Destroyed liy Conviction of Sin – Charles Spurgeon
Destroyed liy Conviction of Sin – Charles Spurgeon The squirrel in his wire cage continually in motion but making no progress, reminds me of my own self-righteous efforts after salvation, but the little creature is never one half so wearied by his exertions as 1 was by mine. The poor chiffonier in Paris trying to […]
DELILAH-Hankered-Charles -Spurgeon
DELILAH-Hankered – Charles Spurgeon The Rev. B. Jacobs, of Cambridge port, could, when necessary, administer reproof very forcibly, though the gen- gentleness of his character was always seen in the manner in which it was done. Some young ladies at his house were one day talking about one of their female friends. As he entered […]
Dwarfs Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon
Dwarfs Spiritual – Charles H Spurgeon There was once in London a club of small men, whose qualification for membership lay in their not exceeding five feet in height; these dwarfs held, or pretended to hold, the opinion that they were nearer the perfection of manhood than others, for they argued that primeval men had […]
Double Mindedness – Charles H Spurgeon
Double Mindedness – Charles H Spurgeon Faraday notes that whilst at breakfast at Liangollen, he heard a Welsh harper playing in very excellent style, and he adds, ‘wishing to gratify myself with a sight of the interesting bard I went to the door and beheld: The boots! I must confess I was sadly disappointed and […]
Doubts Foolish – Charles H Spurgeon
Doubts Foolish – Charles H Spurgeon A Christian once, in doubt and discouragement, considered the darkness that overspread her soul as a proof that she was finally cast away. She stumbled over mole-hills when she should have been removing mountains. To an old minister who was trying to comfort her, with impassioned emphasis she said, […]
Doing Good A Blessing To Ourselves – Charles H Spurgeon
Doing Good A Blessing To Ourselves – Charles H Spurgeon If we view this microcosm, the human body, we shall fin that the heart does not receive the blood to store it up, but while it pumps it in at one valve, it sen4s it forth at another The blood is always circulating everywhere, and […]
Doctrines Ultra Calvinistic – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines Ultra Calvinistic – Charles H Spurgeon Griffiths says that travelers in Turkey carry with them lozenges of opium, on which is stamped ‘mash Allah,’ the gift of God. Too many sermons are just such lozenges. Grace is preached but duty denied. Divine predestination is cried up but human responsibility is rejected. Such teaching ought […]
Doctrines (Mysterious) To Be Believed – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines (Mysterious) To Be Believed – Charles H Spurgeon Those huge boulders which lie along the valley of Storo in the Tyrol, are of a granite unknown in the neighbourhood; they must have come from a great distance. Now it might be hard to explain the method by which they arrived in the valley, but […]
Doctrines Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon Our forefathers were very fond of clipping their plants and training their flowers into quaint and grotesque forms; so that we read of great guns wrought in rosemary and sweet briers. He would have been very foolish who would have trembled at cannons which only shot forth flowers […]
Doctrines False 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines False 2 – Charles H Spurgeon There are no greater foes to sheep than wild dogs. In dome regions, sheep were no longer to be found, because these fierce creatures utterly devoured the flocks. The church has never had worse enemies than false teachers; infidels and persecutors do but mild injury to her, but […]
Doctrines False – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines False – Charles H Spurgeon In ‘Babbage’s Economy of Manufactures,’ we are told that ‘some years since, a mode of preparing old clover an trefoil seeds, by a process called ‘doctoring,’ became se prevalent as to attract the attention of the House of Commons. By this process old and worthless seed was rendered in […]
Doctrines Duplicate Nature Of – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines Duplicate Nature Of – Charles H Spurgeon First to the right, then to the left, the road was ever ascending but always twisting, and thus, by easy marches, we were able to reach the summit of the pass; a straight line would have been shorter for the eagle’s wing, but no human foot could […]
Doctrines Not For Controversy – Charles H Spurgeon
Doctrines Not For Controversy – Charles H Spurgeon ‘A huge fragment of rock from an adjacent cliff fell upon horizontal part of the hill below, which was occupied by the gardens and vineyards of two peasants. It covered part of the property of each, nor could it be easily decided to whom the unexpected visitor […]
Divine Goodness Unceasing – Charles H Spurgeon
Divine Goodness Unceasing – Charles H Spurgeon It is by no means pleasant when reading an interesting article in your magazine to find yourself pulled up short with the ominous words, ‘to be continued.’ Yet they are words of good cheer if applied to other matters. What a comfort to remember that the Lord’s mercy […]
Disposition Distorting – Charles H Spurgeon
Disposition Distorting – Charles H Spurgeon How terribly bad looking-glasses distort the countenance the man who looks into one of them sees his hair disheveled, his forehead smutty, his nose blotched, his eyes out of line, and a dozen other imaginary mischiefs. How like to those morbid, melancholy dispositions which pervert everything into gloom, and […]
Discontent Chronic With Some – Charles H Spurgeon
Discontent Chronic With Some – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Some people are never content with their lot, let what will happen. Clouds and darkness are over their heads, alike whether it rain or shine. To them every incident is an accident, and every accident a calamity. Even when they have their own way, they like it […]
Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon
Diligence – Charles H Spurgeon Select a large box and place in it as many cannon-balls as it will hold, it is after a fashion full, but it will hold more if smaller matters be found. Bring a quantity of marbles, very ,amy of these may be packed in the spaces between the larger globes; […]
Dignity Of Christian Character To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon
Dignity Of Christian Character To Be Maintained – Charles H Spurgeon Antisthenes, the founder of the sect of the Cynics, when he was told that Ismenias played excellently upon the flute, answered properly enough, ‘Then he is good for nothing else, otherwise he would not have played so well.’ Such also was Philip’s saying to […]
Destitution Of London – Charles H Spurgeon
Destitution Of London – Charles H Spurgeon We have no reason to congratulate ourselves on what we are doing, if we only think of the great work which still buried amid the ruins of Nineveh. In excavating this vas population you have as it were laid bare the head of a huge winged bull, until […]
Despondency Its Quick Eye For Evils – Charles H Spurgeon
Despondency Its Quick Eye For Evils – Charles H Spurgeon My friend Smith told me, that once on a time he had Mr. Jones to preach in his church. Smith’s church holds fifteen hundred people, and is perfectly filled by its congregation, of this circumstance Smith is pardonably proud. When Mr. Jones preached, the church […]
Despondency – Charles H Spurgeon-
Despondency – Charles H Spurgeon Colton declares that in moments of despondency Shakespeare thought himself no poet; and Raphael doubted his right to be called a painter. We call such self-suspicions morbid, and ascribe them to a hypochondriacal fit; in what other way can we speak of those doubts as to their saintship, which occasionally […]
Deep Things Understood By Experienced Men – Charles H Spurgeon
Deep Things Understood By Experienced Men – Charles H Spurgeon The outlay in opening a mine is usually so great that the Spaniards say, that to prepare a mine one must spend another mine. To open up the hidden preciousness of the promises, we need a mine of experience, and to gain this last a […]
Decision For Christ – Charles H Spurgeon
Decision For Christ – Charles H Spurgeon A Changed Attitude It was Napoleon Bonaparte who, early in his life, said, “God is on the side of the biggest artillery.” Years later, when he was exiled on an island, he reversed his opinion, and conceded, “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Napoleon learned the attitude of “If […]
Death Its Revealing Power – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Its Revealing Power – Charles H Spurgeon Today the world is like a masquerade. High carnival is being held, and men wear their masks and dominoes, and strut about, and we think that man a king, and this a mighty Oriental prince, and this a haughty Indian chief. But the time is over for […]
Death Realized – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Realized – Charles H Spurgeon When Bernard Gilpin was privately informed that his enemies had caused thirty-two articles to be drawn up against him in the strongest manner, and presented to Bonner, bishop of London, he said to his favorite domestic, At length they have prevailed against me. I am accused to the bishop […]
Death Peace In – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Peace In – Charles H Spurgeon The late Mr. Young of Jedburgh, was once visiting the death-bed of an aged member of his congregation, who was hourly looking for his last change. ‘Well, my friend,’ said the minister, ‘how do you feel yourself to-day?’ ‘Very weel, sir,’ was the calm and solemn answer, ‘Very […]
Death Differently Viewed By Different Characters – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Differently Viewed By Different Characters – Charles H Spurgeon It is a blessed thing to know the Savior, and to feel that your soul is safe. You have been in a ship when it entered the harbor, and you have noticed the different looks of the passengers as they turned their eyes ashore. There […]
Death Desired By Few – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Desired By Few – Charles H Spurgeon Burckhardt states, that although the Arabs are strict predestinarians, yet when the plague visited Medina, many of the townsmen fled to the desert, alleging as an excuse that although the distemper was a messenger from heaven sent to call them to a better world, yet being conscious […]
Death Of A Believer – Charles H Spurgeon
Death Of A Believer – Charles H Spurgeon Old Mr. Lyford being desired, a little before his death, to let his friends know in what condition his soul was, and what his thoughts were about that eternity to which he seemed very near, he answered with a cheerfulness suitable to a believer and a minister, […]
Death 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Death 2 – Charles H Spurgeon The hour of death may be fitly likened to that celebrated picture in the National Gallery, of Perseus holding up the head of Medusa. That head turned all persons into stone who looked upon it. There is a warrior represented with a dart in his hand; he stands stiffened, […]
Death – Charles H Spurgeon
Death – Charles H Spurgeon ‘Paid the debt of nature.’ No; it is not paying a debt; it is rather like bringing a note to the bank to obtain solid gold in exchange for it. In this case you bring this cumbrous body which is nothing worth, and which you could not wish to retain […]
Day By Day 2 – Charles H Spurgeon
Day By Day 2 – Charles H Spurgeon A person says, ‘I cannot understand how I am to get along when I leave my father’s house.’ Why should you see it till that time comes? What if a person going on a journey of five years should undertake to carry provisions, and clothes, and gold […]
Day By Day – Charles H Spurgeon
Day By Day – Charles H Spurgeon A celebrated modern writer says, ‘Take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves.’ This is an admirable remark, and might be very seasonably recollected when we begin to be ‘weary in well-doing,’ from the thought of having much to do. The present moment […]
Danger Of The Christian – Charles H Spurgeon
Danger Of The Christian – Charles H Spurgeon When the instructed Christian sees his surroundings, he finds himself to be like a defenceless dove flying to her nest, while against her tens of thousands of arrows are levelled. The Christian life is like that dove’s anxious flight, as it threads its way between the death-bearing […]
Dancing – Charles H Spurgeon
Dancing – Charles H Spurgeon When I hear of a dancing party I fed an uneasy: about the throat, remembering that a far greater preacher had his head danced off in the days of our Lord. However pleasing the polkas of Herodias might be to Herod, they were death to John the Baptist. The caperings […]
Don’t Try to Get out of Work
Don’t Try to Get out of Work William Sydney Porter, better known by his pen name “O. Henry,” became one of the most popular authors in America at the turn of the last century. He wrote for years, but his literary career really took off from a most unlikely place—prison. Porter had been convicted of […]
Do You Know Me?
Do You Know Me? The story is told of a prosecuting attorney in a small town courthouse called his first witness, an elderly woman, to the stand. He approached her and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me?” She responded, “Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a […]
Don’t Let Down Your Guard
Don’t Let Down Your Guard It was a stifling hot morning that August in Hiroshima, Japan. In 1945, citizens feared a pending air strike from the allied forces of World War II. Many people were evacuating belongings from their homes and making preparation for their safety. Hiroshima was one of the largest cities in Japan […]
Dangerous Fools
Dangerous Fools On July 6, 2011, a hiker, Brian Matayoshi, was attacked by a female grizzly bear near the Wapiti Lake trail in Yellowstone National Park. He and his wife were visiting the park as hundreds of thousands do each year. Apparently they surprised the mother grizzly and her cubs. The National Park Service issued […]
Delivering the Most Important Message
Delivering the Most Important Message John Currier was found guilty of murder in 1949 and sentenced to life in prison. Later he was paroled to work on a farm near Nashville, Tennessee. In 1968, Currier’s sentence was terminated, and a letter bearing the good news was sent to him. But John never saw the letter, […]
Don’t Refuse Your Pardon
Don’t Refuse Your Pardon In 1830 George Wilson was convicted of robbing the U.S. Mail and was sentenced to be hanged. President Andrew Jackson issued a pardon for Wilson, but he refused to accept it. The matter went to Chief Justice John Marshall, who concluded that Wilson would have to be executed. “A pardon is […]
Don’t Take Chances With Sin
Don’t Take Chances With Sin In 1982, ABC Evening News reported about a new invention—a chair affixed to a shotgun. It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel. The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undetermined moment within the next […]
Don’t Put off Salvation
Don’t Put off Salvation The Titanic’s captain did not believe the ship was sinking until water was ankle deep in the mail room. At that point he realized that the unsinkable ship was sinking. Ships that could have helped rescue the people on board were not asked to help early enough and did not arrive in […]
Dale Earnhardt
Dale Earnhardt On Sunday February 18, 2001, Nascar lost one of its greatest drivers. Dale Earnhardt, also known as “The Intimidator,” was in third place on the last lap of the Daytona 500 when his car was tapped from behind and sent head-on into the wall at 180 mph. In a matter of moments it […]
Doing God’s Business
Doing God’s Business As D. L. Moody walked down a Chicago street one day, he walked up to a man and asked him if he were a Christian. The fellow raised his fists and angrily exclaimed, “You mind your own business!” “This is my business,” replied Moody. “Well, then, you must be Moody,” the man […]
Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence-George Mueller
Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence-George Mueller • Dr. James Dobson writes in “Preparing For Adolescence” that there are several important things to note about emotions (Pgs. 124-136): o They are cyclical-no one stays up to long or down to long…we go from high to low and back again. o Don’t rely solely […]
Do Not Soften Sin
Do Not Soften Sin Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a distinguished minister, Dr. Howard, from Australia who preached very strongly on the subject of sin. After the service, one of the church officers came to counsel with him in the study. “Dr. Howard,” he said, “we don’t want you to talk as openly as […]
Definiton of Worship
Definiton of Worship “Worship is an act that develops feelings for God, not a feeling for God that is expressed in an act of worship.” “For worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; the nourishment of mind with His truth; the purifying of […]
Definition of Salvation
Definition of Salvation “Saving faith may thus be defined as voluntary turning from all hope and grounds based on self merit, and assuming an attitude of expectancy toward God, trusting Him to do a perfect saving work based only on the merit of Christ.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Do the Most Important Things First
Do the Most Important Things First Industrialist Charles Schwab was a key figure in Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire. Frustrated with his inability to get everything done, he once reluctantly agreed to meet with a consultant named Ivy Lee, who was recommended to him by John D. Rockefeller. Schwab had little use for consultants, but since […]
Don’t Leave Jesus Out
Don’t Leave Jesus Out Adolph Menzel created a painting titled Frederick the Great’s Address to His Generals Before the Battle of Leuthen. This historical piece depicts Frederick’s speech to his generals in December 1757 during the Seven Years’ War before their famous battle in Silesia against the Austrians. Menzel worked on it from 1859-1861, but never […]
David Livingstone’s Prayer
David Livingstone’s Prayer David Livingstone was a pioneer missionary to Africa, who walked over 29,000 miles. His wife died early in their ministry and he faced stiff opposition from his Scottish brethren. He prayed, “Send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any ties but the tie […]
Do You Believe the Gospel?
Do You Believe the Gospel? Some time ago an 18-year-old girl from Washington state attended a worship service. For the first time in her life she heard the gospel message. The following Tuesday the members of the church received a letter from her. It read: Dear Church Members:Last Sunday I attended your church, and I […]
Dwelling Together
Dwelling Together “To dwell above with those we love, oh that will be glory; to dwell below with those we know, well that’s another story.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Dead Turkeys
Dead Turkeys A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” The stock boy replied, “No ma’am, they’re dead.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Dreaming of Engagement
Dreaming of Engagement A young fellow once said to his girlfriend: “I dreamed about you last night.” Naturally, she was intrigued and wanted to know all about it. He said, “I dreamed that I proposed to you. I wonder what that means!” She said, “That’s very simple, “It means that you have more sense when […]
Despair Is Contagious
Despair Is Contagious There was a fellow who was about to jump from a bridge. An alert police officer slowly and methodically moved toward him, talking with him all the time. When the officer got within inches of the man he said, “Surely nothing could be bad enough for you to take your life. Tell […]
Do You Know Who I Am?
Do You Know Who I Am? At a tea for officers and their wives, the commanding general of a base delivered a seemingly endless oration. A young lieutenant grumbled to the woman sitting beside him, “What a pompous and unbearable old windbag that slob is!” The woman turned to him, her face red with rage. […]
Dying Testimony of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon
Dying Testimony of the Believer – Charles Spurgeon TRAVERSE the azure way. Plume your wings for the last solemn flight. Let faith like a courier march before to track the way. Every semblance of affectation upon dying beds is shocking. I have never been able to admire the oft-quoted death-bed of Addison. “Come,” said he, […]
Dying, Test of – Charles Spurgeon
Dying, Test of – Charles Spurgeon GOD grant that we may stand the test of dying. But there is a still more terrible test than dying, for some sleep quietly through death, but, oh, the judgment! I see two ponderous scales, huge as hemispheres of this great globe, and there I see the weights—the standard […]
Dying Song – Charles Spurgeon
Dying Song – Charles Spurgeon LET us pour forth a canticle of deep, mysterious melody of bliss when our dying hour is near at hand. Courage, brother! The waters are chilly; but fear will not by any means diminish the terrors of the river. Courage, brother! Death is solemn work; but playing the coward will […]
Dying Saints, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon
Dying Saints, Joy of – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard expressions from some dying men and women, that I never met with in the best written book. They have seemed to me as if they knew more about my Master than I had ever learned, or than the old divines, or the best of writers […]
Dying Daily, Blessings of – Charles Spurgeon
Dying Daily, Blessings of – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know how wide the benefits of dying daily may be, but they seem to me to be commensurate with the whole period of human existence. You young people, you would not be likely to plunge into youthful gaieties to your own damage, if you felt […]
Dwarfish Christians – Charles Spurgeon
Dwarfish Christians – Charles Spurgeon WE have fallen upon a race of dwarfs, and are content, to a great extent, to have it so. There was once in London a club of small men, whose qualification for membership lay in their not exceeding five feet in height; these dwarfs held, or pretended to hold, the […]
Duty to be Performed at all Costs – Charles Spurgeon
Duty to be Performed at all Costs – Charles Spurgeon A CHRISTIAN man is sometimes bound by duty to perform an action which, to all appearance, will destroy his future usefulness. I have often heard men urge, as a plea for remaining in a corrupt church, that they have obtained an influence in its midst, […]
Duty, Preparation for – Charles Spurgeon
Duty, Preparation for – Charles Spurgeon EARNESTNESS says: “I shall undertake some fresh duty this afternoon.” Stop, dear brother, just a minute. If you want to praise God, would not it be as well first to begin with yourself? The musician said: “I will praise God better;” but the pipes of his instrument were foul; […]
Drunkenness Inexcusable – Charles Spurgeon
Drunkenness Inexcusable – Charles Spurgeon WE sometimes talk of a man being “as drunk as a beast,” but whoever heard of a beast being drunk? Why, it is more beastly than anything a beast ever does. I do not believe that the devil himself is ever guilty of anything like that. I never heard even […]
Dreams, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon
Dreams, Deceitfulness of – Charles Spurgeon MANY visions have led to the most disastrous results. When Napoleon had a vision of a universal monarchy over which he should preside, with the French eagle for his ensign, he drenched the lands in blood. Many visions have been wretchedly delusive. Men have dreamed of finding the fairy […]
Doctrine of the Gospel, Universal Suitability of the – Charles Spurgeon
Doctrine of the Gospel, Universal Suitability of the – Charles Spurgeon THE rabbis say that when the young Israelites grew older their clothes grew as they grew. I do not know how that was, but I do know that let us grow in mental stature as we may, the doctrines of the gospel still are […]
Doctrine, False—Contagion of – Charles Spurgeon
Doctrine, False—Contagion of – Charles Spurgeon SIN is like the bale of goods which came from the east to this city in the olden time, which brought the pest in it. Probably it was but a small bale, but yet it contained in it the deaths of hundreds of the inhabitants of London. In those […]
Dissatisfaction with Self – Charles Spurgeon
Dissatisfaction with Self – Charles Spurgeon I SUPPOSE that the further we proceed in the way to Heaven the more we shall be dissatisfied with ourselves, because our daily trials and troubles have the effect of bursting many of those bubbles in which we once put our confidence. All the wooden centers must be taken […]
Disposition, Cheerful – Charles Spurgeon
Disposition, Cheerful – Charles Spurgeon TO a poor soul troubled with indigestion a wet morning is horrible, the roads are rivers of malicious mud, the heartless rain-drops come pattering down most cruelly, every one of them bitterly chilling your marrow and spitefully shivering your bones, while the grim clouds are piled one upon the other […]
Difficulties solved in Eternity – Charles Spurgeon
Difficulties solved in Eternity – Charles Spurgeon OUR disputes are often childish. We might as well leave some questions in abeyance for a little while. Two persons in the dark have differed about a color, and they are wrangling about it. If we brought candles in and held them to the color, the candles would […]
Difficulties, God’s Opportunities – Charles Spurgeon
Difficulties, God’s Opportunities – Charles Spurgeon BELOVED, if you can conceive of an age that is worse than another, so much the more is it a fit platform for the heavenly energy; the more difficulty, the more room for omnipotence to show itself; there is elbow-room for the great God when there is some great […]
Dew of the Spirit – Charles Spurgeon
Dew of the Spirit – Charles Spurgeon THE Oriental knew the value of dew. When he saw the green pastures turn brown and at last dry up, until they were nothing but dust and powder, how he sought for the shower and the dew; and when it came, how thankful was he! When that dew […]
Devil, God’s Purposes fulfilled by the – Charles Spurgeon
Devil, God’s Purposes fulfilled by the – Charles Spurgeon PERHAPS, of all the powers which effect the divine purposes in the world, none does more than the devil himself. He is but a scullion in the Eternal’s kitchen; he unwillingly performs much work to which the Lord would not put his children, work which is […]
Definition of a Friend
Definition of a Friend A British publication once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. Among the thousands of answers received were the following:“One who multiplies joys, divides grief, and whose honesty is inviolable.”“One who understands our silence.”“A volume of sympathy bound in cloth.”“A watch that beats true for all time and […]
Development, The Theory of—A Lie – Charles Spurgeon
Development, The Theory of—A Lie – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE heard lately, to my deep sorrow, certain preachers speaking of conversions as being developments. Is it so, then, that conversion is but the development of hidden graces within the human soul? It is not so: the theory is a lie from top to bottom. There […]
Despondency v. Cheerfulness – Charles Spurgeon
Despondency v. Cheerfulness – Charles Spurgeon DESPONDENCY whispers, “Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher?” But cheerfulness points to the risen Savior, and the stone already moved. Despondency scarcely entertains as possible the plan which cheerfulness readily works out. Despondency gives up the work at the very first discouragement; […]
Departed, The—Comfort about – Charles Spurgeon
Departed, The—Comfort about – Charles Spurgeon WE shall enter into no questions now about whether Heaven is a place, and where it is, or whether it be a state merely: it is enough for us that where Jesus is there his people are—not some of them on lower seats, or sitting outside, or in lower […]
Denominations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon
Denominations, Use of – Charles Spurgeon SUPPOSE that all the livery companies in London should give up their distinctive names, so that there should be no Goldsmiths’ Company, nor Cloth Workers, nor Merchant Tailors, nor Fishmongers, but that all should be called citizens, it would be a wonderful piece of policy, and would singularly unite […]
Deep Experience of Christ, Value of – Charles Spurgeon
Deep Experience of Christ, Value of – Charles Spurgeon O YOU who in these regions profess to abide in the Lord, may you dwell deep in Christ. When you get upon the rock of Christ Jesus you are safe, but when you get into the rock then you are happy. A man on the rock […]
Decision for Christ, Call to – Charles Spurgeon
Decision for Christ, Call to – Charles Spurgeon I DO not read that that poor man who was sent into the fields to feed swine ever gave his master any notice when he left him. His master sent him into the fields to feed swine, and he would gladly have filled his belly with the […]
Debtors to God – Charles Spurgeon
Debtors to God – Charles Spurgeon SOME of us had once a comfortable competence laid by in the bank of Self-righteousness, and we meant to draw it out when we came to die, and thought we should even have a little spending money for our old age out of the interest which was paid us […]
Death of Believers, Holy Spirit’s work in – Charles Spurgeon
Death of Believers, Holy Spirit’s work in – Charles Spurgeon WE are to look upon the presence of the Holy Spirit in the witness of dying men, as in some sense the continuance of the Holy Spirit’s instructive authorship. He has finished yonder book written with paper and ink, but he is writing fresh stanzas […]
Deaths, Early – Charles Spurgeon
Deaths, Early – Charles Spurgeon “WHOM the gods love die young,” said the heathen, and doubtless it is no small privilege to be so soon admitted into glory. Only shown on earth, and then snatched away to Heaven, too precious to be left below. Precious child, how dear were you to the good God who […]
Death Struggle, sometimes the most Terrible – Charles Spurgeon
Death Struggle, sometimes the most Terrible – Charles Spurgeon IT has been the custom of some great commanders to keep a body of picked men in reserve to make the final assault. Just when battalion after battalion has been swept away, and the main army reels; just when the victory is almost in the enemy’s […]
Desire of a Humanist
Desire of a Humanist Not long before she died Marghanita Laski, a well-known secular humanist and novelist, told an interviewer: “What I envy most about you Christians is your forgiveness; I have nobody to forgive me.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Death-bed of the Righteous and Sinner Compared – Charles Spurgeon
Death-bed of the Righteous and Sinner Compared – Charles Spurgeon AROUND the sinner’s death-bed the tempest thickens, and he hears the rumblings of the eternal storm: his soul is driven away, either amid the thunderings of curses loud and deep, or else in the dread calm which evermore forebodes the hurricane. “Depart, you cursed,” is […]
Death, Uncertainty of—An Incentive to Service – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Uncertainty of—An Incentive to Service – Charles Spurgeon YOU came over Blackfriars Bridge tonight: you may drop down dead on it as you go back! You have come from your house tonight, and you have left at home a dear friend to whom you wish to speak about his soul. Do it tonight, for […]
Death to be Rejoiced in – Charles Spurgeon
Death to be Rejoiced in – Charles Spurgeon I DO not know why we always sing dirges at the funerals of the saints, and drape ourselves in black. I would desire, if I might have my way, to be drawn to my grave by white horses, or to be carried on the shoulders of men […]
Death the Way to Life – Charles Spurgeon
Death the Way to Life – Charles Spurgeon WE notice frequently over cemetery gates, as an emblematic device, a torch turned over, ready to be quenched. Ah, my brethren, it is not so, the torch of our life burns the better, and blazes the brighter for the change of death. The breaking of the pitcher […]
Death, the Revealer of Religion – Charles Spurgeon
Death, the Revealer of Religion – Charles Spurgeon DEATH, I hope, beloved, will be to many of you the season of your greatest joy; you will climb to Pisgah’s top with weary footsteps; but when once there, the vision of the landscape will make amends for all the toil. The brooks, and hills, and vales, […]
Death, the Enemy of Humanity – Charles Spurgeon
Death, the Enemy of Humanity – Charles Spurgeon O YOU mourners! your somber garments tell me that your family circle has been broken into, time after time, by this ruthless destroyer. The widow has lost her comfort and her stay; the children have been left desolate and fatherless. O death! you are the cruel enemy […]
Death, the Consummation of our Warfare – Charles Spurgeon
Death, the Consummation of our Warfare – Charles Spurgeon THE commander’s eagle eye, as he surveys the plain, watches joyously the shook of battle as he sees that his victory is sure; but when at the last the fight culminates in one last assault, when the brave guards advance for the last attack, when the […]
Death, Sweetness of a Promise in – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Sweetness of a Promise in – Charles Spurgeon AH, how delightful it is to die with a promise on the lip, feeling it in the heart! It may be a very lone cottage, and the stars may come and look through the tiles, and the hangings of the bed may be very ragged, and […]
Death, Revolting Character of – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Revolting Character of – Charles Spurgeon ONE of the saddest reflections about poor dead human nature is what it will be. Death in itself, though a solemn matter, is not so dreadful as that which comes of it. Many a time when that dear corpse has first been forsaken of the soul, those who […]
Death revealing Secrets – Charles Spurgeon
Death revealing Secrets – Charles Spurgeon THE hour of death has often served as a touchstone by which formality has been revealed. Men have felt the mask rudely plucked off when lying at death’s gate. They have been compelled to see the leprosy in their brow, which they had feared to think upon before; they […]
Death refining the Body – Charles Spurgeon
Death refining the Body – Charles Spurgeon O DEATH! you are no gainer by us, but we shall be mighty gainers by you, for though this poor body shall become worms’ meat, and through and through and through this mortal frame decay shall drive its tunnels and make its solemn ways; though back to dust, […]
Death, Readiness for – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Readiness for – Charles Spurgeon OUR dear friend, Mr. James Smith, whom some of you remember as preaching the word at Park-street, and afterwards at Cheltenham, when I saw him, some little while before his departure, described himself thus: “You have seen a passenger that has gone to the station, taken his ticket, all […]
Death, Preparation for—Our Wisdom – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Preparation for—Our Wisdom – Charles Spurgeon IN the old wars of the Danish kings, there is a legend that, when Harold was contending with his brother Harequin, an arrow was seen flying in the air, quivering as if it scarcely knew its way, and was searching for its victim; then on a sudden it […]
Death, Night of – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Night of – Charles Spurgeon “THE night comes.” You cannot put it off. As sure as night comes in its due season to the earth, so death comes to you. There are no arts nor maneuvers by which night can be deferred or prevented, nor by which death can be postponed or altogether adjourned. […]
Death Inevitable to all – Charles Spurgeon
Death Inevitable to all – Charles Spurgeon TAKE up the learned man’s skull, and what is the difference between that and the skull of the merest pauper that scarcely knew his letters? Brown, impalpable powder, they both crumble down into the same elements. To die in a respectable position, what is the use of it? […]
Death, Forgetfulness of – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Forgetfulness of – Charles Spurgeon RIGHT on the edge of our graves sometimes we are, and yet we sport and laugh as though we had a lease of life! You forget death, most of you. The cemetery is so far out of town, but still you should not quite forget, for the hearse goes […]
Death, Certainty of—To all – Charles Spurgeon
Death, Certainty of—To all – Charles Spurgeon “ALL flesh is grass.” The whole history of man may be seen in the meadow. He springs up green and tender, subject to the frosts of infancy which imperil his young life; he grows, he comes to maturity, he puts on beauty even as the grass is adorned […]
Daily Troubles taken to God – Charles Spurgeon
Daily Troubles taken to God – Charles Spurgeon I BELIEVE that we fail to bring little troubles to God, and perhaps on account of their being so little, we fancy that we must not mention them to the Most High. This is but the fruit of our pride, for how know we that our great […]
Daily Grace, Need of – Charles Spurgeon
Daily Grace, Need of – Charles Spurgeon I TELL you, if you have ever done business in deep waters, you have found that anchors at home are of no use in a storm, and that the anchor which stood so well a year ago, if it is left at home on shore, is of no […]
Daily Cares brought to Christ – Charles Spurgeon
Daily Cares brought to Christ – Charles Spurgeon OH! you that are now the poor slaves of your daily cares, how happy would you be if you came to Jesus and trusted in him! The cage would grow no larger; the income might become no richer; you might still be among the poor and the […]
Definition of a Father
Definition of a Father “Fathers are what give daughters away to other men who aren’t nearly good enough, so they can have grandchildren that are smarter than anybody’s.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Day of Obedience
Day of Obedience Father’s Day is that one time of the year when I get complete obedience from every member of my family. I tell them not to spend a lot of money on me—and they don’t. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Dr. George Sweeting Tells A Story About The ..-George Mueller
Dr. George Sweeting Tells A Story About The ..-George Mueller Dr. George Sweeting tells a story about the tragedy of addictions. One day he watched several blocks of ice floating down a river at Niagara Falls. Curiously, several birds floated above water looking for fish. One sea gull spotted a fish frozen in one of […]
Dr. George Sweeting Wrote In Special Sermons For -George Mueller
Dr. George Sweeting Wrote In Special Sermons For -George Mueller Dr. George Sweeting wrote in Special Sermons for Special Days: “Several years ago our family visited Niagara Falls. It was spring, and ice was rushing down the river. As I viewed the large blocks of ice flowing toward the falls, I could see that there […]
Do the Task God Has Given You
Do the Task God Has Given You Adoniram Judson labored faithfully in Burma for eighteen years without a furlough, and for the first six years he did not have a single Burmese convert. He said that he never saw a ship leave Burma without wanting to board it and go home. When his wife became sick and […]
Don’t Give Up on Sinners
Don’t Give Up on Sinners Zach Dunlap said he feels, “Pretty good,” Just four months after the doctors almost removed his organs because he was declared brain dead. Mr. Dunlap was pronounced dead November 19, 2007 at United Regional Healthcare System in Wichita Falls, Texas. While family members payed their last respects just before his […]
Divorce Statistics
Divorce Statistics One-third (35 percent) of Americans today say they have been through a breakup at least once in the past 10 years. Americans under age 35 are twice as likely as those between 35 and 54, and nearly five times as likely as those 55 and older, to have split with a significant other […]
Don’t Focus on Your Worries
Don’t Focus on Your Worries One day John Wesley was walking with a troubled man who expressed his doubt as to the goodness of God. He said, “I do not know what I shall do with all this worry and trouble.” At the same moment Wesley saw a cow looking over a stone wall. “Do […]
Deciding Which Way to Go
Deciding Which Way to Go A story is told of an African Muslim who became a Christian. His friends asked, “Why have you become a Christian?” He answered, “Well, it’s like this. Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly the road forked in two directions, and you didn’t know which way to go. […]
Don’t Be Like an Easter Egg
Don’t Be Like an Easter Egg Some folks are like Easter eggs—ornamented on the outside and hard-boiled on the inside! Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Dishonesty Always Catches up to You
Dishonesty Always Catches up to You Just five days after accepting the position as head coach of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team in December of 2001, George O’Leary resigned in disgrace. An investigation had revealed that more than twenty years before he had included false claims on his resume, including saying that he […]
Don’t Buy That Bridge
Don’t Buy That Bridge In the long history of con artists, George C. Parker holds a special place of dishonor. He is remembered as one of the most successful and daring swindlers in American history. He set up an office in New York City and “sold” some of the city’s most famous attractions to tourists. […]
Do You Know God?
Do You Know God? We may know sports figures, their statistics, even their personal likes and dislikes, but we don’t really know them. How well do you know God? You likely know all about Him, you likely have studied His book, the Bible, but do you actually know Him? Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Definition of Waiting on God
Definition of Waiting on God “Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; third, the ability to do nothing until the command is […]
Doing God’s Will
Doing God’s Will Walter Knight told of an old Scottish woman who went from home to home across the countryside selling thread, buttons, and shoestrings. When she came to an unmarked crossroad, she would toss a stick into the air and go in the direction the stick pointed when it landed. One day, however, she […]
Do Not Enter
Do Not Enter The story is told about the father of a vacationing family who came across a large sign that read, “Road Closed. Do Not Enter.” The man proceeded around the sign because he was confident it would save them time. His wife was resistant to the adventure, but there was no turning back […]
Don’t Twist the Truth
Don’t Twist the Truth Once the devil was walking along with one of his cohorts. They saw a man ahead of them pick up something shiny. “What did he find?” asked the cohort. “A piece of the truth,” the devil replied. “Doesn’t it bother you that he found a piece of the truth?” asked the […]
Desire for Wealth Grows With It
Desire for Wealth Grows With It How rich is rich? According to a survey of people who ought to know, the answer is $1 million to $5 million in assets. Investment managers Neuberger & Bergman sponsored the survey of people who stand to give or receive inheritances (median household assets: $500,000). Paradoxically, 55% of those […]
Don’t Give Access to the Devil
Don’t Give Access to the Devil Suppose you had a thousand-acre farm and someone offered to buy it. You agree to sell the land except for one acre right in the center which you want to keep for yourself. Did you know that in some areas the law would allow you to have access to […]
Don’t Tolerate a Little Sin
Don’t Tolerate a Little Sin The story is told of a man who sold his house for an incredible bargain with just one stipulation: he would retain ownership of one small nail protruding over the door. After several years, he wanted the house back, but the new owner was unwilling to sell it. So the […]
Discovering Pluto
Discovering Pluto Persistence paid off for American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered the planet Pluto. After astronomers calculated a probable orbit for this “suspected” heavenly body, Tombaugh took up the search in March, 1929. Time magazine recorded the investigation: “He examined scores of telescopic photographs each showing tens of thousands of star images in pairs […]
Don’t Quit
Don’t Quit When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,When the funds are low and the debts are high,And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,When care is pressing you down a bit,Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. Life is queer with its twists […]
Don’t Let a Storm Stop You
Don’t Let a Storm Stop You One stormy night, Hudson Taylor was scheduled to speak in Birmingham, England, at the Severn Street schoolroom. His hostess attempted to dissuade him from going in the torrential downpour by telling him that everyone would assume it was canceled. “But was it not announced for tonight,” Hudson Taylor asked. […]
Differing Teen Personalities: Researcher George Barna says-George Mueller
Differing Teen Personalities: Researcher George Barna says-George Mueller Differing Teen Personalities: Researcher George Barna says American teens fall into four personality niches. Nearly half are Interactives—highly personable and develop their lifestyle according to relational possibilities and parameters. They operates with a stream of consciousness approach to problem solving yet remain sensitive to the needs and […]
Divided We Fall. – Dwight Lyman Moody
Divided We Fall. – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember one mother who heard that her boy was impressed at our meeting. She said her son was a good enough boy, and he didn’t need to be converted. I pleaded with that mother, but all my pleading was of no account. I tried my influence with […]
DISCERNING GOD’S WILL-George Mueller DISCERNING GOD’S WILL George Mueller’s recommended method for discerning God’s will: 1. Have no will of your own in the matter. (Mark 14:36) 2. Seek the will of God in direct connection with the Word of God (Psalm 119:33-35) 3. Circumstances will agree with the Word of God (Judges 6:36-40) 4. […]
Doing What Is Important
Doing What Is Important The Israeli settlement of Netzarim in the heart of the Gaza Strip was a point of much conflict with militant Palestinians for several years. The conflict was so great that the settlement was evacuated in 2005. Those who lived in Netzarim did so at great personal risk because they felt it […]
Death Is Not a Respecter of Persons
Death Is Not a Respecter of Persons At the end of World War II a young Bible college student in Illinois met Ira Hayes on the streets of Chicago. In an effort to offer him hope, Bill shared John 3:16. Ira stopped him, “Do you remember Iwo Jima? I’m the man who put the flag on […]
Death Accepts No Substitutes
Death Accepts No Substitutes President Wilson once received a call in the middle of the night from a civil servant who informed him that one of his appointees had just died. The caller said, “While I’m sure we are all saddened by this news, I would like to know if I can take his place.” […]
Don’t Climb the Fence
Don’t Climb the Fence On June 28, 2008, Asia LeeShawn Ferguson went over two fences and entered a restricted area in Six Flags Over Georgia. The seventeen-year-old was hit and killed by the Batman roller coaster. It is not known why Ferguson climbed the fences; and his father said, “Nobody knows but my son and […]
Death’s Sting Is Gone
Death’s Sting Is Gone A little boy and his father were driving down a country road on a beautiful spring afternoon. Suddenly out of nowhere a bumblebee flew in the car window. Since the little boy was deathly allergic to bee stings he became petrified. His father quickly reached out, grabbed the bee, squeezed it […]
Death to Self
Death to Self When a man asked George Mueller the secret of his service, Mueller responded: “There was a day when I died, utterly died; died to George Mueller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren and friends; and […]
Don’t Mail It
Don’t Mail It One day Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, came to him with a wrathful letter written to a Major-General who had accused him of favoritism. Stanton read Lincoln the letter which was full of sharp retorts and the President told him it was a good letter that the general deserved. While […]
Dangerous Marriage Counseling
Dangerous Marriage Counseling The pastor and his wife knew they had made a mistake by agreeing to counsel with Mrs. Smith when she opened their first session by saying, “I want to thank you for seeing me, especially since my husband said he’d kill anybody that I talked to about our problems.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp […]
Dividing through Gossip
Dividing through Gossip During World War II, the United States government became concerned that a number of German spies were operating in America, sending information back to Germany regarding Allied war plans and specific troop and ship movements. To keep them from impacting the war effort, the Office of War Information launched a national campaign […]
Don’t Forget Your Purpose
Don’t Forget Your Purpose A preacher was in Atlanta, several years ago, and noticed in the restaurants section of the Yellow Pages, an entry for a place called Church of God Grill. The peculiar name aroused his curiosity and he dialed the number. A man answered with a cheery, “Hello! Church of God Grill!” The […]
Dr. Arnott’s Dog “Rover.” – Dwight Lyman Moody
Dr. Arnott’s Dog “Rover.” – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember when Dr. Arnott, who has gone to God, was delivering a sermon, he used this illustration. The sermon and text have all gone, but that illustration is fresh upon my mind to-night and brings home the truth. He said: “You have been sometimes out at […]
Don’t Blow Your Light Out
Don’t Blow Your Light Out A little girl got home from Sunday school, where she had been taught Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” She asked her mother what the verse meant. Her mom said, “Well, it […]
Definition of Summer Vacation
Definition of Summer Vacation When parents suddenly realize that teachers are grossly underpaid. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Disturbing the King
Disturbing the King The story is told of a king who was in his throne room, holding a council with his advisers, noblemen, and high ministers of state. Suddenly there was a bang and a clatter at the door of the throne room. All eyes turned as the door burst open and a young boy […]
Don’t Pay for Me, Daddy
Don’t Pay for Me, Daddy A little boy in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed around the offering plates. When they came near his pew, the boy said loudly, “Don’t pay for me, Daddy, I’m under five.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
Definition of a Grandparent
Definition of a Grandparent One little boy described his grandmother as someone who comes to visit and keeps your mother from spanking you. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
DESCRIPTIONS OF A FRIEND A middle school teacher asked her class to write imaginative definitions of a friend. These were the descriptions she received: “A friend is a pair of open arms in a society of armless people.” “A friend is a warm bedroll on a cold and frosty night.” “A friend is a mug […]
DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CHANGE? Randy was unsure about his choice of clothes for church so he sought some counsel from his wife. He asked, “Do you think I should change?” She took advantage of the opportunity and replied, “It depends—are you talking about changing your shirt or making a wholesale change as a […]
DON’T TUNE OUT THE HOLY SPIRIT A park ranger at Yellowstone National Park was leading a group of hikers to a fire lookout. The ranger was so intent on telling the hikers about the flowers and animals that he considered the messages on his two-way radio distracting, so he switched it off. As the group […]
DON’T QUIT READING THE BIBLE Mrs. Jones relaxed by reading her Bible each day. After observing this habit for several years, her 4-year-old daughter asked, “Aren’t you ever going to get finished reading that book?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email
DON’T NEGLECT THE BIBLE “You may talk about power; but, if you neglect the one Book that God has given you as the one instrument through which He imparts and exercises His power, you will not have it. You may read many books and go to many conventions and you may have your all-night prayer […]
DWIGHT L. MOODY. DWIGHT L. MOODY. Self-made, and conscious of the absolute truthfulness of every Bible declaration, Dwight Lyman Moody is to-day, perhaps, the most independent and powerful of living evangelists. Man, rather than books, and God, rather than man, have been his study, and made his life intensely individual, and one which has constantly […]
DON’T HOLD ONTO ANGER In a 1994 article, “Wars’ Lethal Leftovers Threaten Europeans,” Associated Press reporter Christopher Burns writes: “The bombs of World War II are still killing in Europe. They turn up—and sometimes blow up—at construction sites, in fishing nets, or on beaches fifty years after the guns fell silent. “Hundreds of tons of […]
DRINKING AND DRIVING The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that over 17 million Americans drive while they are drunk at least once a year. That figure is about the same as: 1. The amount of students enrolled in higher education (18 million) 2. 1 in 18 Americans 3. 1 in 5 drivers Facebook Twitter […]
Dr. Arnott’s Dog Rover – Dwight Lyman Moody
Dr. Arnott’s Dog Rover – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember when Dr. Arnott, who has gone to God, was delivering a sermon, he used this illustration. The sermon and text have all gone, but that illustration is fresh upon my mind to-night and brings home the truth. He said: “You have been sometimes out at […]
Divided We Fall – Dwight Lyman Moody
Divided We Fall – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember one mother who heard that her boy was impressed at our meeting. She said her son was a good enough boy, and he didn’t need to be converted. I pleaded with that mother, but all my pleading was of no account. I tried my influence, with […]
Deluged with Blood – Dwight Lyman Moody
Deluged with Blood – Dwight Lyman Moody A good many years ago there was a convention held in France, and those who held it wanted to get the country to deny a God, to burn the Bible, wanted to say that men passed away like a dog and a dumb animal. What was the result! […]
Disregarding God – Dwight Lyman Moody
Disregarding God – Dwight Lyman Moody Romans 10:18-21But I say, Have they not heard? Yes truly, their sound went into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.… I know a mother who has an idiot child. For it she gave up all society, almost everything, and devoted her whole life […]
Discouragement – Dwight Lyman Moody
Discouragement – Dwight Lyman Moody 1 Kings 19:3-18And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.… I remember a good many years ago I got very much depressed because the Lord, I thought, hadn’t blessed my ministry. I was […]
Dense fog
Dense fog Dense Fog According to the Bureau of Standards in Washington, a dense fog covering seven city blocks to a depth of 100 feet is composed of less that one glass of water. That amount of water is divided into about 60 billion tiny droplets. Yet when those minute particles settle over a city […]
Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss
Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss Death Is Not Necessarily a Loss A little girl whose baby brother had just died asked her mother where Baby had gone. “To be with Jesus,” replied the mother. A few days later, talking to a friend, the mother said, “I am so grieved to have lost my baby.” […]
Death and Taxes
Death and Taxes Death and Taxes It’s a flip saying, but true: death and taxes are the two things we can count on. But there is a difference: we know on what day the taxes fall due; we can’t predict the day of death. We can put money aside to take care of taxes; but […]
Dead horses
Dead horses Dead Horses The commanding officer was furious when nine GIs who had been out on passes failed to show up for morning roll call. Not until 7 p.m. did the first man straggle in. “I’m sorry, sir,” the soldier explained, “but I had a date and lost track of time, and I missed […]
Dead cat
Dead cat Dead Cat Our neighbor’s cat was run over by a car, and the mother quickly disposed of the remains before her four-year-old son Billy found out about it. After a few days, though, Billy finally asked about the cat. “Billy, the cat died,” his mother explained. “But it’s all right. He’s up in […]
David Livingstone
David Livingstone David Livingstone It is said that when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his […]
Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted
Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted Danger of Taking Your Blessings for Granted I have felt for a long time that one of the particular temptations of the maturing Christian is the danger of getting accustomed to his blessings. Like the world traveler who has been everywhere and seen everything, the maturing Christian is […]
Dead sheep…
Dead sheep… Dead Sheep… A man standing on the bank of the Niagara River saw a dead sheep being swept down by the current. An eagle lighted upon that sheep. The body sank for a moment under the weight and then came to the surface again. The day was bitter cold and the wool wrapped […]
Drug of new milllenium
Drug of new milllenium Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE The Drug of the New MilleniumBy Mark B. Kastleman(Longer summary for CFT by Mr D. Bosman) OUR FAMILIES UNDER ATTACKInternet pornography is creating an epidemic of obsession, compulsion and addiction that issweeping across the world like a tidal wave destroying marriages, families and individual lives witha devastation […]
Don’t Judge
Don’t Judge Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Don’t Judge BEST POEM IN THE WORLDI was shocked, confused, bewilderedAs I entered Heaven’s door,Not by the beauty of it all,Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in HeavenWho made me sputter and gasp–The thieves, the liars, the sinners ,The alcoholics and the […]
Do you judge
Do you judge Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Do you judge? A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On […]
Dispear Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE Dispear! During the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th century, German pastor Paul Gerhardt and his family were forced to flee from their home. One night as they stayed in a small village inn, homeless and afraid, his wife broke down and cried openly in despair. To comfort her, Gerhardt […]