Hymn on the Titles of Christ

Hymn on the Titles of Christ Arise, my soul, arise,Thy Saviour’s Sacrifice! Arise, my soul, arise,Thy Saviour’s Sacrifice!All the names that love could find,All the forms that love could take,Jesus in Himself has join’d,These, my soul, His own to make. Equal with God Most High,He laid His glory by:He, the’ Eternal God, was born,Man with […]

O God of God, in Whom Combine

O God of God, in Whom Combine O God of God, in whom combineThe heights and depths of love Divine, O God of God, in whom combineThe heights and depths of love Divine,With thankful hearts to Thee we sing!To Thee our longing souls aspire In fervent flames of strong desire:Come, and Thy sacred unction bring.All […]

Jesu, Thy Light Again I View

Jesu, Thy Light Again I View Jesu, Thy light again I view,Again Thy mercy’s beams I see, Jesu, Thy light again I view,Again Thy mercy’s beams I see,And all within me wakes, anewTo pant for Thy immensity:Again my thoughts to Thee aspireIn fervent flames of strong desire. But, O! what offering shall I giveTo Thee, […]

See the Day-Spring from Afar

See the Day-Spring from Afar “See the day-spring from afarUsher’d by the morning star!” “See the day-spring from afarUsher’d by the morning star!”Haste; to Him who sends the light,Hallow the remains of night. Souls, put on your glorious dress,Waking into righteousness;Clothed with Christ, aspire to shine,Radiance He of light Divine; Beam of the Eternal Beam,He […]

Commit Thou All Thy Griefs

Commit Thou All Thy Griefs Commit thou all thy griefsAnd ways into His hands; Commit thou all thy griefsAnd ways into His hands;To His sure truth and tender care,Who earth and heaven commands. Who points the clouds their course,Whom winds and seas obey;He shall direct thy wandering feet,He shall prepare thy way. Thou on the […]

Come, Saviour Jesu, From Above

Come, Saviour Jesu, From Above Come, Saviour Jesu, from above,Assist me with thy heavenly grace, Come, Saviour Jesu, from above,Assist me with thy heavenly grace,Withdraw my heart from worldly love,And for Thyself prepare the place. O, let Thy sacred presence fillAnd set my longing spirit free,Which pants to have no other will,But night and day […]

Welcome, Contempt! Stern, Faithful Guide

Welcome, Contempt! Stern, Faithful Guide Welcome, Contempt! stern, faithful guide,Unpleasing, healthful food! Welcome, Contempt! stern, faithful guide,Unpleasing, healthful food!Hail, pride-sprung antidote of pride;Hail, evil turn’d to good! Thee when with awful pomp array’dIll-judging mortals see,Perverse they fly with coward speed,To guilt they fly from thee. Yet if one haply longing standsTo choose a nobler part,Ardent […]

Where Has My Slumbering Spirit Been

Where Has My Slumbering Spirit Been Where has my slumbering spirit been,So late emerging into light? Where has my slumbering spirit been,So late emerging into light?So imperceptible, within,The weight of this Egyptian night! Where have they hid the world so long,So late presented to my view?Wretch! though myself increased the throng,Myself a part I never […]

Dead As I am and Cold My Breast

Dead As I am and Cold My Breast Dead as I am and cold my breast,Untouch’d by thee, Celestial Zeal, Dead as I am and cold my breast,Untouch’d by thee, Celestial Zeal,How shall I sing the’ unwonted guest?How paint the joys I cannot feel? Assist me Thou, at whose commandThe heart exults, from earth set […]

O Thou, Who All Things Canst Control

O Thou, Who All Things Canst Control O Thou, who all things canst control,Chase this dead Slumber from my soul; O Thou, who all things canst control,Chase this dead Slumber from my soul;With joy and fear, with love and awe,Give me to keep Thy perfect law. O, may one beam of Thy blest lightPierce trough, […]

Fountain of All the Good We See

Fountain of All the Good We See Fountain of all the good we seeStreaming from heaven above, Fountain of all the good we seeStreaming from heaven above,Saviour! our faith we act on Thee,And exercise our love. ‘Tis not the outward food we eatDoth this new strength afford;‘Tis Thou, whose presence makes it meat,Thou the life-giving […]

Blest Be The God Whose Tender Care

Blest Be The God Whose Tender Care Blest be the God whose tender carePrevents His children’s cry; Blest be the God whose tender carePrevents His children’s cry;Whose pity, providently near,Doth all our wants supply. Blest be the God whose bounty’s storeThese cheering gifts imparts;Who veils in bread the secret powerThat feeds and glads our hearts. […]

Father, Our Eyes We Lift to Thee

Father, Our Eyes We Lift to Thee Father, our eyes we lift to Thee,And taste our daily bread: Father, our eyes we lift to Thee,And taste our daily bread:‘Tis now Thy open hand we see,And on Thy bounty feed. ‘Tis now the meaner creatures joinRichly Thy grace to prove;Fulfil Thy primitive design,Enjoy’d by thankful love. […]

Parent of Good, Whose Plenteous Grace

Parent of Good, Whose Plenteous Grace Parent of good, whose plenteous graceO’er all Thy creatures flows, Parent of good, whose plenteous graceO’er all Thy creatures flows,Humbly we ask Thy power to blessThe food Thy love bestows. Thy love provides the sober feast:A second gift impart,Give us with joy our food to taste,And with a single […]

Captain of My Salvation, Hear!

Captain of My Salvation, Hear! Captain of my salvation, hear!Stir up Thy strength, and bow the skies: Captain of my salvation, hear!Stir up Thy strength, and bow the skies:Be Thou, the God of battles, near;In all Thy majesty arise! The day, the dreadful day’s at hand!In battle cover Thou my head:Past is Thy word: I […]

Summon’d My Labour to Renew

Summon’d My Labour to Renew Summon’d my labour to renew,And glad to act my part, Summon’d my labour to renew,And glad to act my part,Lord, in Thy name my task I do,And with a single heart. End of my every action Thou!Thyself in all I see:Accept my hallow’d labour now;I do it unto Thee. Whate’er […]

Son of the Carpenter, Receive

Son of the Carpenter, Receive Son of the Carpenter, receiveThis humble work of mine; Son of the Carpenter, receiveThis humble work of mine;Worth to my meanest labour give,By joining it to Thine. Servant of all, to toil for manThou wouldst not, Lord, refuse:Thy Majesty did not disdainTo be employ’d for us. Thy bright example I […]

Being of Beings, God of Love

Being of Beings, God of Love Being of beings, God of Love,To Thee our hearts we raise; Being of beings, God of Love,To Thee our hearts we raise;Thy all-sustaining power we prove,And gladly sing Thy praise. Thine, wholly Thine, we pant to be;Our sacrifice receive;Made, and preserved, and saved by Thee,To Thee ourselves we give. […]

Enslaved to Sense, to Pleasure Prone

Enslaved to Sense, to Pleasure Prone Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone,Fond of created good; Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone,Fond of created good;Father, our helplessness we own,And trembling taste our food. Trembling, we taste: for ah! no moreTo Thee the creatures lead;Changed, they exert a fatal power,And poison while they feed. Cursed for the […]

Fountain of Being, Source of Good

Fountain of Being, Source of Good Fountain of Being, Source of Good!At whose almighty breath Fountain of Being, Source of Good!At whose almighty breathThe creature proves our bane or food,Dispensing life or death: Thee we address with humble fear;Vouchsafe Thy gifts to crown;Father of All, Thy children hear,And send a blessing down. O, may our […]

And Live I Yet by Power Divine?

And Live I Yet by Power Divine? And live I yet by power Divine?And have I still my course to run? And live I yet by power Divine?And have I still my course to run?Again brought back in its declineThe shadow of my parting sun? Wondering I ask, Is this the breastStruggling so late and […]

Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise

Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise Hail the day that sees Him rise,Ravish’d from our wishful eyes! Hail the day that sees Him rise,Ravish’d from our wishful eyes!Christ, awhile to mortals given,Re-ascends His native heaven!There the pompous triumph waits:“Lift your heads, eternal gates, Wide unfold the radiant scene,Take the King of Glory in!”Circled round […]

Christ the Lord Is Risen To-day

Christ the Lord Is Risen To-day “Christ the Lord is risen today,”Sons of men and angels say! “Christ the Lord is risen today,”Sons of men and angels say!Raise your joys and triumphs high;Sing, ye heavens; and, earth, reply. Love’s redeeming work is done,Fought the fight, the battle won:Lo! our Sun’s eclipse is o’er;Lo! He sets […]

Sons of Men, Behold From Far

Sons of Men, Behold From Far Sons of men, behold from far,Hail the long-expected Star! Sons of men, behold from far,Hail the long-expected Star!Jacob’s Star that gilds the night,Guides bewilder’d nature right. Fear not hence that ill should flow,Wars of pestilence below:Wars it bids and tumults cease,Ushering in the Prince of Peace. Mild He shines […]

Hark How All the Welkin Rings

Hark How All the Welkin Rings Hark how all the welkin rings, “Glory to the King of kings,Hark how all the welkin rings, “Glory to the King of kings, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!” Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; Universal Nature, say, “Christ the […]

Sons of God, Triumphant Rise

Sons of God, Triumphant Rise Sons of God, triumphant rise,Shout the’ accomplish’d Sacrifice! Sons of God, triumphant rise,Shout the’ accomplish’d Sacrifice!Shout your sins in Christ forgiven,Sons of God, and heirs of heaven! Ye that round our altars throng,Listening angels, join the song;Sing with us, ye heavenly powers,Pardon, grace, and glory ours! Love’s mysterious work is […]

O Thou, Whom Sinners Love

O Thou, Whom Sinners Love O Thou, whom sinners love, whose careDoes all our sickness heal, O Thou, whom sinners love, whose careDoes all our sickness heal,Thee we approach, with heart sincere,Thy power we joy to feel. To Thee our humblest thanks we pay,To Thee our souls we bow;Of hell erewhile the helpless prey,Heirs of […]

Thou, Jesu, Art Our King, Thy Ceaseless Praise We Sing

Thou, Jesu, Art Our King, Thy Ceaseless Praise We Sing Thou, Jesu, art our King,Thy ceaseless praise we sing:  Thou, Jesu, art our King,Thy ceaseless praise we sing:Praise shall our glad tongue employ,Praise o’erflow our grateful soul,While we vital breath enjoy,While eternal ages roll. Thou art the’ Eternal Light,That shin’st in deepest night.Wondering gazed the’ […]

Jesu, Thou Art Our King, To Me Thy Succour Bring

Jesu, Thou Art Our King, To Me Thy Succour Bring Jesu, Thou art our King,To me Thy succour bring. Jesu, Thou art our King,To me Thy succour bring.Christ the mighty One art Thou,Help for all on Thee is laid: This the word; I claim it now,Send me now the promised aid.High on Thy Father’s throne,O, […]

Jesu, My God and King

Jesu, My God and King Jesu, my God and king,Thy regal state I sing. Jesu, my God and king,Thy regal state I sing.Thou, and only Thou art great,High Thine everlasting throne;Thou the sovereign Potentate,Blest, immortal Thou alone. Essay your choicest strains,The King –Messiah- reigns!Tune your harps, celestial choir,Joyful all, your voices raise,Christ, than earth-born monarchs […]

Still, O My Soul, Prolong

Still, O My Soul, Prolong Still, O my soul, prolongThe never-ceasing song! Still, O my soul, prolongThe never-ceasing song!His be all my happy days,Praise my every hour employ, Every breath be spent in praise.His would I wholly beWho lived and died for me:Grief was all His life below, Pain and poverty and loss:Mine the sins […]

Thee Will I Love

Thee Will I Love Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower,Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown, Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower,Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown,Thee will I love with all my power,In all Thy works, and Thee alone;Thee will I love, till the pure fireFill my […]

Prayer for Purity

Prayer for Purity O Thou, to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light, O Thou, to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light,Search, prove my heart; it pants for Thee;O burst these bonds, and set it free! Wash out its stains, refine its dross,Nail my affections to the Cross;Hallow each thought; let all […]

Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me

Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Jesus, Thy boundless love to meNo thought can reach, no tongue declare; Jesus, Thy boundless love to meNo thought can reach, no tongue declare;O knit my thankful heart to Thee,And reign without a rival there:Thine wholly, Thine alone I am:Be Thou alone my constant flame. O grant that nothing […]

Jehovah Reigns on High

Jehovah Reigns on High Jehovah reigns on highIn peerless majesty; Jehovah reigns on highIn peerless majesty;Boundless power his royal robe,Purest light his garment is;Rules his word the spacious globe,Stablished it in floating seas. Ancient of days! Thy nameAnd essence is I AM;Thou, O Lord, and thou alone,Gav’st whatever is to be;Stood thine everlasting throne,Stands to […]

Psalm 84 – How Lovely Are Thy Tents, O Lord!

Psalm 84 – How Lovely Are Thy Tents, O Lord! How lovely are thy tents, O Lord!Where’er thou choosest to record How lovely are thy tents, O Lord!Where’er thou choosest to recordThy name, or place thy house of prayer ,My soul outflies the angel-choir,And faints, o’erpowered with strong desire,To meet thy special presence there. Happy […]

Psalm 68:18 – Jesus, Jehovah, God

Psalm 68:18 – Jesus, Jehovah, God Jesus, Jehovah, God,Thou art gone up on high, Jesus, Jehovah, God,Thou art gone up on high,Amidst the angelic multitude,Thy chariots through the sky;In majesty supreme,Absolute God confessed,Captive thyself hast taken themWho all mankind oppressed. Thou hast in triumph ledOur enemies and thine,And, more than conqueror, displayedThe omnipotence divine:We see […]

Psalm 65 – A Harvest Thanksgiving

Psalm 65 – A Harvest Thanksgiving Full of providential love,Thou dost thy sons sustain, Full of providential love,Thou dost thy sons sustain,Send thy blessings from aboveIn earth-enriching rain;From thy river in the skiesStreams through airy channels flow,Bid the springing corn arise,And cheer the world below. Kindly do the showers distil,Taught by the art of God,All […]

Psalm 57 – My Heart Is Fixed, O God, My Heart

Psalm 57 – My Heart Is Fixed, O God, My Heart My heart is fixed, O God, my heartIs fixed to triumph in thy grace: My heart is fixed, O God, my heartIs fixed to triumph in thy grace:(Awake, my lute, and bear a part)My glory is to sing thy praise,Till all thy nature I […]

Psalm 48 – Great Is Our Redeeming Lord

Psalm 48 – Great Is Our Redeeming Lord Great is our redeeming Lord,In power, and truth, and grace Great is our redeeming Lord,In power, and truth, and graceHim, by highest heaven adored,His church on earth doth praise:In the city of our God,In his holy mount below,Publish, spread his name abroad,And all his greatness show. For […]

Psalm 47 – Clap Your Hands, Ye People All

Psalm 47 – Clap Your Hands, Ye People All Clap your hands, ye people all,Praise the God on whom ye call; Clap your hands, ye people all,Praise the God on whom ye call;Lift your voice, and shout his praise,Triumph in his sovereign grace! Glorious is the Lord most High,Terrible in majesty;He his sovereign sway maintains,King […]

Psalm 45 – My Heart Is Full of Christ, and Longs

Psalm 45 – My Heart Is Full of Christ, and Longs My heart is full of Christ, and longsIts glorious matter to declare! My heart is full of Christ, and longsIts glorious matter to declare!Of him I make my loftier song,I cannot from his praise forbear;My ready tongue makes haste to singThe glories of my […]

Psalm 32 – Blest Is the Man, Supremely Blest

Psalm 32 – Blest Is the Man, Supremely Blest Blest is the man, supremely blest,Whose wickedness is all forgiven, Blest is the man, supremely blest,Whose wickedness is all forgiven,Who finds in Jesu’s wounds his rest,And sees the smiling face of heaven. Blest is the man, to whom his LordNo more imputes iniquity,Whose spirit is by […]

Our Lord Is Risen From the Dead!

Our Lord Is Risen From the Dead! Our Lord is risen from the dead!Our Jesus is gone up on high! Our Lord is risen from the dead!Our Jesus is gone up on high!The powers of hell are captive led,Dragged to the portals of the sky; There his triumphal chariot waits,And angels chant the solemn lay:Lift […]

Psalm 24 – The Earth With All Her Fullness Own

Psalm 24 – The Earth With All Her Fullness Own The earth with all her fullness ownJehovah for her sovereign Lord; The earth with all her fullness ownJehovah for her sovereign Lord;The countless myriads of her sonsRose into being at his word. His word did out of nothing callThe world, and founded all that is;Launched […]

Psalm 23 – Jesus the Good Shepherd Is

Psalm 23 – Jesus the Good Shepherd Is Jesus the good Shepherd is;Jesus died the sheep to save; Jesus the good Shepherd is;Jesus died the sheep to save;He is mine, and I am his;All I want in him I have,Life, and health, and rest, and food,All the plenitude of God. Jesus loves and guards his […]

Psalm 16 – O Lord, Thy Faithful Servant Save

Psalm 16 – O Lord, Thy Faithful Servant Save O Lord, thy faithful servant save,Faith in thy name thou know’st I have; O Lord, thy faithful servant save,Faith in thy name thou know’st I have;My soul hath called thee mine:My good cannot to thee extend,My good did first from thee descend,And all I have is […]

Psalm 13 – How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord?

Psalm 13 – How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord? How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?Wilt thou for ever hide thy face? How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?Wilt thou for ever hide thy face?Leave me unchanged, and unrestored,An alien from the life of grace? How long shall l inquire within,And seek thee in […]

Psalm 9 – Thee Will I Praise With All My Heart

Thee Will I Praise With All My Heart Thee will I praise with all my heart,And tell mankind how good thou art, Thee will I praise with all my heart,And tell mankind how good thou art,How marvellous thy works of grace;Thy name I will in songs record,And joy and glory in my Lord,Extolled above all […]

Psalm 5 – On Thee, O God of Purity

On Thee, O God of Purity On thee, O God of purity,I wait for hallowing grace; On thee, O God of purity,I wait for hallowing grace;None without holiness shall seeThe glories of thy face: In souls unholy and uncleanThou never canst delight;Nor shall they, while unsaved from sin,Appear before thy sight. Thou hatest all that […]

Psalm 3 – Thou, Lord, Art a Shield for Me

Thou, Lord, Art a Shield for Me Thou, Lord, art a shield for me,Succour still I find in thee; Thou, Lord, art a shield for me,Succour still I find in thee;Now thou liftest up my head,Now I glory in thine aid,Confident in thy defence,Strong in thine omnipotence. To the Lord I cried; the cryBrought my […]

Lift up Your Hearts to Things Above

Lift up Your Hearts to Things Above Lift up your hearts to things above,Ye followers of the Lamb, Lift up your hearts to things above,Ye followers of the Lamb,And join with us to praise his love,And glorify his name. To Jesu’s name give thanks and sing,Whose mercies never end:Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is king;The King […]

Jesus, Soft, Harmonious Name

Jesus, Soft, Harmonious Name Jesus, soft, harmonious name,Every faithful heart’s desire; Jesus, soft, harmonious name,Every faithful heart’s desire;See thy followers, O Lamb!All at once to thee aspire:Drawn by thy uniting grace,After thee we swiftly run,Hand in hand we seek thy face:Come, and perfect us in one. Mollify our harsher will;Each to each our tempers suit,By […]

God of All Consolation

God of All Consolation God of all consolation, takeThe glory of thy grace! God of all consolation, takeThe glory of thy grace!Thy gifts to thee we render backIn ceaseless songs of praise. Through thee we now together came,In singleness of heart;We met, O Jesus , in thy name,And in thy name we part. We part […]

Jesus, Accept the Praise

Jesus, Accept the Praise Jesus, accept the praiseThat to thy name belongs; Jesus, accept the praiseThat to thy name belongs;Matter of all our lays,Subject of all our songs:Through thee we now together came,And part exulting in thy name. In flesh we part awhile,But still in spirit joined,To embrace the happy toilThou hast to each assigned;And […]

And Let Our Bodies Part

And Let Our Bodies Part And let our bodies part,To different climes repair! And let our bodies part,To different climes repair!Inseparably joined in heartThe friends of Jesus are!Jesus, the corner-stone,Did first our hearts unite,And still he keeps our spirits one,Who walk with him in white. O let us still proceedIn Jesu’s work below;And, following our […]

Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love

Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love Blest be the dear uniting love,That will not let us part! Blest be the dear uniting love,That will not let us part!Our bodies may far off remove,We still are one in heart. Joined in one spirit to our Head,Where he appoints we go;And stili in Jesu’s footsteps tread,And show […]

Lord, We Thy Will Obey

Lord, We Thy Will Obey Lord, we thy will obey,And in thy pleasure rest; Lord, we thy will obey,And in thy pleasure rest;We, only we, can say,“Whatever is, is best;”Joyful to meet, willing to part,Convinced we still are one in heart. Hereby we sweetly knowOur love proceeds from thee,We let each other go,From every creature […]

Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine

Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine Come, let us use the grace divine,And all, with one accord, Come, let us use the grace divine,And all, with one accord,In a perpetual covenant joinOurselves to CHRIST the LORD: Give up ourselves, through Jesu’s power,His name to glorify;And promise, in this sacred hour,For GOD to live and […]

Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, That Famous

Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, That Famous Christ, whose glory fills the skies,That famous Plant thou art: Christ, whose glory fills the skies,That famous Plant thou art:Tree of Life eternal, riseIn every longing heart!Bid us find the food in theeFor which our deathless spirits pine,Fed with immortality,And filled with love divine. Long we have […]

Come, Thou All-inspiring Spirit

Come, Thou All-inspiring Spirit Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit,Into every longing heart! Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit,Into every longing heart!Bought for us by Jesu’s merit,Now thy blissful self impart;Sign our uncontested pardon,Wash us in the atoning blood!Make our hearts a watered garden;Fill our spotless souls with God. If thou gav’st the enlarged desire,Which for thee we ever […]

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess Holy Lamb, who thee confess,Followers of thy holiness, Holy Lamb, who thee confess,Followers of thy holiness,Thee they ever keep in view,Ever ask, “What shall we do?”Governed by thy only will,All thy words we would fulfil,Would in all thy footsteps go,Walk as Jesus walked below. While thou didst on earth appear,Servant […]

O Saviour, Cast a Gracious Smile!

O Saviour, Cast a Gracious Smile! O Saviour, cast a gracious smile!Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile, O Saviour, cast a gracious smile!Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile,And shy distrust remove;The true simplicity impart,To fashion every passive heart,And mould it into love. Our naked hearts to thee we raise;Whate’er obstructs thy work of grace,For ever […]

Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine

Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine Come, wisdom, power, and grace divine,Come, Jesus , in thy name to join Come, wisdom, power, and grace divine,Come, Jesus, in thy name to joinA happy chosen band;Who fain would prove thine utmost will,And all thy righteous laws fulfil,In love’s benign command. If pure essential love thou art,Thy nature […]

Except the Lord Conduct the Plan

Except the Lord Conduct the Plan Except the Lord conduct the plan,The best concerted schemes are vain, Except the Lord conduct the plan,The best concerted schemes are vain,And never can succeed;We spend our wretched strength for nought:But if our works in thee be wrought,They shall be blest indeed. Lord, if thou didst thyself inspireOur souls […]

Revelation 22:21 – Jesu, Thou Great Redeeming Lord

Revelation 22:21 – Jesu, Thou Great Redeeming Lord Jesu, thou great redeeming Lord,The kingdom of thy peace restored Jesu, thou great redeeming Lord,The kingdom of thy peace restoredLet all thy followers perceive,And happy in thy Spirit live;Retain the grace through thee bestowed,The favour and the power of God. Give all thy saints to find in […]

Our Friendship Sanctify and Guide

Our Friendship Sanctify and Guide Our friendship sanctify and guide:Unmixed with selfishness and pride, Our friendship sanctify and guide:Unmixed with selfishness and pride,Thy glory be our single aim!In all our intercourse below,Still let us in thy footsteps go,And never meet but in thy name. Fix on thyself our single eye;Still let us on thyself rely,For […]

O Thou, Our Husband, Brother, Friend

O Thou, Our Husband, Brother, Friend O Thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend,Behold a cloud of incense rise! O Thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend,Behold a cloud of incense rise!The prayers of saints to heaven ascend,Grateful, accepted sacrifice. Regard our prayers for Zion’s peace;Shed in our hearts thy love abroad;Thy gifts abundantly increase;Enlarge, and fill us all […]

Partners of a Glorious Hope

Partners of a Glorious Hope – Charles Wesley Partners of a glorious hope,Lift your hearts and voices up, Partners of a glorious hope,Lift your hearts and voices up,Jointly let us rise, and singChrist our Prophet, Priest, and King:Monuments of Jesu’s grace,Speak we by our lives his praise;Walk in him we have received,Show we not in […]

Let Us Join

Let Us Join Let us join, (’tis God commands)Let us join our hearts and hands Let us join, (’tis God commands)Let us join our hearts and handsHelp to gain our calling’s hope,Build we each the other up:God his blessings shall dispense,God shall crown his ordinance;Meet in his appointed ways;Nourish us with social grace. Let us […]

Come, Thou High and Lofty Lord!

Come, Thou High and Lofty Lord! Come, thou high and lofty Lord!Lowly, meek, incarnate Word! Come, thou high and lofty Lord!Lowly, meek, incarnate Word!Humbly stoop to earth again,Come and visit abject men!Jesus , dear expected guest,Thou art bidden to the feast,For thyself our hearts prepare,Come, and sit, and banquet there! Jesus, we thy promise claim,We […]

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join Come, and let us sweetly joinChrist to praise in hymns divine! Come, and let us sweetly joinChrist to praise in hymns divine!Give we all, with one accord,Glory to our common Lord;Hands, and hearts, and voices raise;Sing as in the ancient days;Antedate the joys above,Celebrate the feast of love. Strive […]

Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow

Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow Christ, from whom all blessings flow,Perfecting the saints below, Christ, from whom all blessings flow,Perfecting the saints below,Hear us, who thy nature share,Who thy mystic body are. Join us, in one spirit join,Let us still receive of thine;Still for more on thee we call;Thou who fillest all in all. […]

Christ, Our Head, Gone Up on High

Christ, Our Head, Gone Up on High Christ, our Head, gone up on highBe thou in thy Spirit nigh: Christ, our Head, gone up on highBe thou in thy Spirit nigh:Advocate with God, give earTo thine own effectual prayer ! One the Father is with thee;Knit us in like unity;Make us, O uniting Son,One, as […]

Other Ground Can No Man Lay

Other Ground Can No Man Lay Other ground can no man lay,Jesus takes our sins away; Other ground can no man lay,Jesus takes our sins away;Jesus the foundation is,This shall stand, and only this:Fitly framed in him we are,All the building rises fair;Let it to a temple rise,Worthy him who fills the skies. Husband of […]

Father, Son, and Spirit, Hear

Father, Son, and Spirit, Hear Father, Son, and Spirit, hearFaith’s effectual fervent prayer ; Father, Son, and Spirit, hearFaith’s effectual fervent prayer;Hear, and our petitions seal,Let us now the answer feel.Still our fellowship increase,Knit us in the bond of peace;Join our new-born spirits, joinEach to each, and all to thine. Build us in one body […]

Father, at Thy Footstool See

Father, at Thy Footstool See Father, at thy footstool seeThose who now are one in thee; Father, at thy footstool seeThose who now are one in thee;Draw us by thy grace alone,Give, O give us to thy Son! Jesus , friend of human kind,Let us in thy name be joined;Each to each unite, and bless;Keep […]

Jesus, With Kindest Pity See

Jesus, With Kindest Pity See Jesus, with kindest pity seeThe souls that would be one in thee: Jesus, with kindest pity seeThe souls that would be one in thee:If now, accepted in thy sight,Thou dost our upright hearts unite,Allow us even on earth to proveThe noblest joys of heavenly love. Before thy glorious eyes we […]

Centre of our Hopes Thou Art

Centre of our Hopes Thou Art Centre of our hopes thou art,End of our enlarged desires; Centre of our hopes thou art,End of our enlarged desires;Stamp thine image on our heart,Fill us now with heavenly fires;Cemented by love divine,Seal our souls for ever thine. All our works in thee be wrought,Levelled at one common aim;Every […]

Exodus 34:9, 10 – Forgive Us, for Thy Mercy’s Sake

Exodus 34:9, 10 – Forgive Us, for Thy Mercy’s Sake Forgive us, for thy mercy’s sake,Our multitude of sins forgive! Forgive us, for thy mercy’s sake,Our multitude of sins forgive!And for thy own possession take,And bid us to thy glory live;Live in thy sight, and gladly proveOur faith by our obedient love. The covenant of […]

Thou God of Truth and Love

Thou God of Truth and Love Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree; Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree;Show thyself the Prince of peace;Bid our jars for ever cease. By thy reconciling loveEvery stumbling-block remove;Each to each unite, endear,Come, and spread thy banner here! Make us […]

Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee

Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree; Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree;Show thyself the Prince of peace;Bid our jars for ever cease. By thy reconciling loveEvery stumbling-block remove;Each to each unite, endear,Come, and spread thy banner here! Make us […]

God of Love, That Hear’st the Prayer

God of Love, That Hear’st the Prayer God of love, that hear’st the prayer,Kindly for thy people care, God of love, that hear’st the prayer,Kindly for thy people care,Who on thee alone depend:Love us, save us to the end. Save us, in the prosperous hour,From the flattering tempter’s power,From his unsuspected wiles,From the world’s pernicious […]

Revelation 3:20 – Savior of All, to Thee We Bow

Revelation 3:20 – Savior of All, to Thee We Bow Savior of all, to thee we bow,And own thee faithful to thy word; Savior of all, to thee we bow,And own thee faithful to thy word;We hear thy voice, and open nowOur hearts to entertain our Lord. Come in, come in, thou heavenly guest,Delight in […]

John 14:16, 17 – Father of Our Dying Lord

John 14:16, 17 – Father of Our Dying Lord Father of our dying Lord,Remember us for good; Father of our dying Lord,Remember us for good;O fulfil his faithful word,And hear his speaking blood!Give us that for which he prays;Father, glorify thy Son!Show his truth, and power, and grace,And send the Promise down. True and faithful […]

John 17:20 – Unchangeable Almighty Lord

John 17:20 – Unchangeable Almighty Lord Unchangeable almighty Lord,Our souls upon thy truth we stay; Unchangeable almighty Lord,Our souls upon thy truth we stay;Accomplish now thy faithful word,And give, O give us all one way! O let us all join hand in handWho seek redemption in thy blood,Fast in one mind and spirit stand,And build […]

Jesus, United by Thy Grace

Jesus, United by Thy Grace Jesus, united by thy grace,And each to each endeared, Jesus, united by thy grace,And each to each endeared,With confidence we seek thy face,And know our prayer is heard. Still let us own our common Lord,And bear thine easy yoke,A band of love, a threefold cord,Which never can be broke. Make […]

Try Us, O God, and Search the Ground

Try Us, O God, and Search the Ground Try us, O God, and search the groundOf every sinful heart, Try us, O God, and search the groundOf every sinful heart,Whate’er of sin in us is found,O bid it all depart! When to the right or left we stray,Leave us not comfortless;But guide our feet into […]

Come, Thou Omniscient Son of Man

Come, Thou Omniscient Son of Man Come, thou omniscient Son of man,Display thy sifting power; Come, thou omniscient Son of man,Display thy sifting power;Come with thy Spirit’s winnowing fan,And throughly purge thy floor. The chaff of sin, the accursed thing,Far from our souls be driven!The wheat into thy garner bring,And lay us up for heaven. […]

Jesus, Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Jesus, Great Shepherd of the Sheep Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep,To thee for help we fly: Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep,To thee for help we fly:Thy little flock in safety keep;For O! the wolf is nigh. He comes, of hellish malice full,To scatter, tear, and slay;He seizes every straggling soul,As his own lawful […]

All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord

All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord All praise to our redeeming Lord,Who joins us by his grace, All praise to our redeeming Lord,Who joins us by his grace,And bids us, each to each restored,Together seek his face. He bids us build each other up;And, gathered into one,To our high calling’s glorious hopeWe hand in hand […]

Come, Let Us Ascend

Come, Let Us Ascend Come, let us ascend,My companion and friend, Come, let us ascend,My companion and friend,To a taste of the banquet above;If thy heart be as mine,If for Jesus it pine,Come up into the chariot of love. Who in Jesus confide,We are bold to outrideThe storms of affliction beneath;With the prophet we soarTo […]

Come, All Whoe’er Have Set

Come, All Whoe’er Have Set Come, all whoe’er have setYour faces Zion-ward, Come, all whoe’er have setYour faces Zion-ward,In Jesus let us us meet,And praise our common Lord;In Jesus let us still go on,Till all appear before his throne. Nearer, and nearer still,We to our country come,To that celestial hill,The weary pilgrim’s home,The new Jerusalem […]

The Earth Is the Lord’s

The Earth Is the Lord’s The earth is the Lord’s, And all it contains;The truth of his words For ever remains; The earth is the Lord’s, And all it contains;The truth of his words For ever remains;The saints have a mountain Of blessings in him;His grace is the fountain, His peace is the stream. To […]

Come, Let Us Arise

Come, Let Us Arise Come, let us arise,And press to the skies; Come, let us arise,And press to the skies;The summons obey,My friends, my beloved, and hasten away.The Master of allFor our service doth call,And deigns to approve,With smiles of acceptance, our labour of love. His burden who hear,We alone can declareHow easy his yoke,While […]

Genesis 28:16, 17 – Lo! God Is Here! Let Us Adore

Genesis 28:16, 17 – Lo! God Is Here! Let Us Adore Lo! God is here! let us adore,And own how dreadful is this place! Lo! God is here! let us adore,And own how dreadful is this place!Let all within us feel his power,And silent bow before his face;Who know his power, his grace who prove,Serve […]

Isaiah 9:2-5 – The People That in Darkness Lay

Isaiah 9:2-5 – The People That in Darkness Lay The people that in darkness lay, The confines of eternal night, The people that in darkness lay,The confines of eternal night,We, we have seen a gospel day,The glorious beams of heavenly light,His Spirit in our hearts hath shone,And showed the Father in the Son. Father of […]

What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord?

What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord? What shall we offer our good Lord,Poor nothings! for his boundless grace? What shall we offer our good Lord,Poor nothings! for his boundless grace?Fain would we his great name record,And worthily set forth his praise. Great object of our growing love,To whom our more than all we owe,Open […]

Come Away to the Skies

Come Away to the Skies Come away to the skies,My beloved, arise, Come away to the skies,My beloved, arise,And rejoice in the day thou wast born;On this festival day,Come exulting away,And with singing to Zion return. We have laid up our loveAnd treasure above,Though our bodies continue below;The redeemed of the Lord,We remember his word,And […]

Brethren in Christ, and Well-Beloved

Brethren in Christ, and Well-Beloved Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved,To Jesus and his servants dear, Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved,To Jesus and his servants dear,Enter and show yourselves approved;Enter, and find that God is here. Welcome from earth: lo, the right handOf fellowship to you we give!With open hearts and hands we stand,And you in […]

How Good and Pleasant ‘Tis to See

How Good and Pleasant ‘Tis to See How good and pleasant ’tis to see,When brethren cordially agree, How good and pleasant ’tis to see,When brethren cordially agree,And kindly think and speak the same!A family of faith and love,Combined to seek the things above,And spread the common Saviour’s fame. The God of grace, who all invites,Who […]

How Happy Are We

How Happy Are We How happy are weWho in Jesus agree How happy are weWho in Jesus agreeTo expect his return from above!We sit under our Vine,And delightfully joinIn the praise of his excellent love. How pleasant and sweet,In his name when we meet,Is his fruit to our spiritual taste!We are banqueting hereOn angelical cheer,And […]

Ecclesiastes 4:912 – Two Are Better Far Than One

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 – Two Are Better Far Than One Two are better far than oneFor counsel or for fight; Two are better far than oneFor counsel or for fight;How can one be warm alone,Or serve his God aright?Join we then our hearts and hands,Each to love provoke his friend;Run the way of his commands,And […]

See, Jesu, Thy Disciples See

See, Jesu, Thy Disciples See See, Jesu, thy disciples see,The promised blessing give! See, Jesu, thy disciples see,The promised blessing give!Met in thy name, we look to thee,Expecting, to receive. Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,Who in thy name are joined;We wait, according to thy word,Thee in the midst to find. With us thou art […]

Jesu, We Look to Thee

Jesu, We Look to Thee Jesu, we look to thee,Thy promised presence claim! Jesu, we look to thee,Thy promised presence claim!Thou in the midst of us shalt be,Assembled in thy name:Thy name salvation is,Which here we come to prove;Thy name is life, and health, and peace,And everlasting love. Not in the name of prideOr selfishness […]

Appointed by Thee, We Meet in Thy Name

Appointed by Thee, We Meet in Thy Name Appointed by thee, We meet in thy name,And meekly agree To follow the Lamb, Appointed by thee, We meet in thy name,And meekly agree To follow the Lamb,To trace thy example, The world to disdain,And constantly trample On pleasure and pain. Rejoicing, in hope, we humbly go […]

Jesu, to Thee Our Hearts We Lift

Jesu, to Thee Our Hearts We Lift Jesu, to thee our hearts we lift,(May all our hearts with love o’erflow!) Jesu, to thee our hearts we lift,(May all our hearts with love o’erflow!)With thanks for thy continued gift,That still thy precious name we know,Retain our sense of sin forgiven,And wait for all our inward heaven. […]

Saviour of Sinful Men

Saviour of Sinful Men Saviour of sinful men,Thy goodness we proclaim, Saviour of sinful men,Thy goodness we proclaim,Which brings us here to meet again,And triumph in thy name;Our safeguard and our tower;Hath saved us from the world, and sin,And all the accuser’s power. Jesus take all the praise,That still on earth we live,Unspotted in so […]

All Thanks to the Lamb, Who Gives Us to Meet!

All Thanks to the Lamb, Who Gives Us to Meet! All thanks to the Lamb, Who gives us to meet!His love we proclaim, His praises repeat; All thanks to the Lamb, Who gives us to meet!His love we proclaim, His praises repeat;We own him our Jesus , Continually nearTo pardon and bless us, And perfect […]

Glory Be to God Above

Glory Be to God Above Glory be to God above,God from whom all blessings flow; Glory be to God above,God from whom all blessings flow;Make we mention of his love,Publish we his praise below;Called together by his grace,We are met in Jesu’s name;See with joy each other’s face,Followers of the bleeding Lamb. Let us then […]

Peace Be on This House Bestowed

Peace Be on This House Bestowed Peace be on this house bestowed,Peace on all that here reside! Peace be on this house bestowed,Peace on all that here reside!Let the unknown peace of GodWith the man of peace abide.Let the Spirit now come down;Let the blessing now take place!Son of peace, receive thy crown,Fulness of the […]

And Are We Yet Alive?

And Are We Yet Alive? And are we yet alive,And see each other’s face? And are we yet alive,And see each other’s face?Glory and praise to Jesus giveFor his redeeming grace!Preserved by power divineTo full salvation here,Again in Jesu’s praise we join,And in his sight appear. What troubles have we seen,What conflicts have we past,Fightings […]

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,In solemn power come down! At the Baptism of Adults Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,In solemn power come down!Present with thy heavenly host,Thine ordinance to crown:See a sinful worm of earth!Bless to him the cleansing flood,Plunge him, by a second birth,Into the depths of God. Let […]

But Who Sufficient Is to Lead?

But Who Sufficient Is to Lead? But who sufficient is to leadAnd execute the vast design? But who sufficient is to leadAnd execute the vast design?How can our arduous toil succeed,When earth and hell their forces joinThe meanest instruments to o’erthrowWhich thou hast ever used below? Mountains, alas! on mountains rise,To make our utmost efforts […]

Captain of Our Salvation, Take

Captain of Our Salvation, Take Captain of our salvation, takeThe souls we here present to thee, Captain of our salvation, takeThe souls we here present to thee,And fit for thy great service makeThese heirs of immortality;And let them in thine image rise,And then transplant to Paradise. Unspotted from the world and pure,Preserve them for thy […]

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,To whom we for our children cry; Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,To whom we for our children cry;The good desired and wanted mostOut of thy richest grace supply;The sacred discipline be given,To train and bring them up for heaven. Answer on them the […]

I and My House Will Serve the Lord

I and My House Will Serve the Lord I and my house will serve the Lord:But first obedient to his word I and my house will serve the Lord:But first obedient to his wordI must myself appear;By actions, words, and tempers show,That I my heavenly Master know,And serve with heart sincere. I must the fair […]

How Shall I Walk My God to Please

How Shall I Walk My God to Please How shall I walk my God to please,And spread content and happiness How shall I walk my God to please,And spread content and happinessO’er all beneath my care?A pattern to my household give,And as a guardian angel live,As Jesu’s messenger? The opposite extremes I see,Remissness and severity,And […]

Master Supreme, I Look to Thee

Master Supreme, I Look to Thee Master supreme, I look to theeFor grace and wisdom from above; Master supreme, I look to theeFor grace and wisdom from above;Vested with thy authority,Endue me with thy patient love; That, taught according to thy willTo rule my family aright,I may the appointed charge fulfil,With all my heart, and […]

For Parents: Father of Lights! Thy Needful Aid

For Parents: Father of Lights! Thy Needful Aid Father of lights! thy needful aidTo us that ask impart; Father of lights! thy needful aidTo us that ask impart;Mistrustful of ourselves, afraidOf our own treacherous heart. O’erwhelmed with justest fear, againTo thee for help we call:Where many mightier have been slain,By thee unsaved, we fall. Unless […]

God Only Wise, Almighty, Good

God Only Wise, Almighty, Good God only wise, almighty, good,Send forth thy truth and light, God only wise, almighty, good,Send forth thy truth and light,To point us out the narrow road,And guide our steps aright: To steer our dangerous course betweenThe rocks on either hand;And fix us in the golden mean,And bring our charge to […]

Father of All, by Whom We Are

Father of All, by Whom We Are Father of all, by whom we are,For whom was made whatever is; Father of all, by whom we are,For whom was made whatever is;Who hast entrusted to our careA candidate for glorious bliss: Poor worms of earth, for help we cry,For grace to guide what grace has given;We […]

Job 34:29 – A Nation God Delights to Bless

Job 34:29 – A Nation God Delights to Bless A nation God delights to bless,Can all our raging foes distress, A nation God delights to bless,Can all our raging foes distress,Or hurt whom they surround?Hid from the general scourge we are,Nor see the bloody waste of war,Nor hear the trumpet’s sound. O might we, Lord! […]

Sovereign of All! Whose Will Ordains

Sovereign of All! Whose Will Ordains Sovereign of all! whose will ordainsThe powers on earth that be, Sovereign of all! whose will ordainsThe powers on earth that be,By whom our rightful Monarch reigns,Subject to none but thee: Stir up thy power, appear, appear,And for thy servant fight;Support thy great vicegerent here,And vindicate his right. Lo! […]

Isaiah 33:5,6 – Jesus, From Thy Heavenly Place

Isaiah 33:5,6 – Jesus, From Thy Heavenly Place Jesus, from thy heavenly place,Thy dwelling in the sky, Jesus, from thy heavenly place,Thy dwelling in the sky,Fill our church with righteousness,Our want of faith supply;Faith our strong protection be,And godliness, with all its power,Stablish our posterity,Till time shall be no more. Let the Spirit of grace […]

Lamb of God, Who Bear’st Away

Lamb of God, Who Bear’st Away Lamb of God, who bear’st awayAll the sins of all mankind, Lamb of God, who bear’st awayAll the sins of all mankind,Bow a nation to thy sway;While we may acceptance find,Let us thankfully embraceThe last offers of thy grace. Thou thy messengers hast sent,Joyful tidings to proclaim,Willing we should […]

O Let the Prisoners’ Mournful Cries

O Let the Prisoners’ Mournful Cries O let the prisoners’ mournful criesAs incense in thy sight appear! O let the prisoners’ mournful criesAs incense in thy sight appear!Their humble wailings pierce the skies,If haply they may feel thee near. The captive exiles make their moans,From sin impatient to be free:Call home, call home thy banished […]

Saviour, to Thee We Humbly Cry!

Saviour, to Thee We Humbly Cry! Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!The brethren we have lost restore; Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!The brethren we have lost restore;Recall them by thy pitying eye,Retrieve them from the Tempter’s power;By thy victorious blood cast down,Nor suffer him to take their crown. Beguiled alas! by Satan’s art,We see […]

Isaiah 66:18 – Father of Boundless Grace

Isaiah 66:18 – Father of Boundless Grace Father of boundless grace,Thou hast in part fulfilled Father of boundless grace,Thou hast in part fulfilledThy promise made to Adam’s race,In God incarnate sealed.A few from every landAt first to Salem came,And saw the wonders of thy hand,And saw the tongues of flame. Yet still we wait the […]

Shepherd of Israel, Hear

Shepherd of Israel, Hear Shepherd of Israel, hearOur supplicating cry; Shepherd of Israel, hearOur supplicating cry;And gather in the souls sincereThat from their brethren fly.Scattered through devious ways,Collect thy feeble flock;And join by thine atoning grace,And hide them in the rock. O wouldst thou end the storm,That keeps us still apart!The thing impossible perform,And make […]

Author of Faith, We Seek Thy Face

Author of Faith, We Seek Thy Author of faith, we seek thy faceFor all who feel thy work begun; Author of faith, we seek thy faceFor all who feel thy work begun;Confirm and strengthen them in grace,And bring thy feeblest children on. Thou seest their wants, thou know’st their names,Be mindful of thy youngest care;Be […]

O Let Us Our Own Works Forsake

O Let Us Our Own Works Forsake O let us our own works forsake,Ourselves, and all we have deny; O let us our own works forsake,Ourselves, and all we have deny;Thy condescending counsel take,And come to thee pure gold to buy! O might we, through thy grace, attainThe faith thou never wilt reprove,The faith that […]

Revelation 3:14-19 – God of Unspotted Purity

Revelation 3:14-19 – God of Unspotted Purity God of unspotted purity,Us and our works canst thou behold! God of unspotted purity,Us and our works canst thou behold!Justly we are abhorred by thee,For we are neither hot nor cold. We call thee Lord, thy faith profess,But do not from our hearts obey;In soft Laodicean easeWe sleep […]

Acts 19:20 – Jesus, the Word Bestow

Acts 19:20 – Jesus, the Word Bestow Jesus, the word bestow,The true immortal seed; Jesus, the word bestow,The true immortal seed;Thy gospel then shall greatly grow,And all our land o’erspread;Through earth extended wideShall mightily prevail,Destroy the works of self and pride,And shake the gates of hell. Its energy exertIn the believing soul;Diffuse thy grace through […]

Isaiah 66:19, 20 – Almighty God of Love

Isaiah 66:19, 20 – Almighty God of Love Almighty God of love,Set up the attracting sign, Almighty God of love,Set up the attracting sign,And summon whom thou dost approveFor messengers divine;From favoured Abraham’s seedThe new apostles choose,In isles and continents to spreadThe dead-reviving news. Them, snatched out of the flame,Through every nation send,The true Messiah […]

Romans 11:15-27 – Father of Faithful Abraham, Hear

Romans 11:15-27 – Father of Faithful Abraham, Hear Father of faithful Abraham, hearOur earnest suit for Abraham’s seed! Father of faithful Abraham, hearOur earnest suit for Abraham’s seed!Justly they claim the softest prayer From us, adopted in their stead,Who mercy through their fall obtain,And Christ by their rejection gain. But hast thou finally forsook,For ever […]

Messiah, Full of Grace

Messiah, Full of Grace Messiah, full of grace,Redeemed by thee, we plead Messiah, full of grace,Redeemed by thee, we pleadThe promise made to Abraham’s race,To souls for ages dead. Their bones, as quite dried up,Throughout the vale appear:Cut off and lost their last faint hopeTo see thy kingdom here. Open their graves, and bringThe outcasts […]

Isaiah 11:5, 13 – True and Faithful Witness, Thou

Isaiah 11:5, 13 – True and Faithful Witness, Thou True and faithful Witness, thouIn righteousness hast sworn, True and faithful Witness, thouIn righteousness hast sworn,Every knee to thee shall bow,And every heart shall turn;Girt with equity and might,Arise to administer thy grace,Claim the kingdoms in thy right,And govern all our race. Visit us, bright morning […]

Isaiah 45:22 – Eternal Lord of Earth and Skies

Isaiah 45:22 – Eternal Lord of Earth and Skies Eternal Lord of earth and skies,We wait thy Spirit’s latest call: Eternal Lord of earth and skies,We wait thy Spirit’s latest call:Bid all our fallen race arise,Thou who hast purchased life for all;Whose only name, to sinners given,Snatches from hell, and lifts to heaven. The word […]

Messiah, Prince of Peace!

Messiah, Prince of Peace! Messiah, Prince of peace!Where men each other tear, Messiah, Prince of peace!Where men each other tear,Where war is learned, they must confess,Thy kingdom is not there.Who, prompted by thy foe,Delight in human blood,Apollyon is their king, we know,And Satan is their god. But shall he still devourThe souls redeemed by thee?Jesus […]

Jesu, the Word of Mercy Give

Jesu, the Word of Mercy Give Jesu, the word of mercy give,And let it swiftly run; Jesu, the word of mercy give,And let it swiftly run;And let the priests themselves believe,And put salvation on. Clothed with the spirit of holiness,May all thy people proveThe plenitude of gospel grace,The joy of perfect love. Jesus, let all […]

Numbers 24:17 – O Come, Thou Radiant Morning Star

Numbers 24:17 – O Come, Thou Radiant Morning Star O come, thou radiant morning Star,Again in human darkness shine! O come, thou radiant morning Star,Again in human darkness shine!Arise resplendent from afar!Assert thy royalty divine!Thy sway o’er all the earth maintain,And now begin thy glorious reign. Thy kingdom, Lord, we long to see:Thy sceptre o’er […]

Lord Over All, If Thou Hast Made

Lord Over All, If Thou Hast Made Lord over all, if thou hast made,Hast ransomed every soul of man, Lord over all, if thou hast made,Hast ransomed every soul of man,Why is the grace so long delayed?Why unfulfilled the saving plan?The bliss, for Adam’s race designed,When will it reach to all mankind? Art thou the […]

Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake! The Terrors

Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake! The Terrors Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!The terrors of the Lord display; Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!The terrors of the Lord display;Out of their sins the nations shake,Tear their vain confidence away;Conclude them all in unbelief,And fill their hearts with sacred grief. Of judgment now the world […]

Our Earth We Now Lament to See

Our Earth We Now Lament to See Our earth we now lament to seeWith floods of wickedness o’erflowed, Our earth we now lament to seeWith floods of wickedness o’erflowed,With violence, wrong, and cruelty,One wide-extended field of blood,Where men like fiends each other tear,In all the hellish rage of war. As listed on Abaddon’s side,They mangle […]

Let God, Who Comforts the Distressed

Let God, Who Comforts the Distressed Let God, who comforts the distrest,Let Israel’s consolation hear! Let God, who comforts the distrest,Let Israel’s consolation hear!Hear, Holy Ghost, our joint request,And show thyself the Comforter,And swell the unutterable groan,And breathe our wishes to the throne. We weep for those that weep below,And burdened, for the afflicted sigh;The […]

Thou, Jesu, Thou My Breast Inspire

Thou, Jesu, Thou My Breast Inspire Thou, Jesu, thou my breast inspire,And touch my lips with hallowed fire, Thou, Jesu, thou my breast inspire,And touch my lips with hallowed fire,And loose a stammering infant’s tongue;Prepare the vessel of thy grace,Adorn me with the robes of praise,And mercy shall be all my song;Mercy for all who […]

Thy Power and Saving Truth to Show

Thy Power and Saving Truth to Show Thy power and saving truth to show,A warfare at thy charge I go, Thy power and saving truth to show,A warfare at thy charge I go,Strong in the Lord, and thy great might;Gladly take up the hallowed cross;And, suffering all things for thy cause,Beneath thy bloody banner fight. […]

Hebrews 13:20, 21 – O God of Peace and Pardoning Love

Hebrews 13:20, 21 – O God of Peace and Pardoning Love – 2 O God of peace and pardoning love,Whose bowels of compassion move O God of peace and pardoning love,Whose bowels of compassion moveTo every sinful child of man,Jesus , our Shepherd great and good,Who dying bought us with his blood,Thou hast brought back […]

Psalm 63 – O God, My God, My All Thou Art!

Psalm 63 – O God, My God, My All Thou Art! O God, my God, my all thou art!Ere shines the dawn of rising day, O God, my God, my all thou art!Ere shines the dawn of rising day,Thy sovereign light within my heart,Thy all-enlivening power display. For thee my thirsty soul doth pant,While in […]

Jesu, My Truth, My Way

Jesu, My Truth, My Way Jesu, my Truth, my Way,My sure, unerring light, Jesu, my Truth, my Way,My sure, unerring light,On thee my feeble steps I stay,Which thou wilt guide aright. My Wisdom and my guide,My Counsellor thou art;O never let me leave thy side,Or from thy paths depart! I lift my eyes to thee,Thou […]

Father, to Thee My Soul I Lift

Father, to Thee My Soul I Lift Father, to thee my soul I lift,My soul on thee depends, Father, to thee my soul I lift,My soul on thee depends,Convinced that every perfect giftFrom thee alone descends. Mercy and grace are thine alone,And power and wisdom too;Without the Spirit of thy SonWe nothing good can do. […]

Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb

Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb Jesus, all-atoning Lamb,Thine, and only thine, I am; Jesus, all-atoning Lamb,Thine, and only thine, I am;Take my body, spirit, soul;Only thou possess the whole. Thou my one thing needful be;Let me ever cleave to thee;Let me choose the better part;Let me give thee all my heart. Fairer than the sons of men,Do […]

Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove

Give Me the Faith Which Can Give me the faith which can removeAnd sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the faith which can removeAnd sink the mountain to a plain;Give me the child-like praying love,Which longs to build thy house again;Thy love let it my heart o’erpower,And all my simple soul devour. I […]

Father, Into Thy Hands Alone

Father, Into Thy Hands Alone Father, into thy hands aloneI have my all restored; Father, into thy hands aloneI have my all restored;My all thy property I own,The steward of the Lord. Hereafter none can take awayMy life, or goods, or fame;Ready at thy demand to layThem down I always am. Confiding in thy only […]

O God, What Offering Shall I Give?

O God, What Offering Shall I Give? O God, what offering shall I giveTo thee, the Lord of earth and skies? O God, what offering shall I giveTo thee, the Lord of earth and skies?My spirit, soul, and flesh receive,A holy, living sacrifice;Small as it is, ’tis all my store;More shouldst thou have, if I […]

Behold the Servant of the Lord!

Behold the Servant of the Lord! Behold the servant of the Lord!I wait thy guiding eye to feel, Behold the servant of the Lord!I wait thy guiding eye to feel,To hear and keep thy every word,To prove and do thy perfect will,Joyful from my own works to cease,Glad to fulfil all righteousness. Me if thy […]

Let Him to Whom We Now Belong

Let Him to Whom We Now Belong Let Him to whom we now belongHis sovereign right assert, Let Him to whom we now belongHis sovereign right assert,And take up every thankful song,And every loving heart. He justly claims us for his own,Who bought us with a price;The Christian lives to Christ alone,To Christ alone he […]

God of All-Redeeming Grace

God of All-Redeeming Grace God of all-redeeming grace,By thy pardoning love compelled, God of all-redeeming grace,By thy pardoning love compelled,Up to thee our souls we raise,Up to thee our bodies yield:Thou our sacrifice receive,Acceptable through thy Son,While to thee alone we live,While we die to thee alone. Meet it is, and just, and right,That we […]

1 Chronicles 29:5 – Lord, in the Strength of Grace

1 Chronicles 29:5 – Lord, in the Strength of Grace Lord, in the strength of grace,With a glad heart and free, Lord, in the strength of grace,With a glad heart and free,Myself, my residue of days,I consecrate to thee. Thy ransomed servant, IRestore to thee thy own;And, from this moment, live or dieTo serve my […]

1 Kings 19:13 – The Voice That Speaks Jehovah Near

1 Kings 19:13 – The Voice That Speaks Jehovah The voice that speaks Jehovah near,The still small voice, I long to hear; The voice that speaks Jehovah near,The still small voice, I long to hear;O might it now my Lord proclaim,And fill my soul with holy shame! Ashamed I must for ever be,Afraid the God […]

Ezekiel 34:26 – Us, Who Climb Thy Holy Hill

Ezekiel 34:26 – Us, Who Climb Thy Holy Hill Us, who climb thy holy hill,A general blessing make, Us, who climb thy holy hill,A general blessing make,Let the world our influence feel,Our gospel grace partake;Grace to help in time of need,Pour out on sinners from above,All thy Spirit’s fulness shed,In showers of heavenly love. Make […]

Revelation 1:5,6 – Who Can Worthily Commend

Revelation 1:5,6 – Who Can Worthily Commend Who can worthily commendThy love unsearchable! Who can worthily commendThy love unsearchable!Love that made thee condescendOur curse and death to feel;Thou, the great eternal God,Who didst thyself our ransom pay,Hast, with thy own precious blood,Washed all our sins away. By the Spirit of our HeadAnointed priests and kings,Conquerors […]

Jeremiah 9:23, 24 – Let Not the Wise His Wisdom Boast

Jeremiah 9:23, 24 – Let Not the Wise His Wisdom Boast Let not the wise his wisdom boast,The mighty glory in his might, Let not the wise his wisdom boast,The mighty glory in his might,The rich in flattering riches trust,Which take their everlasting flight.The rush of numerous years bears downThe most gigantic strength of man;And […]

2 Timothy 4:7 – “I the Good Fight Have Fought”

2 Timothy 4:7 – “I the Good Fight Have Fought” “I the good fight have fought,”O when shall I declare! “I the good fight have fought,”O when shall I declare!The victory by my Saviour gotI long with Paul to share.O may I triumph so,When all my warfare’s past!And, dying, find my latest foeUnder my feet […]

Colossians 3:1-4 – Ye Faithful Souls, Who Jesus Know

Colossians 3:1-4 – Ye Faithful Souls, Who Jesus Know Ye faithful souls, who Jesus know,If risen indeed with him ye are, Ye faithful souls, who Jesus know,If risen indeed with him ye are,Superior to the joys below,His resurrection’s power declare. Your faith by holy tempers prove,By actions show your sins forgiven,And seek the glorious things […]

2 Timothy 1:7 – Quickened With Our Immortal Head

2 Timothy 1:7 – Quickened With Our Immortal Head Quickened with our immortal Head,Who daily, Lord, ascend with thee, Quickened with our immortal Head,Who daily, Lord, ascend with thee,Redeemed from sin, and free indeed,We taste our glorious liberty. Saved from the fear of hell and death,With joy we seek the things above;And all thy saints […]

Come, O My God, the Promise Seal

Come, O My God, the Promise Seal Come, O my God, the promise seal,This mountain, sin, remove; Come, O my God, the promise seal,This mountain, sin, remove;Now in my gasping soul revealThe virtue of thy love. I want thy life, thy purity,Thy righteousness, brought in;I ask, desire, and trust in thee,To be redeemed from sin. […]

I Ask the Gift of Righteousness

I Ask the Gift of Righteousness I ask the gift of righteousness,The sin-subduing power, I ask the gift of righteousness,The sin-subduing power,Power to believe, and go in peace,And never grieve thee more. I ask the blood-bought pardon sealed,The liberty from sin,The grace infused, the love revealed,The kingdom fixed within. Thou hear’st me for salvation pray,Thou […]

Jesus Hath Died That I Might Live

Jesus Hath Died That I Might Live Jesus hath died that I might live,Might live to God alone; Jesus hath died that I might live,Might live to God alone;In him eternal life receive,And be in spirit one. Saviour, I thank thee for the grace,The gift unspeakable!And wait with arms of faith to embrace,And all thy […]

Now, Even Now, I Yield, I Yield

Now, Even Now, I Yield, I Yield Now, even now, I yield, I yield,With all my sins to part; Now, even now, I yield, I yield,With all my sins to part;Jesus , speak my pardon sealed,And purify my heart;Purge the love of sin away,Then I into nothing fall;Then I see the perfect day,And Christ is […]

Once Thou Didst on Earth Appear

Once Thou Didst on Earth Appear Once thou didst on earth appear,For all mankind to atone; Once thou didst on earth appear,For all mankind to atone;Now be manifested here,And bid our sin be gone!Come, and by thy presence chaseIts nature with its guilt and power;Jesus , show thine open face,And sin shall be no more. […]

Thou God That Answerest by Fire

Thou God That Answerest by Fire Thou God that answerest by fire,On thee in Jesu’s name we call; Thou God that answerest by fire,On thee in Jesu’s name we call;Fulfil our faithful hearts’ desire,And let on us thy Spirit fall. Bound on the altar of thy cross,Our old offending nature lies;Now, for the honour of […]

God! Who Didst So Dearly Buy

God! Who Didst So Dearly Buy God! who didst so dearly buyThese wretched souls of ours, God! who didst so dearly buyThese wretched souls of ours,Help us thee to glorifyWith all our ransomed powers:Ours they are not, Lord, but thine;O let the vessels of thy grace,Body, soul, and spirit, joinIn our Redeemer’s praise! Father, Son, […]

Father, I Dare Believe

Father, I Dare Believe Father, I dare believeThee merciful and true: Father, I dare believeThee merciful and true:Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive,My fallen soul renew.Come then for Jesu’s sake,And bid my heart be clean;An end of all my troubles make,An end of all my sin. I will, through grace, I will,I do, return to […]

Jesus, My Lord, I Cry to Thee

Jesus, My Lord, I Cry to Thee Jesus, my Lord, I cry to theeAgainst the spirit unclean; Jesus, my Lord, I cry to theeAgainst the spirit unclean;I want a constant liberty,A perfect rest from sin. Expel the fiend out of my heart,By love’s almighty power;Now, now command him to depart,And never enter more. Thy killing […]

He Wills That I Should Holy Be

He Wills That I Should Holy Be He wills that I should holy be,That holiness I long to feel; He wills that I should holy be,That holiness I long to feel;That full divine conformityTo all my Saviour’s righteous will. See, Lord, the travail of thy soulAccomplished in the change of mine,And plunge me, every whit […]

None Is Like Jeshurun’s God

None Is Like Jeshurun’s God None is like Jeshurun’s God,So great, so strong, so high, None is like Jeshurun’s God,So great, so strong, so high,Lo! he spreads his wings abroad,He rides upon the sky!Israel is his first-born son;God, the Almighty God, is thine;See him to thy help come down,The excellence divine. Thee the great Jehovah […]

What Is Our Calling’s Glorious Hope?

What Is Our Calling’s Glorious Hope? What is our calling’s glorious hope,But inward holiness? What is our calling’s glorious hope,But inward holiness?For this to Jesus I look up,I calmly wait for this. I wait, till he shall touch me clean,Shall life and power impart,Give me the faith that casts out sin,And purifies the heart. This […]

O Joyful Sound of Gospel Grace!

O Joyful Sound of Gospel Grace! O joyful sound of gospel grace!Christ shall in me appear; O joyful sound of gospel grace!Christ shall in me appear;I, even I, shall see his face,I shall be holy here. This heart shall be his constant home;I hear his Spirit’s cry,“Surely,” he saith, “I quickly come,”He saith, who cannot […]

O Glorious Hope of Perfect Love!

O Glorious Hope of Perfect Love! O glorious hope of perfect love!It lifts me up to things above, O glorious hope of perfect love!It lifts me up to things above,It bears on eagles’ wings;It gives my ravished soul a taste,And makes me for some moments feastWith Jesu’s priests and kings. Rejoicing now in earnest hope,I […]

Lord, I Believe a Rest Remains

Lord, I Believe a Rest Remains Lord, I believe a rest remainsTo all thy people known, Lord, I believe a rest remainsTo all thy people known,A rest where pure enjoyment reigns,And thou art loved alone: A rest, where all our souls desireIs fixed on things above;Where fear, and sin, and grief expire,Cast out by perfect […]

O Might I This Moment Cease

O Might I This Moment Cease O might I this moment ceaseFrom every work of mine, O might I this moment ceaseFrom every work of mine,Find the perfect holiness,The righteousness divine!Let me thy salvation see;Let me do thy perfect will;Live in glorious liberty,And all thy fulness feel. O cut short the work, and makeMe now […]

All Things Are Possible to Him

All Things Are Possible to Him All things are possible to himThat can in Jesu’s name believe: All things are possible to himThat can in Jesu’s name believe:Lord, I no more thy truth blaspheme,Thy truth I lovingly receive;I can, I do believe in thee,All things are possible to me. The most impossible of allIs, that […]

Jesus Comes With All His Grace

Jesus Comes With All His Grace Jesus comes with all his grace,Comes to save a fallen race, Jesus comes with all his grace,Comes to save a fallen race,Object of our glorious hope,Jesus comes to lift us up! Let the living stones cry out!Let the sons of Abraham shout!Praise we all our lowly King,Give him thanks, […]

Light of Life, Seraphic Fire

Light of Life, Seraphic Fire Light of life, seraphic fire,Love divine, thyself impart; Light of life, seraphic fire,Love divine, thyself impart;Every fainting soul inspire,Shine in every drooping heart!Every mournful sinner cheer,Scatter all our guilty gloom,Son of God, appear, appear!To thy human temples come. Come in this accepted hour;Bring thy heavenly kingdom in!Fill us with the […]

Saviour of the Sin-Sick Soul

Saviour of the Sin-Sick Soul Saviour of the sin-sick soul,Give me faith to make me whole! Saviour of the sin-sick soul,Give me faith to make me whole!Finish thy great work of grace,Cut it short in righteousness. Speak the second time, “Be clean!”Take away my inbred sin;Every stumbling-block remove,Cast it out by perfect love. Nothing less […]

Jesu, Thy Far-Extended Fame

Jesu, Thy Far-Extended Fame Jesu, thy far-extended fameMy drooping soul exults to hear; Jesu, thy far-extended fameMy drooping soul exults to hear;Thy name, thy all-restoring name,Is music in a sinner’s ear. Sinners of old thou didst receive,With comfortable words and kind,Their sorrows cheer, their wants relieve,Heal the diseased, and cure the blind. And art thou […]

O Thou, Whom Once They Flocked to Hear

O Thou, Whom Once They Flocked to Hear O Thou, whom once they flocked to hear,Thy words to hear, thy power to feel; O Thou, whom once they flocked to hear,Thy words to hear, thy power to feel;Suffer the sinners to draw near,And graciously receive us still. They that be whole, thyself hast said,No need […]

O God, to Whom, in Flesh Revealed

O God, to Whom, in Flesh Revealed O God, to whom, in flesh revealed,The helpless all for succour came, O God, to whom, in flesh revealed,The helpless all for succour came,The sick to be relieved and healed,And found salvation in thy name; With publicans and harlots, I,In these thy Spirit’s gospel-days,To thee, the sinner’s friend, […]

O God of Our Forefathers, Hear

O God of Our Forefathers, Hear O God of our forefathers, hear,And make thy faithful mercies known! O God of our forefathers, hear,And make thy faithful mercies known!To thee through Jesus we draw near,Thy suffering, well-beloved Son,In whom thy smiling face we see,In whom thou art well-pleased with me. With solemn faith we offer up,And […]

Holy, and True, and Righteous Lord

Holy, and True, and Righteous Lord Holy, and true, and righteous Lord,I wait to prove thy perfect will, Holy, and true, and righteous Lord,I wait to prove thy perfect will,Be mindful of thy gracious word,And stamp me with thy Spirit’s seal. Open my faith’s interior eye,Display thy glory from above;And all I am shall sink […]

Father, Supply My Every Need

Father, Supply My Every Need Father, supply my every need,Sustain the life thyself hast given, Father, supply my every need,Sustain the life thyself hast given,Call for the never-failing bread,The manna that comes down from heaven. The gracious fruits of righteousness,Thy blessings’ unexhausted store,In me abundantly increase;Nor ever let me hunger more. Let me no more, […]

God of All Power, and Truth, and Grace

God of All Power, and Truth, and Grace God of all power, and truth, and grace,Which shall from age to age endure, God of all power, and truth, and grace,Which shall from age to age endure,Whose word, when heaven and earth shall pass,Remains and stands for ever sure; That I thy mercy may proclaim,That all […]

Since the Son Hath Made Me Free

Since the Son Hath Made Me Free Since the Son hath made me free,Let me taste my liberty; Since the Son hath made me free,Let me taste my liberty;Thee behold with open face,Triumph in thy saving grace,Thy great will delight to prove,Glory in thy perfect love. Abba, Father! hear thy child,Late in Jesus reconciled,Hear, and […]

O Jesus, at Thy Feet We Wait

O Jesus, at Thy Feet We Wait O Jesus, at thy feet we wait,Till thou shalt bid us rise, O Jesus, at thy feet we wait,Till thou shalt bid us rise,Restored to our unsinning state,To love’s sweet paradise. Saviour from sin, we thee receive,From all indwelling sin;Thy blood, we steadfastly believe,Shall make us throughly clean. […]

O That My Load of Sin Were Gone

O That My Load of Sin Were Gone O that my load of sin were goneO that I could at last submit O that my load of sin were goneO that I could at last submitAt Jesu’s feet to lay it down,To lay my soul at Jesu’s feet!. When shall mine eyes behold the Lamb,The […]

Prisoners of Hope, Arise

Prisoners of Hope, Arise Prisoners of hope, arise,And see your Lord appear; Prisoners of hope, arise,And see your Lord appear;Lo! on the wings of love he flies,And brings redemption near;Redemption in his bloodHe calls you to receive:“Look unto me, the pardoning God;Believe,” he cries, “believe!” The reconciling wordWe thankfully embrace;Rejoice in our redeeming Lord,A blood-besprinkled […]

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Love Divine, all loves excelling,Joy of heaven, to earth come down! Love Divine, all loves excelling,Joy of heaven, to earth come down!Fix in us thy humble dwelling,All thy faithful mercies crown;Jesu, thou art all compassion,Pure, unbounded love thou art;Visit us with thy salvation,Enter every trembling heart. 2 Come, almighty to […]

I Know That My Redeemer Lives, and Ever Prays

I Know That My Redeemer Lives, and Ever Prays I know that my Redeemer lives,And ever prays for me; I know that my Redeemer lives,And ever prays for me;A token of his love he gives,A pledge of liberty. I find him lifting up my head,He brings salvation near,His presence makes me free indeed,And he will […]

Who Hath Slighted or Contemned?

Who Hath Slighted or Contemned? Who hath slighted or contemnedThe day of feeble things? Who hath slighted or contemnedThe day of feeble things?I shall be by grace redeemed;‘Tis grace salvation brings:Ready now my Saviour stands:Him I now rejoice to seeWith the plummet in His hands,To build and finish me. I right early shall awake,And see […]

When, My Saviour, Shall I Be

When, My Saviour, Shall I Be When, my Saviour, shall I bePerfectly resigned to thee When, my Saviour, shall I bePerfectly resigned to theePoor and vile in my own eyes,Only in thy wisdom wise! Only thee content to know,Ignorant of all belowOnly guided by thy light,Only mighty in thy might! So I may thy Spirit […]

Prisoners of Hope, Lift up Your Heads

Prisoners of Hope, Lift up Your Heads Prisoners of hope, lift up your heads,The day of liberty draws near! Prisoners of hope, lift up your heads,The day of liberty draws near!Jesus , who on the serpent treads,Shall soon in your behalf appear,The Lord will to his temple come,Prepare your hearts to make him room. Ye […]

O Love, I Languish at Thy Stay!

O Love, I Languish at Thy Stay! O love, I languish at thy stay!I pine for thee with lingering smart; O love, I languish at thy stay!I pine for thee with lingering smart;Weary and faint through long delay,When wilt thou come into my heart?From sin and sorrow set me free,And swallow up my soul in […]

What Shall I Do My God to Love?

What Shall I Do My God to Love? What shall I do my God to love,My Saviour, and the world’s, to praise? What shall I do my God to love,My Saviour, and the world’s, to praise?Whose bowels of compassion moveTo me, and all the fallen race,Whose mercy is divinely freeFor all the fallen race, and […]

Father of Everlasting Grace

Father of Everlasting Grace Father of everlasting grace,Thy goodness and thy truth we praise, Father of everlasting grace,Thy goodness and thy truth we praise,Thy goodness and thy truth we prove;Thou hast, in honour of thy Son,The gift unspeakable sent down,The Spirit of life, and power, and love. Send us the Spirit of thy Son,To make […]

I Want the Spirit of Power Within

I Want the Spirit of Power Within I want the Spirit of power within,Of love, and of a healthful mind; I want the Spirit of power within,Of love, and of a healthful mind;Of power, to conquer inbred sin,Of love, to thee and all mankind,Of health, that pain and death defies,Most vigorous when the body dies. […]

Saviour From Sin, I Wait to Prove

Saviour From Sin, I Wait to Prove Saviour from sin, I wait to proveThat Jesus is thy healing name; Saviour from sin, I wait to proveThat Jesus is thy healing name;To lose, when perfected in love,Whate’er I have, or can, or am:I stay me on thy faithful word,“The servant shall be as his Lord.” Answer […]

Come, Holy Ghost, All Quickening Fire, Come and In

Come, Holy Ghost, All Quickening Fire, Come and Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire,Come, and in me delight to rest; Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire,Come, and in me delight to rest;Drawn by the lure of strong desire,O come and consecrate my breast!The temple of my soul prepare,And fix thy sacred presence there. If now […]

Jesu, Thy Boundless Love to Me

Jesu, Thy Boundless Love to Me Jesu, thy boundless love to meNo thought can reach, no tongue declare; Jesu, thy boundless love to meNo thought can reach, no tongue declare;O knit my thankful heart to thee,And reign without a rival there!Thine wholly, thine alone, I am,Be thou alone my constant flame. O grant that nothing […]

Give Me the Enlarged Desire

Give Me the Enlarged Desire Give me the enlarged desire,And open, Lord, my soul, Give me the enlarged desire,And open, Lord, my soul,Thy own fulness to require,And comprehend the wholeStretch my faith’s capacityWider, and yet wider still;Then with all that is in theeMy soul for ever fill! Psalm lxxxi. 10. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What Now Is My Object and Aim?

What Now Is My Object and Aim? What now is my object and aim?What now is my hope and desire? What now is my object and aim?What now is my hope and desire?To follow the heavenly Lamb,And after his image aspire;My hope is all centred in thee,I trust to recover thy love,On earth thy salvation […]

Deepen the Wound Thy Hands Have Made

Deepen the Wound Thy Hands Have Made Deepen the wound thy hands have madeIn this weak, helpless soul, Deepen the wound thy hands have madeIn this weak, helpless soul,Till mercy, with its balmy aid,Descends to make me whole. The sharpness of thy two-edged swordEnable me to endure;Till bold to say, My hallowing LordHath wrought a […]

O God Most Merciful and True!

O God Most Merciful and True! O God most merciful and true!Thy nature to my soul impart; O God most merciful and true!Thy nature to my soul impart;Stablish with me the covenant new,And write perfection on my heart. To real holiness restored,O let me gain my Saviour’s mind!And, in the knowledge of my Lord,Fulness of […]

Father, See This Living Clod

Father, See This Living Clod Father, see this living clod,This spark of heavenly fire, Father, see this living clod,This spark of heavenly fire,See my soul, the breath of God,Doth after God aspire:Let it still to heaven ascend,Till I my principle rejoin,Blended with my glorious end,And lost in love divine. Lord, if thou from me hast […]

O Come, and Dwell in Me

O Come, and Dwell in Me O come, and dwell in me,Spirit of power within! O come, and dwell in me,Spirit of power within!And bring the glorious libertyFrom sorrow, fear, and sin.The seed of sin’s disease,Spirit of health, remove,Spirit of finished holiness,Spirit of perfect love. Hasten the joyful dayWhich shall my sins consume,When old things […]

I Soon Shall Hear Thy Quickening Voice

I Soon Shall Hear Thy Quickening Voice I soon shall hear thy quickening voice,Shall always pray, give thanks, rejoice; I soon shall hear thy quickening voice,Shall always pray, give thanks, rejoice;(This is thy will and faithful word)My Spirit meek, my will resigned,Lowly as thine shall be my mind,The servant shall be as his Lord. Already, […]

O God of My Salvation, Hear

O God of My Salvation, Hear O God of my salvation, hear,And help a sinner to draw near O God of my salvation, hear,And help a sinner to draw nearWith boldness to the throne of grace:Help me thy benefits to sing,And smile to see me feebly bringMy humble sacrifice of praise. I cannot praise thee […]

Jesus, the Gift Divine I Know

Jesus, the Gift Divine I Know Jesus, the gift divine I know,The gift divine I ask of thee; Jesus, the gift divine I know,The gift divine I ask of thee;That living water now bestow,Thy Spirit and thyself, on me;Thou, Lord, of life the fountain art,Now let me find thee in my heart. Thee let me […]

What! Never Speak One Evil Word

What! Never Speak One Evil Word What! never speak one evil word,Or rash, or idle, or unkind! What! never speak one evil word,Or rash, or idle, or unkind!O how shall I, most gracious Lord,This mark of true perfection find? Thy sinless mind in me reveal,Thy Spirit’s plenitude impart;And all my spotless life shall tellThe abundance […]

Be It According to Thy Word

Be It According to Thy Word Be it according to thy word;This moment let it be! Be it according to thy word;This moment let it be!O that I now, my gracious Lord,Might lose my life for thee! Now, Jesus , let thy powerful deathInto my being come;Slay the old Adam with thy breath;The man of […]

My God! I Know, I Feel Thee Mine

My God! I Know, I Feel Thee Mine My God! I know, I feel thee mine,And will not quit my claim, My God! I know, I feel thee mine,And will not quit my claim,Till all I have is lost in thine,And all renewed I am. I hold thee with a trembling hand,But will not let […]

God of Israel’s Faithful Three

God of Israel’s Faithful Three God of Israel’s faithful three,Who braved a tyrant’s ire, God of Israel’s faithful three,Who braved a tyrant’s ire,Nobly scorned to bow the knee,And walked unhurt in fire;Breathe their faith into my breast,Arm me in this fiery hour;Stand, O Son of man, confestIn all thy saving power! Lo! on dangers, deaths, […]

Open, Lord, My Inward Ear

Open, Lord, My Inward Ear Open, Lord, my inward ear,And bid my heart rejoice; Open, Lord, my inward ear,And bid my heart rejoice;Bid my quiet spirit hearThy comfortable voice;Never in the whirlwind found,Or where earthquakes rock the place,Still and silent is the sound,The whisper of thy grace. From the world of sin, and noise,And hurry, […]

Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the Way

Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the Way Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the Way,In whom I now believe, Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the Way,In whom I now believe,As taught by thee, in faith I pray,Expecting to receive. Thy will by me on earth be done,As by the choirs above,Who always see thee on thy […]

Lord, I Believe Thy Every Word

Lord, I Believe Thy Every Word Lord, I believe thy every word,Thy every promise, true; Lord, I believe thy every word,Thy every promise, true;And, lo! I wait on thee, my Lord,Till I my strength renew. If in this feeble flesh I mayAwhile show forth thy praise,Jesu, support the tottering clay,And lengthen out my days. If […]

Jesu, Shall I Never Be

Jesu, Shall I Never Be Jesu, shall I never beFirmly grounded upon thee? Jesu, shall I never beFirmly grounded upon thee?Never by thy work abide,Never in thy wounds reside? O how wavering is my mind,Tossed about with every wind!O how quickly doth my heartFrom the living God depart! Jesu, let my nature feel,Thou art God […]

Ever Fainting With Desire

Ever Fainting With Desire Ever fainting with desire,For thee, O Christ, I call; Ever fainting with desire,For thee, O Christ, I call;Thee I restlessly require,I want my God, my all!Jesu, dear redeeming Lord,I wait thy coming from above;Help me, Saviour, speak the word,And perfect me in love. Wilt thou suffer me to goLamenting all my […]

O Jesu, Source of Calm Repose

O Jesu, Source of Calm Repose O Jesu, source of calm repose,Thy like nor man nor angel knows, O Jesu, source of calm repose,Thy like nor man nor angel knows,Fairest among ten thousand fair!Even those whom death’s sad fetters bound,Whom thickest darkness compassed round.Find light and life, if thou appear. Effulgence of the light divine,Ere […]

Jesus, Thou Art Our King!

Jesus, Thou Art Our King! Jesus, thou art our King!To me thy succour bring; Jesus, thou art our King!To me thy succour bring;Christ, the mighty One, art thou,Help for all on thee is laid;This the word; I claim it now,Send me now the promised aid. High on thy Father’s throne,O look with pity down!Help, O […]

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive Holy Lamb, who thee receive,Who in thee begin to live, Holy Lamb, who thee receive,Who in thee begin to live,Day and night they cry to thee,As thou art, so let us be! Jesu, see my panting breast!See I pant in thee to rest!Gladly would I now be clean,Cleanse me now […]

Where the Ancient Dragon Lay

Where the Ancient Dragon Lay Where the ancient dragon lay,Open for thyself a way! Where the ancient dragon lay,Open for thyself a way!There let holy tempers rise,All the fruits of Paradise.Lead us in the way of peace,In the path of righteousness,Never by the sinner trod,Till he feels the cleansing blood. There the simple cannot stray,Babes, […]

Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord

Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,Ever faithful to thy word, Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,Ever faithful to thy word,Humbly we our seal set to,Testify that thou art true.Lo! for us the wilds are glad,All in cheerful green arrayed,Opening sweets they all disclose,Bud and blossom as the rose. Hark! the wastes have found a voice,Lonely […]

Jesus, My Life! Thyself Apply

Jesus, My Life! Thyself Apply Jesus, my Life! thyself apply,Thy Holy Spirit breathe; Jesus, my Life! thyself apply,Thy Holy Spirit breathe;My vile affections crucify,Conform me to thy death. Conqueror of hell, and earth, and sin,Still with thy rebel strive;Enter my soul, and work within,And kill, and make alive! More of thy life, and more, I […]

Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear

Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear Ye ransomed sinners, hear,The prisoners of the Lord, Ye ransomed sinners, hear,The prisoners of the Lord,And wait till Christ appear,According to his word:Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,We shall from all our sins be free. Let others hug their chains,For sin and Satan plead,And say, from sin’s remainsThey never can be […]

Thou Hidden Love of God, Whose Height

Thou Hidden Love of God, Whose Height Thou hidden love of God, whose height,Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, Thou hidden love of God, whose height,Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows,I see from far thy beauteous light,Inly I sigh for thy repose;My heart is pained, nor can it beAt rest, till it finds rest in […]

O For a Heart to Praise My God

O For a Heart to Praise My God O for a heart to praise my God,A heart from sin set free! O for a heart to praise my God,A heart from sin set free!A heart that always feels thy bloodSo freely spilt for me! A heart resigned, submissive, meek,My great Redeemer’s throne,Where only Christ is […]

God of Eternal Truth and Grace

God of Eternal Truth and Grace God of eternal truth and grace,Thy faithful promise seal! God of eternal truth and grace,Thy faithful promise seal!Thy word, thy oath, to Abraham’s race,In us, even us, fulfil. Let us, to perfect love restored,Thy image here retrieve,And in the presence of our LordThe life of angels live. That mighty […]

O Jesus, Let Thy Dying Cry

O Jesus, Let Thy Dying Cry O Jesus, let thy dying cryPierce to the bottom of my heart, O Jesus, let thy dying cryPierce to the bottom of my heart,Its evils cure, its wants supply,And bid my unbelief depart. Slay the dire root and seed of sin;Prepare for thee the holiest place;Then, O essential Love, […]

The Thing My God Doth Hate

The Thing My God Doth Hate The thing my God doth hateThat I no more may do, The thing my God doth hateThat I no more may do,Thy creature, Lord, again create,And all my soul renew;My soul shall then, like thine,Abhor the thing unclean,And, sanctified by love divine,For ever cease from sin. That blessed law […]

O Thou to Whose All-Searching Sight

O Thou to Whose All-Searching Sight O thou to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light, O thou to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light,Search, prove my heart; it pants for thee;O burst these bonds, and set it free! Wash out its stains, refine its dross,Nail my affections to the cross;Hallow each […]

Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace

Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace,For thee my thirsty soul doth pine, Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace,For thee my thirsty soul doth pine,My longing heart implores thy grace;O make me in thy likeness shine! With fraudless, even, humble mind,Thy will in all […]

Eternal Beam of Light Divine

Eternal Beam of Light Divine Eternal Beam of light divine,Fountain of unexhausted love, Eternal Beam of light divine,Fountain of unexhausted love,In whom the Father’s glories shineThrough earth beneath, and heaven above; Jesu, the weary wanderer’s rest,Give me thy easy yoke to bear,With steadfast patience arm my breast,With spotless love, and lowly fear. Thankful I take […]

Father, in the Name I Pray

Father, in the Name I Pray Father, in the name I prayOf thy incarnate Love, Father, in the name I prayOf thy incarnate Love,Humbly ask, that as my dayMy suffering strength may prove;When my sorrows most increase,Let thy strongest joys be given;Jesu, come with my distress,And agony is heaven! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,For good […]

Cast on the Fidelity

Cast on the Fidelity Cast on the fidelityOf my redeeming Lord, Cast on the fidelityOf my redeeming Lord,I shall his salvation see,According to his word:Credence to his word I give;My Saviour in distresses pastWill not now his servant leave,But bring me through at last. Better than my boding fearsTo me thou oft hast proved,Oft observed […]

2 Samuel 16:10 – Lord, I Adore Thy Gracious Will

2 Samuel 16:10 – Lord, I Adore Thy Gracious Will Lord, I adore thy gracious will;Through every instrument of ill Lord, I adore thy gracious will;Through every instrument of illMy Father’s goodness see;Accept the complicated wrongOf Shimei’s hand and Shimei’s tongue,As kind rebukes from thee! 2 Samuel xvi. 10. Charles Wesley Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest […]

Come on, My Partners in Distress

Come on, My Partners in Distress Come on, my partners in distress,My comrades through the wilderness, Come on, my partners in distress,My comrades through the wilderness,Who still your bodies feel;Awhile forget your griefs and fears,And look beyond this vale of tears,To that celestial hill. Beyond the bounds of time and space,Look forward to that heavenly […]

Master, I Own Thy Lawful Claim

Master, I Own Thy Lawful Claim Master, I own thy lawful claim,Thine, wholly thine, I long to be! Master, I own thy lawful claim,Thine, wholly thine, I long to be!Thou seest, at last, I willing amWhere’er thou go’st to follow thee;Myself in all things to deny,Thine, wholly thine, to live and die. Whate’er my sinful […]

Hebrews 12:11 – Afflicted by a Gracious God

Hebrews 12:11 – Afflicted by a Gracious God Afflicted by a gracious God,The stroke I patiently sustain, Afflicted by a gracious God,The stroke I patiently sustain,Grievous to feeble flesh and blood;Unable to rejoice in pain,Beneath my Father’s hand I bow,And groan to feel his chastening now. But when he hath my patience proved,And sees me […]

Saviour of All, What Hast Thou Done?

Saviour of All, What Hast Thou Done? Saviour of all, what hast thou done,What hast thou suffered on the tree? Saviour of all, what hast thou done,What hast thou suffered on the tree?Why didst thou groan thy mortal groan,Obedient unto death for me?The mystery of thy passion show,The end of all thy griefs below, Thy […]

Thee, Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace

Thee, Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace,Thee, Saviour, we adore, Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace,Thee, Saviour, we adore,Thee in affliction’s furnace praise,And magnify thy power. Thy power, in human weakness shown,Shall make us all entire;We now thy guardian presence own,And walk unburned in fire. Thee, Son […]

Deuteronomy 6:7 – When Quiet in My House I Sit

Deuteronomy 6:7 – When Quiet in My House I Sit When quiet in my house I sit,Thy book be my companion still, When quiet in my house I sit,Thy book be my companion still,My joy thy sayings to repeat,Talk o’er the records of thy will,And search the oracles divine,Till every heartfelt word be mine. O […]

O, Thou Who Camest From Above

O, Thou Who Camest From Above Thou who camest from aboveThe pure celestial fire to impart, Thou who camest from aboveThe pure celestial fire to impart,Kindle a flame of sacred loveOn the mean altar of my heart! There let it for thy glory burnWith inextinguishable blaze;And trembling to its source return,In humble prayer and fervent […]

Exodus 13:21 – Captain of Israel’s host

Exodus 13:21 – Captain of Israel’s host Captain of Israel’s host, and guideOf all who seek the land above, Captain of Israel’s host, and guideOf all who seek the land above,Beneath thy shadow we abide,The cloud of thy protecting love;Our strength, thy grace; our rule, thy word;Our end, the glory of the Lord. By thine […]

Lo! I Come With Joy to Do

Lo! I Come With Joy to Do Lo! I come with joy to doThe Master’s blessed will; Lo! I come with joy to doThe Master’s blessed will;Him in outward works pursue,And serve his pleasure still;Faithful to my Lord’s commands,I still would choose the better part,Serve with careful Martha’s hands,And loving Mary’s heart. Careful without care […]

Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go

Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,My daily labour to pursue, Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,My daily labour to pursue,Thee, only thee, resolved to know,In all I think, or speak, or do. The task thy wisdom hath assignedO let me cheerfully fulfil,In all […]

God of Almighty Love

God of Almighty Love God of almighty love,By whose sufficient graceI lift my heart to things above,And humbly seek thy face;Through Jesus Christ the Just,My faint desires receive;And let me in thy goodness trust,And to thy glory live. Whate’er I say or do,Thy glory be my aim;My offerings all be offered throughThe ever-blessed name!Jesu, my […]

Servant of All, to Toil for Man

Servant of All, to Toil for Man Servant of all, to toil for manThou didst not, Lord, refuse; Servant of all, to toil for manThou didst not, Lord, refuse;Thy majesty did not disdainTo be employed for us! Thy bright example I pursue,To thee in all things rise;And all I think, or speak, or do,Is one […]

Summoned My Labour to Renew

Summoned My Labour to Renew Summoned my labour to renew,And glad to act my part, Summoned my labour to renew,And glad to act my part,Lord, in thy name my work I do,And with a single heart. End of my every action thou,In all things thee I see:Accept my hallowed labour now,I do it unto thee. […]

Be It My Only Wisdom Here

Be It My Only Wisdom Here Be it my only wisdom hereTo serve the Lord with filial fear, Be it my only wisdom hereTo serve the Lord with filial fear,With loving gratitude;Superior sense may I display,By shunning every evil way,And walking in the good. O may I still from sin depart!.A wise and understanding heart,Jesus […]

Watched by the World’s Malignant Eye

Watched by the World’s Malignant Eye Watched by the world’s malignant eye,Who load us with reproach and shame. Watched by the world’s malignant eye,Who load us with reproach and shame.As servants of the Lord most High,As zealous for his glorious name,We ought in all his paths to move,With holy fear and humble love. That wisdom, […]

A Charge to Keep I have

A Charge to Keep I have A charge to keep I have,A God to glorify, A charge to keep I have,A God to glorify,A never-dying soul to save,And fit it for the sky;To serve the present age,My calling to fulfil:O may it all my powers engageTo do my Master’s will! Arm me with jealous care,As […]

Ah Lord, With Trembling I Confess

Ah Lord, With Trembling I Confess Ah Lord, with trembling I confess,A gracious soul may fall from grace; Ah Lord, with trembling I confess,A gracious soul may fall from grace;The salt may lose its seasoning power,And never, never, find it more. Lest that my fearful case should be,Each moment knit my soul to thee;And lead […]

Angels Your March Oppose

Angels Your March Oppose Angels your march oppose,Who still in strength excel, Angels your march oppose,Who still in strength excel,Your secret, sworn, eternal foes,Countless, invisible.With rage that never endsTheir hellish arts they try;Legions of dire malicious fiends,And spirits enthroned on high. On earth the usurpers reign,Exert their baneful power,O’er the poor fallen sons of menThey […]

Hark, How the Watchmen Cry

Hark, How the Watchmen Cry Hark, how the watchmen cry,Attend the trumpet’s sound! Hark, how the watchmen cry,Attend the trumpet’s sound!Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh,The powers of hell surround:Who bow to Christ’s command,Your arms and hearts prepare!The day of battle is at hand!Go forth to glorious war! See on the mountain-topThe standard […]

Pierce, Fill Me With an Humble Fear

Pierce, Fill Me With an Humble Pierce, fill me with an humble fear;My utter helplessness reveal! Pierce, fill me with an humble fear;My utter helplessness reveal!Satan and sin are always near,Thee may I always nearer feel. O that to thee my constant mindMight with an even flame aspire,Pride in its earliest motions find,And mark the […]

Jesu, My Saviour, Brother, Friend

Jesu, My Saviour, Brother, Friend Jesu, my Saviour, Brother, Friend,On whom I cast my every care, Jesu, my Saviour, Brother, Friend,On whom I cast my every care,On whom for all things I depend,Inspire, and then accept, my prayer . If I have tasted of thy grace,The grace that sure salvation brings,If with me now thy […]

Bid Me of Men Beware

Bid Me of Men Beware Bid me of men beware,And to my ways take heed, Bid me of men beware,And to my ways take heed,Discern their every secret snare,And circumspectly tread;O may I calmly waitThy succours from above;And stand against their open hate,And well-dissembled love! My spirit, Lord, alarmWhen men and devils join;‘Gainst all of […]

Jesus, My Master and My Lord

Jesus, My Master and My Lord Jesus, my Master and my Lord,I would thy will obey, Jesus, my Master and my Lord,I would thy will obey,Humbly receive thy warning word,And always watch and pray.My constant need of watchful prayer I daily see and feel,To keep me safe from every snareOf sin, and earth, and hell. […]

Help, Lord, to Whom for Help I Fly

Help, Lord, to Whom for Help I Fly Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly,And still my tempted soul stand by, Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly,And still my tempted soul stand by,Throughout the evil day;The sacred watchfulness impart,And keep the issues of my heart,And stir me up to pray. My soul […]

I Want a Principle Within

I Want a Principle Within I want a principle withinOf jealous, godly fear, I want a principle withinOf jealous, godly fear,A sensibility of sin,A pain to feel it near;I want the first approach to feelOf pride, or fond desire,To catch the wandering of my will,And quench the kindling fire. That I from thee no more […]

God of All Grace and Majesty

God of All Grace and Majesty God of all grace and majesty,Supremely great and good! God of all grace and majesty,Supremely great and good!If I have mercy found with thee,Through the atoning blood,The guard of all thy mercies give,And to my pardon joinA fear lest I should ever grieveThe gracious Spirit divine. If mercy is […]

Father, to Thee I Lift Mine Eyes

Father, to Thee I Lift Mine Eyes Father, to thee I lift mine eyes,My longing eyes, and restless heart; Father, to thee I lift mine eyes,My longing eyes, and restless heart;Before the morning watch I rise,And wait to taste how good thou art,To obtain the grace I humbly claim,The saving power of Jesu’s name. This […]

Gracious Redeemer, Shake

Gracious Redeemer, Shake Gracious Redeemer, shakeThis slumber from my soul! Gracious Redeemer, shakeThis slumber from my soul!Say to me now, “Awake, awake!And Christ shall make thee whole.”Lay to thy mighty hand!Alarm me in this hour,And make me fully understandThe thunder of thy power. Give me on thee to call,Always to watch and pray,Lest I into […]

Saviour, on Me the Want Bestow

Saviour, on Me the Want Bestow Saviour, on me the want bestow,Which all that feel shall surely know Saviour, on me the want bestow,Which all that feel shall surely knowTheir sins on earth forgiven;Give me to prove the kingdom mine,And taste, in holiness divine,The happiness of heaven. Meeken my soul, thou heavenly Lamb,That I in […]

Ah, When Shall I Awake

Ah, When Shall I Awake Ah, when shall I awakeFrom sin’s soft-soothing power, Ah, when shall I awakeFrom sin’s soft-soothing power,The slumber from my spirit shake,And rise to fall no more!Awake, no more to sleep,But stand with constant care,Looking for God my soul to keep,And watching unto prayer ! O could I always pray?And never, […]

Isaiah 28:9 – Lord, That I May Learn of Thee

Isaiah 28:9 – Lord, That I May Learn of Thee Lord, that I may learn of thee,Give me true simplicity; Lord, that I may learn of thee,Give me true simplicity;Wean my soul, and keep it low.Willing thee alone to know. Let me cast my reeds aside,All that feeds my knowing pride,Not to man, but God […]

Jesus, My Strength, My Hope

Jesus, My Strength, My Hope Jesus, my strength, my hope,On thee I cast my care, Jesus, my strength, my hope,On thee I cast my care,With humble confidence look up,And know thou hear’st my prayer .Give me on thee to wait,Till I can all things do,On thee, almighty to create,Almighty to renew. I want a sober […]

Revelation 3:19 – Jesus, I Fain Would Find

Revelation 3:19 – Jesus, I Fain Would Find Jesus, I fain would findThy zeal for God in me, Jesus, I fain would findThy zeal for God in me,Thy yearning pity for mankind,Thy burning charity. In me thy Spirit dwell!In me thy bowels move!So shall the fervour of my zealBe the pure flame of love. Revelation […]

Jesus, Thou Hast Bid Us Pray

Jesus, Thou Hast Bid Us Pray Jesus, thou hast bid us pray,Pray always, and not faint; Jesus, thou hast bid us pray,Pray always, and not faint;With the word a power conveyTo utter our complaint;Quiet shalt thou never know,Till we from sin are fully freed;O avenge us of our foe,And bruise the Serpent’s head! We have […]

O Wondrous Power of Faithful Prayer!

O Wondrous Power of Faithful Prayer! Wondrous power of faithful prayer!What tongue can tell the almighty grace? Wondrous power of faithful prayer!What tongue can tell the almighty grace?God’s hands or bound or open are,As Moses or Elijah prays:Let Moses in the Spirit groan,And God cries out, “Let me alone! “Let me alone, that all my […]

Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve

Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve Shepherd Divine, our wants relieveIn this our evil day, Shepherd Divine, our wants relieveIn this our evil day,To all thy tempted followers giveThe power to watch and pray. Long as our fiery trials last,Long as the cross we bear,O let our souls on thee be castIn never-ceasing prayer ! The […]

Help, Lord! The Busy Foe

Help, Lord! The Busy Foe Help, Lord! the busy foeIs as a flood come in! Help, Lord! the busy foeIs as a flood come in!Lift up a standard, and o’erthrowThe soul-distracting sin:This sudden tide of careRoll back, O God, from me,Nor let the rapid current bearMy soul away from thee. The praying Spirit breathe,The watching […]

Come, Ye Followers of the Lord

Come, Ye Followers of the Lord Come, ye followers of the Lord,In Jesu’s service join, Come, ye followers of the Lord,In Jesu’s service join,Jesus gives the sacred word,The ordinance divine;Let us his command obey,And ask and have whate’er we want;Pray we, every moment pray,And never, never faint. Place no longer let us giveTo the old […]

Jesu, Thou Sovereign Lord of All

Jesu, Thou Sovereign Lord of All Jesu, thou sovereign Lord of all,The same through one eternal day, Jesu, thou sovereign Lord of all,The same through one eternal day,Attend thy feeblest followers’ call,And O instruct us how to pray!Pour out the supplicating grace,And stir us up to seek thy face. We cannot think a gracious thought,We […]

Jesus, My King, to Thee I Bow

Jesus, My King, to Thee I Bow Jesus, my King, to thee I bow,Enlisted under thy command; Jesus, my King, to thee I bow,Enlisted under thy command;Captain of my salvation, thouShalt lead me to the promised land. Thou hast a great deliverance wrought,The staff from off my shoulder broke,Out of the house of bondage brought,And […]

To the Haven of Thy Breast

To the Haven of Thy Breast To the haven of thy breast,O Son of man, I fly! To the haven of thy breast,O Son of man, I fly!Be my refuge and my rest,For O the storm is high!Save me from the furious blast,A covert from the tempest be!Hide me, Jesus , till o’erpastThe storm of […]

Fondly My Foolish Heart Essays

Fondly My Foolish Heart Essays Fondly my foolish heart essaysTo augment the source of perfect bliss, Fondly my foolish heart essaysTo augment the source of perfect bliss,Love’s all-sufficient sea to raiseWith drops of creature happiness. O Love, thy sovereign aid impart,And guard the gift thyself hast given:My portion thou, my treasure art,And life, and happiness, […]

My God, If I May Call Thee Mine

My God, If I May Call Thee Mine My God, if I may call thee mine,From heaven and thee removed so far, My God, if I may call thee mine,From heaven and thee removed so far,Draw nigh; thy pitying ear incline,And cast not out my languid prayer . Gently the weak thou lov’st to lead,Thou […]

God of My Life, Whose Gracious Power

God of My Life, Whose Gracious Power God of my life, whose gracious powerThrough varied deaths my soul hath led, God of my life, whose gracious powerThrough varied deaths my soul hath led,Or turned aside the fatal hour,Or lifted up my sinking head; In all my ways thy hand I own,Thy ruling Providence I see:Assist […]

O God, Thy Faithfulness I Plead!

O God, Thy Faithfulness I Plead! O God, thy faithfulness I plead!My present help in time of need, O God, thy faithfulness I plead!My present help in time of need,My great Deliverer thou!Haste to my aid, thine ear incline,And rescue this poor soul of mine,I claim the promise now! Where is the way? Ah, show […]

Omnipresent God! Whose Aid

Omnipresent God! Whose Aid Omnipresent God! whose aidNo one ever asked in vain, Omnipresent God! whose aidNo one ever asked in vain,Be this night about my bed,Every evil thought restrain;Lay thy hand upon my soul,God of my unguarded hours!All my enemies control,Hell, and earth, and nature’s powers. O thou jealous God! come down,God of spotless […]

Abraham, When Severely Tried

Abraham, When Severely Tried Abraham, when severely tried,His faith by his obedience showed Abraham, when severely tried,His faith by his obedience showed,He with the harsh command complied,And gave his Isaac back to God. His son the father offered np,Son of his age, his only son,Object of all his joy and hope,And less beloved than God […]

Come, Saviour, Jesus, From Above!

Come, Saviour, Jesus, From Above! Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above!Assist me with thy heavenly grace; Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above!Assist me with thy heavenly grace;Empty my heart of earthly love,And for thyself prepare the place. O let thy sacred presence fill,And set my longing spirit free!Which pants to have no other will,But day and night […]

To Thee, Great God of Love! I Bow

To Thee, Great God of Love! I Bow To thee, great God of love! I bow,And prostrate in thy sight adore; To thee, great God of love! I bow,And prostrate in thy sight adore;By faith I see thee passing now;I have, but still I ask for more,A glimpse of love cannot suffice,My soul for all […]

Exodus 33:18-23 – O God, My Hope, My Heavenly Rest

Exodus 33:18-23 – O God, My Hope, My Heavenly Rest O God, my hope, my heavenly rest,My all of happiness below, O God, my hope, my heavenly rest,My all of happiness below,Grant my importunate request,To me, to me, thy goodness show;Thy beatific face display,The brightness of eternal day. Before my faith’s enlightened eyesMake all thy […]

But Can It Be, That I Should Prove

But Can It Be, That I Should Prove But can it be, that I should proveFor ever faithful to thy love, But can it be, that I should proveFor ever faithful to thy love,From sin for ever cease?I thank thee for the blessed hope;It lifts my drooping spirits up,It gives me back my peace. In […]

Are There Not in the Labourer’s Day

Are There Not in the Labourer’s Day Are there not in the labourer’s dayTwelve hours, in which he safely may Are there not in the labourer’s dayTwelve hours, in which he safely mayHis calling’s work pursue?Though sin and Satan still are near,Nor sin nor Satan can I fear,With Jesus in my view. Not all the […]

The Lord Is King, and Earth Submits

The Lord Is King, and Earth Submits The Lord is King, and earth submits,Howe’er impatient, to his sway, The Lord is King, and earth submits,Howe’er impatient, to his sway,Between the cherubim he sits,And makes his restless foes obey. All power is to our Jesus given,O’er earth’s rebellious sons he reigns;He mildly rules the hosts of […]

Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man

Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man Shall I, for fear of feeble man,The Spirit’s course in me restrain? Shall I, for fear of feeble man,The Spirit’s course in me restrain?Or, undismayed, in deed and wordBe a true witness for my Lord? Awed by a mortal’s frown, shall IConceal the word of God most high?How […]

1 Samuel 17 – Who Is This Gigantic Foe?

1 Samuel 17 – Who Is This Gigantic Foe? Who is this gigantic foeThat proudly stalks along, Who is this gigantic foeThat proudly stalks along,Overlooks the crowd below,In brazen armour strong?Loudly of his strength he boasts,On his sword and spear relies;Meets the God of Israel’s hosts,And all their force defies. Tallest of the earth-born race,They […]

Jesus, the Conqueror Reigns

Jesus, the Conqueror Reigns Jesus, the conqueror, reigns,In glorious strength arrayed, Jesus, the conqueror, reigns,In glorious strength arrayed,His kingdom over all maintains,And bids the earth be glad.Ye sons of men, rejoiceIn Jesu’s mighty love,Lift up your heart, lift up your voiceTo him who rules above. Extol his kingly power,Kiss the exalted Son,Who died, and lives, […]

Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing

Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing Worship, and thanks, and blessing,And strength ascribe to Jesus! Worship, and thanks, and blessing,And strength ascribe to Jesus!Jesus alone Defends his own,When earth and hell oppress us.Jesus with joy we witness Almighty to deliver;Our seals set to, That God is true,And reigns a King for ever. Omnipotent Redeemer, Our ransomed […]

The Lord Unto My Lord Hath Said

The Lord Unto My Lord Hath Said The Lord unto my Lord hath said,“Sit thou, in glory sit, The Lord unto my Lord hath said,“Sit thou, in glory sit,Till I thine enemies have madeTo bow beneath thy feet.” Jesu, my Lord, mighty to save,What can my hopes withstand,While thee my Advocate I have,Enthroned at God’s […]

O My Old, My Bosom Foe

O My Old, My Bosom Foe O my old, my bosom foe,Rejoice not over me! O my old, my bosom foe,Rejoice not over me!Oft-times thou hast laid me low,And wounded mortally;Yet thy prey thou couldst not keep;Jesus , when I lowest fell,Heard me cry out of the deep,And brought me up from hell. Foolish world, […]

Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King

Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King,Thy succour afford, Thy righteousness bring; Omnipotent Lord, My Saviour and King,Thy succour afford, Thy righteousness bring;Thy promises bind thee Compassion to have,Now, now let me find thee Almighty to save. Rejoicing, in hope, And patient in grief,To thee I look up For certain […]

Peace, Doubting Heart!

Peace, Doubting Heart! Peace, doubting heart! my God’s I am;Who formed me man, forbids my fear; Peace, doubting heart! my God’s I am;Who formed me man, forbids my fear;The Lord hath called me by my name;The Lord protects, for ever near;His blood for me did once atone,And still he loves and guards his own. When […]

O Almighty God of Love

O Almighty God of Love O almighty God of love,Thy holy arm display! O almighty God of love,Thy holy arm display!Send me succour from aboveIn this my evil day;Arm my weakness with thy power,Woman’s seed, appear within!Be my safeguard and my towerAgainst the face of sin. Could I of thy strength take hold,And always feel […]

Equip Me for the War

Equip Me for the War Equip me for the war,And teach my hands to fight, And teach my hands to fight,My simple, upright heart prepare,And guide my words aright;Control my every thought,My whole of sin remove;Let all my works in thee be wrought,Let all be wrought in love. O arm me with the mind,Meek Lamb! […]

Surrounded by a Host of Foes

Surrounded by a Host of Foes Surrounded by a host of foes,Stormed by a host of foes within, Surrounded by a host of foes,Stormed by a host of foes within,Nor swift to flee, nor strong to oppose,Single, against hell, earth, and sin,Single, yet undismayed, I am;I dare believe in Jesu’s name. What though a thousand […]

In Fellowship, Alone

In Fellowship, Alone In fellowship, alone,To God with faith draw near, In fellowship, alone,To God with faith draw near,Approach his courts, besiege his throneWith all the powers of prayer :Go to his temple, go,Nor from his altar move;Let every house his worship know,And every heart his love. To God your spirits dart,Your souls in words […]

But, Above All, Lay Hold

But, Above All, Lay Hold But, above all, lay holdOn faith’s victorious shield; But, above all, lay holdOn faith’s victorious shield;Armed with that adamant and gold,Be sure to win the field:If faith surround your heart,Satan shall be subdued,Repelled his every fiery dart,And quenched with Jesu’s blood. Jesus hath died for you!What can his love withstand?Believe, […]

Soldiers of Christ, Arise

Soldiers of Christ, Arise Soldiers of Christ, arise,And put your armour on, Soldiers of Christ, arise,And put your armour on,Strong in the strength which God suppliesThrough his eternal Son;Strong in the Lord of hosts,And in his mighty power,Who in the strength of Jesus trustsIs more than conqueror. Stand then in his great might,With all his […]

O May Thy Powerful Word

O May Thy Powerful Word O may thy powerful wordInspire a feeble worm O may thy powerful wordInspire a feeble wormTo rush into thy kingdom, Lord,And take it as by storm! O may we all improveThe grace already given,To seize the crown of perfect love,And scale the mount of heaven! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

O All-Creating God!

O All-Creating God! O all creating God!At whose supreme decree O all creating God!At whose supreme decreeOur body rose, a breathing clod,Our souls sprang forth from thee; For this thou hast designed,And formed us man for this,To know and love thyself, and findIn thee our endless bliss. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

A Thousand Oracles Divine

A Thousand Oracles Divine A thousand oracles divineTheir common beams unite, A thousand oracles divineTheir common beams unite,That sinners may with angels joinTo worship God aright;To praise a Trinity adoredBy all the hosts above,And one thrice-holy God and LordThrough endless ages love. Triumphant host! they never ceaseTo laud and magnifyThe Triune God of holiness,Whose glory […]

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Holy, holy, holy Lord,God the father, and the Word. Holy, holy, holy Lord,God the father, and the Word.God the Comforter, receiveBlessings more than we can give!Mixed with those beyond the sky,Chanters to the Lord most high,We our hearts and voices raise,Echoing thy eternal praise. One, inexplicably Three,Three, in simplest Unity,God, incline […]

Hail! Holy, Holy, Holy Lord!

Hail! Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!Whom One in Three we know; Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!Whom One in Three we know;By all thy heavenly host adored,By all thy church below. One undivided TrinityWith triumph we proclaim;Thy universe is full of thee,And speaks thy glorious name. Thee, Holy Father, we confess,Thee, Holy […]

Jehovah, God the Father, Bless

Jehovah, God the Father, Bless Jehovah, God the Father, bless,And thy own work defend! Jehovah, God the Father, bless,And thy own work defend!With mercy’s outstretched arms embraceAnd keep us to the end!Preserve the creatures of thy love,By providential careConducted to the realms above,To sing thy goodness there. Jehovah, God the Son, revealThe brightness of thy […]

Glory Be to God on High, God Whose Glory

Glory Be to God on High, God Whose Glory Glory be to God on high,God whose glory fills the skies; Glory be to God on high,God whose glory fills the skies;Peace on earth to man forgiven,Man, the well-beloved of heaven. Sovereign Father, heavenly King,Thee we now presume to sing;Glad, thine attributes confess,Glorious all, and numberless. […]

Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit Great

Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit Great Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit great,Before the birth of time Hail! Father, Son, and Spirit great,Before the birth of timeEnthroned in everlasting state,JEHOVAH, ELOHIM! A mystical pluralityWe in the Godhead own,Adoring One in Persons Three,And Three in nature One. From thee our being we receive,The creatures of thy grace;And, […]

Spirit of Truth, Essential God

Spirit of Truth, Essential God Spirit of truth, essential God,Who didst thy ancient saints inspire, Spirit of truth, essential God,Who didst thy ancient saints inspire,Shed in their hearts thy love abroad,And touch their hallowed lips with fire;Our God from all eternity,World without end we worship thee! Still we believe, almighty Lord,Whose presence fills both earth […]

The Day of Christ, the Day of God

The Day of Christ, the Day of God The day of Christ, the day of God,We humbly hope with joy to see, The day of Christ, the day of God,We humbly hope with joy to see,Washed in the sanctifying bloodOf an expiring Deity,Who did for us his life resign;There is no other God but one;For […]

Father, in Whom We live

Father, in Whom We live Father, in whom we live,In whom we are, and move, Father, in whom we live,In whom we are, and move,The glory, power, and praise receiveOf thy creating love.Let all the angel-throngGive thanks to God on high;While earth repeats the joyful song,And echoes to the sky. Incarnate Deity,Let all the ransomed […]

Father of Me, and All Mankind

Father of Me, and All Mankind Father of me, and all mankind,And all the hosts above, Father of me, and all mankind,And all the hosts above,Let every understanding mindUnite to praise thy love; To know thy nature, and thy name,One God in Persons Three;And glorify the great I AM,Through all eternity. Thy kingdom come, with […]

Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love

Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love,Unmerited and free, Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love,Unmerited and free,Delights our evil to remove,And help our misery. Thou waitest to be gracious still;Thou dost with sinners bear,That, saved, we may thy goodness feel,And all thy grace declare. Thy goodness and thy truth to me,To every soul, abound,A vast, unfathomable […]

Great God! To Me the Sight Afford

Great God! To Me the Sight Afford Great God! to me the sight affordTo him of old allowed; Great God! to me the sight affordTo him of old allowed;And let my faith behold its LordDescending in a cloud. In that revealing Spirit come down,Thine attributes proclaim,And to my inmost soul make knownThe glories of thy […]

Blest Be Our Everlasting Lord

Blest Be Our Everlasting Lord Blest be our everlasting Lord,Our Father, God, and King! Blest be our everlasting Lord,Our Father, God, and King!Thy sovereign goodness we record,Thy glorious power we sing. By thee the victory is given;The majesty divine,And strength, and might, and earth, and heaven,And all therein, are thine. The kingdom, Lord, is thine […]

Holy As Thou, O Lord, Is None!

Holy As Thou, O Lord, Is None! Holy as thou, O Lord, is none!Thy holiness is all thy own; Holy as thou, O Lord, is none!Thy holiness is all thy own;A drop of that unbounded seaIs ours, a drop derived from thee. And when thy purity we share,Thy only glory we declare;And humbled into nothing […]

My Soul, Through My Redeemer’s Care

My Soul, Through My Redeemer’s Care My soul, through my Redeemer’s care,Saved from the second death I feel, My soul, through my Redeemer’s care,Saved from the second death I feel,My eyes from tears of dark despair,My feet from falling into hell. Wherefore to him my feet shall run,My eyes on his perfections gaze,My soul shall […]

Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost

Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost Good thou art, and good thou dost,Thy mercies reach to all, Good thou art, and good thou dost,Thy mercies reach to all,Chiefly those who on thee trust,And for thy mercy call;New they every morning are;As fathers when their children cry,Us thou dost in pity spare,And all our wants […]

Thou, the Great, Eternal Lord

Thou, the Great, Eternal Lord Thou, the great, eternal Lord,Art high above our thought! Thou, the great, eternal Lord,Art high above our thought!Worthy to be feared, adored,By all thy hands have wrought;None can with thyself compare;Thy glory fills both earth and sky;We, and all thy creatures, areAs nothing in thine eye. Of thy great unbounded […]

Thou, My God, Art Good and Wise

Thou, My God, Art Good and Wise Thou, my God, art good and wise,And infinite in power, Thou, my God, art good and wise,And infinite in power,Thee let all in earth and skiesContinually adore!Give me thy converting grace,That I may obedient prove,Serve my Maker all my days,And my Redeemer love. For my life, and clothes, […]

Glorious God, Accept a Heart

Glorious God, Accept a Heart Glorious God, accept a heartThat pants to sing thy praise: Glorious God, accept a heartThat pants to sing thy praise:Thou without beginning art,And without end of days;Thou, a Spirit invisible,Dost to none thy fulness show;None thy majesty can tell,Or all thy Godhead know. All thine attributes we own,Thy wisdom, power, […]

Thou, True and Only God, Lead’st Forth

Thou, True and Only God, Lead’st Forth Thou, true and only God, lead’st forthThe immortal armies of the sky; Thou, true and only God, lead’st forthThe immortal armies of the sky;Thou laugh’st to scorn the gods of earth,Thou thunderest, and amazed they fly. With downcast eye the angelic choirAppear before thy awful face;Trembling they strike […]

O God, Thou Bottomless Abyss!

O God, Thou Bottomless Abyss! O God, thou bottomless abyss!Thee to perfection who can know? O God, thou bottomless abyss!Thee to perfection who can know?O height immense! What words sufficeThy countless attributes to show? Unfathomable depths thou art;O plunge me in thy mercy’s sea!Void of true wisdom is my heart;With love embrace and cover me: […]

Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,One God, in Persons Three! Hail! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,One God, in Persons Three!Of Thee we make our joyful boast,Our songs we make of Thee. Thou neither canst be felt nor seen;Thou art a Spirit pure;Thou from eternity hast been,And always shalt endure. […]

Meet and Right It Is to Praise

Meet and Right It Is to Praise Meet and right it is to praiseGod, the giver of all grace, Meet and right it is to praiseGod, the giver of all grace,God, whose mercies are bestowedOn the evil and the good;He prevents his creatures’ call,Kind and merciful to all;Makes his sun on sinners rise,Showers his blessings […]

Eternal, Spotless Lamb of God

Eternal, Spotless Lamb of God Eternal, spotless Lamb of God,Before the world’s foundation slain, Eternal, spotless Lamb of God,Before the world’s foundation slain,Sprinkle us ever with thy blood,O cleanse, and keep us ever clean!To every soul (all praise to thee!)Our bowels of compassion move;And all mankind by this may seeGod is in us; for God […]

Son of Thy Sire’s Eternal Love

Son of Thy Sire’s Eternal Love Son of thy Sire’s eternal love,Take to thyself thy mighty power, Son of thy Sire’s eternal love,Take to thyself thy mighty power,Let all earth’s sons thy mercy prove,Let all thy bleeding grace adore;The triumphs of thy love display,In every heart reign thou alone,Till all thy foes confess thy sway,And […]

Father of All! Whose Powerful Voice

Father of All! Whose Powerful Voice Father of all! whose powerful voiceCalled forth this universal frame; Father of all! whose powerful voiceCalled forth this universal frame;Whose mercies over all rejoice,Through endless ages still the same;Thou by thy word upholdest all;Thy bounteous love to all is showed,Thou hear’st thy every creature’s call,And fillest every mouth with […]

Let All That Breathe Jehovah Praise

Let All That Breathe Jehovah Praise Let all that breathe Jehovah praise,Almighty, all-creating Lord! Let all that breathe Jehovah praise,Almighty, all-creating Lord!Let earth and heaven his power confess,Brought out of nothing by his word. He spake the word, and it was done,The universe his word obeyed;His Word is his eternal Son,And Christ the whole creation […]

Happy Man Whom God Doth Aid!

Happy Man Whom God Doth Aid! Happy man whom God doth aid!God our souls and bodies made; Happy man whom God doth aid!God our souls and bodies made;God on us, in gracious showers,Blessings every moment pours;Compasses with angel-bands,Bids them bear us in their hands;Parents, friends, ’twas God bestowed,Life, and all, descend from God. He this […]

Young Men and Maidens, Raise

Young Men and Maidens, Raise Young men and maidens, raiseYour tuneful voices high; Young men and maidens, raiseYour tuneful voices high;Old men and children, praiseThe Lord of earth and sky;Him Three in One, and One in Three,Extol to all eternity. The universal KingLet all the world proclaim;Let every creature singHis attributes and name!Him Three in […]

Away With Our Fears! The Glad

Away With Our Fears! The Glad Away with our fears!The glad morning appears Away with our fears!The glad morning appearsWhen an heir of salvation was born!From Jehovah I came,For his glory I am,And to him I with singing return. Thee, Jesus , alone,The fountain I ownOf my life and felicity here;And cheerfully singMy Redeemer and […]

Fountain of Life and All My Joy

Fountain of Life and All My Joy Fountain of life and all my joy,Jesus, thy mercies I embrace; Fountain of life and all my joy,Jesus, thy mercies I embrace;The breath thou giv’st, for thee employ,And wait to taste thy perfect grace;No more forsaken and forlorn,I bless the day that I was born. Preserved through faith […]

God of My Life, to Thee

God of My Life, to Thee God of my life, to theeMy cheerful soul I raise! God of my life, to theeMy cheerful soul I raise!Thy goodness bade me be,And still prolongs my days;I see my natal hour return,And bless the day that I was born. A clod of living earth,I glorify thy name,From whom […]

Thou Shepherd of Israel, and Mine

Thou Shepherd of Israel, and Mine Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine,The joy and desire of my heart, Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine,The joy and desire of my heart,For closer communion I pine,I long to reside where thou art:The pasture I languish to findThere all, who their Shepherd obey.Are fed, on thy bosom reclined,And […]

How Do Thy Mercies Close Me Round!

How Do Thy Mercies Close Me Round! How do thy mercies close me round!For ever be thy name adored! How do thy mercies close me round!For ever be thy name adored!I blush in all things to abound;The servant is above his Lord! Inured to poverty and pain,A suffering life my Master led;The Son of God, […]

When Israel out of Egypt Came

When Israel out of Egypt Came When Israel out of Egypt came,And left the proud oppressor’s land, When Israel out of Egypt came,And left the proud oppressor’s land,Supported by the great I AM,Safe in the hollow of his hand,The Lord in Israel reigned alone,And Judah was his favourite throne. The sea beheld his power, and […]

How Happy, Gracious Lord!

How Happy, Gracious Lord! How happy, gracious Lord! are weDivinely drawn to follow thee, How happy, gracious Lord! are weDivinely drawn to follow thee,Whose hours divided areBetwixt the mount and multitude;Our day is spent in doing good,Our night in praise and prayer . With us no melancholy void,No period lingers unemployed,Or unimproved, below;Our weariness of […]

Meet and Right It Is to Sing

Meet and Right It Is to Sing Meet and right it is to sing,In every time and place, Meet and right it is to sing,In every time and place,Glory to our heavenly King,The God of truth and grace;Join we then with sweet accord,All in one thanksgiving join,Holy, holy, holy Lord,Eternal praise be thine! Thee the […]

All Glory to God in the Sky

All Glory to God in the Sky All glory to God in the sky,And peace upon earth be restored! All glory to God in the sky,And peace upon earth be restored!O Jesus , exalted on high,Appear our omnipotent Lord!Who, meanly in Bethlehem born,Didst stoop to redeem a lost race,Once more to thy creatures return,And reign […]

All Thanks Be to God

All Thanks Be to God All thanks be to God,Who scatters abroad, All thanks be to God,Who scatters abroad,Throughout every place,By the least of his servants, his savour of grace!Who the victory gave,The praise let him have,For the work he hath done:All honour and glory to Jesus alone! Our conquering LordHath prospered his word,Hath made […]

See How Great a Flame Aspires

See How Great a Flame Aspires See how great a flame aspires,Kindled by a spark of grace! See how great a flame aspires,Kindled by a spark of grace!Jesu’s love the nations fires,Sets the kingdoms on a blaze;To bring fire on earth he came,Kindled in some hearts it is,O that all might catch the flame,All partake […]

Jesus, to Thee I Now Can Fly

Jesus, to Thee I Now Can Fly Jesus, to thee I now can fly,On whom my help is laid: Jesus, to thee I now can fly,On whom my help is laid:Oppressed by sins, I lift my eye,And see the shadows fade. Believing on my Lord, I findA sure and present aid:On thee alone my constant […]

Infinite, Unexhausted Love!

Infinite, Unexhausted Love! Infinite, unexhausted Love!Jesus and love are one! Infinite, unexhausted Love!Jesus and love are one!If still to me thy bowels move,They are restrained to none. What shall I do my God to love?My loving God to praise?The length, and breadth, and height to proveAnd depth of sovereign grace? Thy sovereign grace to all […]

Glorious Saviour of My Soul

Glorious Saviour of My Soul Glorious Saviour of my soul,I lift it up to thee; Glorious Saviour of my soul,I lift it up to thee;Thou hast made the sinner whole,Hast set the captive free;Thou my debt of death hast paid,Thou hast raised me from my fall,Thou hast full atonement made;My Saviour died for all. What […]

Talk With Us, Lord, Thyself Reveal

Talk With Us, Lord, Thyself Reveal Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal,While here o’er earth we rove; Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal,While here o’er earth we rove;Speak to our hearts, and let us feelThe kindling of thy love. With thee conversing, we forgetAll time, and toil, and care;Labour is rest, and pain is sweet,If […]

My Brethren Beloved, Your Calling Ye See

My Brethren Beloved, Your Calling Ye See My brethren beloved, Your calling ye see;In Jesus approved, No goodness have we, My brethren beloved, Your calling ye see;In Jesus approved, No goodness have we,No riches or merit, No wisdom or might,But all things inherit Through Jesus’s right. Yet not many wise His summons obey,And great ones […]

Let All Men Rejoice, By Jesus Restored!

Let All Men Rejoice, By Jesus Restored! Let all men rejoice, By Jesus restored!We lift up our voice, And call him our Lord; Let all men rejoice, By Jesus restored!We lift up our voice, And call him our Lord;His joy is to bless us, And free us from thrall,From all that oppress us He rescues […]

Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose

Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose Thou hidden source of calm repose,Thou all-sufficient Love Divine, Thou hidden source of calm repose,Thou all-sufficient Love Divine,My help and refuge from my foes,Secure I am, if thou art mine;And lo! from sin, and grief; and shame,I hide me, Jesus , in thy name. Thy mighty name salvation is,And […]

Revelation 3:20 – Come, Let Us, Who in Christ Believe

Revelation 3:20 – Come, Let Us, Who in Christ Believe Come, let us, who in Christ believe,Our common Saviour praise, Come, let us, who in Christ believe,Our common Saviour praise,To him with joyful voices giveThe glory of his grace. He now stands knocking at the doorOf every sinner’s heart;The worst need keep him out no […]

Jesus Is Our Common Lord

Jesus Is Our Common Lord Jesus is our common Lord,He our loving Saviour is; Jesus is our common Lord,He our loving Saviour is;By his death to life restored,Misery we exchange for bliss;Bliss to carnal minds unknown,O ’tis more than tongue can tell!Only to believers shown,Glorious and unspeakable. Christ, our Brother and our Friend,Shows us his […]

What Am I, O Thou Glorious God!

What Am I, O Thou Glorious God! What am I, O thou glorious God!And what my father’s house to thee, What am I, O thou glorious God!And what my father’s house to thee,That thou such mercies hast bestowedOn me, the chief of sinners , me!I take the blessing from above,And wonder at thy boundless love. […]

My God, I Am Thine

My God, I Am Thine My God, I am thine,What a comfort divine, My God, I am thine,What a comfort divine,What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine! In the heavenly LambThrice happy I am,And my heart it doth dance at the sound of his name. True pleasures aboundIn the rapturous sound;And whoever hath […]

Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys

Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys Jesus, thou soul of all our joys,For whom we now lift up our voice, Jesus, thou soul of all our joys,For whom we now lift up our voice,And all our strength exert;Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim,Compose into a thankful frame,And tune thy people’s heart. While in the […]

Glory to God, Whose Sovereign Grace

Glory to God, Whose Sovereign Grace Glory to God, whose sovereign graceHath animated senseless stones; Glory to God, whose sovereign graceHath animated senseless stones;Called us to stand before his face,And raised us into Abraham’s sons! The people that in darkness lay,In sin and error’s deadly shade,Have seen a glorious gospel day,In Jesu’s lovely face displayed. […]

Arise, My Soul, Arise! Shake Off

Arise, My Soul, Arise! Shake Off Arise, my soul, arise,Shake off thy guilty fears; Arise, my soul, arise,Shake off thy guilty fears;The bleeding sacrificeIn my behalf appears;Before the throne thy Surety stands;My name is written on his hands. He ever lives above,For me to intercede,His all-redeeming love,His precious blood, to plead:His blood atoned for all […]

And Can It Be?

And Can It Be? And can it be, that I should gainAn interest in the Saviour’s blood? And can it be, that I should gainAn interest in the Saviour’s blood?Died he for me, who caused his pain?For me, who him to death pursued?Amazing love! how can it beThat thou, my God, shouldst die for me? […]

My Father, My God, I Long for Thy Love

My Father, My God, I Long for Thy Love My Father, my God, I long for thy love,O shed it abroad; Send Christ from above! My Father, my God, I long for thy love,O shed it abroad; Send Christ from above!My heart ever fainting, He only can cheer,And all things are wanting, Till Jesus is […]

O Heavenly King, Look Down From Above!

O Heavenly King, Look Down From Above! O heavenly King, Look down from above!Assist us to sing Thy mercy and love: O heavenly King, Look down from above!Assist us to sing Thy mercy and love:So sweetly o’erflowing, So plenteous the store,Thou still art bestowing, And giving us more. O God of our life, We hallow […]

O What Shall I Do My Saviour to Praise

O What Shall I Do My Saviour to Praise What shall I do My Saviour to praise,So faithful and true, So plenteous in grace, What shall I do My Saviour to praise,So faithful and true, So plenteous in grace,So strong to deliver, So good to redeemThe weakest believer That hangs upon him! How happy the […]

Happy Soul Who Sees the Day

Happy Soul Who Sees the Day Happy soul who sees the day,The glad day of gospel grace! Happy soul who sees the day,The glad day of gospel grace!Thee, my Lord (thou then wilt say)Thee will I for ever praise;Though thy wrath against me burned,Thou dost comfort me again;All thy wrath aside is turned,Thou hast blotted […]

Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall

Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall Into thy gracious hands I fall,And with the arms of faith embrace; Into thy gracious hands I fall,And with the arms of faith embrace;O King of glory, hear my call,O raise me, heal me, by thy grace!Now righteous through thy wounds I am;No condemnation now I dread:I taste salvation […]

High Above Every Name

High Above Every Name High above every name,Jesus , the great I AM! High above every name,Jesus, the great I AM!Bows to Jesus every knee,Things in heaven, and earth, and hell;Saints adore him, demons flee,Fiends, and men, and angels feel! He left his throne above,Emptied of all but love:Whom the heavens cannot contain,God, vouchsafed a […]

Arise, My Soul, Arise, Thy Saviour’s Sacrifice

Arise, My Soul, Arise, Thy Saviour’s Sacrifice Arise, my soul, arise,Thy Saviour’s sacrifice! Arise, my soul, arise,Thy Saviour’s sacrifice!All the names that love could find,All the forms that love could take,Jesus in himself hath joined,Thee, my soul, his own to make. Equal with God most high,He laid his glory by;He, the eternal God, was born,Man […]

O Filial Deity

O Filial Deity O filial Deity,Accept my new-born cry! O filial Deity,Accept my new-born cry!See the travail of thy soul,Saviour, and be satisfied;Take me now, possess me whole,Who for me, for me, hast died! Of life thou art the tree,My immortality!Feed this tender branch of thine,Ceaseless influence derive;Thou the true, the heavenly Vine;Grafted into thee […]

Romans 10:6-9 – Oft I in My Heart Have Said

Romans 10:6-9 – Oft I in My Heart Have Said Oft I in my heart have said,Who shall ascend on high, Oft I in my heart have said,Who shall ascend on high,Mount to Christ, my glorious Head,And bring him from the sky?Borne on contemplation’s wing,Surely I shall find him there,Where the angels praise their King,And […]

Luke 15:20-24 – Thee, O My God and King

Luke 15:20-24 – Thee, O My God and King Thee, O my God and King,My Father, thee I sing! Thee, O my God and King,My Father, thee I sing!Hear, well-pleased, the joyous sound,Praise from earth and heaven receive;Lost, I now in Christ am found,Dead, by faith in Christ I live. Father, behold thy son,In Christ […]

Jesu, Thy Blood and Righteousness

Jesu, Thy Blood and Righteousness Jesu, thy blood and righteousnessMy beauty are, my glorious dress; Jesu, thy blood and righteousnessMy beauty are, my glorious dress;Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed,With joy shall I lift up my head. Bold shall I stand in thy great day,For who aught to my charge shall lay?Fully absolved through these […]

Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein

Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein Now I have found the ground whereinSure my soul’s anchor may remain, Now I have found the ground whereinSure my soul’s anchor may remain,The wounds of Jesus , for my sinBefore the world’s foundation slain;Whose mercy shall unshaken stay,When heaven and earth are fled away. Father, thine everlasting […]

Lord, and Is Thine Anger Gone?

Lord, and Is Thine Anger Gone? Lord, and is thine anger gone?And art thou pacified? Lord, and is thine anger gone?And art thou pacified?After all that I have done,Dost thou no longer chide?Infinite thy mercies are,Beneath the weight I cannot move;O! ’tis more than I can bear,The sense of pardoning love. Let it still my […]

Son of God, If Thy Free Grace

Son of God, If Thy Free Grace Son of God, if thy free graceAgain hath raised me up, Son of God, if thy free graceAgain hath raised me up,Called me still to seek thy face,And given me back my hope;Still thy timely help afford,And all thy loving kindness show:Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord,And never […]

Weary of Wandering From My God

Weary of Wandering From My God Weary of wandering from my God,And now made willing to return, Weary of wandering from my God,And now made willing to return,I hear, and bow me to the rod;For thee, not without hope, I mourn;I have an Advocate above,A Friend before the throne of Love. O Jesus , full […]

After All That I Have Done

After All That I Have Done After all that I have done,Saviour, art thou pacified? After all that I have done,Saviour, art thou pacified?Whither shall my vileness run?Hide me, earth, the sinner hide!Let me sink into the dust,Full of holy shame, adore!Jesus Christ, the good, the just,Bids me go, and sin no more. O confirm […]

My God, My God, to Thee I Cry

My God, My God, to Thee I Cry My God, my God, to thee I cry,Thee only would I know; My God, my God, to thee I cry,Thee only would I know;Thy purifying blood apply,And wash me white as snow. Touch me, and make the leper clean;Purge my iniquity;Unless thou wash my soul from sin,I […]

Jesu, Shepherd of the Sheep

Jesu, Shepherd of the Sheep Jesu, Shepherd of the sheep,Pity my unsettled soul! Jesu, Shepherd of the sheep,Pity my unsettled soul!Guide, and nourish me, and keep,Till thy love shall make me whole:Give me perfect soundness, give,Make me steadfastly believe. I am never at one stay,Changing every hour I am;But thou art, as yesterday,Now and evermore […]

I Will Hearken What the Lord

I Will Hearken What the Lord I will hearken what the LordWill say concerning me: I will hearken what the LordWill say concerning me:Hast thou not a gracious wordFor one who waits on thee?Speak it to my soul, that IMay in thee have peace and power,Never from my Saviour fly,And never grieve thee more. How […]

Thou Man of Griefs, Remember Me

Thou Man of Griefs, Remember Me Thou Man of griefs, remember me,Who never canst thyself forget! Thou Man of griefs, remember me,Who never canst thyself forget!Thy last mysterious agony,Thy fainting pangs, and bloody sweat! When, wrestling in the strength of prayer ,Thy spirit sunk beneath its load,Thy feeble flesh abhorred to bearThe wrath of an […]

Saviour, I Now With Shame Confess

Saviour, I Now With Shame Confess Saviour, I now with shame confessMy thirst for creature happiness; Saviour, I now with shame confessMy thirst for creature happiness;By base desires I wronged thy love,And forced thy mercy to remove. Yet would I not regard thy stroke;But when thou didst thy grace revoke,And when thou didst thy face […]

Father, If Thou Must Reprove

Father, If Thou Must Reprove Father, if thou must reproveFor all that I have done, Father, if thou must reproveFor all that I have done,Not in anger, but in loveChastise thine humbled son;Use the rod, and not the sword,Correct with kind severity;Bring me not to nothing, Lord!But bring me home to thee. True and faithful […]

Yes, From This Instant Now, I Will

Yes, From This Instant Now, I Will Yes, from this instant now, I willTo my offended father cry; Yes, from this instant now, I willTo my offended father cry;My base ingratitude I feel,Vilest of all thy children, I,Not worthy to be called thy son;Yet will I thee my father own. Guide of my life hast […]

Jesus, Thou Know’st My Sinfulness

Jesus, Thou Know’st My Sinfulness Jesus, thou know’st my sinfulness,My faults are not concealed from thee; Jesus, thou know’st my sinfulness,My faults are not concealed from thee;A sinner in my last distress,To thy dear wounds I fain would flee,And never, never thence depart,Close sheltered in thy loving heart. How shall I find the living way,Lost, […]

O God, Thy Righteousness We Own

O God, Thy Righteousness We Own O God, thy righteousness we own,Judgment is at thy house begun O God, thy righteousness we own,Judgment is at thy house begunWith humble awe thy rod we hear,And guilty in thy sight appear,We cannot in thy judgement stand,But sink beneath thy mighty hand. Our mouth as in the dust […]

God of My Salvation, Hear

God of My Salvation, Hear God of my salvation, hear,And help me to believe! God of my salvation, hear,And help me to believe!Simply do I now draw near,Thy blessing to receive:Full of sin, alas! I am,But to thy wounds for refuge flee;Friend of sinners , spotless Lamb,Thy blood was shed for me. Standing now as […]

How Shall a Lost Sinner in Pain

How Shall a Lost Sinner in Pain How shall a lost sinner in painRecover his forfeited peace? How shall a lost sinner in painRecover his forfeited peace?When brought into bondage again,What hope of a second release?Will mercy itself be so kindTo spare such a rebel as me?And O! can I possibly findSuch plenteous redemption in […]

Jesus, I Believe Thee Near

Jesus, I Believe Thee Near Jesus, I believe thee near,Now my fallen soul restore! Jesus, I believe thee near,Now my fallen soul restore!Now my guilty conscience clear,Give me back my peace and power,Stone to flesh again convert,Write forgiveness on my heart. I believe thy pardoning grace,As at the beginning, free;Open are thy arms to embraceMe, […]

O Unexhausted Grace!

O Unexhausted Grace! O Unexhausted grace!O love unsearchable! O Unexhausted grace!O love unsearchable!I am not gone to my own place,I am not yet in hell!Earth doth not open yet,My soul to swallow up!And hanging o’er the burning pit,I still am forced to hope. I hope at last to findThe kingdom from above,The settled peace, the […]

O God, If Thou Art Love Indeed

O God, If Thou Art Love Indeed O God, if thou art love indeed,Let it once more be proved in me, O God, if thou art love indeed,Let it once more be proved in me,That I thy mercy’s praise may spread,For every child of Adam free;O let me now the gift embrace!O let me now […]

O ‘Tis Enough, My God, My God!

O ‘Tis Enough, My God, My God! O ’tis enough, my God, my God!Here let me give my wanderings o’er; O ’tis enough, my God, my God!Here let me give my wanderings o’er;No longer trample on thy blood,And grieve thy gentleness no more;No more thy lingering anger move,Or sin against thy light and love. O […]

Jesus, the All-Restoring Word

Jesus, the All-Restoring Word Jesus, the all-restoring Word,My fallen spirit’s hope, Jesus, the all-restoring Word,My fallen spirit’s hope,After thy lovely likeness, Lord,Ah, when shall I wake up? Thou, O my God, thou only artThe Life, the Truth, the Way;Quicken my soul, instruct my heart.My sinking, footsteps stay. Of all thou hast in earth below,In heaven […]

Depth of Mercy! Can There Be?

Depth of Mercy! Can There Be? Depth of mercy! can there beMercy still reserved for me? Depth of mercy! can there beMercy still reserved for me?Can my God his wrath forbear?Me, the chief of sinners , spare?I have long withstood his grace,Long provoked him to his face,Would not hearken to his calls,Grieved him by a […]

Lamb of God, for Sinners Slain

Lamb of God, for Sinners Slain Lamb of God, for sinners slain,To thee I feebly pray; Lamb of God, for sinners slain,To thee I feebly pray;Heal me of my grief and pain,O take my sins away!From this bondage, Lord, release,No longer let me be opprest;Jesus , Master, seal my peace,And take me to thy breast! […]

Jesu, Take My Sins Away

Jesu, Take My Sins Away Jesu, take my sins away,And make me know thy name! Jesu, take my sins away,And make me know thy name!Thou art now, as yesterdayAnd evermore, the same;Thou my true Bethesda be;I know within thine arms is room,All the world may unto thee,Their House of Mercy, come. Mercy then there is […]

Come Holy Celestial Dove

Come Holy Celestial Dove Come holy celestial Dove,To visit a sorrowful breast, Come holy celestial Dove,To visit a sorrowful breast,My burden of guilt to remove,And bring me assurance and rest!Thou only hast power to relieveA sinner o’erwhelmed with his load,The sense of acceptance to give,And sprinkle his heart with the blood. With me if of […]

Lord, Regard My Earnest Cry

Lord, Regard My Earnest Cry Lord, regard my earnest cry,A potsherd of the earth; Lord, regard my earnest cry,A potsherd of the earth;A poor guilty worm am I,A Canaanite by birth:Save me from this tyranny,From all the power of Satan save;Mercy, mercy upon me,Thou Son of David, have! To the sheep of Israel’s foldThou in […]

When, Gracious Lord, When Shall It Be?

When, Gracious Lord, When Shall It Be? When, gracious Lord, when shall it be,That I shall find my all in thee, When, gracious Lord, when shall it be,That I shall find my all in thee,The fulness of thy promise prove,The seal of thine eternal love? A poor blind child I wander here,If haply I may […]

O My Offended God

O My Offended God O my offended God,If now at last I see O my offended God,If now at last I seeThat I have trampled on thy blood,And done despite to thee,If I begin to wakeOut of my deadly sleep,Into thy arms of mercy take,And there for ever keep. No other right have IThan what […]

Stay, Thou Insulted Spirit, Stay

Stay, Thou Insulted Spirit, Stay Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay,Though I have done thee such despite, Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay,Though I have done thee such despite,Nor cast the sinner quite away,Nor take thine everlasting flight. Though I have steeled my stubborn heart,And still shook off my guilty fears,And vexed, and urged thee to depart,For […]

O Jesus my Hope

O Jesus my Hope O Jesus my Hope, For me offered up, O Jesus my Hope, For me offered up,Who with clamour pursued thee to Calvary’s top,The blood thou hast shed, For me let it plead,And declare thou hast died in thy murderer’s stead. Come then from above, Its hardness remove,And vanquish my heart with […]

Lay to Thy Hand, O God of Grace!

Lay to Thy Hand, O God of Grace! Lay to thy hand, O God of grace!O God, the work is worthy thee! Lay to thy hand, O God of grace!O God, the work is worthy thee!See at thy feet of all the raceThe chief, the vilest sinner see;And let me all thy mercy prove,Thine utmost […]

O My God, What Must I Do?

O My God, What Must I Do? O my God, what must I do?Thou alone the way canst show; O my God, what must I do?Thou alone the way canst show;Thou canst save me in this hour,I have neither will nor power:God if over all thou art,Greater than my sinful heart,All thy power on me […]

My Sufferings All to Thee Are Known

My Sufferings All to Thee Are Known My sufferings all to thee are known,Tempted in every point like me; My sufferings all to thee are known,Tempted in every point like me;Regard my grief, regard thy own,Jesus , remember Calvary! O call to mind thy earnest prayers,Thy agony, and sweat of blood,Thy strong and bitter cries […]

O Disclose Thy Lovely Face!

O Disclose Thy Lovely Face! O disclose thy lovely face!Quicken all my drooping powers; O disclose thy lovely face!Quicken all my drooping powers;Gasps my fainting soul for grace,As a thirsty land for showers;Haste, my Lord, no more delay,Come, my Saviour, come away! Well thou know’st I cannot restTill I fully rest in thee,Till I am […]

Fain Would I Leave the World Below

Fain Would I Leave the World Below Fain would I leave the world below,Of pain and sin the dark abode, Fain would I leave the world below,Of pain and sin the dark abode,Where shadowy joy or solid woeAllures or tears me from my God;Doubtful and insecure of bliss,Since faith alone confirms me his. Till then, […]

I Seem Desirous to Repent

I Seem Desirous to Repent I seem desirous to repent, But cannot without thee I seem desirous to repent, But cannot without theeSoften this hard heart, or lament My own obduracy;Gladly I would thy word believe, My dear Redeemer know,But neither can rejoice, nor grieve, Till thou the power bestow. I would more sensibly distressed, […]

Ah Whither Should I Go

Ah Whither Should I Go Ah whither should I go, Burdened, and sick, and faint? Ah, whither should I go, Burdened, and sick, and faint?To whom should I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint?My Saviour bids me come, Ah! why do I delay?He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him I […]

Out of the Deep I Cry

Out of the Deep I Cry Out of the deep I cry, Just at the point to die, Out of the deep I cry, Just at the point to die,Hastening to infernal pain, Jesus, Lord, I cry to thee;Help a feeble child of man,Show forth all thy power in me. On thee I ever call, […]

Thou Hidden God, For Whom I Groan

Thou Hidden God, For Whom I Groan Thou hidden God, for whom I groan,Till thou thyself declare, Thou hidden God, for whom I groan,Till thou thyself declare,God inaccessible, unknown,Regard a sinner’s prayer !A sinner weltering in his blood,Unpurged and unforgiven;Far distant from the living GodAs far as hell from heaven. An unregenerate child of man,To […]

Why Not Now, My God, My God?

Why Not Now, My God, My God? Why not now, my God, my God!Ready if thou always art, Why not now, my God, my God!Ready if thou always art,Make in me thy mean abode,Take possession of my heart?If thou canst so greatly bow,Friend of sinners , why not now? God of love, in this my […]

Father of Jesus Christ the Just

Father of Jesus Christ the Just Father of Jesus Christ the Just.My Friend and Advocate with thee, Father of Jesus Christ the Just.My Friend and Advocate with thee,Pity a soul that fain would trustIn him who lived and died for me;But only thou canst make him known,And in my heart reveal thy Son. If, drawn […]

O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art!

O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art! When shall I find my willing heartO love divine, how sweet thou art! O love divine, how sweet thou art!When shall I find my willing heartAll taken up by thee?I thirst, I faint, I die to proveThe greatness of redeeming love,The love of Christ to me! Stronger his […]

Still Lord, I Languish For Thy Grace

Still Lord, I Languish For Thy Grace Still Lord, I languish for thy grace;Reveal the beauties of thy face, Still Lord, I languish for thy grace;Reveal the beauties of thy face,The middle wall remove;Appear, and banish my complaint,Come, and supply my only want,Fill all my soul with love. O conquer this rebellious will!Willing thou art […]

O Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!

O Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name! Jesus, let me bless thy name!All sin, alas! thou know’st I am, Jesus, let me bless thy name!All sin, alas! thou know’st I am,But thou all pity art:Turn into flesh my heart of stone;Such power belongs to thee alone;Turn into flesh my heart. A poor, unloving wretch, to […]

Thee, Jesu, Thee, the Sinner’s Friend

Thee, Jesu, Thee, the Sinner’s Friend Thee, Jesu, thee, the sinner’s friend,I follow on to apprehend, Thee, Jesu, thee, the sinner’s friend,I follow on to apprehend,Renew the glorious strife;Divinely confident and bold,With faith’s strong arm on thee lay hold,Thee my eternal life. Thy heart, I know, thy tender heartDoth in my sorrows feel its part,And […]

Jesu, Lover of My Soul

Jesu, Lover of My Soul Jesu, Lover of my soul,Let me to thy bosom fly, Jesu, Lover of my soul,Let me to thy bosom fly,While the nearer waters roll,While the tempest still is high:Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,Till the storm of life be past!Safe into the haven guide,O receive my soul at last! Other […]

Drooping Soul, Shake off Thy Fears

Drooping Soul, Shake off Thy Fears Drooping soul, shake off thy fears,Fearful soul be strong, be bold; Drooping soul, shake off thy fears,Fearful soul be strong, be bold;Tarry till the Lord appears.Never, never quit thy hold!Murmur not at his delay,Dare not set thy God a time,Calmly for his coming stay,Leave it, leave it all to […]

Yield to Me Now, For I Am Weak

Yield to Me Now, For I Am Weak Yield to me now, for I am weak,But confident in self-despair; Yield to me now, for I am weak,But confident in self-despair;Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,Be conquered by my instant prayer ;Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,And tell me if thy name is Love. […]

Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown

Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown Come, O thou Traveller unknown,Whom still I hold, but cannot see! Come, O thou Traveller unknown,Whom still I hold, but cannot see!My company before is gone,And I am left alone with thee;With thee all night I mean to stay,And wrestle till the break of day. I need not tell thee […]

Jesu! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord

Jesu! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord Jesu! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord,The weary sinner’s friend, Jesu! Redeemer! Saviour, Lord,The weary sinner’s friend,Come to my help, pronounce the word,And bid my troubles end. Deliverance to my soul proclaim,And life, and liberty;Shed forth the virtue of thy name,And Jesus prove to me! Faith to be healed thou know’st I have,For thou […]

O That Thou Wouldst the Heavens Rent

O That Thou Wouldst the Heavens Rent O that thou wouldst the heavens rent,In majesty come down; O that thou wouldst the heavens rent,In majesty come down;Stretch out thine arm omnipotent,And seize me for thine own! Descend, and let thy lightning burnThe stubble of thy foe;My sins o’erturn, o’erturn, o’erturn,And make the mountains flow. Thou […]

When Shall Thy Love Constrain

When Shall Thy Love Constrain When shall thy love constrain,And force me to thy breast? When shall thy love constrain,And force me to thy breast?When shall my soul return againTo her eternal rest? Ah! what avails my strife,My wandering to and fro?Thou hast the words of endless life;Ah! whither should I go? Thy condescending graceTo […]

While Dead in Trespasses I Lie

While Dead in Trespasses I Lie While dead in trespasses I lie,Thy quickening spirit give; While dead in trespasses I lie,Thy quickening spirit give;Call me, thou Son of God, that IMay hear thy voice and live. While, full of anguish and diseaseMy weak distempered soulThy love compassionately sees,O let it make me whole! Cast out […]

Jesu, If Still Thou Art To-day

Jesu, If Still Thou Art To-day Jesu, if still thou art to-dayAs yesterday the same, Jesu, if still thou art to-dayAs yesterday the same,Present to heal, in me displayThe virtue of thy name. If still thou goest about to doThy needy creatures goodOn me, that I thy praise may show,Be all thy wonders showed. Now, […]

Jesu, If Still the Same Thou Art

Jesu, If Still the Same Thou Art Jesu, if still the same thou art,If all thy promises are sure, Jesu, if still the same thou art,If all thy promises are sure,Set up thy kingdom in my heart,And make me rich, for I am poor:To me be all thy treasures given,The kingdom of an inward heaven. […]

Jesu, Whose Glory’s Streaming Rays

Jesu, Whose Glory’s Streaming Rays Jesu, whose glory’s streaming rays,Though duteous to thy high command, Jesu, whose glory’s streaming rays,Though duteous to thy high command,Not seraphs view with open face,But veiled before thy presence stand; How shall weak eyes of flesh, weighed downWith sin, and dim with error’s night,Dare to behold thy awful throne,Or view […]

Jesu, the Sinner’s Friend, to Thee

Jesu, the Sinner’s Friend, to Thee Jesu, the sinner’s friend, to thee,Lost and undone, for aid I flee, Jesu, the sinner’s friend, to thee,Lost and undone, for aid I flee,Weary of earth, myself, and sin,Open thine arms and take me in. Pity, and heal my sin-sick soul;‘Tis thou alone canst make me whole;Fallen, till in […]

Lord, I Despair Myself to Heal

Lord, I Despair Myself to Heal Lord, I despair myself to heal:I see my sin, but cannot feel; Lord, I despair myself to heal:I see my sin, but cannot feel;I cannot, till thy Spirit blow,And bid the obedient waters flow. ‘Tis thine a heart of flesh to give,Thy gifts I only can receive;Here then to […]

Thou God Unsearchable, Unknown

Thou God Unsearchable, Unknown Thou God unsearchable, unknown,Who still conceal’st thyself from me, Thou God unsearchable, unknown,Who still conceal’st thyself from me,Hear an apostate spirit groan,Broke off, and banished far from thee;But conscious of my fall I mourn,And fain I would to thee return. Send forth one ray of heavenly light,Of gospel hope, of humble […]

Adam Descended From Above

Adam Descended From Above Adam descended from above,Federal Head of all mankind, Adam descended from above,Federal Head of all mankind,The covenant of redeeming loveIn thee let every sinner find. Its Surety, thou alone hast paidThe debt we to thy Father owed;For the whole world atonement made.And sealed the pardon with thy blood Thee, the paternal […]

With Glorious Clouds Encompassed Round

With Glorious Clouds Encompassed Round With glorious clouds encompassed round,Whom angels dimly see, With glorious clouds encompassed round,Whom angels dimly see,Will the Unsearchable be found,Or God appear to me? Will he forsake his throne above,Himself to worms impart?Answer, thou Man of grief and love,And speak it to my heart! In manifested love explainThy wonderful design;What […]

Wherewith, O God, Shall I Draw Near

Wherewith, O God, Shall I Draw Near Wherewith, O God, shall I draw near,And bow myself before thy face? Wherewith, O God, shall I draw near,And bow myself before thy face?How in thy purer eyes appear?What shall bring to gain thy grace? Will gifts delight the Lord most high?Will multiplied oblations please?Thousands of rams his […]

Too Strong I Was to Conquer Sin

Too Strong I Was to Conquer Sin Too strong I was to conquer sin,When ‘gainst it first I turned my face; Too strong I was to conquer sin,When ‘gainst it first I turned my face;Nor knew my want of power within,Nor knew the omnipotence of grace. In nature’s strength I sought in vainFor what my […]

O That I Could My Lord Receive

O That I Could My Lord Receive O that I could my Lord receive,Who did the world redeem, O that I could my Lord receive,Who did the world redeem,Who gave his life, that I might liveA life concealed in him! O that I could the blessing prove,My heart’s extreme desire,Live happy in my Saviour’s love,And […]

O That I, First of Love Possessed

O That I, First of Love Possessed O that I, first of love possessed,With my Redeemer’s presence blessed, O that I, first of love possessed,With my Redeemer’s presence blessed,Might his salvation see!Before thou dost my soul require,Allow me, Lord, my heart’s desire,And show thyself to me. Appear my sanctuary from sin,Open thine arms and take […]

Let the Redeemed Give Thanks and Praise

Let the Redeemed Give Thanks and Praise Let the redeemed give thanks and praiseTo a forgiving God! Let the redeemed give thanks and praiseTo a forgiving God!My feeble voice I cannot raiseTill washed in Jesu’s blood: Till, at thy coming from above,My mountain-sins depart,And fear gives place to filial love,And peace o’erflows my heart. Prisoner […]

O Thou Who Hast Our Sorrows Borne

O Thou Who Hast Our Sorrows Borne O Thou who hast our sorrows borne,Help us to look on thee and mourn, O Thou who hast our sorrows borne,Help us to look on thee and mourn,On thee whom we have slain,Have pierced a thousand thousand times,And by reiterated crimesRenewed thy mortal pain. Vouchsafe us eyes of […]

Expand Thy Wings, Celestial Dove

Expand Thy Wings, Celestial Dove Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,And, brooding o’er my nature’s night, Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,And, brooding o’er my nature’s night,Call forth the ray of heavenly love;Let there in my dark soul be light;And fill the illustrated abyssWith glorious beams of endless bliss. Let there be light, again command,And light there […]

Comfort, Ye Ministers of Grace

Comfort, Ye Ministers of Grace Comfort, ye ministers of grace,Comfort my people, saith your God! Comfort, ye ministers of grace,Comfort my people, saith your God!Ye soon shall see his smiling face,His golden sceptre, not his rod,And own, when now the cloud’s removed,He only chastened whom he loved. Who sow in tears, in joy shall reap;The […]

Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord, I

Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord, I Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,I humbly seek thy face, Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,I humbly seek thy face,Encouraged by the Saviour’s wordTo ask thy pardoning grace. Entering into into my closet, IThe busy world exclude,In secret prayer for mercy cry,And groan to he renewed. Far from […]

Author of Faith, to Thee I Cry

Author of Faith, to Thee I Cry Author of faith, to thee I cry,To thee, who wouldst not have me die, Author of faith, to thee I cry,To thee, who wouldst not have me die,But know the truth and live;Open mine eyes to see thy face,Work in my heart the saving grace,The life eternal give. […]

Saviour, Cast a Pitying Eye

Saviour, Cast a Pitying Eye Saviour, cast a pitying eye,Bid my sins and sorrows end; Saviour, cast a pitying eye,Bid my sins and sorrows end;Whither should a sinner fly?Art not thou the sinner’s friend?Rest in thee I gasp to find,Wretched I, and poor, and blind. Haste, O haste, to my relief!From the iron furnace take;Bid […]

Let the World Their Virtue Boast

Let the World Their Virtue Boast Let the world their virtue boast,Their works of righteousness; Let the world their virtue boast,Their works of righteousness;I, a wretch undone and lost,Am freely saved by grace;Other title I disclaim;This, only this, is all my plea,I the chief of sinners am,But Jesus died for me. Happy they whose joys […]

Jesu, in Whom the Weary Find

Jesu, in Whom the Weary Find Jesu, in whom the weary findTheir late, but permanent repose, Jesu, in whom the weary findTheir late, but permanent repose,Physician of the sin-sick mind,Relieve my wants, assuage my woes;And let my soul on thee be cast,Till life’s fierce tyranny be past. Loosed from my God, and far removed,Long have […]

O Thou Whom Fain My Soul Would Love!

O Thou Whom Fain My Soul Would Love! O Thou whom fain my soul would love!Whom I would gladly die to know; O Thou whom fain my soul would love!Whom I would gladly die to know;This veil of unbelief remove,And show me, all thy goodness show;Jesus , thyself in me reveal,Tell me thy name, thy […]

Woe Is Me! What Tongue Can Tell

Woe Is Me! What Tongue Can Tell Woe is me! what tongue can tellMy sad afflicted state, Woe is me! what tongue can tellMy sad afflicted state,Who my anguish can reveal,Or all my woes relate?Fallen among thieves I am,And they have robbed me of my God,Turned my glory into shame,And left me in my blood. […]

Thus Saith the Lord! Who Seek the Lamb

Thus Saith the Lord! Who Seek the Lamb Thus saith the Lord! Who seek the Lamb,Who follow after righteousness, Thus saith the Lord! Who seek the Lamb,Who follow after righteousness,Look to the rock from whence ye came,The father of the faithful race. Children of faithful Abraham theseWho dare expect salvation here,The Lord shall give them […]

God Is in This and Every Place

God Is in This and Every Place God is in this and every place;But O how dark and void God is in this and every place;But O how dark and voidTo me! ’tis one great wilderness,This earth without my God. Empty of him who all things fills,Till he his light impart,Till he his glorious self […]

Jesu, Friend of Sinners, Hear

Jesu, Friend of Sinners, Hear Jesu, friend of sinners, hear,Yet once again I pray; Jesu, friend of sinners, hear,Yet once again I pray;From my debt of sin set clear,For I have nought to pay;Speak, O speak, the kind release,A poor backsliding soul restore!Love me freely, seal my peace,And bid me sin no more. For my […]

Wretched, Helpless, and Distressed

Wretched, Helpless, and Distressed Wretched, helpless, and distressed,Ah! whither shall I fly? Wretched, helpless, and distressed,Ah! whither shall I fly?Ever gasping after rest,I cannot find it nigh:Naked, sick, and poor, and blind,Fast bound in sin and misery,Friend of sinners , let me findMy help, my all, in thee! I am all unclean, unclean,Thy purity I […]

The Spirit of the Lord Our God

The Spirit of the Lord Our God The Spirit of the Lord our God(Spirit of power, and health, and love) The Spirit of the Lord our God(Spirit of power, and health, and love)The Father hath on Christ bestowed,And sent him from his throne above; Prophet, and Priest, and King of peace,Anointed to declare his will,To […]

Jesu, Let Thy Pitying Eye

Jesu, Let Thy Pitying Eye Jesu, let thy pitying eyeCall back a wandering sheep Jesu, let thy pitying eyeCall back a wandering sheepFalse to thee, like Peter, IWould fain, like Peter, weep:Let me be by grace restored,On me be all long-suffering shown;Turn, and look upon me, Lord,And break my heart of stone. Saviour, Prince, enthroned […]

O For That Tenderness of Heart

O For That Tenderness of Heart O for that tenderness of heartWhich bows before the Lord, O for that tenderness of heartWhich bows before the Lord,Acknowledging how just thou art,And trembles at thy word!O for those humble, contrite tearsWhich from repentance flow,That consciousness of guilt which fearsThe long-suspended blow! Saviour, to me in pity giveThe […]

O That I Could Revere

O That I Could Revere O that I could revereMy much-offended God! O that I could revereMy much-offended God!O that I could but stand in fearOf thy afflicting rod!If mercy cannot draw,Thou by thy threatenings move,And keep an abject soul in awe,That will not yield to love. Show me the naked swordImpending o’er my head;O […]

O That I Could Repent! With All My Idols Part

O That I Could Repent! With All My Idols Part O That I could repent!With all my idols part, O That I could repent!With all my idols part,And to thy gracious eye presentA humble, contrite heart;A heart with grief opprestFor having grieved my God,A troubled heart that cannot rest,Till sprinkled with thy blood. Jesus , […]

Saviour, Prince of Israel’s Race

Saviour, Prince of Israel’s Race Saviour, Prince of Israel’s race,See me from thy lofty throne; Saviour, Prince of Israel’s race,See me from thy lofty throne;Give the sweet relenting grace,Soften this obdurate stone!Stone to flesh, O God, convert;Cast a look, and break my heart! By thy Spirit, Lord, reprove,All my inmost sins reveal,Sins against thy light […]

Jesu, My Advocate Above

Jesu, My Advocate Above Jesu, my Advocate above,My friend before the throne of love, Jesu, my Advocate above,My friend before the throne of love,If now for me prevails thy prayer ,If now I find thee pleading there,If thou the secret wish convey,And sweetly prompt my heart to pray;Hear, and my weak petitions join,Almighty Advocate, to […]

Father of Lights, From Whom Proceeds

Father of Lights, From Whom Proceeds Father of lights, from whom proceedsWhate’er thy every creature needs, Father of lights, from whom proceedsWhate’er thy every creature needs,Whose goodness, providently nigh,Heeds the young ravens when they cry,To thee I look; my heart prepare,Suggest, and hearken to my prayer . Since by thy light myself I seeNaked, and […]

Upright, Both in Heart and Will

Upright, Both in Heart and Will Upright, both in heart and will,We by our God were made; Upright, both in heart and will,We by our God were made;But we turned from good to ill,And o’er the creature strayed;Multiplied our wandering thought,Which first was fixed on God alone,In ten thousand objects soughtThe bliss we lost in […]

Thou Great Mysterious God Unknown

Thou Great Mysterious God Unknown Thou great mysterious God unknown,Whose love hath gently led me on, Thou great mysterious God unknown,Whose love hath gently led me on,Even from my infant days,Mine inmost soul expose to view,And tell me if I ever knewThy justifying grace. If I have only known thy fear,And followed with a heart […]

How Can a Sinner Know

How Can a Sinner Know How can a sinner knowHis sins on earth forgiven? How can a sinner knowHis sins on earth forgiven?How can my gracious Saviour showMy name inscribed in heaven?What we have felt and seen,With confidence we tell;And publish to the sons of menThe signs infallible. We who in Christ believeThat he for […]

Author of Faith, Eternal Word

Author of Faith, Eternal Word Author of faith, eternal Word,Whose Spirit breathes the active flame: Author of faith, eternal Word,Whose Spirit breathes the active flame:Faith, like its Finisher and Lord,To-day as yesterday the same; To thee our humble hearts aspire,And ask the gift unspeakable;Increase in us the kindled fire,In us the work of faith fulfil. […]

The Men Who Slight Thy Faithful Word

The Men Who Slight Thy Faithful Word The men who slight thy faithful word,In their own lies confide, The men who slight thy faithful word,In their own lies confide,These are the temple of the Lord,And heathens all beside! The temple of the Lord are these.The only church and true,Who live in pomp, and wealth, and […]

My Gracious, Loving Lord

My Gracious, Loving Lord My gracious, loving Lord,To thee what shall I say? My gracious, loving Lord,To thee what shall I say?Well may I tremble at thy word,And scarce presume to pray!Ten thousand wants have I;Alas! I all things want;And thou hast bid me always cry.And never, never faint. Yet, Lord, well might I fear,Fear […]

Still for Thy Loving-Kindness, Lord

Still for Thy Loving-Kindness, Lord Still for thy loving-kindness, Lord,I in thy temple wait; Still for thy loving-kindness, Lord,I in thy temple wait;I look to find thee in thy word,Or at thy table meet. Here, in thine own appointed ways,I wait to learn thy will;Silent I stand before thy face,And hear thee say, “Be still!” […]

Long Have I Seemed to Serve Thee, Lord

Long Have I Seemed to Serve Thee, Lord Long have I seemed to serve thee, Lord,With unavailing pain; Long have I seemed to serve thee, Lord,With unavailing pain;Fasted, and prayed, and read thy word,And heard it preached in vain. Oft did I with the assembly join,And near thine altar drew;A form of godliness was mine,The […]

Come, O Thou Prophet of the Lord

Come, O Thou Prophet of the Lord Come, O thou Prophet of the Lord,Thou great Interpreter divine, Come, O thou Prophet of the Lord,Thou great Interpreter divine,Explain thine own transmitted word,To teach and to inspire is thine;Thou only canst thyself reveal,Open the book, and loose the seal. Whate’er the ancient prophets spokeConcerning thee, O Christ, […]

Inspirer of the Ancient Seers

Inspirer of the Ancient Seers Inspirer of the ancient seers,Who wrote from thee the sacred page, Inspirer of the ancient seers,Who wrote from thee the sacred page,The same through all succeeding years,To us, in our degenerate age,The spirit of thy word impart,And breathe the life into our heart. While now thine oracles we read,With earliest […]

Father of All, in Whom Alone

Father of All, in Whom Alone Father of all, in whom aloneWe live, and move, and breathe, Father of all, in whom aloneWe live, and move, and breathe,One bright celestial ray dart down,And cheer thy sons beneath. While in thy word we search for thee,(We search with trembling awe!)Open our eyes, and let us seeThe […]

Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire

Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,Let us thine influence prove, Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,Let us thine influence prove,Source of the old prophetic fire,Fountain of light and love. Come, Holy Ghost, (for moved by theeThe prophets wrote and spoke)Unlock the truth, thyself the key,Unseal the sacred book. Expand […]

Sinners, Your Hearts Lift Up

Sinners, Your Hearts Lift Up Sinners, your hearts lift up,Partakers of your hope! Sinners, your hearts lift up,Partakers of your hope!This, the day of Pentecost;Ask, and ye shall all receive,Surely now the Holy GhostGod to all that ask shall give. Ye all may freely takeThe grace for Jesu’s sake;He for every man hath died,He for […]

Spirit of Faith, Come Down

Spirit of Faith, Come Down Spirit of faith, come down,Reveal the things of God; Spirit of faith, come down,Reveal the things of God;And make to us the Godhead known,And witness with the blood:‘Tis thine the blood to apply,And give us eyes to see,Who did for every sinner die,Hath surely died for me. No man can […]

Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord!

Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord! Come, O thou all-victorious Lord!Thy power to us make known; Come, O thou all-victorious Lord!Thy power to us make known;Strike with the hammer of thy word,And break these hearts of stone. O that we all might now beginOur foolishness to mourn;And turn at once from every sin,And to our Saviour […]

Thou Son of God, Whose Flaming Eyes

Thou Son of God, Whose Flaming Eyes Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyesOur inmost thoughts perceive, Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyesOur inmost thoughts perceive,Accept the evening sacrificeWhich now to thee we give. We bow before thy gracious throne,And think ourselves sincere;But show us, Lord, is every oneThy real worshipper? Is here a […]

Shepherd of Souls, With Pitying Eye

Shepherd of Souls, With Pitying Eye Shepherd of souls, with pitying eyeThe thousands of our Israel see: Shepherd of souls, with pitying eyeThe thousands of our Israel see:To thee in their behalf we cry,Ourselves but newly found in thee. See where o’er desert wastes they err,And neither food nor feeder have,Nor fold, nor place of […]

Father of Omnipresent Grace!

Father of Omnipresent Grace! Father of omnipresent grace!We seem agreed to seek thy face; Father of omnipresent grace!We seem agreed to seek thy face;But every soul assembled hereDoth naked in thy sight appear:Thou know’st who only bows the knee,And who in heart approaches thee. Thy Spirit hath the difference madeBetwixt the living and the dead;Thou […]

Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone

Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone Terrible thought! shall I alone,Who may be saved shall I Terrible thought! shall I alone,Who may be saved shall IOf all, alas! whom I have known,Through sin for ever die? While all my old companions dear,With whom I once did live,Joyful at God’s right hand appear,A blessing to receive; Shall […]

A Fountain of Life and of Grace

A Fountain of Life and of Grace Fountain of life and of graceIn Christ, our Redeemer, we see: Fountain of life and of graceIn Christ, our Redeemer, we see:For us, who his offers embrace,For all, it is open and free.Jehovah himself doth inviteTo drink of his pleasures unknown,The streams of immortal delight,That flow from his […]

The Thirsty Are Called to Their Lord

The Thirsty Are Called to Their Lord The thirsty are called to their Lord,His glorious appearing to see; The thirsty are called to their Lord,His glorious appearing to see;And, drawn by the power of his word,The promise I know is for me:I thirst for the streams of thy grace,I gasp for the Spirit of love,I […]

The Church in Her Militant State

The Church in Her Militant State The Church in her militant stateIs weary, and cannot forbear; The Church in her militant stateIs weary, and cannot forbear;The saints in an agony waitTo see him again in the air;The Spirit invites, in the bride,Her heavenly Lord to descend,And place her, enthroned at his side,In glory that never […]

What Are These Arrayed in White

What Are These Arrayed in White What are these arrayed in white,Brighter than the noon-day sun? What are these arrayed in white,Brighter than the noon-day sun?Foremost of the sons of light,Nearest the eternal throne?These are they that bore the cross,Nobly for their Master stood;Sufferers in his righteous cause,Followers of the dying God. Out of great […]

Lift Your Eyes of Faith, and See

Lift Your Eyes of Faith, and See Lift your eyes of faith, and seeSaints and angels joined in one; Lift your eyes of faith, and seeSaints and angels joined in one;What a countless companyStand before yon dazzling throne!Each before his Saviour stands,All in milk-white robes arrayed,Palms they carry in their hands,Crowns of glory on their […]

We Know, by Faith We Know

We Know, by Faith We Know We know, by faith we know,If this vile house of clay, We know, by faith we know,If this vile house of clay,This tabernacle, sink belowIn ruinous decay,We have a house above,Not made with mortal hands;And firm, as our Redeemer’s love,That heavenly fabric stands. It stands securely high,Indissolubly sure;Our glorious […]

Away With Our Sorrow and Fear!

Away With Our Sorrow and Fear! Away with our sorrow and fear!We soon shall recover our home, Away with our sorrow and fear!We soon shall recover our home,The City of saints shall appear,The day of eternity come:From earth we shall quickly remove,And mount to our native abode,The house of our Father above,The palace of angels […]

Saviour, on Me the Grace Bestow

Saviour, on Me the Grace Bestow Saviour, on me the grace bestowTo trample on my mortal foe; Saviour, on me the grace bestowTo trample on my mortal foe;Conqueror of death with thee to rise,And claim my station in the skies,Fixed as the throne which ne’er can move,A pillar in thy church above. As beautiful as […]

Leader of Faithful Souls, and Guide

Leader of Faithful Souls, and Guide Leader of faithful souls, and guideOf all that travel to the sky, Leader of faithful souls, and guideOf all that travel to the sky,Come and with us, even us, abide,Who would on thee alone rely,On thee alone our spirits stay,While held in life’s uneven way. Strangers and pilgrims here […]

I Long to Behold Him Arrayed

I Long to Behold Him Arrayed I long to behold Him arrayedWith glory and light from above, I long to behold Him arrayedWith glory and light from above,The King in his beauty displayed,His beauty of holiest love:I languish and sigh to be there,Where Jesus hath fixed his abode;O when shall we meet in the air,And […]

Thou, Lord, on Whom I Still Depend

Thou, Lord, on Whom I Still Depend Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend,Shalt keep me faithful to the end; Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend,Shalt keep me faithful to the end;I trust thy truth, and love, and powerShall save me till my latest hour;And when I lay this body down,Reward with an immortal […]

How Happy Is the Pilgrim’s Lot!

How Happy Is the Pilgrim’s Lot! How happy is the pilgrim’s lot!How free from every anxious thought, How happy is the pilgrim’s lot!How free from every anxious thought,From worldly hope and fear!Confined to neither court nor cell,His soul disdains on earth to dwell,He only sojourns here. This happiness in part is mine,Already saved from self-design,From […]

How Weak the Thoughts, and Vain

How Weak the Thoughts, and Vain How weak the thoughts, and vain,Of self-deluding men! How weak the thoughts, and vain,Of self-deluding men!Men who, fixed to earth alone,Think their houses shall endure,Fondly call their lands their own,To their distant heirs secure. How happy then are we,Who build, O Lord, on thee?What can our foundation shock?Though the […]

Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending

Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending Lo! He comes with clouds descending,Once for favoured sinners slain; Lo! He comes with clouds descending,Once for favoured sinners slain;Thousand thousand saints attending,Swell the triumph of his train:Hallelujah!God appears on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold himRobed in dreadful majesty;Those who set at nought and sold him,Pierced […]

Ye Virgin Souls, Arise

Ye Virgin Souls, Arise Ye virgin souls, arise,With all the dead awake Ye virgin souls, arise,With all the dead awakeUnto salvation wise,Oil in your vessels take;Upstarting at the midnight cry,“Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh!” He comes, he comes, to callThe nations to his bar,And raise to glory allWho fit for glory are;Made ready for your […]

By Faith We Find the Place Above

By Faith We Find the Place Above By faith we find the place above,The Rock that rent in twain; By faith we find the place above,The Rock that rent in twain;Beneath the shade of divine love,And in the clefts remain. Jesus , to thy dear wounds we flee,We sink into thy side;Assured that all who […]

Woe to the Men on Earth Who Dwell

Woe to the Men on Earth Who Dwell Woe to the men on earth who dwell,Nor dread the Almighty’s frown, Woe to the men on earth who dwell,Nor dread the Almighty’s frown,When God doth all his wrath reveal,And shower his judgments down! Sinners , expect those heaviest showers,To meet your God prepare;For, lo! the seventh […]

How Happy Are the Little Flock

How Happy Are the Little Flock How happy are the little flock,Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock, How happy are the little flock,Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock,In all commotions rest!When war’s and tumult’s waves run high,Removed above the storm they lie,They lodge in Jesu’s breast. Such happiness, O Lord, have we,By mercy gathered into […]

Stand the Omnipotent Decree!

Stand the Omnipotent Decree! Stand the omnipotent decree!Jehovah’s will be done! Stand the omnipotent decree!Jehovah’s will be done!Nature’s end we wait to see,And hear her final groan;Let this earth dissolve, and blendIn death the wicked and the just,Let those ponderous orbs descend,And grind us into dust. Rests secure the righteous man!At his Redeemer’s beck,Sure to […]

Righteous God! Whose Vengeful Phials

Righteous God! Whose Vengeful Phials Righteous God! whose vengeful phialsAll our fears and thoughts exceed, Righteous God! whose vengeful phialsAll our fears and thoughts exceed,Big with woes and fiery trials,Hanging, bursting o’er our head;While thou visitest the nations,Thy selected people spare;Arm our cautioned souls with patience,Fill our humbled hearts with prayer . If thy dreadful […]

Thou God of Glorious Majesty

Thou God of Glorious Majesty Thou God of glorious majesty,To thee, against myself, to thee, Thou God of glorious majesty,To thee, against myself, to thee,A worm of earth, I cry;A Half-awakened child of man;An heir of endless bliss or pain;A sinner born to die! Lo! on a narrow neck of land,‘Twixt two unbounded seas I […]

Jesus, Faithful to His Word

Jesus, Faithful to His Word Jesus, faithful to his word,Shall with a shout descend; Jesus, faithful to his word,Shall with a shout descend;All heaven’s host their glorious LordShall pompously attend:Christ shall come with dreadful noise,Lightnings swift, and thunders loud;With the great archangel’s voice,And with the trump of God. First the dead in Christ shall rise;Then […]

The Great Archangel’s Trump Shall Sound

The Great Archangel’s Trump Shall Sound The great archangel’s trump shall sound,(While twice ten thousand thunders roar) The great archangel’s trump shall sound,(While twice ten thousand thunders roar)Tear up the graves, and cleave the ground,And make the greedy sea restore. The greedy sea shall yield her dead,The earth no more her slain conceal;Sinners shall lift […]

He Comes! He Comes! the Judge Severe

He Comes! He Comes! the Judge Severe He comes! he comes! the Judge severe,The seventh trumpet speaks him near; He comes! he comes! the Judge severe,The seventh trumpet speaks him near;His lightnings flash, his thunders roll,How welcome to the faithful soul! From heaven angelic voices sound,See the almighty Jesus crowned,Girt with omnipotence and grace!And glory […]

Thou Judge of Quick and Dead

Thou Judge of Quick and Dead Thou Judge of quick and dead,Before whose bar severe, Thou Judge of quick and dead,Before whose bar severe,With holy joy, or guilty dread,We all shall soon appear;Our cautioned souls prepareFor that tremendous day,And fill us now with watchful care,And stir us up to pray: To pray, and wait the […]

Hearken to the Solemn Voice

Hearken to the Solemn Voice Hearken to the solemn voice,The awful midnight cry; Hearken to the solemn voice,The awful midnight cry;Waiting souls, rejoice, rejoice,And see the Bridegroom nigh;Lo! he comes to keep his word,Light and joy his looks impart;Go ye forth to meet your Lord,And meet him in your heart. Ye who faint beneath the […]

Again We Lift Our Voice

Again We Lift Our Voice Again we lift our voice,And shout our solemn joys; Again we lift our voice,And shout our solemn joys;Cause of highest raptures this,Raptures that shall never fail,See a soul escaped to bliss,Keep the Christian festival! Our friend is gone beforeTo that celestial shore;He hath left his mates behind,He hath all the […]

Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky

Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky Hark! a voice divides the sky,Happy are the faithful dead! Hark! a voice divides the sky,Happy are the faithful dead!In the Lord who sweetly die,They from all their toils are freed;Them the Spirit hath declaredBlest, unutterably blest;Jesus is their great reward,Jesus is their endless rest. Followed by their works, […]

Blessing, Honour, Thanks, and Praise

Blessing, Honour, Thanks, and Praise Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise,Pay we, gracious God, to thee; Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise,Pay we, gracious God, to thee;Thou, in thine abundant grace,Givest us the victory;True and faithful to thy word,Thou hast glorified thy Son,Jesus Christ, our dying Lord,He for us the fight hath won. Lo! the prisoner is […]

Rejoice for a Brother Deceased

Rejoice for a Brother Deceased Rejoice for a brother deceased,Our loss is his infinite gain; Rejoice for a brother deceased,Our loss is his infinite gain;A soul out of prison released,And freed from its bodily chain;With songs let us follow his flight,And mount with his spirit above,Escaped to the mansions of light,And lodged in the Eden […]

Pass a Few Swiftly-Fleeting Years

Pass a Few Swiftly-Fleeting Years Pass a few swiftly-fleeting years,And all that now in bodies live Pass a few swiftly-fleeting years,And all that now in bodies liveShall quit, like me, the vale of tears,Their righteous sentence to receive. But all, before they hence remove,May mansions for themselves prepareIn that eternal house above;And, O my God, […]

Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue

Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue Come, let us anewOur journey pursue, Come, let us anewOur journey pursue,Roll round with the year,And never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable willLet us gladly fulfil,And our talents improve,By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. Our life is a dream;Our time as […]

Shrinking From the Cold Hand of Death

Shrinking From the Cold Hand of Death Shrinking from the cold hand of death,I too shall gather up my feet, Shrinking from the cold hand of death,I too shall gather up my feet,Shall soon resign this fleeting breath,And die, my fathers’ God to meet. Numbered among thy people, IExpect with joy thy face to see;Because […]

And Am I Only Born to Die?

And Am I Only Born to Die? And am I only born to die?And must I suddenly comply And am I only born to die?And must I suddenly complyWith nature’s stern decree?What after death for me remains?Celestial joys, or hellish pains,To all eternity? How then ought I on earth to live,While God prolongs the kind […]

And Am I Born to Die?

And Am I Born to Die? And am I born to die?To lay this body down? And am I born to die?To lay this body down?And must my trembling spirit flyInto a world unknownA land of deepest shade,Unpierced by human thought,The dreary regions of the dead,Where all things are forgot? Soon as from earth I […]

Ye Neighbours, and Friends of Jesus, Draw Near

Ye Neighbours, and Friends of Jesus, Draw Near Ye neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near:His love condescends by titles so dear Ye neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near:His love condescends by titles so dearTo call and invite you His triumph to prove,And freely delight you In Jesus’s love. The Shepherd who died His […]

Father, Whose Everlasting Love

Father, Whose Everlasting Love Father, whose everlasting loveThy only Son for sinners gave, Father, whose everlasting loveThy only Son for sinners gave,Whose grace to all did freely move,And sent him down the world to save; Help us thy mercy to extol,Immense, unfathomed, unconfined;To praise the Lamb who died for all,The general Saviour of mankind. Thy […]

O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea!

O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea! God, of good the unfathomed sea!Who would not give his heart to thee? God, of good the unfathomed sea!Who would not give his heart to thee?Who would not love thee with his might?O Jesu, lover of mankind,Who would not his whole soul and mind,With all his strength, to […]

Jesus! the Name High Over

Jesus! the Name High Over Jesus! the name high overIn hell, or earth, or sky, Jesus! the name high overIn hell, or earth, or sky,Angels and men before it fall,And devils fear and fly. Jesus! the name to sinners dear,The name to sinners given;It scatters all their guilty fear,It turns their hell to heaven. Jesus! […]

Lovers of Pleasure More Than God

Lovers of Pleasure More Than God Lovers of pleasure more than God,For you he suffered pain; Lovers of pleasure more than God,For you he suffered pain;Swearers, for you he spilt his blood;And shall he bleed in vain? Misers, for you his life he paid,Your basest crime he bore:Drunkards, your sins on him were laid,That you […]

Jesus, Thou All-Redeeming Lord

Jesus, Thou All-Redeeming Lord Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord,Thy blessing we implore, Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord,Thy blessing we implore,Open the door to preach thy word,The great effectual door. Gather the outcasts in, and saveFrom sin and Satan’s power;And let them now acceptance have,And know their gracious hour. Lover of souls! thou know’st to prizeWhat thou hast […]

Let Earth and Heaven Agree

Let Earth and Heaven Agree Let earth and heaven agree,Angels and men be joined, Let earth and heaven agree,Angels and men be joined,To celebrate with meThe Saviour of mankind;To adore the all-atoning Lamb,And bless the sound of Jesu’s name. Jesus , transporting sound!The joy of earth and heaven;No other help is found,No other name is […]

Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die?

Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die? Would Jesus have the sinner die?Why hangs he then on yonder tree? Would Jesus have the sinner die?Why hangs he then on yonder tree?What means that strange expiring cry?(Sinners , he prays for you and me)“Forgive them, Father, O forgive,They know not that by me they live!” Adam descended […]

Sinners, Believe the Gospel Word

Sinners, Believe the Gospel Word Sinners, believe the gospel word,Jesus is come your souls to save Sinners, believe the gospel word,Jesus is come your souls to saveJesus is come, your common Lord;Pardon ye all through him may have,May now be saved, whoever will;This man receiveth sinners still. See where the lame, the halt, the blind,The […]

See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass

See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass See, sinners, in the gospel glass,The friend and Saviour of mankind! See, sinners, in the gospel glass,The friend and Saviour of mankind!Not one of all the apostate raceBut may in him salvation find!His thoughts, and words, and actions prove,His life and death, that God is love! Behold the Lamb […]

Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin?

Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin? Where shall my wondering soul begin?How shall I all to heaven aspire? Where shall my wondering soul begin?How shall I all to heaven aspire?A slave redeemed from death and sin,A brand plucked from eternal fire,How shall I equal triumphs raise,Or sing my great Deliverer’s praise? O how shall I […]

Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come

Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come Come, ye weary sinners, come,All who groan beneath your load, Come, ye weary sinners, come,All who groan beneath your load,Jesus calls his wanderers home,Hasten to your pardoning God!Come, ye guilty spirits oppressed,Answer to the Saviour’s call,“Come, and I will give you rest,Come, and I will save you all.” Jesus, full […]

O Love Divine! What Hast Thou Done!

O Love Divine! What Hast Thou Done! Love divine! what hast thou done!The immortal God hath died for me! Love divine! what hast thou done!The immortal God hath died for me!The Father’s co-eternal SonBore all my sins upon the tree;The immortal God for me hath died!My Lord, my Love is crucified. Behold him, all ye […]

Saviour, the World’s and Mine

Saviour, the World’s and Mine Savior, the world’s and mine,Was ever grief like thine! Savior, the world’s and mine,Was ever grief like thine!Thou my pain, my curse hast took,All my sins were laid on thee;Help me, Lord; to thee I look,Draw me, Saviour, after thee. ‘Tis done! my God hath died;My Love is crucified!Break, this […]

Stupendous Love of God Most High!

Stupendous Love of God Most High! Stupendous love of God most high!He comes to meet us from the sky Stupendous love of God most high!He comes to meet us from the skyIn mildest majesty;Full of unutterable grace,He calls the weary burdened race,“Come all for help to me.” Tired with the greatness of my way,From him […]

Extended on a Cursed Tree

Extended on a Cursed Tree Extended on a cursed tree,Besmeared with dust, and sweat, and blood, Extended on a cursed tree,Besmeared with dust, and sweat, and blood,See there, the king of glory see!Sinks and expires the Son of God. Who, who, my Saviour, this hath done?Who could thy sacred body wound?No guilt thy spotless heart […]

Ye Simple Souls That Stray

Ye Simple Souls That Stray Ye simple souls that strayFar from the path of peace, Ye simple souls that strayFar from the path of peace,That lonely, unfrequented wayTo life and happiness,Why will ye folly love,And throng the downward road,And hate the wisdom from above,And mock the sons of God? Madness and miseryYe count our life […]

Weary Souls, That Wander Wide

Weary Souls, That Wander Wide Weary souls, that wander wideFrom the central point of bliss, Weary souls, that wander wideFrom the central point of bliss,Turn to Jesus crucified,Fly to those dear wounds of his:Sink into the purple flood;Rise into the life of God! Find in Christ the way of peace,Peace unspeakable, unknown;By his pain he […]

Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above

Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above Rejoice evermore With angels above,In Jesus’s power, In Jesus’s love: Rejoice evermore With angels above,In Jesus’s power, In Jesus’s love:With glad exultation Your triumph proclaim,Ascribing salvation To God and the Lamb. Thou, Lord, our relief In trouble hast been;Hast saved us from grief, Hast saved us from sin;The power of […]

Maker, Saviour of Mankind

Maker, Saviour of Mankind Maker, Saviour of mankind,Who hast on me bestowed Maker, Saviour of mankind,Who hast on me bestowedAn immortal soul, designedTo be the house of God;Come, and now reside in me,Never, never to remove;Make me just and good, like thee,And full of power and love. Bid me in thy image rise,A saint, a […]

Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow

Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow Jesus, from whom all blessings flow,Great builder of thy church below, Jesus, from whom all blessings flow,Great builder of thy church below,If now thy Spirit moves my breast,Hear, and fulfil thine own request! The few that truly call thee Lord,And wait thy sanctifying word,And thee their utmost Saviour own,Unite, […]

Happy the Souls That First Believed

Happy the Souls That First Believed Happy the souls that first believed,To Jesus and each other cleaved, Happy the souls that first believed,To Jesus and each other cleaved,Joined by the unction from aboveIn mystic fellowship of love. Meek, simple followers of the Lamb,They lived, and spake, and thought the same;They joyfully conspired to raiseTheir ceaseless […]

Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined

Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined Happy the souls to Jesus joined,And saved by grace alone, Happy the souls to Jesus joined,And saved by grace alone,Walking in all his ways they findTheir heaven on earth begun. The church triumphant in thy love,Their mighty joys we know;They sing the Lamb in hymns above,And we in hymns […]

Happy the Man That Finds the Grace

Happy the Man That Finds the Grace Happy the man that finds the grace,The blessing of God’s chosen race, Happy the man that finds the grace,The blessing of God’s chosen race,The wisdom coming from above,The faith that sweetly works by love. Happy beyond description heWho knows, The Saviour died for me,The gift unspeakable obtains,And heavenly […]

Happy Soul That Free From Harms

Happy Soul That Free From Harms Happy soul that free from harmsRests within his Shepherd’s arms! Happy soul that free from harmsRests within his Shepherd’s arms!Who his quiet shall molest?Who shall violate his rest?Jesus doth his spirit bear,Jesus takes his every care;He who found the wandering sheep,Jesus still delights to keep. O that I might […]

God, the Offended God Most High

God, the Offended God Most High God, the offended God most high,Ambassadors to rebels sends; God, the offended God most high,Ambassadors to rebels sends;His messengers his place supply,And Jesus begs us to be friends. Us, in the stead of Christ, they pray,Us, in the stead of God, intreat,To cast our arms, our sins, away,And find […]

Let the Beasts Their Breath Resign

Let the Beasts Their Breath Resign Let the beasts their breath resign,Strangers to the life divine; Let the beasts their breath resign,Strangers to the life divine;Who their God can never know,Let their spirit downward go.You for higher ends were born,You may all to God return,Dwell with him above the sky;Why will you for ever die? […]

Why Will Ye Die, O House of Israel?

Why Will Ye Die, O House of Israel? Sinners , turn, why will ye die?God, your Maker, asks you why? Sinners, turn, why will ye die?God, your Maker, asks you why?God, who did your being give,Made you with himself to liveHe the fatal cause demands,Asks the work of his own hands,Why, ye thankless creatures, whyWill […]

Ye Thirsty for God, To Jesus Give Ear

Ye Thirsty for God, To Jesus Give Ear Ye thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear,And take, through his blood, A power to draw near; Ye thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear,And take, through His blood, A power to draw near;His kind invitation Ye sinners embrace,Accepting salvation, Salvation by grace. Sent down from above, […]

Sinners, Obey the Gospel Word!

Sinners, Obey the Gospel Word ! Sinners, obey the gospel-word!Haste to the supper of my Lord! Sinners, obey the gospel-word!Haste to the supper of my Lord!Be wise to know your gracious day;All things are ready, come away! Ready the Father is to ownAnd kiss his late-returning son;Ready your loving Saviour stands,And spreads for you his […]

What Could Your Redeemer Do?

What Could Your Redeemer Do? What could your Redeemer doMore than he hath done for you? What could your Redeemer doMore than he hath done for you?To procure your peace with God,Could he more than shed his blood?After all his waste of love,All his drawings from above,Why will you your Lord deny?Why will you resolve […]

Thy Faithfulness, Lord, Each Moment We Find

Thy Faithfulness, Lord, Each Moment We Find Thy faithfulness, Lord, Each moment we find,So true to thy word, So loving and kind! Thy faithfulness, Lord, Each moment we find,So true to thy word, So loving and kind!Thy mercy so tender To all the lost race,The vilest offender May turn and find grace. The mercy I […]

Ho! Every One That Thirsts, Draw Nigh

Ho ! Every One That Thirsts, Draw Nigh Ho! Every one that thirsts, draw nigh!(‘Tis God invites the fallen race) Ho! Every one that thirsts, draw nigh!(‘Tis God invites the fallen race)Mercy and free salvation buy;Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. Come to the living waters, come!Sinners, obey your Maker’s call;Return, ye weary wanderers, […]

O All That Pass By, To Jesus Draw Near

O All That Pass By, To Jesus Draw Near All that pass by, To Jesus draw near,He utters a cry, Ye sinners , give ear! All that pass by, To Jesus draw near,He utters a cry, Ye sinners, give ear!From hell to retrieve you He spreads out His hands;Now, now to receive you, He graciously […]

Come, Sinners to the Gospel Feast

Come, Sinners to the Gospel Feast Come, sinners, to the gospel feast,Let every soul be Jesus’ guest; Come, sinners, to the gospel feast,Let every soul be Jesus guest;Ye need not one be left behind,For God hath bidden all mankind. Sent by my Lord, on you I call,The invitation is to all:Come, all the world; come, […]

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing O for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer’s praise, O for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer’s praise,The glories of my God and King,The triumphs of His grace! My gracious Master and my God,Assist me to proclaim,To spread through all the earth abroadThe honors of Thy […]
