W Vernon Higham
W Vernon Higham Rev W. Vernon Higham Testimony I W Vernon Higham was born in Caernarfon, in North Wales, my mother being a native of that town, whereas my father hailed from the North of England. The language of the town and of my friends was Welsh. My home was bilingual, although my brother and […]
Leonard Ravenhill
Leonard Ravenhill Leonard Ravenhill Leonard Ravenhill was one of Britain’s foremost outdoor evangelists of the 20th century. God used him to help bring thousands of people to Christ throughout Britain. Unlike the case with many of today’s evangelists, the conversions that Leonard helped to bring about were generally lasting conversions. That’s because he did not […]
Dr Peter Masters
Dr Peter Masters Dr Peter Masters has been pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in central London since 1970. That is where Charles Spurgeon used to preach .These sermons have been preached to packed congregations including very many young people, and many have been aired on the Tabernacle’s twice-weekly television programme seen throughout the UK and Europe. Dr […]
John Blanchard
John Blanchard John Blanchard’s official Website is Here John Blanchard Website and his wonderful books can be ordered here John Blanchard Books John Blanchard was born in 1932 on the Channel Island of Guernsey. Immediately before the German occupation of the island in the Second World War he was evacuated to Hebridean Island of Islay, […]
Otto Koning
Otto Koning Otto Koning lived among cannibals who stole everything including his baby’s diaper pins and his precious pineapples. Learn how God worked through Pineapple thieves! His story became known as the Pineapple Story and is famous arround the world for its clear cut way of showing practically how we can become Christlike by yielding […]
A W Tozer
A W Tozer Aiden Wilson Tozer (April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963) was an American Christian pastor, preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor.[1] For his work, he received two honorary doctorate degrees. Hailing from a tiny farming community in western La Jose, Pennsylvania, his conversion was as a teenager in Akron, Ohio. While […]
Roy Daniel
Roy Daniel Roy Daniel (South Africa) is an itinerant evangelist who by God’s grace preaches in churches, conventions and schools across areas of South Africa, He also travels twice a year to different countries such as the USA holding youth and church outreaches and preaching at conventions. He has also been to India and England […]