The Virgin Mary’s Song
The Virgin Mary’s Song Our souls shall magnify the Lord,In God the Savior we rejoice: Our souls shall magnify the Lord,In God the Savior we rejoice:While we repeat the Virgin’s song,May the same Spirit tune our voice! The Highest saw her low estate,And mighty things his hand hath done:His overshadowing power and graceMakes her the […]
The Holy Scriptures
The Holy Scriptures God, who in various methods toldHis mind and will to saints of old, God, who in various methods toldHis mind and will to saints of old,Sent down his Son, with truth and grace,To teach us in these latter days. Our nation reads the written word,That book of life, that sure record:The bright […]
The Song of Zacharias
The Song of Zacharias Now be the God of Isr’el blessed,Who makes his truth appear; Now be the God of Isr’el blessed,Who makes his truth appear;His mighty hand fulfils his word,And all the oaths he sware. Now he bedews old David’s rootWith blessings from the skies;He makes the Branch of Promise grow,The promised Horn arise. […]
Prophecy and Inspiration.
Prophecy and Inspiration. ‘Twas by an order from the LordThe ancient prophets spoke his word; ‘Twas by an order from the LordThe ancient prophets spoke his word;His Spirit did their tongues inspire,And warmed their hearts with heav’nly fire. The works and wonders which they wroughtConfirmed the messages they brought;The prophet’s pen succeeds his breath,To save […]
The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes Blest are the humble souls that seeTheir emptiness and poverty; Blest are the humble souls that seeTheir emptiness and poverty;Treasures of grace to them are giv’n,And crowns of joy laid up in heav’n. Blest are the men of broken heart,Who mourn for sin with inward smartThe blood of Christ divinely flows,A healing balm […]
Examples of Early Piety
Examples of Early Piety What blest examples do I findWrit in the Word of Truth What blest examples do I findWrit in the Word of TruthOf children that began to mindReligion in their youth! Jesus , who reigns above the sky,And keeps the world in awe,Was once a child as young as I,And kept His […]