Fountain of All the Good We See

Fountain of All the Good We See Fountain of all the good we seeStreaming from heaven above, Fountain of all the good we seeStreaming from heaven above,Saviour! our faith we act on Thee,And exercise our love. ‘Tis not the outward food we eatDoth this new strength afford;‘Tis Thou, whose presence makes it meat,Thou the life-giving […]

Blest Be The God Whose Tender Care

Blest Be The God Whose Tender Care Blest be the God whose tender carePrevents His children’s cry; Blest be the God whose tender carePrevents His children’s cry;Whose pity, providently near,Doth all our wants supply. Blest be the God whose bounty’s storeThese cheering gifts imparts;Who veils in bread the secret powerThat feeds and glads our hearts. […]

Father, Our Eyes We Lift to Thee

Father, Our Eyes We Lift to Thee Father, our eyes we lift to Thee,And taste our daily bread: Father, our eyes we lift to Thee,And taste our daily bread:‘Tis now Thy open hand we see,And on Thy bounty feed. ‘Tis now the meaner creatures joinRichly Thy grace to prove;Fulfil Thy primitive design,Enjoy’d by thankful love. […]

Parent of Good, Whose Plenteous Grace

Parent of Good, Whose Plenteous Grace Parent of good, whose plenteous graceO’er all Thy creatures flows, Parent of good, whose plenteous graceO’er all Thy creatures flows,Humbly we ask Thy power to blessThe food Thy love bestows. Thy love provides the sober feast:A second gift impart,Give us with joy our food to taste,And with a single […]

Captain of My Salvation, Hear!

Captain of My Salvation, Hear! Captain of my salvation, hear!Stir up Thy strength, and bow the skies: Captain of my salvation, hear!Stir up Thy strength, and bow the skies:Be Thou, the God of battles, near;In all Thy majesty arise! The day, the dreadful day’s at hand!In battle cover Thou my head:Past is Thy word: I […]

Summon’d My Labour to Renew

Summon’d My Labour to Renew Summon’d my labour to renew,And glad to act my part, Summon’d my labour to renew,And glad to act my part,Lord, in Thy name my task I do,And with a single heart. End of my every action Thou!Thyself in all I see:Accept my hallow’d labour now;I do it unto Thee. Whate’er […]

Son of the Carpenter, Receive

Son of the Carpenter, Receive Son of the Carpenter, receiveThis humble work of mine; Son of the Carpenter, receiveThis humble work of mine;Worth to my meanest labour give,By joining it to Thine. Servant of all, to toil for manThou wouldst not, Lord, refuse:Thy Majesty did not disdainTo be employ’d for us. Thy bright example I […]

Being of Beings, God of Love

Being of Beings, God of Love Being of beings, God of Love,To Thee our hearts we raise; Being of beings, God of Love,To Thee our hearts we raise;Thy all-sustaining power we prove,And gladly sing Thy praise. Thine, wholly Thine, we pant to be;Our sacrifice receive;Made, and preserved, and saved by Thee,To Thee ourselves we give. […]

Enslaved to Sense, to Pleasure Prone

Enslaved to Sense, to Pleasure Prone Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone,Fond of created good; Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone,Fond of created good;Father, our helplessness we own,And trembling taste our food. Trembling, we taste: for ah! no moreTo Thee the creatures lead;Changed, they exert a fatal power,And poison while they feed. Cursed for the […]

Fountain of Being, Source of Good

Fountain of Being, Source of Good Fountain of Being, Source of Good!At whose almighty breath Fountain of Being, Source of Good!At whose almighty breathThe creature proves our bane or food,Dispensing life or death: Thee we address with humble fear;Vouchsafe Thy gifts to crown;Father of All, Thy children hear,And send a blessing down. O, may our […]

And Live I Yet by Power Divine?

And Live I Yet by Power Divine? And live I yet by power Divine?And have I still my course to run? And live I yet by power Divine?And have I still my course to run?Again brought back in its declineThe shadow of my parting sun? Wondering I ask, Is this the breastStruggling so late and […]

Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love

Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love Blest be the dear uniting love,That will not let us part! Blest be the dear uniting love,That will not let us part!Our bodies may far off remove,We still are one in heart. Joined in one spirit to our Head,Where he appoints we go;And stili in Jesu’s footsteps tread,And show […]

Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, That Famous

Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies, That Famous Christ, whose glory fills the skies,That famous Plant thou art: Christ, whose glory fills the skies,That famous Plant thou art:Tree of Life eternal, riseIn every longing heart!Bid us find the food in theeFor which our deathless spirits pine,Fed with immortality,And filled with love divine. Long we have […]

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess

Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess Holy Lamb, who thee confess,Followers of thy holiness, Holy Lamb, who thee confess,Followers of thy holiness,Thee they ever keep in view,Ever ask, “What shall we do?”Governed by thy only will,All thy words we would fulfil,Would in all thy footsteps go,Walk as Jesus walked below. While thou didst on earth appear,Servant […]

Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine

Come, Wisdom, Power, and Grace Divine Come, wisdom, power, and grace divine,Come, Jesus , in thy name to join Come, wisdom, power, and grace divine,Come, Jesus, in thy name to joinA happy chosen band;Who fain would prove thine utmost will,And all thy righteous laws fulfil,In love’s benign command. If pure essential love thou art,Thy nature […]

Except the Lord Conduct the Plan

Except the Lord Conduct the Plan Except the Lord conduct the plan,The best concerted schemes are vain, Except the Lord conduct the plan,The best concerted schemes are vain,And never can succeed;We spend our wretched strength for nought:But if our works in thee be wrought,They shall be blest indeed. Lord, if thou didst thyself inspireOur souls […]

Our Friendship Sanctify and Guide

Our Friendship Sanctify and Guide Our friendship sanctify and guide:Unmixed with selfishness and pride, Our friendship sanctify and guide:Unmixed with selfishness and pride,Thy glory be our single aim!In all our intercourse below,Still let us in thy footsteps go,And never meet but in thy name. Fix on thyself our single eye;Still let us on thyself rely,For […]

Partners of a Glorious Hope

Partners of a Glorious Hope – Charles Wesley Partners of a glorious hope,Lift your hearts and voices up, Partners of a glorious hope,Lift your hearts and voices up,Jointly let us rise, and singChrist our Prophet, Priest, and King:Monuments of Jesu’s grace,Speak we by our lives his praise;Walk in him we have received,Show we not in […]

Let Us Join

Let Us Join Let us join, (’tis God commands)Let us join our hearts and hands Let us join, (’tis God commands)Let us join our hearts and handsHelp to gain our calling’s hope,Build we each the other up:God his blessings shall dispense,God shall crown his ordinance;Meet in his appointed ways;Nourish us with social grace. Let us […]

Come, Thou High and Lofty Lord!

Come, Thou High and Lofty Lord! Come, thou high and lofty Lord!Lowly, meek, incarnate Word! Come, thou high and lofty Lord!Lowly, meek, incarnate Word!Humbly stoop to earth again,Come and visit abject men!Jesus , dear expected guest,Thou art bidden to the feast,For thyself our hearts prepare,Come, and sit, and banquet there! Jesus, we thy promise claim,We […]

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join Come, and let us sweetly joinChrist to praise in hymns divine! Come, and let us sweetly joinChrist to praise in hymns divine!Give we all, with one accord,Glory to our common Lord;Hands, and hearts, and voices raise;Sing as in the ancient days;Antedate the joys above,Celebrate the feast of love. Strive […]

Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow

Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow Christ, from whom all blessings flow,Perfecting the saints below, Christ, from whom all blessings flow,Perfecting the saints below,Hear us, who thy nature share,Who thy mystic body are. Join us, in one spirit join,Let us still receive of thine;Still for more on thee we call;Thou who fillest all in all. […]

Christ, Our Head, Gone Up on High

Christ, Our Head, Gone Up on High Christ, our Head, gone up on highBe thou in thy Spirit nigh: Christ, our Head, gone up on highBe thou in thy Spirit nigh:Advocate with God, give earTo thine own effectual prayer ! One the Father is with thee;Knit us in like unity;Make us, O uniting Son,One, as […]

Other Ground Can No Man Lay

Other Ground Can No Man Lay Other ground can no man lay,Jesus takes our sins away; Other ground can no man lay,Jesus takes our sins away;Jesus the foundation is,This shall stand, and only this:Fitly framed in him we are,All the building rises fair;Let it to a temple rise,Worthy him who fills the skies. Husband of […]

Father, Son, and Spirit, Hear

Father, Son, and Spirit, Hear Father, Son, and Spirit, hearFaith’s effectual fervent prayer ; Father, Son, and Spirit, hearFaith’s effectual fervent prayer;Hear, and our petitions seal,Let us now the answer feel.Still our fellowship increase,Knit us in the bond of peace;Join our new-born spirits, joinEach to each, and all to thine. Build us in one body […]

Father, at Thy Footstool See

Father, at Thy Footstool See Father, at thy footstool seeThose who now are one in thee; Father, at thy footstool seeThose who now are one in thee;Draw us by thy grace alone,Give, O give us to thy Son! Jesus , friend of human kind,Let us in thy name be joined;Each to each unite, and bless;Keep […]

Jesus, With Kindest Pity See

Jesus, With Kindest Pity See Jesus, with kindest pity seeThe souls that would be one in thee: Jesus, with kindest pity seeThe souls that would be one in thee:If now, accepted in thy sight,Thou dost our upright hearts unite,Allow us even on earth to proveThe noblest joys of heavenly love. Before thy glorious eyes we […]

Centre of our Hopes Thou Art

Centre of our Hopes Thou Art Centre of our hopes thou art,End of our enlarged desires; Centre of our hopes thou art,End of our enlarged desires;Stamp thine image on our heart,Fill us now with heavenly fires;Cemented by love divine,Seal our souls for ever thine. All our works in thee be wrought,Levelled at one common aim;Every […]

Thou God of Truth and Love

Thou God of Truth and Love Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree; Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree;Show thyself the Prince of peace;Bid our jars for ever cease. By thy reconciling loveEvery stumbling-block remove;Each to each unite, endear,Come, and spread thy banner here! Make us […]

Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee

Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree; Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,Let us in thy name agree;Show thyself the Prince of peace;Bid our jars for ever cease. By thy reconciling loveEvery stumbling-block remove;Each to each unite, endear,Come, and spread thy banner here! Make us […]

Jesus, United by Thy Grace

Jesus, United by Thy Grace Jesus, united by thy grace,And each to each endeared, Jesus, united by thy grace,And each to each endeared,With confidence we seek thy face,And know our prayer is heard. Still let us own our common Lord,And bear thine easy yoke,A band of love, a threefold cord,Which never can be broke. Make […]

Try Us, O God, and Search the Ground

Try Us, O God, and Search the Ground Try us, O God, and search the groundOf every sinful heart, Try us, O God, and search the groundOf every sinful heart,Whate’er of sin in us is found,O bid it all depart! When to the right or left we stray,Leave us not comfortless;But guide our feet into […]

Come, Thou Omniscient Son of Man

Come, Thou Omniscient Son of Man Come, thou omniscient Son of man,Display thy sifting power; Come, thou omniscient Son of man,Display thy sifting power;Come with thy Spirit’s winnowing fan,And throughly purge thy floor. The chaff of sin, the accursed thing,Far from our souls be driven!The wheat into thy garner bring,And lay us up for heaven. […]

Jesus, Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Jesus, Great Shepherd of the Sheep Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep,To thee for help we fly: Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep,To thee for help we fly:Thy little flock in safety keep;For O! the wolf is nigh. He comes, of hellish malice full,To scatter, tear, and slay;He seizes every straggling soul,As his own lawful […]

All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord

All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord All praise to our redeeming Lord,Who joins us by his grace, All praise to our redeeming Lord,Who joins us by his grace,And bids us, each to each restored,Together seek his face. He bids us build each other up;And, gathered into one,To our high calling’s glorious hopeWe hand in hand […]

Come, Let Us Ascend

Come, Let Us Ascend Come, let us ascend,My companion and friend, Come, let us ascend,My companion and friend,To a taste of the banquet above;If thy heart be as mine,If for Jesus it pine,Come up into the chariot of love. Who in Jesus confide,We are bold to outrideThe storms of affliction beneath;With the prophet we soarTo […]

Come, All Whoe’er Have Set

Come, All Whoe’er Have Set Come, all whoe’er have setYour faces Zion-ward, Come, all whoe’er have setYour faces Zion-ward,In Jesus let us us meet,And praise our common Lord;In Jesus let us still go on,Till all appear before his throne. Nearer, and nearer still,We to our country come,To that celestial hill,The weary pilgrim’s home,The new Jerusalem […]

Come, Let Us Arise

Come, Let Us Arise Come, let us arise,And press to the skies; Come, let us arise,And press to the skies;The summons obey,My friends, my beloved, and hasten away.The Master of allFor our service doth call,And deigns to approve,With smiles of acceptance, our labour of love. His burden who hear,We alone can declareHow easy his yoke,While […]

Brethren in Christ, and Well-Beloved

Brethren in Christ, and Well-Beloved Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved,To Jesus and his servants dear, Brethren in Christ, and well-beloved,To Jesus and his servants dear,Enter and show yourselves approved;Enter, and find that God is here. Welcome from earth: lo, the right handOf fellowship to you we give!With open hearts and hands we stand,And you in […]

How Good and Pleasant ‘Tis to See

How Good and Pleasant ‘Tis to See How good and pleasant ’tis to see,When brethren cordially agree, How good and pleasant ’tis to see,When brethren cordially agree,And kindly think and speak the same!A family of faith and love,Combined to seek the things above,And spread the common Saviour’s fame. The God of grace, who all invites,Who […]

And Are We Yet Alive?

And Are We Yet Alive? And are we yet alive,And see each other’s face? And are we yet alive,And see each other’s face?Glory and praise to Jesus giveFor his redeeming grace!Preserved by power divineTo full salvation here,Again in Jesu’s praise we join,And in his sight appear. What troubles have we seen,What conflicts have we past,Fightings […]

Captain of Our Salvation, Take

Captain of Our Salvation, Take Captain of our salvation, takeThe souls we here present to thee, Captain of our salvation, takeThe souls we here present to thee,And fit for thy great service makeThese heirs of immortality;And let them in thine image rise,And then transplant to Paradise. Unspotted from the world and pure,Preserve them for thy […]

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,To whom we for our children cry; Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,To whom we for our children cry;The good desired and wanted mostOut of thy richest grace supply;The sacred discipline be given,To train and bring them up for heaven. Answer on them the […]

I and My House Will Serve the Lord

I and My House Will Serve the Lord I and my house will serve the Lord:But first obedient to his word I and my house will serve the Lord:But first obedient to his wordI must myself appear;By actions, words, and tempers show,That I my heavenly Master know,And serve with heart sincere. I must the fair […]

How Shall I Walk My God to Please

How Shall I Walk My God to Please How shall I walk my God to please,And spread content and happiness How shall I walk my God to please,And spread content and happinessO’er all beneath my care?A pattern to my household give,And as a guardian angel live,As Jesu’s messenger? The opposite extremes I see,Remissness and severity,And […]

Master Supreme, I Look to Thee

Master Supreme, I Look to Thee Master supreme, I look to theeFor grace and wisdom from above; Master supreme, I look to theeFor grace and wisdom from above;Vested with thy authority,Endue me with thy patient love; That, taught according to thy willTo rule my family aright,I may the appointed charge fulfil,With all my heart, and […]

For Parents: Father of Lights! Thy Needful Aid

For Parents: Father of Lights! Thy Needful Aid Father of lights! thy needful aidTo us that ask impart; Father of lights! thy needful aidTo us that ask impart;Mistrustful of ourselves, afraidOf our own treacherous heart. O’erwhelmed with justest fear, againTo thee for help we call:Where many mightier have been slain,By thee unsaved, we fall. Unless […]

God Only Wise, Almighty, Good

God Only Wise, Almighty, Good God only wise, almighty, good,Send forth thy truth and light, God only wise, almighty, good,Send forth thy truth and light,To point us out the narrow road,And guide our steps aright: To steer our dangerous course betweenThe rocks on either hand;And fix us in the golden mean,And bring our charge to […]

Father of All, by Whom We Are

Father of All, by Whom We Are Father of all, by whom we are,For whom was made whatever is; Father of all, by whom we are,For whom was made whatever is;Who hast entrusted to our careA candidate for glorious bliss: Poor worms of earth, for help we cry,For grace to guide what grace has given;We […]

Sovereign of All! Whose Will Ordains

Sovereign of All! Whose Will Ordains Sovereign of all! whose will ordainsThe powers on earth that be, Sovereign of all! whose will ordainsThe powers on earth that be,By whom our rightful Monarch reigns,Subject to none but thee: Stir up thy power, appear, appear,And for thy servant fight;Support thy great vicegerent here,And vindicate his right. Lo! […]

Shepherd of Israel, Hear

Shepherd of Israel, Hear Shepherd of Israel, hearOur supplicating cry; Shepherd of Israel, hearOur supplicating cry;And gather in the souls sincereThat from their brethren fly.Scattered through devious ways,Collect thy feeble flock;And join by thine atoning grace,And hide them in the rock. O wouldst thou end the storm,That keeps us still apart!The thing impossible perform,And make […]

Author of Faith, We Seek Thy Face

Author of Faith, We Seek Thy Author of faith, we seek thy faceFor all who feel thy work begun; Author of faith, we seek thy faceFor all who feel thy work begun;Confirm and strengthen them in grace,And bring thy feeblest children on. Thou seest their wants, thou know’st their names,Be mindful of thy youngest care;Be […]

O Let Us Our Own Works Forsake

O Let Us Our Own Works Forsake O let us our own works forsake,Ourselves, and all we have deny; O let us our own works forsake,Ourselves, and all we have deny;Thy condescending counsel take,And come to thee pure gold to buy! O might we, through thy grace, attainThe faith thou never wilt reprove,The faith that […]

Thy Power and Saving Truth to Show

Thy Power and Saving Truth to Show Thy power and saving truth to show,A warfare at thy charge I go, Thy power and saving truth to show,A warfare at thy charge I go,Strong in the Lord, and thy great might;Gladly take up the hallowed cross;And, suffering all things for thy cause,Beneath thy bloody banner fight. […]

Lo! I Come With Joy to Do

Lo! I Come With Joy to Do Lo! I come with joy to doThe Master’s blessed will; Lo! I come with joy to doThe Master’s blessed will;Him in outward works pursue,And serve his pleasure still;Faithful to my Lord’s commands,I still would choose the better part,Serve with careful Martha’s hands,And loving Mary’s heart. Careful without care […]

Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go

Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,My daily labour to pursue, Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,My daily labour to pursue,Thee, only thee, resolved to know,In all I think, or speak, or do. The task thy wisdom hath assignedO let me cheerfully fulfil,In all […]

Servant of All, to Toil for Man

Servant of All, to Toil for Man Servant of all, to toil for manThou didst not, Lord, refuse; Servant of all, to toil for manThou didst not, Lord, refuse;Thy majesty did not disdainTo be employed for us! Thy bright example I pursue,To thee in all things rise;And all I think, or speak, or do,Is one […]

Summoned My Labour to Renew

Summoned My Labour to Renew Summoned my labour to renew,And glad to act my part, Summoned my labour to renew,And glad to act my part,Lord, in thy name my work I do,And with a single heart. End of my every action thou,In all things thee I see:Accept my hallowed labour now,I do it unto thee. […]

Be It My Only Wisdom Here

Be It My Only Wisdom Here Be it my only wisdom hereTo serve the Lord with filial fear, Be it my only wisdom hereTo serve the Lord with filial fear,With loving gratitude;Superior sense may I display,By shunning every evil way,And walking in the good. O may I still from sin depart!.A wise and understanding heart,Jesus […]

Watched by the World’s Malignant Eye

Watched by the World’s Malignant Eye Watched by the world’s malignant eye,Who load us with reproach and shame. Watched by the world’s malignant eye,Who load us with reproach and shame.As servants of the Lord most High,As zealous for his glorious name,We ought in all his paths to move,With holy fear and humble love. That wisdom, […]

A Charge to Keep I have

A Charge to Keep I have A charge to keep I have,A God to glorify, A charge to keep I have,A God to glorify,A never-dying soul to save,And fit it for the sky;To serve the present age,My calling to fulfil:O may it all my powers engageTo do my Master’s will! Arm me with jealous care,As […]

Ah Lord, With Trembling I Confess

Ah Lord, With Trembling I Confess Ah Lord, with trembling I confess,A gracious soul may fall from grace; Ah Lord, with trembling I confess,A gracious soul may fall from grace;The salt may lose its seasoning power,And never, never, find it more. Lest that my fearful case should be,Each moment knit my soul to thee;And lead […]

Angels Your March Oppose

Angels Your March Oppose Angels your march oppose,Who still in strength excel, Angels your march oppose,Who still in strength excel,Your secret, sworn, eternal foes,Countless, invisible.With rage that never endsTheir hellish arts they try;Legions of dire malicious fiends,And spirits enthroned on high. On earth the usurpers reign,Exert their baneful power,O’er the poor fallen sons of menThey […]

Hark, How the Watchmen Cry

Hark, How the Watchmen Cry Hark, how the watchmen cry,Attend the trumpet’s sound! Hark, how the watchmen cry,Attend the trumpet’s sound!Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh,The powers of hell surround:Who bow to Christ’s command,Your arms and hearts prepare!The day of battle is at hand!Go forth to glorious war! See on the mountain-topThe standard […]

Pierce, Fill Me With an Humble Fear

Pierce, Fill Me With an Humble Pierce, fill me with an humble fear;My utter helplessness reveal! Pierce, fill me with an humble fear;My utter helplessness reveal!Satan and sin are always near,Thee may I always nearer feel. O that to thee my constant mindMight with an even flame aspire,Pride in its earliest motions find,And mark the […]

Bid Me of Men Beware

Bid Me of Men Beware Bid me of men beware,And to my ways take heed, Bid me of men beware,And to my ways take heed,Discern their every secret snare,And circumspectly tread;O may I calmly waitThy succours from above;And stand against their open hate,And well-dissembled love! My spirit, Lord, alarmWhen men and devils join;‘Gainst all of […]

Are There Not in the Labourer’s Day

Are There Not in the Labourer’s Day Are there not in the labourer’s dayTwelve hours, in which he safely may Are there not in the labourer’s dayTwelve hours, in which he safely mayHis calling’s work pursue?Though sin and Satan still are near,Nor sin nor Satan can I fear,With Jesus in my view. Not all the […]

Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man

Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man Shall I, for fear of feeble man,The Spirit’s course in me restrain? Shall I, for fear of feeble man,The Spirit’s course in me restrain?Or, undismayed, in deed and wordBe a true witness for my Lord? Awed by a mortal’s frown, shall IConceal the word of God most high?How […]

Equip Me for the War

Equip Me for the War Equip me for the war,And teach my hands to fight, And teach my hands to fight,My simple, upright heart prepare,And guide my words aright;Control my every thought,My whole of sin remove;Let all my works in thee be wrought,Let all be wrought in love. O arm me with the mind,Meek Lamb! […]

Soldiers of Christ, Arise

Soldiers of Christ, Arise Soldiers of Christ, arise,And put your armour on, Soldiers of Christ, arise,And put your armour on,Strong in the strength which God suppliesThrough his eternal Son;Strong in the Lord of hosts,And in his mighty power,Who in the strength of Jesus trustsIs more than conqueror. Stand then in his great might,With all his […]

O May Thy Powerful Word

O May Thy Powerful Word O may thy powerful wordInspire a feeble worm O may thy powerful wordInspire a feeble wormTo rush into thy kingdom, Lord,And take it as by storm! O may we all improveThe grace already given,To seize the crown of perfect love,And scale the mount of heaven! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue

Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue Come, let us anewOur journey pursue, Come, let us anewOur journey pursue,Roll round with the year,And never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable willLet us gladly fulfil,And our talents improve,By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. Our life is a dream;Our time as […]

Shrinking From the Cold Hand of Death

Shrinking From the Cold Hand of Death Shrinking from the cold hand of death,I too shall gather up my feet, Shrinking from the cold hand of death,I too shall gather up my feet,Shall soon resign this fleeting breath,And die, my fathers’ God to meet. Numbered among thy people, IExpect with joy thy face to see;Because […]

And Am I Only Born to Die?

And Am I Only Born to Die? And am I only born to die?And must I suddenly comply And am I only born to die?And must I suddenly complyWith nature’s stern decree?What after death for me remains?Celestial joys, or hellish pains,To all eternity? How then ought I on earth to live,While God prolongs the kind […]

Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow

Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow Jesus, from whom all blessings flow,Great builder of thy church below, Jesus, from whom all blessings flow,Great builder of thy church below,If now thy Spirit moves my breast,Hear, and fulfil thine own request! The few that truly call thee Lord,And wait thy sanctifying word,And thee their utmost Saviour own,Unite, […]

Happy the Souls That First Believed

Happy the Souls That First Believed Happy the souls that first believed,To Jesus and each other cleaved, Happy the souls that first believed,To Jesus and each other cleaved,Joined by the unction from aboveIn mystic fellowship of love. Meek, simple followers of the Lamb,They lived, and spake, and thought the same;They joyfully conspired to raiseTheir ceaseless […]

Happy the Man That Finds the Grace

Happy the Man That Finds the Grace Happy the man that finds the grace,The blessing of God’s chosen race, Happy the man that finds the grace,The blessing of God’s chosen race,The wisdom coming from above,The faith that sweetly works by love. Happy beyond description heWho knows, The Saviour died for me,The gift unspeakable obtains,And heavenly […]
