O God of God, in Whom Combine

O God of God, in Whom Combine O God of God, in whom combineThe heights and depths of love Divine, O God of God, in whom combineThe heights and depths of love Divine,With thankful hearts to Thee we sing!To Thee our longing souls aspire In fervent flames of strong desire:Come, and Thy sacred unction bring.All […]

Jesu, Thy Light Again I View

Jesu, Thy Light Again I View Jesu, Thy light again I view,Again Thy mercy’s beams I see, Jesu, Thy light again I view,Again Thy mercy’s beams I see,And all within me wakes, anewTo pant for Thy immensity:Again my thoughts to Thee aspireIn fervent flames of strong desire. But, O! what offering shall I giveTo Thee, […]

See the Day-Spring from Afar

See the Day-Spring from Afar “See the day-spring from afarUsher’d by the morning star!” “See the day-spring from afarUsher’d by the morning star!”Haste; to Him who sends the light,Hallow the remains of night. Souls, put on your glorious dress,Waking into righteousness;Clothed with Christ, aspire to shine,Radiance He of light Divine; Beam of the Eternal Beam,He […]

Commit Thou All Thy Griefs

Commit Thou All Thy Griefs Commit thou all thy griefsAnd ways into His hands; Commit thou all thy griefsAnd ways into His hands;To His sure truth and tender care,Who earth and heaven commands. Who points the clouds their course,Whom winds and seas obey;He shall direct thy wandering feet,He shall prepare thy way. Thou on the […]

Come, Saviour Jesu, From Above

Come, Saviour Jesu, From Above Come, Saviour Jesu, from above,Assist me with thy heavenly grace, Come, Saviour Jesu, from above,Assist me with thy heavenly grace,Withdraw my heart from worldly love,And for Thyself prepare the place. O, let Thy sacred presence fillAnd set my longing spirit free,Which pants to have no other will,But night and day […]

Welcome, Contempt! Stern, Faithful Guide

Welcome, Contempt! Stern, Faithful Guide Welcome, Contempt! stern, faithful guide,Unpleasing, healthful food! Welcome, Contempt! stern, faithful guide,Unpleasing, healthful food!Hail, pride-sprung antidote of pride;Hail, evil turn’d to good! Thee when with awful pomp array’dIll-judging mortals see,Perverse they fly with coward speed,To guilt they fly from thee. Yet if one haply longing standsTo choose a nobler part,Ardent […]

Where Has My Slumbering Spirit Been

Where Has My Slumbering Spirit Been Where has my slumbering spirit been,So late emerging into light? Where has my slumbering spirit been,So late emerging into light?So imperceptible, within,The weight of this Egyptian night! Where have they hid the world so long,So late presented to my view?Wretch! though myself increased the throng,Myself a part I never […]

Dead As I am and Cold My Breast

Dead As I am and Cold My Breast Dead as I am and cold my breast,Untouch’d by thee, Celestial Zeal, Dead as I am and cold my breast,Untouch’d by thee, Celestial Zeal,How shall I sing the’ unwonted guest?How paint the joys I cannot feel? Assist me Thou, at whose commandThe heart exults, from earth set […]

O Thou, Who All Things Canst Control

O Thou, Who All Things Canst Control O Thou, who all things canst control,Chase this dead Slumber from my soul; O Thou, who all things canst control,Chase this dead Slumber from my soul;With joy and fear, with love and awe,Give me to keep Thy perfect law. O, may one beam of Thy blest lightPierce trough, […]

Thee Will I Love

Thee Will I Love Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower,Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown, Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower,Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown,Thee will I love with all my power,In all Thy works, and Thee alone;Thee will I love, till the pure fireFill my […]

Prayer for Purity

Prayer for Purity O Thou, to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light, O Thou, to whose all-searching sightThe darkness shineth as the light,Search, prove my heart; it pants for Thee;O burst these bonds, and set it free! Wash out its stains, refine its dross,Nail my affections to the Cross;Hallow each thought; let all […]

Lift up Your Hearts to Things Above

Lift up Your Hearts to Things Above Lift up your hearts to things above,Ye followers of the Lamb, Lift up your hearts to things above,Ye followers of the Lamb,And join with us to praise his love,And glorify his name. To Jesu’s name give thanks and sing,Whose mercies never end:Rejoice! rejoice! the Lord is king;The King […]

Jesus, Soft, Harmonious Name

Jesus, Soft, Harmonious Name Jesus, soft, harmonious name,Every faithful heart’s desire; Jesus, soft, harmonious name,Every faithful heart’s desire;See thy followers, O Lamb!All at once to thee aspire:Drawn by thy uniting grace,After thee we swiftly run,Hand in hand we seek thy face:Come, and perfect us in one. Mollify our harsher will;Each to each our tempers suit,By […]

God of All Consolation

God of All Consolation God of all consolation, takeThe glory of thy grace! God of all consolation, takeThe glory of thy grace!Thy gifts to thee we render backIn ceaseless songs of praise. Through thee we now together came,In singleness of heart;We met, O Jesus , in thy name,And in thy name we part. We part […]

Jesus, Accept the Praise

Jesus, Accept the Praise Jesus, accept the praiseThat to thy name belongs; Jesus, accept the praiseThat to thy name belongs;Matter of all our lays,Subject of all our songs:Through thee we now together came,And part exulting in thy name. In flesh we part awhile,But still in spirit joined,To embrace the happy toilThou hast to each assigned;And […]

Lord, We Thy Will Obey

Lord, We Thy Will Obey Lord, we thy will obey,And in thy pleasure rest; Lord, we thy will obey,And in thy pleasure rest;We, only we, can say,“Whatever is, is best;”Joyful to meet, willing to part,Convinced we still are one in heart. Hereby we sweetly knowOur love proceeds from thee,We let each other go,From every creature […]

Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine

Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine Come, let us use the grace divine,And all, with one accord, Come, let us use the grace divine,And all, with one accord,In a perpetual covenant joinOurselves to CHRIST the LORD: Give up ourselves, through Jesu’s power,His name to glorify;And promise, in this sacred hour,For GOD to live and […]

O Saviour, Cast a Gracious Smile!

O Saviour, Cast a Gracious Smile! O Saviour, cast a gracious smile!Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile, O Saviour, cast a gracious smile!Our gloomy guilt, and selfish guile,And shy distrust remove;The true simplicity impart,To fashion every passive heart,And mould it into love. Our naked hearts to thee we raise;Whate’er obstructs thy work of grace,For ever […]

O Thou, Our Husband, Brother, Friend

O Thou, Our Husband, Brother, Friend O Thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend,Behold a cloud of incense rise! O Thou, our Husband, Brother, Friend,Behold a cloud of incense rise!The prayers of saints to heaven ascend,Grateful, accepted sacrifice. Regard our prayers for Zion’s peace;Shed in our hearts thy love abroad;Thy gifts abundantly increase;Enlarge, and fill us all […]

God of Love, That Hear’st the Prayer

God of Love, That Hear’st the Prayer God of love, that hear’st the prayer,Kindly for thy people care, God of love, that hear’st the prayer,Kindly for thy people care,Who on thee alone depend:Love us, save us to the end. Save us, in the prosperous hour,From the flattering tempter’s power,From his unsuspected wiles,From the world’s pernicious […]

The Earth Is the Lord’s

The Earth Is the Lord’s The earth is the Lord’s, And all it contains;The truth of his words For ever remains; The earth is the Lord’s, And all it contains;The truth of his words For ever remains;The saints have a mountain Of blessings in him;His grace is the fountain, His peace is the stream. To […]

What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord?

What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord? What shall we offer our good Lord,Poor nothings! for his boundless grace? What shall we offer our good Lord,Poor nothings! for his boundless grace?Fain would we his great name record,And worthily set forth his praise. Great object of our growing love,To whom our more than all we owe,Open […]

Come Away to the Skies

Come Away to the Skies Come away to the skies,My beloved, arise, Come away to the skies,My beloved, arise,And rejoice in the day thou wast born;On this festival day,Come exulting away,And with singing to Zion return. We have laid up our loveAnd treasure above,Though our bodies continue below;The redeemed of the Lord,We remember his word,And […]

How Happy Are We

How Happy Are We How happy are weWho in Jesus agree How happy are weWho in Jesus agreeTo expect his return from above!We sit under our Vine,And delightfully joinIn the praise of his excellent love. How pleasant and sweet,In his name when we meet,Is his fruit to our spiritual taste!We are banqueting hereOn angelical cheer,And […]

See, Jesu, Thy Disciples See

See, Jesu, Thy Disciples See See, Jesu, thy disciples see,The promised blessing give! See, Jesu, thy disciples see,The promised blessing give!Met in thy name, we look to thee,Expecting, to receive. Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,Who in thy name are joined;We wait, according to thy word,Thee in the midst to find. With us thou art […]

Peace Be on This House Bestowed

Peace Be on This House Bestowed Peace be on this house bestowed,Peace on all that here reside! Peace be on this house bestowed,Peace on all that here reside!Let the unknown peace of GodWith the man of peace abide.Let the Spirit now come down;Let the blessing now take place!Son of peace, receive thy crown,Fulness of the […]

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,In solemn power come down! At the Baptism of Adults Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,In solemn power come down!Present with thy heavenly host,Thine ordinance to crown:See a sinful worm of earth!Bless to him the cleansing flood,Plunge him, by a second birth,Into the depths of God. Let […]

But Who Sufficient Is to Lead?

But Who Sufficient Is to Lead? But who sufficient is to leadAnd execute the vast design? But who sufficient is to leadAnd execute the vast design?How can our arduous toil succeed,When earth and hell their forces joinThe meanest instruments to o’erthrowWhich thou hast ever used below? Mountains, alas! on mountains rise,To make our utmost efforts […]

O Let the Prisoners’ Mournful Cries

O Let the Prisoners’ Mournful Cries O let the prisoners’ mournful criesAs incense in thy sight appear! O let the prisoners’ mournful criesAs incense in thy sight appear!Their humble wailings pierce the skies,If haply they may feel thee near. The captive exiles make their moans,From sin impatient to be free:Call home, call home thy banished […]

Saviour, to Thee We Humbly Cry!

Saviour, to Thee We Humbly Cry! Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!The brethren we have lost restore; Saviour, to thee we humbly cry!The brethren we have lost restore;Recall them by thy pitying eye,Retrieve them from the Tempter’s power;By thy victorious blood cast down,Nor suffer him to take their crown. Beguiled alas! by Satan’s art,We see […]

Messiah, Full of Grace

Messiah, Full of Grace Messiah, full of grace,Redeemed by thee, we plead Messiah, full of grace,Redeemed by thee, we pleadThe promise made to Abraham’s race,To souls for ages dead. Their bones, as quite dried up,Throughout the vale appear:Cut off and lost their last faint hopeTo see thy kingdom here. Open their graves, and bringThe outcasts […]

Let God, Who Comforts the Distressed

Let God, Who Comforts the Distressed Let God, who comforts the distrest,Let Israel’s consolation hear! Let God, who comforts the distrest,Let Israel’s consolation hear!Hear, Holy Ghost, our joint request,And show thyself the Comforter,And swell the unutterable groan,And breathe our wishes to the throne. We weep for those that weep below,And burdened, for the afflicted sigh;The […]

Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb

Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb Jesus, all-atoning Lamb,Thine, and only thine, I am; Jesus, all-atoning Lamb,Thine, and only thine, I am;Take my body, spirit, soul;Only thou possess the whole. Thou my one thing needful be;Let me ever cleave to thee;Let me choose the better part;Let me give thee all my heart. Fairer than the sons of men,Do […]

Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove

Give Me the Faith Which Can Give me the faith which can removeAnd sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the faith which can removeAnd sink the mountain to a plain;Give me the child-like praying love,Which longs to build thy house again;Thy love let it my heart o’erpower,And all my simple soul devour. I […]

Father, Into Thy Hands Alone

Father, Into Thy Hands Alone Father, into thy hands aloneI have my all restored; Father, into thy hands aloneI have my all restored;My all thy property I own,The steward of the Lord. Hereafter none can take awayMy life, or goods, or fame;Ready at thy demand to layThem down I always am. Confiding in thy only […]

O God, What Offering Shall I Give?

O God, What Offering Shall I Give? O God, what offering shall I giveTo thee, the Lord of earth and skies? O God, what offering shall I giveTo thee, the Lord of earth and skies?My spirit, soul, and flesh receive,A holy, living sacrifice;Small as it is, ’tis all my store;More shouldst thou have, if I […]

Behold the Servant of the Lord!

Behold the Servant of the Lord! Behold the servant of the Lord!I wait thy guiding eye to feel, Behold the servant of the Lord!I wait thy guiding eye to feel,To hear and keep thy every word,To prove and do thy perfect will,Joyful from my own works to cease,Glad to fulfil all righteousness. Me if thy […]

Let Him to Whom We Now Belong

Let Him to Whom We Now Belong Let Him to whom we now belongHis sovereign right assert, Let Him to whom we now belongHis sovereign right assert,And take up every thankful song,And every loving heart. He justly claims us for his own,Who bought us with a price;The Christian lives to Christ alone,To Christ alone he […]

God of All-Redeeming Grace

God of All-Redeeming Grace God of all-redeeming grace,By thy pardoning love compelled, God of all-redeeming grace,By thy pardoning love compelled,Up to thee our souls we raise,Up to thee our bodies yield:Thou our sacrifice receive,Acceptable through thy Son,While to thee alone we live,While we die to thee alone. Meet it is, and just, and right,That we […]

When, My Saviour, Shall I Be

When, My Saviour, Shall I Be When, my Saviour, shall I bePerfectly resigned to thee When, my Saviour, shall I bePerfectly resigned to theePoor and vile in my own eyes,Only in thy wisdom wise! Only thee content to know,Ignorant of all belowOnly guided by thy light,Only mighty in thy might! So I may thy Spirit […]

Give Me the Enlarged Desire

Give Me the Enlarged Desire Give me the enlarged desire,And open, Lord, my soul, Give me the enlarged desire,And open, Lord, my soul,Thy own fulness to require,And comprehend the wholeStretch my faith’s capacityWider, and yet wider still;Then with all that is in theeMy soul for ever fill! Psalm lxxxi. 10. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

What Now Is My Object and Aim?

What Now Is My Object and Aim? What now is my object and aim?What now is my hope and desire? What now is my object and aim?What now is my hope and desire?To follow the heavenly Lamb,And after his image aspire;My hope is all centred in thee,I trust to recover thy love,On earth thy salvation […]

God of Israel’s Faithful Three

God of Israel’s Faithful Three God of Israel’s faithful three,Who braved a tyrant’s ire, God of Israel’s faithful three,Who braved a tyrant’s ire,Nobly scorned to bow the knee,And walked unhurt in fire;Breathe their faith into my breast,Arm me in this fiery hour;Stand, O Son of man, confestIn all thy saving power! Lo! on dangers, deaths, […]

Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace

Thou Lamb of God, Thou Prince of Peace Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace,For thee my thirsty soul doth pine, Thou Lamb of God, thou Prince of peace,For thee my thirsty soul doth pine,My longing heart implores thy grace;O make me in thy likeness shine! With fraudless, even, humble mind,Thy will in all […]

Eternal Beam of Light Divine

Eternal Beam of Light Divine Eternal Beam of light divine,Fountain of unexhausted love, Eternal Beam of light divine,Fountain of unexhausted love,In whom the Father’s glories shineThrough earth beneath, and heaven above; Jesu, the weary wanderer’s rest,Give me thy easy yoke to bear,With steadfast patience arm my breast,With spotless love, and lowly fear. Thankful I take […]

Father, in the Name I Pray

Father, in the Name I Pray Father, in the name I prayOf thy incarnate Love, Father, in the name I prayOf thy incarnate Love,Humbly ask, that as my dayMy suffering strength may prove;When my sorrows most increase,Let thy strongest joys be given;Jesu, come with my distress,And agony is heaven! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,For good […]

Master, I Own Thy Lawful Claim

Master, I Own Thy Lawful Claim Master, I own thy lawful claim,Thine, wholly thine, I long to be! Master, I own thy lawful claim,Thine, wholly thine, I long to be!Thou seest, at last, I willing amWhere’er thou go’st to follow thee;Myself in all things to deny,Thine, wholly thine, to live and die. Whate’er my sinful […]

Thee, Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace

Thee, Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace,Thee, Saviour, we adore, Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace,Thee, Saviour, we adore,Thee in affliction’s furnace praise,And magnify thy power. Thy power, in human weakness shown,Shall make us all entire;We now thy guardian presence own,And walk unburned in fire. Thee, Son […]

O, Thou Who Camest From Above

O, Thou Who Camest From Above Thou who camest from aboveThe pure celestial fire to impart, Thou who camest from aboveThe pure celestial fire to impart,Kindle a flame of sacred loveOn the mean altar of my heart! There let it for thy glory burnWith inextinguishable blaze;And trembling to its source return,In humble prayer and fervent […]

God of Almighty Love

God of Almighty Love God of almighty love,By whose sufficient graceI lift my heart to things above,And humbly seek thy face;Through Jesus Christ the Just,My faint desires receive;And let me in thy goodness trust,And to thy glory live. Whate’er I say or do,Thy glory be my aim;My offerings all be offered throughThe ever-blessed name!Jesu, my […]

Jesus, My Master and My Lord

Jesus, My Master and My Lord Jesus, my Master and my Lord,I would thy will obey, Jesus, my Master and my Lord,I would thy will obey,Humbly receive thy warning word,And always watch and pray.My constant need of watchful prayer I daily see and feel,To keep me safe from every snareOf sin, and earth, and hell. […]

Help, Lord, to Whom for Help I Fly

Help, Lord, to Whom for Help I Fly Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly,And still my tempted soul stand by, Help, Lord, to whom for help I fly,And still my tempted soul stand by,Throughout the evil day;The sacred watchfulness impart,And keep the issues of my heart,And stir me up to pray. My soul […]

I Want a Principle Within

I Want a Principle Within I want a principle withinOf jealous, godly fear, I want a principle withinOf jealous, godly fear,A sensibility of sin,A pain to feel it near;I want the first approach to feelOf pride, or fond desire,To catch the wandering of my will,And quench the kindling fire. That I from thee no more […]

Father, to Thee I Lift Mine Eyes

Father, to Thee I Lift Mine Eyes Father, to thee I lift mine eyes,My longing eyes, and restless heart; Father, to thee I lift mine eyes,My longing eyes, and restless heart;Before the morning watch I rise,And wait to taste how good thou art,To obtain the grace I humbly claim,The saving power of Jesu’s name. This […]

Gracious Redeemer, Shake

Gracious Redeemer, Shake Gracious Redeemer, shakeThis slumber from my soul! Gracious Redeemer, shakeThis slumber from my soul!Say to me now, “Awake, awake!And Christ shall make thee whole.”Lay to thy mighty hand!Alarm me in this hour,And make me fully understandThe thunder of thy power. Give me on thee to call,Always to watch and pray,Lest I into […]

Saviour, on Me the Want Bestow

Saviour, on Me the Want Bestow Saviour, on me the want bestow,Which all that feel shall surely know Saviour, on me the want bestow,Which all that feel shall surely knowTheir sins on earth forgiven;Give me to prove the kingdom mine,And taste, in holiness divine,The happiness of heaven. Meeken my soul, thou heavenly Lamb,That I in […]

Ah, When Shall I Awake

Ah, When Shall I Awake Ah, when shall I awakeFrom sin’s soft-soothing power, Ah, when shall I awakeFrom sin’s soft-soothing power,The slumber from my spirit shake,And rise to fall no more!Awake, no more to sleep,But stand with constant care,Looking for God my soul to keep,And watching unto prayer ! O could I always pray?And never, […]

Jesus, My Strength, My Hope

Jesus, My Strength, My Hope Jesus, my strength, my hope,On thee I cast my care, Jesus, my strength, my hope,On thee I cast my care,With humble confidence look up,And know thou hear’st my prayer .Give me on thee to wait,Till I can all things do,On thee, almighty to create,Almighty to renew. I want a sober […]

Jesus, Thou Hast Bid Us Pray

Jesus, Thou Hast Bid Us Pray Jesus, thou hast bid us pray,Pray always, and not faint; Jesus, thou hast bid us pray,Pray always, and not faint;With the word a power conveyTo utter our complaint;Quiet shalt thou never know,Till we from sin are fully freed;O avenge us of our foe,And bruise the Serpent’s head! We have […]

O Wondrous Power of Faithful Prayer!

O Wondrous Power of Faithful Prayer! Wondrous power of faithful prayer!What tongue can tell the almighty grace? Wondrous power of faithful prayer!What tongue can tell the almighty grace?God’s hands or bound or open are,As Moses or Elijah prays:Let Moses in the Spirit groan,And God cries out, “Let me alone! “Let me alone, that all my […]

Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve

Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve Shepherd Divine, our wants relieveIn this our evil day, Shepherd Divine, our wants relieveIn this our evil day,To all thy tempted followers giveThe power to watch and pray. Long as our fiery trials last,Long as the cross we bear,O let our souls on thee be castIn never-ceasing prayer ! The […]

Help, Lord! The Busy Foe

Help, Lord! The Busy Foe Help, Lord! the busy foeIs as a flood come in! Help, Lord! the busy foeIs as a flood come in!Lift up a standard, and o’erthrowThe soul-distracting sin:This sudden tide of careRoll back, O God, from me,Nor let the rapid current bearMy soul away from thee. The praying Spirit breathe,The watching […]

Come, Ye Followers of the Lord

Come, Ye Followers of the Lord Come, ye followers of the Lord,In Jesu’s service join, Come, ye followers of the Lord,In Jesu’s service join,Jesus gives the sacred word,The ordinance divine;Let us his command obey,And ask and have whate’er we want;Pray we, every moment pray,And never, never faint. Place no longer let us giveTo the old […]

Jesu, Thou Sovereign Lord of All

Jesu, Thou Sovereign Lord of All Jesu, thou sovereign Lord of all,The same through one eternal day, Jesu, thou sovereign Lord of all,The same through one eternal day,Attend thy feeblest followers’ call,And O instruct us how to pray!Pour out the supplicating grace,And stir us up to seek thy face. We cannot think a gracious thought,We […]

Fondly My Foolish Heart Essays

Fondly My Foolish Heart Essays Fondly my foolish heart essaysTo augment the source of perfect bliss, Fondly my foolish heart essaysTo augment the source of perfect bliss,Love’s all-sufficient sea to raiseWith drops of creature happiness. O Love, thy sovereign aid impart,And guard the gift thyself hast given:My portion thou, my treasure art,And life, and happiness, […]

Omnipresent God! Whose Aid

Omnipresent God! Whose Aid Omnipresent God! whose aidNo one ever asked in vain, Omnipresent God! whose aidNo one ever asked in vain,Be this night about my bed,Every evil thought restrain;Lay thy hand upon my soul,God of my unguarded hours!All my enemies control,Hell, and earth, and nature’s powers. O thou jealous God! come down,God of spotless […]

Abraham, When Severely Tried

Abraham, When Severely Tried Abraham, when severely tried,His faith by his obedience showed Abraham, when severely tried,His faith by his obedience showed,He with the harsh command complied,And gave his Isaac back to God. His son the father offered np,Son of his age, his only son,Object of all his joy and hope,And less beloved than God […]

Come, Saviour, Jesus, From Above!

Come, Saviour, Jesus, From Above! Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above!Assist me with thy heavenly grace; Come, Saviour, Jesus, from above!Assist me with thy heavenly grace;Empty my heart of earthly love,And for thyself prepare the place. O let thy sacred presence fill,And set my longing spirit free!Which pants to have no other will,But day and night […]

Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing

Worship, and Thanks, and Blessing Worship, and thanks, and blessing,And strength ascribe to Jesus! Worship, and thanks, and blessing,And strength ascribe to Jesus!Jesus alone Defends his own,When earth and hell oppress us.Jesus with joy we witness Almighty to deliver;Our seals set to, That God is true,And reigns a King for ever. Omnipotent Redeemer, Our ransomed […]

Peace, Doubting Heart!

Peace, Doubting Heart! Peace, doubting heart! my God’s I am;Who formed me man, forbids my fear; Peace, doubting heart! my God’s I am;Who formed me man, forbids my fear;The Lord hath called me by my name;The Lord protects, for ever near;His blood for me did once atone,And still he loves and guards his own. When […]

In Fellowship, Alone

In Fellowship, Alone In fellowship, alone,To God with faith draw near, In fellowship, alone,To God with faith draw near,Approach his courts, besiege his throneWith all the powers of prayer :Go to his temple, go,Nor from his altar move;Let every house his worship know,And every heart his love. To God your spirits dart,Your souls in words […]

But, Above All, Lay Hold

But, Above All, Lay Hold But, above all, lay holdOn faith’s victorious shield; But, above all, lay holdOn faith’s victorious shield;Armed with that adamant and gold,Be sure to win the field:If faith surround your heart,Satan shall be subdued,Repelled his every fiery dart,And quenched with Jesu’s blood. Jesus hath died for you!What can his love withstand?Believe, […]

Meet and Right It Is to Praise

Meet and Right It Is to Praise Meet and right it is to praiseGod, the giver of all grace, Meet and right it is to praiseGod, the giver of all grace,God, whose mercies are bestowedOn the evil and the good;He prevents his creatures’ call,Kind and merciful to all;Makes his sun on sinners rise,Showers his blessings […]

Eternal, Spotless Lamb of God

Eternal, Spotless Lamb of God Eternal, spotless Lamb of God,Before the world’s foundation slain, Eternal, spotless Lamb of God,Before the world’s foundation slain,Sprinkle us ever with thy blood,O cleanse, and keep us ever clean!To every soul (all praise to thee!)Our bowels of compassion move;And all mankind by this may seeGod is in us; for God […]

Son of Thy Sire’s Eternal Love

Son of Thy Sire’s Eternal Love Son of thy Sire’s eternal love,Take to thyself thy mighty power, Son of thy Sire’s eternal love,Take to thyself thy mighty power,Let all earth’s sons thy mercy prove,Let all thy bleeding grace adore;The triumphs of thy love display,In every heart reign thou alone,Till all thy foes confess thy sway,And […]

Father of All! Whose Powerful Voice

Father of All! Whose Powerful Voice Father of all! whose powerful voiceCalled forth this universal frame; Father of all! whose powerful voiceCalled forth this universal frame;Whose mercies over all rejoice,Through endless ages still the same;Thou by thy word upholdest all;Thy bounteous love to all is showed,Thou hear’st thy every creature’s call,And fillest every mouth with […]

Happy Man Whom God Doth Aid!

Happy Man Whom God Doth Aid! Happy man whom God doth aid!God our souls and bodies made; Happy man whom God doth aid!God our souls and bodies made;God on us, in gracious showers,Blessings every moment pours;Compasses with angel-bands,Bids them bear us in their hands;Parents, friends, ’twas God bestowed,Life, and all, descend from God. He this […]

Away With Our Fears! The Glad

Away With Our Fears! The Glad Away with our fears!The glad morning appears Away with our fears!The glad morning appearsWhen an heir of salvation was born!From Jehovah I came,For his glory I am,And to him I with singing return. Thee, Jesus , alone,The fountain I ownOf my life and felicity here;And cheerfully singMy Redeemer and […]

God of My Life, to Thee

God of My Life, to Thee God of my life, to theeMy cheerful soul I raise! God of my life, to theeMy cheerful soul I raise!Thy goodness bade me be,And still prolongs my days;I see my natal hour return,And bless the day that I was born. A clod of living earth,I glorify thy name,From whom […]

When Israel out of Egypt Came

When Israel out of Egypt Came When Israel out of Egypt came,And left the proud oppressor’s land, When Israel out of Egypt came,And left the proud oppressor’s land,Supported by the great I AM,Safe in the hollow of his hand,The Lord in Israel reigned alone,And Judah was his favourite throne. The sea beheld his power, and […]

How Happy, Gracious Lord!

How Happy, Gracious Lord! How happy, gracious Lord! are weDivinely drawn to follow thee, How happy, gracious Lord! are weDivinely drawn to follow thee,Whose hours divided areBetwixt the mount and multitude;Our day is spent in doing good,Our night in praise and prayer . With us no melancholy void,No period lingers unemployed,Or unimproved, below;Our weariness of […]

Meet and Right It Is to Sing

Meet and Right It Is to Sing Meet and right it is to sing,In every time and place, Meet and right it is to sing,In every time and place,Glory to our heavenly King,The God of truth and grace;Join we then with sweet accord,All in one thanksgiving join,Holy, holy, holy Lord,Eternal praise be thine! Thee the […]

All Thanks Be to God

All Thanks Be to God All thanks be to God,Who scatters abroad, All thanks be to God,Who scatters abroad,Throughout every place,By the least of his servants, his savour of grace!Who the victory gave,The praise let him have,For the work he hath done:All honour and glory to Jesus alone! Our conquering LordHath prospered his word,Hath made […]

See How Great a Flame Aspires

See How Great a Flame Aspires See how great a flame aspires,Kindled by a spark of grace! See how great a flame aspires,Kindled by a spark of grace!Jesu’s love the nations fires,Sets the kingdoms on a blaze;To bring fire on earth he came,Kindled in some hearts it is,O that all might catch the flame,All partake […]

Talk With Us, Lord, Thyself Reveal

Talk With Us, Lord, Thyself Reveal Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal,While here o’er earth we rove; Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal,While here o’er earth we rove;Speak to our hearts, and let us feelThe kindling of thy love. With thee conversing, we forgetAll time, and toil, and care;Labour is rest, and pain is sweet,If […]

Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys

Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys Jesus, thou soul of all our joys,For whom we now lift up our voice, Jesus, thou soul of all our joys,For whom we now lift up our voice,And all our strength exert;Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim,Compose into a thankful frame,And tune thy people’s heart. While in the […]

Glory to God, Whose Sovereign Grace

Glory to God, Whose Sovereign Grace Glory to God, whose sovereign graceHath animated senseless stones; Glory to God, whose sovereign graceHath animated senseless stones;Called us to stand before his face,And raised us into Abraham’s sons! The people that in darkness lay,In sin and error’s deadly shade,Have seen a glorious gospel day,In Jesu’s lovely face displayed. […]

O What Shall I Do My Saviour to Praise

O What Shall I Do My Saviour to Praise What shall I do My Saviour to praise,So faithful and true, So plenteous in grace, What shall I do My Saviour to praise,So faithful and true, So plenteous in grace,So strong to deliver, So good to redeemThe weakest believer That hangs upon him! How happy the […]

Happy Soul Who Sees the Day

Happy Soul Who Sees the Day Happy soul who sees the day,The glad day of gospel grace! Happy soul who sees the day,The glad day of gospel grace!Thee, my Lord (thou then wilt say)Thee will I for ever praise;Though thy wrath against me burned,Thou dost comfort me again;All thy wrath aside is turned,Thou hast blotted […]

Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall

Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall Into thy gracious hands I fall,And with the arms of faith embrace; Into thy gracious hands I fall,And with the arms of faith embrace;O King of glory, hear my call,O raise me, heal me, by thy grace!Now righteous through thy wounds I am;No condemnation now I dread:I taste salvation […]

Yield to Me Now, For I Am Weak

Yield to Me Now, For I Am Weak Yield to me now, for I am weak,But confident in self-despair; Yield to me now, for I am weak,But confident in self-despair;Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,Be conquered by my instant prayer ;Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,And tell me if thy name is Love. […]

Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown

Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown Come, O thou Traveller unknown,Whom still I hold, but cannot see! Come, O thou Traveller unknown,Whom still I hold, but cannot see!My company before is gone,And I am left alone with thee;With thee all night I mean to stay,And wrestle till the break of day. I need not tell thee […]

When Shall Thy Love Constrain

When Shall Thy Love Constrain When shall thy love constrain,And force me to thy breast? When shall thy love constrain,And force me to thy breast?When shall my soul return againTo her eternal rest? Ah! what avails my strife,My wandering to and fro?Thou hast the words of endless life;Ah! whither should I go? Thy condescending graceTo […]

Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord, I

Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord, I Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,I humbly seek thy face, Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord,I humbly seek thy face,Encouraged by the Saviour’s wordTo ask thy pardoning grace. Entering into into my closet, IThe busy world exclude,In secret prayer for mercy cry,And groan to he renewed. Far from […]

Father of Lights, From Whom Proceeds

Father of Lights, From Whom Proceeds Father of lights, from whom proceedsWhate’er thy every creature needs, Father of lights, from whom proceedsWhate’er thy every creature needs,Whose goodness, providently nigh,Heeds the young ravens when they cry,To thee I look; my heart prepare,Suggest, and hearken to my prayer . Since by thy light myself I seeNaked, and […]

My Gracious, Loving Lord

My Gracious, Loving Lord My gracious, loving Lord,To thee what shall I say? My gracious, loving Lord,To thee what shall I say?Well may I tremble at thy word,And scarce presume to pray!Ten thousand wants have I;Alas! I all things want;And thou hast bid me always cry.And never, never faint. Yet, Lord, well might I fear,Fear […]

Inspirer of the Ancient Seers

Inspirer of the Ancient Seers Inspirer of the ancient seers,Who wrote from thee the sacred page, Inspirer of the ancient seers,Who wrote from thee the sacred page,The same through all succeeding years,To us, in our degenerate age,The spirit of thy word impart,And breathe the life into our heart. While now thine oracles we read,With earliest […]

Sinners, Your Hearts Lift Up

Sinners, Your Hearts Lift Up Sinners, your hearts lift up,Partakers of your hope! Sinners, your hearts lift up,Partakers of your hope!This, the day of Pentecost;Ask, and ye shall all receive,Surely now the Holy GhostGod to all that ask shall give. Ye all may freely takeThe grace for Jesu’s sake;He for every man hath died,He for […]

Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord!

Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord! Come, O thou all-victorious Lord!Thy power to us make known; Come, O thou all-victorious Lord!Thy power to us make known;Strike with the hammer of thy word,And break these hearts of stone. O that we all might now beginOur foolishness to mourn;And turn at once from every sin,And to our Saviour […]

How Happy Are the Little Flock

How Happy Are the Little Flock How happy are the little flock,Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock, How happy are the little flock,Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock,In all commotions rest!When war’s and tumult’s waves run high,Removed above the storm they lie,They lodge in Jesu’s breast. Such happiness, O Lord, have we,By mercy gathered into […]

Blessing, Honour, Thanks, and Praise

Blessing, Honour, Thanks, and Praise Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise,Pay we, gracious God, to thee; Blessing, honour, thanks, and praise,Pay we, gracious God, to thee;Thou, in thine abundant grace,Givest us the victory;True and faithful to thy word,Thou hast glorified thy Son,Jesus Christ, our dying Lord,He for us the fight hath won. Lo! the prisoner is […]

Ye Simple Souls That Stray

Ye Simple Souls That Stray Ye simple souls that strayFar from the path of peace, Ye simple souls that strayFar from the path of peace,That lonely, unfrequented wayTo life and happiness,Why will ye folly love,And throng the downward road,And hate the wisdom from above,And mock the sons of God? Madness and miseryYe count our life […]

Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above

Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above Rejoice evermore With angels above,In Jesus’s power, In Jesus’s love: Rejoice evermore With angels above,In Jesus’s power, In Jesus’s love:With glad exultation Your triumph proclaim,Ascribing salvation To God and the Lamb. Thou, Lord, our relief In trouble hast been;Hast saved us from grief, Hast saved us from sin;The power of […]

Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined

Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined Happy the souls to Jesus joined,And saved by grace alone, Happy the souls to Jesus joined,And saved by grace alone,Walking in all his ways they findTheir heaven on earth begun. The church triumphant in thy love,Their mighty joys we know;They sing the Lamb in hymns above,And we in hymns […]

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing O for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer’s praise, O for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer’s praise,The glories of my God and King,The triumphs of His grace! My gracious Master and my God,Assist me to proclaim,To spread through all the earth abroadThe honors of Thy […]
