,Are forced into a flame;But kindled, oh! how fierce […]

The Business and Blessedness of Glorified Saints

The Business and Blessedness of Glorified Saints “What happy men, or angels, these,That all their robes are spotless white?Whence did this glorious troop arriveAt the pure realms of heav’nly light?” From torturing racks, and burning fires,And seas of their own blood, they came;But nobler blood has washed their robes,Flowing from Christ the dying Lamb. Now […]

The Nativity of Christ

The Nativity of Christ “Shepherds, rejoice! lift up your eyes,And send your fears away; “Shepherds, rejoice! lift up your eyes,And send your fears away;News from the regions of the skies,Salvation’s born to-day. Jesus , the God whom angels fear,Comes down to dwell with you;Today he makes his entrance here,But not as monarchs do. “No gold […]

Salvation in the Cross

Salvation in the Cross Here at thy cross, my dying God,I lay my soul beneath thy love, Here at thy cross, my dying God,I lay my soul beneath thy love,Beneath the droppings of thy blood,Jesus , nor shall it e’er remove. Not all that tyrants think or say,With rage and lightning in their eyes,Nor hell […]

God’s Tender Care of His Church

God’s Tender Care of His Church Now shall my inward joys arise,And burst into a song; Now shall my inward joys arise,And burst into a song;Almighty love inspires my heart,And pleasure tunes my tongue. God on his thirsty Zion hillSome mercy drops has thrown,And solemn oaths have bound his loveTo shower salvation down. Why do […]

The Universal Law of Equity

The Universal Law of Equity Blessed Redeemer, how divine,How righteous is this rule of thine! Blessed Redeemer, how divine,How righteous is this rule of thine!“To do to all men just the sameAs we expect or wish from them.” This golden lesson, short and plain,Gives not the mind nor mem’ry pain;And every conscience must approveThis universal […]

The Atonement of Christ

The Atonement of Christ How is our nature spoiled by sin!Yet nature ne’er hath found How is our nature spoiled by sin!Yet nature ne’er hath foundThe way to make the conscience clean,Or heal the painful wound. In vain we seek for peace with GodBy methods of our own:Jesus , there’s nothing but thy bloodCan bring […]

Love to God

Love to God Happy the heart where graces reign,Where love inspires the breast; Happy the heart where graces reign,Where love inspires the breast;Love is the brightest of the train,And strengthens all the rest. Knowledge, alas! ’tis all in vain,And all in vain our fear;Our stubborn sins will fight and reign,If love be absent there. ‘Tis […]

Christ’s Humiliation, Exaltation, and Triumph

Christ’s Humiliation, Exaltation, and Triumph The mighty frame of glorious grace,That brightest monument of praise The mighty frame of glorious grace,That brightest monument of praiseThat e’er the God of love designed,Employs and fills my lab’ring mind. Begin, my soul, the heav’nly song,A burden for an angel’s tongue:When Gabriel sounds these awful things,He tunes and summons […]

Christ’s Intercession

Christ’s Intercession Lift up your eyes to th’ heav’nly seatsWhere your Redeemer stays;Kind Intercessor, there he sits,And loves, and pleads, and prays. ‘Twas well, my soul, he died for thee,And shed his vital blood;Appeased stern justice on the tree,And then arose to God. Petitions now, and praise may rise,And saints their off’rings bring;The Priest, with […]

A Lovely Carriage

A Lovely Carriage O ’tis a lovely thing to seeA man of prudent heart,Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agreeTo act a useful part. When envy, strife, and wars beginIn little angry souls,Mark how the sons of peace come in,And quench the kindling coals. Their minds are humble, mild, and meek,Nor let their fury rise;Nor […]

Truth, Sincerity, Etc.

Truth, Sincerity, Etc. Let those who bear the Christian nameTheir holy vows fulfil; Let those who bear the Christian nameTheir holy vows fulfil;The saints, the followers of the Lamb,Are men of honor still. True to the solemn oaths they take,Though to their hurt they swear;Constant and just to all they speak,For God and angels hear. […]

Faith the Way of Salvation

Faith the Way of Salvation Not by the laws of innocenceCan Adam’s sons arrive at heav’n; Not by the laws of innocenceCan Adam’s sons arrive at heav’n;New works can give us no pretenceTo have our ancient sins forgiv’n. Not the best deeds that we have doneCan make a wounded conscience whole;Faith is the grace, and […]

Praise to God for Creation and Redemption

Praise to God for Creation and Redemption Let them neglect thy glory, Lord,Who never knew thy grace;But our loud songs shall still recordThe wonders of thy praise. We raise our shouts, O God, to thee,And send them to thy throne;All glory to th’ united Three,The undivided One. ‘Twas he (and we’ll adore his name)That formed […]

None Excluded From Hope

None Excluded From Hope Jesus, thy blessings are not few,Nor is thy gospel weak; Jesus, thy blessings are not few,Nor is thy gospel weak;Thy grace can melt the stubborn Jew,And bow th’ aspiring Greek. Wide as the reach of Satan’s rageDoth thy salvation flow;‘Tis not confined to sex or age,The lofty or the low. While […]

The Gospel the Power of God to Salvation

The Gospel the Power of God to Salvation What shall the dying sinner doThat seeks relief for all his woe? What shall the dying sinner doThat seeks relief for all his woe?Where shall the guilty conscience findEase for the torment of the mind? How shall we get our crimes forgiv’n?Or form our natures fit for […]

Absurdity of Infidelity

Absurdity of Infidelity Shall atheists dare insult the crossOf our Redeemer, God? Shall atheists dare insult the crossOf our Redeemer, God?Shall infidels reproach his laws,Or trample on his blood? What if he choose mysterious waysTo cleanse us from our faults?May not the works of sovereign graceTranscend our feeble thoughts? What if his gospel bids us […]

Strength From Heaven

Strength From Heaven Whence do our mournful thoughts arise?And where’s our courage fled? Whence do our mournful thoughts arise?And where’s our courage fled?Have restless sin and raging hellStruck all our comforts dead? Have we forgot th’ almighty nameThat formed the earth and sea?And can an all-creating armGrow weary or decay? Treasures of everlasting mightIn our […]

The Christian’s Hidden Life

The Christian’s Hidden Life O happy soul that lives on highWhile men lie grov’lling here O happy soul that lives on highWhile men lie grov’lling hereHis hopes are fixed above the sky,And faith forbids his fear. His conscience knows no secret stings,While peace and joy combineTo form a life whose holy springsAre hidden and divine. […]

Condescending Grace

Condescending Grace When the Eternal bows the skiesTo visit earthly things,With scorn divine he turns his eyesFrom towers of haughty kings. He bids his aweful chariot rollFar downward from the skies,To visit every humble soulWith pleasure in his eyes. Why should the Lord that reigns aboveDisdain so lofty kings?Say, Lord, and why such looks of […]

Prayer for Deliverance Answered

Prayer for Deliverance Answered In thine own ways, O God of love,We wait the visits of thy grace,Our soul’s desire is to thy name,And the remembrance of thy face. My thoughts are searching, Lord, for thee‘Mongst the black shades of lonesome night;My earnest cries salute the skiesBefore the dawn restore the light. Look, how rebellious […]

The Ruin of the Antichrist

The Ruin of the Antichrist “I lift my banner,” saith the Lord,“Where Antichrist has stood;The city of my gospel foesShall be a field of blood. “My heart has studied just revenge,And now the day appears;The day of my redeemed is comeTo wipe away their tears. “Quite weary is my patience grown,And bids my fury go;Swift […]

The Triumph of Christ Over the Enemies of His Church

The Triumph of Christ Over the Enemies of His Church What mighty man, or mighty God,Comes travelling in state,Along the Idumean road,Away from Bozrah’s gate? The glory of his robes proclaim‘Tis some victorious king:“‘Tis I, the Just, th’ Almighty One,That your salvation bring.” “Why, mighty Lord,” thy saints inquire,“Why thine apparel’s red?And all thy vesture […]

Assurance of Heaven

Assurance of Heaven Death may dissolve my body now,And bear my spirit home; Death may dissolve my body now,And bear my spirit home;Why do my minutes move so slow,Nor my salvation come? With heav’nly weapons I have foughtThe battles of the Lord;Finished my course, and kept the faith,And wait the sure reward. God has laid […]

Hope of Heaven by the Resurrection of Christ

Hope of Heaven by the Resurrection of Christ Blest be the everlasting God,The Father of our Lord; Blest be the everlasting God,The Father of our Lord;Be his abounding mercy praised,His majesty adored. When from the dead he raised his Son,And called him to the sky,He gave our souls a lively hopeThat they should never die. […]

A Vision of the Lamb

A Vision of the Lamb All mortal vanities, begone,Nor tempt my eyes, nor tire my ears; All mortal vanities, begone,Nor tempt my eyes, nor tire my ears;Behold, amidst th’ eternal throne,A vision of the Lamb appears. Glory his fleecy robe adorns,Marked with the bloody death he bore;Seven are his eyes, and seven his horns,To speak […]

The Rich Sinner Dying

The Rich Sinner Dying In vain the wealthy mortals toil,And heap their shining dust in vain,Look down and scorn the humble poor,And boast their lofty hills of gain. Their golden cordials cannot easeTheir pained hearts or aching heads,Nor fright nor bribe approaching deathFrom glitt’ring roofs and downy beds. The ling’ring, the unwilling soulThe dismal summons […]

A Hopeful Youth Falling Short of Heaven

A Hopeful Youth Falling Short of Heaven Must all the charms of nature, then,So hopeless to salvation prove?Can hell demand, can heav’n condemn,The man whom Jesus deigns to love? The man who sought the ways of truth,Paid friends and neighbors all their due;A modest, sober, lovely youth,And thought he wanted nothing new. But mark the […]

Absent From the Body, and Present With the Lord

Absent From the Body, and Present With the Lord Absent from flesh! O blissful thought!What unknown joys this moment brings!Freed from the mischiefs sin has brought,From pains, and fears, and all their springs. Absent from flesh! illustrious day!Surprising scene! triumphant strokeThat rends the prison of my clay;And I can feel my fetters broke. Absent from […]

The Sight of God and Christ in Heaven

The Sight of God and Christ in Heaven Descend from heav’n, immortal Dove,Stoop down and take us on thy wings,And mount and bear us far aboveThe reach of these inferior things: Beyond, beyond this lower sky,Up where eternal ages roll;Where solid pleasures never die,And fruits immortal feast the soul. O for a sight, a pleasing […]

Flesh and Spirit

Flesh and Spirit What vain desires and passions vainAttend this mortal clay! What vain desires and passions vainAttend this mortal clay!Oft have they pierced my soul with pain,And drawn my heart astray. How have I wandered from my God!And, following sin and shame,In this vile world of flesh and bloodDefiled my nobler frame! For ever […]

Christ the Eternal Life

Christ the Eternal Life Jesus, our Savior and our God,Arrayed in majesty and blood, Jesus, our Savior and our God,Arrayed in majesty and blood,Thou art our life; our souls in theePossess a full felicity. All our immortal hopes are laidIn thee, our surety and our head;Thy cross, thy cradle, and thy throne,Are big with glories […]

With God Is Terrible Majesty

With God Is Terrible Majesty Terrible God, that reign’st on high,How awful is thy thund’ring hand!Thy fiery bolts, how fierce they fly!Nor can all earth or hell withstand. This the old rebel angels knew,And Satan fell beneath thy frown;Thine arrows struck the traitor through,And weighty vengeance sunk him down. This Sodom felt, and feels it […]

A Vision of the Kingdom of Christ Among Men

A Vision of the Kingdom of Christ Among Men Lo! what a glorious sight appearsTo our believing eyes!The earth and sea are passed away,And the old rolling skies. From the third heav’n, where God resides,That holy, happy place,The new Jerusalem comes down,Adorned with shining grace. Attending angels shout for joy,And the bright armies sing-“Mortals, behold […]

Spiritual Apparel

Spiritual Apparel Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue,Prepare a tuneful voice; Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue,Prepare a tuneful voice;In God, the life of all my joys,Aloud will I rejoice. ‘Tis he adorned my naked soul,And made salvation mine;Upon a poor polluted wormHe makes his graces shine. And lest the shadow of a spotShould on […]

The Deity and Humanity of Christ

The Deity and Humanity of Christ Ere the blue heav’ns were stretched abroad,From everlasting was the Word: Ere the blue heav’ns were stretched abroad,From everlasting was the Word:With God he was; the Word was God,And must divinely be adored. By his own power were all things made;By him supported all things stand;He is the whole […]

The Song of Simeon

The Song of Simeon Lord, at thy temple we appear,As happy Simeon came, Or, Death Made DesirableLord, at thy temple we appear,As happy Simeon came,And hope to meet our Savior here;O make our joys the same! With what divine and vast delightThe good old man was filled,When fondly in his withered armsHe clasped the holy […]

Blessed Are the Dead That Die in the Lord

Blessed Are the Dead That Die in the Lord Hear what the voice from heav’n proclaims,For all the pious dead;Sweet is the savor of their names,And soft their sleeping bed. They die in Jesus , and are blest;How kind their slumbers are!From suff’rings and from sins released,And freed from every snare. Far from this world […]

God Incomprehensible and Sovereign

God Incomprehensible and Sovereign Can creatures to perfection findTh’ eternal, uncreated Mind?Or can the largest stretch of thoughtMeasure and search his nature out? ‘Tis high as heav’n, ’tis deep as hellAnd what can mortals know or tell?His glory spreads beyond the sky,And all the shining worlds on high. But man, vain man, would fain be […]

Victory Over Death

Victory Over Death O for an overcoming faithTo cheer my dying hours; O for an overcoming faithTo cheer my dying hours;To triumph o’er the monster Death,And all his frightful powers! Joyful with all the strength I haveMy quiv’ring lips should sing-Where is thy boasted vict’ry, Grave?And where the monster’s sting? If sin be pardoned, I’m […]

The Divine Perfections III

The Divine Perfections III Jehovah reigns, his throne is high,His robes are light and majesty;His glory shines with beams so bright,No mortal can sustain the sight. His terrors keep the world in awe;His justice guards his holy law;His love reveals a smiling face;His truth and promise seal the grace. Through all his works his wisdom […]

The Divine Perfections, II

The Divine Perfections, II Great God! thy glories shall employMy holy fear, my humble joy;My lips in songs of honor bringTheir tribute to th’ eternal King. Earth, and the stars, and worlds unknown,Depend precarious on his throne;All nature hangs upon his word,And grace and glory own their Lord. His sovereign power what mortal knows?If be […]

The Divine Perfections

The Divine Perfections How shall I praise th’ eternal God,That infinite Unknown?Who can ascend his high abode,Or venture near his throne? The great Invisible! he dwellsConcealed in dazzling light;But his all-searching eye revealsThe secrets of the night. Those watchful eyes that never sleepSurvey the world aroundHis wisdom is a boundless deepWhere all our thoughts are […]

Unfruitfulness, Ignorance, and Unsanctified Affections

Unfruitfulness, Ignorance, and Unsanctified Affections Long have I sat beneath the soundOf thy salvation, Lord; Long have I sat beneath the soundOf thy salvation, Lord;But still how weak my faith is found,And knowledge of thy word! Oft I frequent thy holy place,And hear almost in vain;How small a portion of thy graceMy memory can retain! […]

The End of the World

The End of the World Why should this earth delight us so?Why should we fix our eyesOn these low grounds where sorrows grow,And every pleasure dies ? While time his sharpest teeth preparesOur comforts to devour,There is a land above the stars,And joys above his power. Nature shall be dissolved and die,The sun must end […]

Complaint of Desertion and Temptations

Complaint of Desertion and Temptations Dear Lord! behold our sore distress;Our sins attempt to reign; Dear Lord! behold our sore distress;Our sins attempt to reign;Stretch out thine arm of conquering grace,And let thy foes be slain. The lion with his dreadful roarAffrights thy feeble sheep:Reveal the glory of thy power,And chain him to the deep. […]

Christian Virtues

Christian Virtues Strait is the way, the door is strait,That leads to joys on high; Strait is the way, the door is strait,That leads to joys on high;‘Tis but a few that find the gate,While crowds mistake, and die. Beloved self must be denied,The mind and will renewedPassion suppressed, and patience tried,And vain desires subdued. […]

Custom in Sin

Custom in Sin Let the wild leopards of the woodPut off the spots that nature gives, Let the wild leopards of the woodPut off the spots that nature gives,Then may the wicked turn to God,And change their tempers and their lives. As well might Ethiopian slavesWash out the darkness of their skin,The deed as well […]

The Enjoyment of Christ

The Enjoyment of Christ Lord, what a heav’n of saving graceShines through the beauties of thy face, Lord, what a heav’n of saving graceShines through the beauties of thy face,And lights our passions to a flame!Lord, how we love thy charming name! When I can say, “My God is mine,”When I can feel thy glories […]

Hosannah to Christ

Hosannah to Christ Hosannah to the royal SonOf David’s ancient line! Hosannah to the royal SonOf David’s ancient line!His natures two, his person one,Mysterious and divine. The root of David here, we find,And offspring is the same:Eternity and time are joinedIn our Immanuel’s name. Blest he that comes to wretched menWith peaceful news from heav’n!Hosannah’s […]

An Unconverted State

An Unconverted State Great King of glory and of grace,We own, with humble shame, Great King of glory and of grace,We own, with humble shame,How vile is our degen’rate race,And our first father’s name. From Adam flows our tainted blood,The poison reigns within;Makes us averse to all that’s good,And willing slaves to sin. Daily we […]

Few Saved

Few Saved Broad is the road that leads to death,And thousands walk together there; Broad is the road that leads to death,ACAnd thousands walk together there;But wisdom shows a narrower path,With here and there a traveller. “Deny thyself, and take thy cross,”Is the Redeemer’s great command;Nature must count her gold but dross,If she would gain […]

Satan’s Devices

Satan’s Devices Now Satan comes with dreadful roarAnd threatens to destroy; Now Satan comes with dreadful roarAnd threatens to destroy;He worries whom he can’t devourWith a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage,Resist, and he’ll begone;Thus did our dearest Lord engageAnd vanquish him alone. Now he appears almost divine,Like innocence and love;But the […]

Presumption and Despair

Presumption and Despair I hate the tempter and his charms,I hate his flatt’ring breath; I hate the tempter and his charms,I hate his flatt’ring breath;The serpent takes a thousand formsTo cheat our souls to death. He feeds our hopes with airy dreams,Or kills with slavish fear;And holds us still in wide extremes,Presumption or despair. Now […]

Christ Our Passover

Christ Our Passover Lo, the destroying angel fliesTo Pharaoh’s stubborn land; Lo, the destroying angel fliesTo Pharaoh’s stubborn land;The pride and flower of Egypt diesBy his vindictive hand. He passed the tents of Jacob o’er,Nor poured the wrath divine;He saw the blood on every door,And blessed the peaceful sign. Thus the appointed Lamb must bleed,To […]

Self-Righteousness Insufficient

Self-Righteousness Insufficient “Where are the mourners,” saith the Lord,“That wait and tremble at my word, “Where are the mourners,” saith the Lord,“That wait and tremble at my word,That walk in darkness all the day?Come, make my name your trust and stay. “No works nor duties of your ownCan for the smallest sin atoneThe robes that […]

The Distemper, Folly, and Madness of Sin

The Distemper, Folly, and Madness of Sin Sin, like a venomous disease,Infects our vital blood; Sin, like a venomous disease,Infects our vital blood;The only balm is sovereign grace,And the physician, God. Our beauty and our strength are fled,And we draw near to death;But Christ the Lord recalls the deadWith his almighty breath. Madness by nature […]

Sinai and Zion

Sinai and Zion Not to the terrors of the Lord,The tempest, fire, and smoke;Not to the thunder of that wordWhich God on Sinai spoke; But we are come to Zion’s hill,The city of our God,Where milder words declare his will,And spread his love abroad. Behold th’ innumerable hostOf angels clothed in light!Behold the spirits of […]

Prophecy and Inspiration.

Prophecy and Inspiration. ‘Twas by an order from the LordThe ancient prophets spoke his word; ‘Twas by an order from the LordThe ancient prophets spoke his word;His Spirit did their tongues inspire,And warmed their hearts with heav’nly fire. The works and wonders which they wroughtConfirmed the messages they brought;The prophet’s pen succeeds his breath,To save […]

The Offices of Christ, II

The Offices of Christ, II Join all the glorious namesOf wisdom, love, and power, Join all the glorious namesOf wisdom, love, and power,That ever mortals knew,That angels ever bore:All are too mean to speak his worth,Too mean to set my Savior forth. But O what gentle terms,What condescending ways,Doth our Redeemer useTo teach his heav’nly […]

Our Own Weakness, and Christ Our Strength

Our Own Weakness, and Christ Our Strength Let me but hear my Savior say,“Strength shall be equal to thy day,” Let me but hear my Savior say,“Strength shall be equal to thy day,”Then I rejoice in deep distress,Leaning on all-sufficient grace. I glory in infirmity,That Christ’s own power may rest on me:When I am weak, […]

The Offices of Christ

The Offices of Christ Join all the names of love and powerThat ever men or angels bore, Join all the names of love and powerThat ever men or angels bore,All are too mean to speak his worth,Or set lmmannel’s glory forth. But O what condescending waysHe takes to teach his heav’nly graceMy eyes with joy […]

The Names and Titles of Christ II

The Names and Titles of Christ II With cheerful voice I singThe titles of my Lord, With cheerful voice I singThe titles of my Lord,And borrow all the namesOf honor from his word:Nature and art can ne’er supplySufficient forms of majesty. In Jesus we beholdHis Father’s glorious face,Shining for ever bright,With mild and lovely raysTh’ […]

The Names and Titles of Christ

The Names and Titles of Christ ‘Tis from the treasures of his wordI borrow titles for my Lord; ‘Tis from the treasures of his wordI borrow titles for my Lord;Nor art nor nature can supplySufficient forms of majesty. Bright image of the Father’s face,Shining with undiminished rays;Th’ eternal God’s eternal Son,The heir and partner of […]

Characters of Christ

Characters of Christ Go, worship at Immanuel’s feet,See in his face what wonders meet! Go, worship at Immanuel’s feet,See in his face what wonders meet!Earth is too narrow to expressHis worth, his glory, or his grace. The whole creation can affordBut some faint shadows of my Lord;Nature, to make his beauties known,Must mingle colors not […]

Christ and Aaron

Christ and Aaron Jesus, in thee our eyes beholdA thousand glories more, Jesus, in thee our eyes beholdA thousand glories more,Than the rich gems and polished goldThe sons of Aaron wore. They first their own burnt-offerings brought,To purge themselves from sin;Thy life was pure without a spot,And all thy nature clean. Fresh blood as constant […]

The Witnessing and Sealing Spirit

The Witnessing and Sealing Spirit – Why should the children of a KingGo mourning all their days?Great Comforter! descend and bringSome tokens of thy grace. Dost thou not dwell in all the saints,And seal the heirs of heav’n?When wilt thou banish my complaints,And show my sins forgiv’n? Assure my conscience of her partIn the Redeemer’s […]

Characters of the Children of God

Characters of the Children of God So new-born babes desire the breast,To feed, and grow, and thrive; So new-born babes desire the breast,To feed, and grow, and thrive;So saints with joy the gospel taste,And by the gospel live. With inward gust their heart approvesAll that the word relates;They love the men their Father loves,And hate […]

The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ

The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ Who has believed thy word,Or thy salvation known? Who has believed thy word,Or thy salvation known?Reveal thine arm, Almighty Lord,And glorify thy Son. The Jews esteemed him hereToo mean for their belief;Sorrows his chief acquaintance were,And his companion, grief. They turned their eyes away,And treated him with scorn;But ’twas […]

The Triumph of Faith

The Triumph of Faith Who shall the Lord’s elect condemn?‘Tis God that justifies their souls; Or, Christ’s Unchangeable LoveWho shall the Lord’s elect condemn?‘Tis God that justifies their souls;And mercy, like a mighty stream,O’er all their sins divinely rolls. Who shall adjudge the saints to hell?‘Tis Christ that suffered in their stead;And, the salvation to […]

Saints in the Hands of Christ

Saints in the Hands of Christ Firm as the earth thy gospel stands,My Lord, my hope, my trust; Firm as the earth thy gospel stands,My Lord, my hope, my trust;If I am found in Jesus ‘ hands,My soul can ne’er be lost. His honor is engaged to saveThe meanest of his sheep;All that his heav’nly […]

Salvation by Grace in Christ

Salvation by Grace in Christ Now to the power of God supremeBe everlasting honors giv’n; Now to the power of God supremeBe everlasting honors giv’n;He saves from hell, (we bless his name,)He calls our wand’ring feet to heav’n. Not for our duties or deserts,But of his own abounding grace,He works salvation in our hearts,And forms […]

Sincerity and Hypocrisy

Sincerity and Hypocrisy God is a Spirit, just and wise,He sees our inmost mind;In vain to heav’n we raise our cries,And leave our souls behind. Nothing but truth before his throneWith honor can appear;The painted hypocrites are knownThrough the disguise they wear. Their lifted eyes salute the skies,Their bending knees the ground;But God abhors the […]

The Love of Christ Shed Abroad in the Heart

The Love of Christ Shed Abroad in the Heart Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwellBy faith and love in every breast;Then shall we know, and taste, and feelThe joys that cannot be expressed. Come, fill our hearts with inward strength,Make our enlarged souls possess,And learn the height, and breadth, and lengthOf thine unmeasurable grace. Now […]

Religion Vain Without Love

Religion Vain Without Love Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews,And nobler speech, that angels use, Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews,And nobler speech, that angels use,If love be absent, I am found,Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. Were I inspired to preach and tellAll that is done in heav’n and hell;Or […]

Love and Charity

Love and Charity Let Pharisees of high esteemTheir faith and zeal declare, Let Pharisees of high esteemTheir faith and zeal declare,All their religion is a dream,If love be wanting there. Love suffers long with patient eye,Nor is provoked in haste;She lets the present injury die,And long forgets the past. Malice and rage, those fires of […]

Holiness and Grace

Holiness and Grace O let our lips and lives expressThe holy gospel we profess; O let our lips and lives expressThe holy gospel we profess;So let our works and virtues shine,To prove the doctrine all divine. Thus shall we best proclaim abroadThe honors of our Savior God;When the salvation reigns within,And grace subdues the power […]

Love and Hatred

Love and Hatred Now by the bowels of my God,His sharp distress, his sore complaints, Now by the bowels of my God,His sharp distress, his sore complaints,By his last groans, his dying blood,I charge my soul to love the saints. Clamor, and wrath, and war, begone,Envy and spite, for ever cease;Let bitter words no more […]

Submission and Deliverance

Submission and Deliverance Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord; Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord;He shall restore what you resign,Or grant you blessings more divine. So Abram with obedient handLed forth his son at God’s command;The wood, the fire, the knife, he took,His […]

The Apostles’ Commission

The Apostles’ Commission “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord,“Bid the whole earth my grace receive; “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord,“Bid the whole earth my grace receive;He shall be saved that trusts my word,He shall be damned that won’t believe. “I’ll make your great commission known,And ye shall prove my gospel true,By all […]

Charity and Uncharitableness

Charity and Uncharitableness Not diff’rent food, or diff’rent dress,Compose the kingdom of our Lord; Not diff’rent food, or diff’rent dress,Compose the kingdom of our Lord;But peace, and joy, and righteousness,Faith, and obedience to his word. When weaker Christians we despise,We do the gospel mighty wrong;For God, the gracious and the wise,Receives the feeble with the […]

The Repenting Prodigal

The Repenting Prodigal Behold the wretch whose lust and wineHad wasted his estate, Behold the wretch whose lust and wineHad wasted his estate,He begs a share among the swine,To taste the husks they eat! “I die with hunger here,” he cries,“I starve in foreign lands;My father’s house has large suppliesAnd bounteous are his hands. “I’ll […]

Believers Buried With Christ in Baptism

Believers Buried With Christ in Baptism Do we not know that solemn word,That we are buried with the Lord, Do we not know that solemn word,That we are buried with the Lord,Baptized into his death, and thenPut off the body of our sin? Our souls receive diviner breath,Raised from corruption, guilt, and death;So from the […]

Faith of Things Unseen

Faith of Things Unseen Faith is the brightest evidenceOf things beyond our sight, Faith is the brightest evidenceOf things beyond our sight,Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense,And dwells in heav’nly light. It sets times past in present view,Brings distant prospects home,Of things a thousand years ago,Or thousand years to come. By faith we […]

Free Grace in Revealing Christ

Free Grace in Revealing Christ Jesus, the man of constant grief,A mourner all his days; Jesus, the man of constant grief,A mourner all his days;His spirit once rejoiced aloud,And tuned his joy to praise: “Father, I thank thy wondrous love,That hath revealed thy SonTo men unlearned, and to babesHas made thy gospel known. “The mysteries […]

The Different Success of the Gospel

The Different Success of the Gospel Christ and his cross is all our theme;The myst’ries that we speak Christ and his cross is all our theme;The myst’ries that we speakAre scandal in the Jew’s esteem,And folly to the Greek. But souls enlightened from aboveWith joy receive the word;They see what wisdom, power, and loveShine in […]

Election Sovereign and Free

Election Sovereign and Free Behold the potter and the clay,He forms his vessels as he please: Behold the potter and the clay,He forms his vessels as he please:Such is our God, and such are we,The subjects of his high decrees. Doth not the workman’s power extendO’er all the mass, which part to chooseAnd mold it […]

Conviction of Sin by the Law

Conviction of Sin by the Law Lord, how secure my conscience was,And felt no inward dread! Lord, how secure my conscience was,And felt no inward dread!I was alive without the law,And thought my sins were dead. My hopes of heav’n were firm and bright,But since the precept cameWith a convincing power and light,I find how […]

The Brazen Serpent

The Brazen Serpent So did the Hebrew prophet raiseThe brazen serpent high, Or, Looking to JesusSo did the Hebrew prophet raiseThe brazen serpent high,The wounded felt immediate ease,The camp forbore to die. “Look upward in the dying hour,And live,” the prophet cries;But Christ performs a nobler cure,When Faith lifts up her eyes. High on the […]

Salvation by Grace

Salvation by Grace Lord, we confess our num’rous faults,How great our guilt has been! Lord, we confess our num’rous faults,How great our guilt has been!Foolish and vain were all our thoughts,And all our lives were sin. But, O my soul! for ever praise,For ever love his name,Who turns thy feet from dangerous waysOf folly, sin, […]

Death and Immediate Glory

Death and Immediate Glory There is a house not made with hands,Eternal and on high;And here my spirit waiting stands,Till God shall bid it fly. Shortly this prison of my clayMust be dissolved and fall;Then, O my soul! with joy obeyThy heav’nly Father’s call. ‘Tis he, by his almighty grace,That forms thee fit for heav’n;And, […]

The Humble Enlightened, and Carnal Reason Humbled

The Humble Enlightened, and Carnal Reason Humbled There was an hour when Christ rejoiced,And spoke his joy in words of praise:“Father, I thank thee, mighty God,Lord of the earth, and heav’ns, and seas. “I thank thy sovereign power and loveThat crowns my doctrine with success,And makes the babes in knowledge learnThe heights, and breadths, and […]

The Value of Christ and His Righteousness

The Value of Christ and His Righteousness No more, my God, I boast no moreOf all the duties I have done; No more, my God, I boast no moreOf all the duties I have done;I quit the hopes I held before,To trust the merits of thy Son. Now, for the love I bear his name,What […]

The Fall and Recovery of Man

The Fall and Recovery of Man Deceived by subtle snares of hell,Adam, our head, our father, fell; Deceived by subtle snares of hell,Adam, our head, our father, fell;When Satan, in the serpent hid,Proposed the fruit that God forbid. Death was the threat’ning: death beganTo take possession of the manHis unborn race received the wound,And heavy […]

Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ

Dead to Sin by the Cross of Christ Shall we go on to sinBecause thy grace abounds; Shall we go on to sinBecause thy grace abounds;Or crucify the Lord again,And open all his wounds? Forbid it, mighty God!Nor let it e’er be said,That we whose sins are crucifiedShould raise them from the dead. We will […]

Heaven Invisible and Holy

Heaven Invisible and Holy Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard,Nor sense nor reason known,What joys the Father hath preparedFor those that love the Son. But the good Spirit of the LordReveals a heav’n to come;The beams of glory in his wordAllure and guide us home. Pure are the joys above the sky,And all […]

A State of Nature and of Grace

A State of Nature and of Grace Not the malicious or profane,The wanton or the proud, Not the malicious or profane,The wanton or the proud,Nor thieves, nor sland’rers, shall obtainThe kingdom of our God. Surprising grace! and such were weBy nature and by sin,Heirs of immortal misery,Unholy and unclean. But we are washed in Jesus […]

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes Blest are the humble souls that seeTheir emptiness and poverty; Blest are the humble souls that seeTheir emptiness and poverty;Treasures of grace to them are giv’n,And crowns of joy laid up in heav’n. Blest are the men of broken heart,Who mourn for sin with inward smartThe blood of Christ divinely flows,A healing balm […]

Joy in Heaven for a Repenting Sinner

Joy in Heaven for a Repenting Sinner Who can describe the joys that riseThrough all the courts of Paradise, Who can describe the joys that riseThrough all the courts of Paradise,To see a prodigal return,To see an heir of glory born? With joy the Father doth approveThe fruit of His eternal love;The Son with joy […]

Believe and be Saved

Believe and be Saved Not to condemn the sons of men,Did Christ, the Son of God, appear; Not to condemn the sons of men,Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;No weapons in his hands are seen,No flaming sword nor thunder there. Such was the pity of our God,He loved the race of man so well,He […]

The Blessedness of the Gospel Times

The Blessedness of the Gospel Times How beauteous are their feetWho stand on Zion’s hill! How beauteous are their feetWho stand on Zion’s hill!Who bring salvation on their tongues,And words of peace reveal! How charming is their voice!How sweet the tidings are!“Zion, behold thy Savior King;He reigns and triumphs here.” How happy are our earsThat […]

The Glories of the Lamb

The Glories of the Lamb Behold the glories of the LambAmidst his Father’s throne; Behold the glories of the LambAmidst his Father’s throne;Prepare new honors for his name,And songs before unknown. Let elders worship at his feet,The church adore around,With vials full of odors sweet,And harps of sweeter sound. Those are the prayers of the […]

Examples of Early Piety

Examples of Early Piety What blest examples do I findWrit in the Word of Truth What blest examples do I findWrit in the Word of TruthOf children that began to mindReligion in their youth! Jesus , who reigns above the sky,And keeps the world in awe,Was once a child as young as I,And kept His […]

Against Scoffing and Calling Names

Against Scoffing and Calling Names Our tongues were made to bless the Lord,And not speak ill of men: Our tongues were made to bless the Lord,And not speak ill of men:When others give a railing word,We must not rail again. Cross words and angry names requireTo be chastised at school;And he’s in danger of hell-fireThat […]

Against Quarreling and Fighting

Against Quarreling and Fighting Let dogs delight to bark and bite,For God hath made them so: Let dogs delight to bark and bite,For God hath made them so:Let bears and lions growl and fight,For ’tis their nature, too. But, children, you should never letSuch angry passions rise:Your little hands were never madeTo tear each other’s […]

Against Lying

Against Lying O ’tis a lovely thing for youthTo early walk in wisdom’s way;  O ’tis a lovely thing for youthTo early walk in wisdom’s way;To fear a lie, to speak the truth,That we may trust to all they say! But liars we can never trust,Even when they say what is true.And he who does […]

Against Idleness and Mischief

Against Idleness and Mischief How doth the little busy BeeImprove each shining Hour, How doth the little busy BeeImprove each shining Hour,And gather Honey all the dayFrom every opening Flower! How skilfully she builds her Cell!How neat she spreads the Wax!And labours hard to store it wellWith the sweet Food she makes. In Works of […]

Against Evil Company

Against Evil Company Why should I join with those in Play,In whom I’ve no delight, Why should I join with those in Play,In whom I’ve no delight,Who curse and swear, but never pray,Who call ill Names, and fight. I hate to hear a wanton Song,Their Words offend my Ears:I should not dare defile my TongueWith […]
