Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King Sweet is the work, my God, my King,To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing; Sweet is the work, my God, my King,To praise thy name, give thanks, and sing;To show thy love by morning light,And talk of all thy truth at night. Sweet is the day […]
How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair
How Pleasant, How Divinely Fair How pleasant, how divinely fair,O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are! How pleasant, how divinely fair,O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are!With strong desire my spirit faintsTo meet the assemblies of thy saints. Blest are the saints that sit on high,Around thy throne of majesty;Thy brightest glories shine above,And all […]
God Is the Refuge of His Saints
God Is the Refuge of His Saints God is the refuge of his saints,When storms of sharp distress invade; God is the refuge of his saints,When storms of sharp distress invade;Ere we can offer our complaints,Behold him present with his aid! Let mountains from their seats be hurledDown to the deep, and buried there,Convulsions shake […]
Thee We Adore, Eternal Name!
Thee We Adore, Eternal Name! Thee we adore, eternal name!And humbly own to thee, Thee we adore, eternal name!And humbly own to thee,How feeble is our mortal frame,What dying worms we be! Our wasting lives grow shorter still,As days and months increase;And every beating pulse we tellLeaves but the number less. The year roll round, […]
Advice to Youth
Advice to Youth Now in the heat of youthful bloodRemember your Creator God: Now in the heat of youthful bloodRemember your Creator God:Behold, the months come hast’ning on,When you shall say, “My joys are gone!” Behold, the aged sinner goes,Laden with guilt and heavy woes,Down to the regions of the dead,With endless curses on his […]
Life the Day of Grace and Hope
Life the Day of Grace and Hope Life is the time to serve the Lord,The time t’ insure the great reward; Life is the time to serve the Lord,The time t’ insure the great reward;And while the lamp holds out to burn,The vilest sinner may return. Life is the hour that God has giv’nTo ‘scape […]
An Evening Hymn
An Evening Hymn Thus far the Lord has led me on,Thus far his power prolongs my days; Thus far the Lord has led me on,Thus far his power prolongs my days;And every evening shall make knownSome fresh memorial of his grace. Much of my time has run to waste,And I perhaps am near my home;But […]
A Morning Hymn
A Morning Hymn God of the morning! at whose voiceThe cheerful sun makes haste to rise, God of the morning! at whose voiceThe cheerful sun makes haste to rise,And like a giant doth rejoiceTo run his journey through the skies. From the fair chambers of the eastThe circuit of his race begins,And, without weariness or […]
Baptism ‘Twas the commission of our Lord,“Go teach the nations, and baptize:” ‘Twas the commission of our Lord,“Go teach the nations, and baptize:”The nations have received the wordSince he ascended to the skies. He sits upon th’ eternal hills,With grace and pardon in his hands;And sends his cov’nant with the seals,To bless the distant British […]
Submission to Afflictive Providences
Submission to Afflictive Providences Naked as from the earth we came,And crept to life at first, Naked as from the earth we came,And crept to life at first,We to the earth return again,And mingle with our dust. The dear delights we here enjoy,And fondly call our own,Are but short favors borrowed now,To be repaid anon. […]
The Christian Race
The Christian Race Awake, our souls; away, our fears,Let every trembling thought begone; Awake, our souls; away, our fears,Let every trembling thought begone;Awake, and run the heav’nly race,And put a cheerful courage on. True, ’tis a strait and thorny road,And mortal spirits tire and faint;But they forget the mighty God,That feeds the strength of every […]
The Christian’s Treasure
The Christian’s Treasure How vast the treasure we possess!How rich thy bounty, King of grace! How vast the treasure we possess!How rich thy bounty, King of grace!This world is ours, and worlds to come;Earth is our lodge, and heav’n our home. All things are ours: the gifts of God;The purchase of a Savior’s blood;While the […]
God’s Tender Care of His Church
God’s Tender Care of His Church Now shall my inward joys arise,And burst into a song; Now shall my inward joys arise,And burst into a song;Almighty love inspires my heart,And pleasure tunes my tongue. God on his thirsty Zion hillSome mercy drops has thrown,And solemn oaths have bound his loveTo shower salvation down. Why do […]
The Universal Law of Equity
The Universal Law of Equity Blessed Redeemer, how divine,How righteous is this rule of thine! Blessed Redeemer, how divine,How righteous is this rule of thine!“To do to all men just the sameAs we expect or wish from them.” This golden lesson, short and plain,Gives not the mind nor mem’ry pain;And every conscience must approveThis universal […]
A Lovely Carriage
A Lovely Carriage O ’tis a lovely thing to seeA man of prudent heart,Whose thoughts, and lips, and life agreeTo act a useful part. When envy, strife, and wars beginIn little angry souls,Mark how the sons of peace come in,And quench the kindling coals. Their minds are humble, mild, and meek,Nor let their fury rise;Nor […]
Truth, Sincerity, Etc.
Truth, Sincerity, Etc. Let those who bear the Christian nameTheir holy vows fulfil; Let those who bear the Christian nameTheir holy vows fulfil;The saints, the followers of the Lamb,Are men of honor still. True to the solemn oaths they take,Though to their hurt they swear;Constant and just to all they speak,For God and angels hear. […]
Absurdity of Infidelity
Absurdity of Infidelity Shall atheists dare insult the crossOf our Redeemer, God? Shall atheists dare insult the crossOf our Redeemer, God?Shall infidels reproach his laws,Or trample on his blood? What if he choose mysterious waysTo cleanse us from our faults?May not the works of sovereign graceTranscend our feeble thoughts? What if his gospel bids us […]
The Christian’s Hidden Life
The Christian’s Hidden Life O happy soul that lives on highWhile men lie grov’lling here O happy soul that lives on highWhile men lie grov’lling hereHis hopes are fixed above the sky,And faith forbids his fear. His conscience knows no secret stings,While peace and joy combineTo form a life whose holy springsAre hidden and divine. […]
Flesh and Spirit
Flesh and Spirit What vain desires and passions vainAttend this mortal clay! What vain desires and passions vainAttend this mortal clay!Oft have they pierced my soul with pain,And drawn my heart astray. How have I wandered from my God!And, following sin and shame,In this vile world of flesh and bloodDefiled my nobler frame! For ever […]
Unfruitfulness, Ignorance, and Unsanctified Affections
Unfruitfulness, Ignorance, and Unsanctified Affections Long have I sat beneath the soundOf thy salvation, Lord; Long have I sat beneath the soundOf thy salvation, Lord;But still how weak my faith is found,And knowledge of thy word! Oft I frequent thy holy place,And hear almost in vain;How small a portion of thy graceMy memory can retain! […]
Complaint of Desertion and Temptations
Complaint of Desertion and Temptations Dear Lord! behold our sore distress;Our sins attempt to reign; Dear Lord! behold our sore distress;Our sins attempt to reign;Stretch out thine arm of conquering grace,And let thy foes be slain. The lion with his dreadful roarAffrights thy feeble sheep:Reveal the glory of thy power,And chain him to the deep. […]
Christian Virtues
Christian Virtues Strait is the way, the door is strait,That leads to joys on high; Strait is the way, the door is strait,That leads to joys on high;‘Tis but a few that find the gate,While crowds mistake, and die. Beloved self must be denied,The mind and will renewedPassion suppressed, and patience tried,And vain desires subdued. […]
Satan’s Devices
Satan’s Devices Now Satan comes with dreadful roarAnd threatens to destroy; Now Satan comes with dreadful roarAnd threatens to destroy;He worries whom he can’t devourWith a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage,Resist, and he’ll begone;Thus did our dearest Lord engageAnd vanquish him alone. Now he appears almost divine,Like innocence and love;But the […]
Presumption and Despair
Presumption and Despair I hate the tempter and his charms,I hate his flatt’ring breath; I hate the tempter and his charms,I hate his flatt’ring breath;The serpent takes a thousand formsTo cheat our souls to death. He feeds our hopes with airy dreams,Or kills with slavish fear;And holds us still in wide extremes,Presumption or despair. Now […]
Our Own Weakness, and Christ Our Strength
Our Own Weakness, and Christ Our Strength Let me but hear my Savior say,“Strength shall be equal to thy day,” Let me but hear my Savior say,“Strength shall be equal to thy day,”Then I rejoice in deep distress,Leaning on all-sufficient grace. I glory in infirmity,That Christ’s own power may rest on me:When I am weak, […]
Characters of the Children of God
Characters of the Children of God So new-born babes desire the breast,To feed, and grow, and thrive; So new-born babes desire the breast,To feed, and grow, and thrive;So saints with joy the gospel taste,And by the gospel live. With inward gust their heart approvesAll that the word relates;They love the men their Father loves,And hate […]
Saints in the Hands of Christ
Saints in the Hands of Christ Firm as the earth thy gospel stands,My Lord, my hope, my trust; Firm as the earth thy gospel stands,My Lord, my hope, my trust;If I am found in Jesus ‘ hands,My soul can ne’er be lost. His honor is engaged to saveThe meanest of his sheep;All that his heav’nly […]
Religion Vain Without Love
Religion Vain Without Love Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews,And nobler speech, that angels use, Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews,And nobler speech, that angels use,If love be absent, I am found,Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. Were I inspired to preach and tellAll that is done in heav’n and hell;Or […]
Love and Charity
Love and Charity Let Pharisees of high esteemTheir faith and zeal declare, Let Pharisees of high esteemTheir faith and zeal declare,All their religion is a dream,If love be wanting there. Love suffers long with patient eye,Nor is provoked in haste;She lets the present injury die,And long forgets the past. Malice and rage, those fires of […]
Holiness and Grace
Holiness and Grace O let our lips and lives expressThe holy gospel we profess; O let our lips and lives expressThe holy gospel we profess;So let our works and virtues shine,To prove the doctrine all divine. Thus shall we best proclaim abroadThe honors of our Savior God;When the salvation reigns within,And grace subdues the power […]
Love and Hatred
Love and Hatred Now by the bowels of my God,His sharp distress, his sore complaints, Now by the bowels of my God,His sharp distress, his sore complaints,By his last groans, his dying blood,I charge my soul to love the saints. Clamor, and wrath, and war, begone,Envy and spite, for ever cease;Let bitter words no more […]
Submission and Deliverance
Submission and Deliverance Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord; Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord;He shall restore what you resign,Or grant you blessings more divine. So Abram with obedient handLed forth his son at God’s command;The wood, the fire, the knife, he took,His […]
The Apostles’ Commission
The Apostles’ Commission “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord,“Bid the whole earth my grace receive; “O preach my gospel,” saith the Lord,“Bid the whole earth my grace receive;He shall be saved that trusts my word,He shall be damned that won’t believe. “I’ll make your great commission known,And ye shall prove my gospel true,By all […]
Charity and Uncharitableness
Charity and Uncharitableness Not diff’rent food, or diff’rent dress,Compose the kingdom of our Lord; Not diff’rent food, or diff’rent dress,Compose the kingdom of our Lord;But peace, and joy, and righteousness,Faith, and obedience to his word. When weaker Christians we despise,We do the gospel mighty wrong;For God, the gracious and the wise,Receives the feeble with the […]
Believers Buried With Christ in Baptism
Believers Buried With Christ in Baptism Do we not know that solemn word,That we are buried with the Lord, Do we not know that solemn word,That we are buried with the Lord,Baptized into his death, and thenPut off the body of our sin? Our souls receive diviner breath,Raised from corruption, guilt, and death;So from the […]
A State of Nature and of Grace
A State of Nature and of Grace Not the malicious or profane,The wanton or the proud, Not the malicious or profane,The wanton or the proud,Nor thieves, nor sland’rers, shall obtainThe kingdom of our God. Surprising grace! and such were weBy nature and by sin,Heirs of immortal misery,Unholy and unclean. But we are washed in Jesus […]
The Blessedness of the Gospel Times
The Blessedness of the Gospel Times How beauteous are their feetWho stand on Zion’s hill! How beauteous are their feetWho stand on Zion’s hill!Who bring salvation on their tongues,And words of peace reveal! How charming is their voice!How sweet the tidings are!“Zion, behold thy Savior King;He reigns and triumphs here.” How happy are our earsThat […]
Against Scoffing and Calling Names
Against Scoffing and Calling Names Our tongues were made to bless the Lord,And not speak ill of men: Our tongues were made to bless the Lord,And not speak ill of men:When others give a railing word,We must not rail again. Cross words and angry names requireTo be chastised at school;And he’s in danger of hell-fireThat […]
Against Quarreling and Fighting
Against Quarreling and Fighting Let dogs delight to bark and bite,For God hath made them so: Let dogs delight to bark and bite,For God hath made them so:Let bears and lions growl and fight,For ’tis their nature, too. But, children, you should never letSuch angry passions rise:Your little hands were never madeTo tear each other’s […]
Against Lying
Against Lying O ’tis a lovely thing for youthTo early walk in wisdom’s way; O ’tis a lovely thing for youthTo early walk in wisdom’s way;To fear a lie, to speak the truth,That we may trust to all they say! But liars we can never trust,Even when they say what is true.And he who does […]
Against Idleness and Mischief
Against Idleness and Mischief How doth the little busy BeeImprove each shining Hour, How doth the little busy BeeImprove each shining Hour,And gather Honey all the dayFrom every opening Flower! How skilfully she builds her Cell!How neat she spreads the Wax!And labours hard to store it wellWith the sweet Food she makes. In Works of […]
Against Evil Company
Against Evil Company Why should I join with those in Play,In whom I’ve no delight, Why should I join with those in Play,In whom I’ve no delight,Who curse and swear, but never pray,Who call ill Names, and fight. I hate to hear a wanton Song,Their Words offend my Ears:I should not dare defile my TongueWith […]