The Pharisee and Publican
The Pharisee and Publican Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord; Saints, at your heav’nly Father’s wordGive up your comforts to the Lord;Behold how sinners disagree,The publican and Pharisee!One doth his righteousness proclaim,The other owns his guilt and shame. This man at humble distance stands,And cries for grace with lifted […]
The Son of God Incarnate
The Son of God Incarnate The lands that long in darkness layNow have beheld a heav’nly light; The lands that long in darkness layNow have beheld a heav’nly light;Nations that sat in death’s cold shadeAre blessed with beams divinely bright. The virgin’s promised Son is born,Behold th’ expected child appear:What shall his names or titles […]
Christ’s Compassion to the Weak and Tempted
Christ’s Compassion to the Weak and Tempted With joy we meditate the graceOf our High Priest above; With joy we meditate the graceOf our High Priest above;His heart is made of tenderness,His bowels melt with love. Touched with a sympathy within,He knows our feeble frame;He knows what sore temptations mean,For he has felt the same. […]
The First and Second Adam
The First and Second Adam Deep in the dust before thy throneOur guilt and our disgrace we own; Deep in the dust before thy throneOur guilt and our disgrace we own;Great God! we own th’ unhappy nameWhence sprang our nature and our shame; Adam the sinner: at his fall,Death like a conqueror seized usA thousand […]
Moses and Christ
Moses and Christ The law by Moses came,But peace, and truth, and love, The law by Moses came,But peace, and truth, and love,Were brought by Christ, a nobler name,Descending from above. Amidst the house of GodTheir diff’rent works were done;Moses a faithful servant stood,But Christ a faithful Son. Then to his new commandsBe strict obedience […]
Abraham’s Blessing on the Gentiles II
Abraham’s Blessing on the Gentiles II Gentiles by nature, we belongTo the wild olive wood; Gentiles by nature, we belongTo the wild olive wood;Grace took us from the barren tree,And grafts us in the good. With the same blessings grace endowsThe Gentile and the Jew;If pure and holy be the root,Such are the branches too. […]
Abraham’s Blessing on the Gentiles
Abraham’s Blessing on the Gentiles How large the promise, how divine,To Abram and his seed! How large the promise, how divine,To Abram and his seed!“I’ll be a God to thee and thine,Supplying all their need.” The words of his extensive loveFrom age to age endure;The Angel of the cov’nant proves,And seals the blessing sure. Jesus […]
Christ Unseen and Beloved
Christ Unseen and Beloved Now with our mortal eyesHave we beheld the Lord; Now with our mortal eyesHave we beheld the Lord;Yet we rejoice to hear his name,And love him in his word. On earth we want the sightOf our Redeemer’s face;Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delightTo dwell upon thy grace. And when we taste […]