Experience Variety Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Variety Of – Charles H Spurgeon Ruskin, that most accurate observer, says:: ‘Break off an elm-bough three feet long, in full leaf; and lay it on the table before you, and try to draw it, leaf for leaf. It is ten to one if in the whole bough (provided you do not twist it […]

Experience Teaching The Value Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Teaching The Value Of Grace – Charles H Spurgeon In the olden time when the government of England had resolved to build a wooden bridge over the Thames at Westminster, after they had driven a hundred and forty piles into the river, there occurred one of the most severe frosts in the memory of […]

Experience Necessary To A Minister – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Necessary To A Minister – Charles H Spurgeon Buchsel says:: ‘Orthodoxy can be learnt from others; living faith must be a matter of personal experience. The Lord sent out his disciples, saying, ‘Ye shall testify of me, because ye have been with me from the beginning.’ He only is a witness who speaks of […]

Experience Boasting Of Its Depth – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience Boasting Of Its Depth – Charles H Spurgeon In my house there is a well of extraordinary depth which reminds me of something better than the boasted deep experience of certain censorious professors, who teach that to feel sin within is the main thing, but to be delivered from it of small consequence. When […]

Experience – Charles H Spurgeon

Experience – Charles H Spurgeon A Christian’s experience is like a rainbow, made up of drops of the grief of earth, and beams of the bliss of heaven. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Excuses – Charles H Spurgeon

Excuses – Charles H Spurgeon Bishop W: , we are told, was one day rebuking one of his clergy for foxhunting. ‘My lord,’ was the clergyman’s answer, ‘every man must have some relaxation. I assure you I never go to balls.’ ‘Oh,’ said the bishop, ‘I perceive you allude to my having been to the […]

Exaggeration – Charles H Spurgeon-

Exaggeration – Charles H Spurgeon In certain ancient Italian frescoes Mary Magdalene is drawn as a woman completely enveloped in her own hair, which reaches to her feet and entirely wraps up her body as in a seamless garment. These queer draughtsmen must needs exaggerate; granted that the woman had long hair, they must enfold […]

Evils Little Making Way For Greater – Charles H Spurgeon

Evils Little Making Way For Greater – Charles H Spurgeon The carpenter’s gimblet makes but a small hole, but it enables him to drive a great nail. May we not here see a representation of those minor departures from the truth which prepare the minds of men for grievous errors, and of those thoughts of […]

Evidence Experimental – Charles H Spurgeon

Evidence Experimental – Charles H Spurgeon I have been informed that not long ago a certain infidel lecturer gave an opportunity to persons to reply to him after his oration, and he was of course expecting that one or two rashly zealous young men would rise to advance the common arguments for Christianity, which he […]

Eternal Things And Fleeting – Charles H Spurgeon

Eternal Things And Fleeting – Charles H Spurgeon Afar off one can hardly tell which is mountain and which is cloud. The clouds rise with peaks and summits, all apparently as solid, and certainly as glistening, as the snow-clad Alps, so that the clearest eye might readily be deceived. Yet the mountain is unsubstantial as […]

Enquirers Not To Be Discouraged – Charles H Spurgeon

Enquirers Not To Be Discouraged – Charles H Spurgeon At the Synod of Moscow, held by King Goutran, A.D. 585, bishops were forbidden to keep dogs in their houses, or birds of prey, lest the poor should be bit by these animals instead of being fed. Should not all ministers be equally concerned to chase […]

Election – Charles H Spurgeon

Election – Charles H Spurgeon Andrew Fuller remarks, in a letter to two relatives:: ‘ I used to think that the doctrine of election was a reason why we need not pray, and I fear there are many who split upon this rock, who think it is to no purpose to pray, as things will […]

Edification The Aim Of Christian Speech – Charles H Spurgeon

Edification The Aim Of Christian Speech – Charles H Spurgeon When Handel’s oratorio of the ‘Messiah’ had won the admiration of many of the great, Lord Kinnoul took occasion to pay him some compliments on the noble entertainment which he had lately given the town. ‘My lord,’ said Handel, ‘I should be sorry if I […]

Earnest Of The Spirit The Pledge Of Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon

Earnest Of The Spirit The Pledge Of Heaven – Charles H Spurgeon In the early times when land was sold, the owner cut a turf from the greensward and cast it into the cap of the purchase as a token that it was his; or he tore off the branch of a tree and put […]

Excellence Of – Charles H Spurgeon

Excellence Of – Charles H Spurgeon Believe me, the life of grace is no dead level, it is not a fen country, a vast flat. There are mountains, and there are valleys. There are tribes of Christians who live in the low- lands, like the poor Swiss of the Valais, who live between the lofty […]

Effects Of Storms On Different People – Charles H Spurgeon

Effects Of Storms On Different People – Charles H Spurgeon How different are summer storms from winter ones ! In winter they rush over the earth with their violence ; and if any poor remnants of foliage or flowers have lingered behind, these are swept along at one gust. Nothing is left but desolation ; […]

End Earn The Promises – Charles H Spurgeon

End Earn The Promises – Charles H Spurgeon We never prize the precious words of promise till we are placed in conditions in which their suitability and sweetness are manifested. Wc all of us value those golden words, ” When thou walkest through the fire thou shall not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle […]

Empty Seats

Empty Seats I had just finished preaching four times to several hundred teenagers at a harvest rally in Norfolk, Virginia. The youth pastor drove me to the airport where I was to catch a plane to Baltimore, Maryland. I was scheduled on US Airways, Flight 4476, to Philadelphia and then on to Baltimore. The airport […]

E. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang-George Mueller

E. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang-George Mueller e. Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang who was converted to Jesus Christ dramatically and the first Sunday he did the only thing he knew he should do and so he went to church. Nobody in the church knew […]

Eagles sometimes drown while hunting-George Mueller

Eagles sometimes drown while hunting-George Mueller Eagles sometimes drown while hunting. They catch a fish too heavy for it to really carry and if it can’t drag it to shore quick enough it may hang on and be dragged under the water and drown because it won’t let go. You can’t fly when you are […]


Earthquakes On January 12, 2010, a powerful earthquake devastated Haiti and left the country in shambles. Few people were fortunate enough to leave, but the Desarmes family was able to evacuate two weeks after the mass chaos began. They had family in South America so Pierre Desarmes, age 34, used his contacts in Port-au-Prince to […]

Encouragement and Peanut Butter

Encouragement and Peanut Butter “Encouragement is like peanut butter –the more you spread it around, the better things stick together.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Expecting the Rapture

Expecting the Rapture We are to work while we wait for the rapture. A gardener for a large estate in northern Italy was conducting a visitor through the castle and the beautiful, well-groomed grounds. As the visitor had lunch with the gardener and his wife, he commended them for the beautiful way they were keeping the gardens. He […]

Expensive Garbage

Expensive Garbage Americans shell out more for garbage bags than 90 of the world’s 210 countries do for everything. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Eisenhower on Leadership

Eisenhower on Leadership “In order to be a leader a man must have followers. And to have followers, a man must have their confidence. Hence, the supreme quality of a leader is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, on a football field, in […]

Encyclopedia for Sale

Encyclopedia for Sale A classified in a newspaper read: “Encyclopedia for Sale—No longer needed—Wife already knows everything.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Energy Efficient Transportation

Energy Efficient Transportation While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign that read: “Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust.” […]

Eating Fast

Eating Fast Sonya Thomas beat men four times her size in an eating contest. Ms. Thomas, who weighed 106 pounds, defeated 400-pound runners-up Ed “Cookie” Jarvis and Eric “Badlands” Booker in New York’s Thanksgiving Invitational by downing 7 3/4 pounds of holiday food in 12 minutes. After the event Ms. Thomas said, “I’m full, but I could […]

Engraving Rings

Engraving Rings The story is told of a young man who entered a jewelry store with an engagement ring and told the jeweler he would like to have some names engraved on it. The jeweler asked, “What names do you wish to have engraved in it?” “From Henry to Clara,” the young man whispered, red-faced. […]

Eye, Apple of—A Symbol of God’s Care – Charles Spurgeon

Eye, Apple of—A Symbol of God’s Care – Charles Spurgeon IN the providence of God the apple of the eye is defended with peculiar care and transcendent skill. Those who have studied the formation of the pupil itself will tell you with how many coats the retina is preserved. Then the commonest observer knows how […]

Experience, the True Test – Charles Spurgeon

Experience, the True Test – Charles Spurgeon A NEGRO was once told by a friend that some man had said the Bible was not true. Now, our poor friend had never thought anybody could doubt the Bible, but his quick way of disposing of the novel difficulty was, “Dat book not true! why, I take […]

Excitement, Feverish—Folly of – Charles Spurgeon

Excitement, Feverish—Folly of – Charles Spurgeon I REMEMBER seeing a doctor when there was an accident in the street. He proceeded immediately to the spot; but should you think he went rushing down to the man as if he would break his neck? No, on the contrary, he walked down very quietly and demurely to […]

Exchange of Earth for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Exchange of Earth for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you ever visited the hospital, and sat by the side of the poor Christian woman who has lain upon that bed for months—her hearing almost gone, her sight failing, scarcely able to breathe, palpitation of the heart, life a protracted agony? Oh! what a change from […]

Evidences of Religion not in Dreams – Charles Spurgeon

Evidences of Religion not in Dreams – Charles Spurgeon AS soon as some people of an excitable temperament begin to narrate their treasured story of marvels, you may anticipate that they are going to tell you that they heard a voice, or saw a vision, or were impressed with this, or saw that; all which […]

Everlasting – Charles Spurgeon

Everlasting – Charles Spurgeon OH! what a word is that word “everlasting!” Methinks I see before me the gate of pearl, as though this word “everlasting” were that glorious gate. With what soft radiance it beams upon my eye at this moment! And lo! it turns upon its hinges; it stands wide open, and what […]

 Eternal Punishment Preached by Christ – Charles Spurgeon 

Eternal Punishment Preached by Christ – Charles Spurgeon WE heard the other day that the unquenchable fire and the undying worm were medieval ideas to be scouted in these enlightened times. A courtly preacher insinuated as much and more; but a greater than he, who wore no soft clothing, and dwelt in no king’s palaces, […]

 Error Overcome by Truth – Charles Spurgeon 

Error Overcome by Truth – Charles Spurgeon THE truth, like the virgin daughter of Zion, shakes her head at boastful error, and laughs it to scorn. Let falsehood put on her tawdry garments, and think herself a queen, and say that she shall sit alone, and see no sorrow; let error come forth in her […]

Enthusiasm of Love – Charles Spurgeon

Enthusiasm of Love – Charles Spurgeon NAPOLEON, singularly enough, had power to get the hearts of men twisted and twined about him: when he was in his wars there were many of his captains and even of his private soldiers who not only marched with the quick obedience of a soldier wherever they were bidden, […]

Enthusiasm for God’s Glory – Charles Spurgeon

Enthusiasm for God’s Glory – Charles Spurgeon HOW earnest you feel about the cause of Christ when you have heard an inspiriting sermon, but how long does it last? Ah, those old days of mission enterprise, when Exeter Hall used to be crowded because missionaries had interesting stories to tell of what God was doing—what […]

Enterprise, Christian – Charles Spurgeon

Enterprise, Christian – Charles Spurgeon OH, if men had their wits as much about them when they serve God as they have when they are looking for guineas, how much more would be done in the church and the world, but there is often a blundering in the management of Christian societies and Christian churches […]

 Enemy of Souls, Vigilance of – Charles Spurgeon 

Enemy of Souls, Vigilance of – Charles Spurgeon THE eye of malice is very quick to perceive a weakness, and the hand of enmity soon takes advantage of it. When the arch-spy finds a weak place in the wall of our castle, he takes care to plant his battering-ram, and begin his siege. You may […]

 Enemies of God Recruiting his Army – Charles Spurgeon 

Enemies of God Recruiting his Army – Charles Spurgeon IT was during the persecution which raged against the saints at Jerusalem that the church obtained one of the greatest pillars that have ever strengthened and adorned her fabric—I mean the Apostle Paul. Breathing out threatenings against the people of God, he is on his road […]

Endurance, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon

Endurance, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon TRIAL may be very hard to bear for a time, but since in the very hardness of the endurance lies the blessing, the bitter is sweet and the medicine is food. Courage, men and brethren, you shall meet nothing but friends between this and the pearly gate, or, if […]

End, better than the Beginning – Charles Spurgeon

End, better than the Beginning – Charles Spurgeon “BETTER is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” Some pictures in nature will illustrate this. We compare the beginning and the end. The sower goes forth on a damp and drizzling morning with his handful of precious seed, which he is reluctant to spare; […]

 Enchanted Ground, Dangers of – Charles Spurgeon 

Enchanted Ground, Dangers of – Charles Spurgeon AFTER crossing the Grimsel, on the way down towards Handeck, the traveler traverses a road cut in red marble, so smoothly polished that, even when it is divested of its usual thin coating of snow, it is dangerous in the extreme. Notwithstanding that steps are hewn, and rough […]

Empire of Christ, Lasting – Charles Spurgeon

Empire of Christ, Lasting – Charles Spurgeon NAPOLEON founded an empire—an empire which has not always been justly estimated, for perhaps undesignedly Napoleon was a grand advancer of human liberty, since he first taught the old kings that the pretense of divine right could not keep crowns upon unpopular heads, and that young men from […]

Emotions, Natural—Not Saving – Charles Spurgeon

Emotions, Natural—Not Saving – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of many expedients for softening hard hearts, but none of them are of any avail. I know preachers who delight in talking of a mother’s tears, and a father’s grey hairs, of dying children and consumptive sisters, and I believe these are all legitimate topics; but […]

Eloquence, Worldly—Unnecessary in the Minister – Charles Spurgeon

Eloquence, Worldly—Unnecessary in the Minister – Charles Spurgeon IT is never worth a minister’s while to go up his pulpit stairs to show his auditors that he is an adept in elocution. High-sounding words and flowery periods are a mockery of man’s spiritual needs. If a man desires to display his oratory, let him study […]

Elijah’s Translation – Charles Spurgeon

Elijah’s Translation – Charles Spurgeon EVEN to a Christian, death is not a soft, dainty thing. To die is no child’s-play. We speak of it as a sleep; but it is no such sleep as yon youngster’s, when he lies down upon the sunny bank, to wake again. There are solemnities about it. There are […]

Elevation of Humanity, Danger of the – Charles Spurgeon

Elevation of Humanity, Danger of the – Charles Spurgeon YOUNG converts sometimes think that old saints can never know such contentions within, such doubtings, such humblings of spirit, as they feel. Ah! but whether they are dwarfs or giants, the experience of Christian men is amazingly alike. There are lines of weakness in the creature […]

Election, Doctrine of—Misused – Charles Spurgeon

Election, Doctrine of—Misused – Charles Spurgeon I BESEECH our friends never to be afraid of that doctrine of election when they hear it spoken of. It is not to be controverted about every day in the week, and insisted upon as though it were the whole gospel, for it is only one truth among many, […]

Echo of the Believer’s Soul to God’s Voice – Charles Spurgeon

Echo of the Believer’s Soul to God’s Voice – Charles Spurgeon IN the usual route which everybody takes in going through Switzerland, there is a long tract of country where there are innumerable beggars and people trying in various ways to get money from the traveler; and one way which generally succeeds, is that of […]

Earthly Things, Vanity of—In view of Death – Charles Spurgeon

Earthly Things, Vanity of—In view of Death – Charles Spurgeon HAVE you never seen the hoary saint stayed upon the pillows, prophesying like a seer concerning the things of this world and of the world to come? Have you never heard him deliver sentences as weighty as the verdict of a judge? “What,” says he, […]

Earth the Preparation for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon

Earth the Preparation for Heaven – Charles Spurgeon WE do not know what will happen to us between this and Heaven, but we can easily prognosticate the aim and result of all that will occur. We are harps which will be tuned in all their strings for the concerts of the blessed. The tuner is […]

Earth, Future Glory of – Charles Spurgeon

Earth, Future Glory of – Charles Spurgeon AS when the new moon first shows her slender ring of light, so the earth is rimmed and edged with a divine illumination which shall increase until the whole circle of the globe shall be irradiated, and shall in full orbed splendor reflect the glory of God. Then, […]

Earnestness in warning Sinners – Charles Spurgeon

Earnestness in warning Sinners – Charles Spurgeon WE have heard of a traveler who, journeying onward, met with one who said, “Sir, the night is dark, and I should not advise you to go on to the river, for the bridge is broken in the middle, you will be in the stream before you know […]

Earnestness essential to Testimony – Charles Spurgeon

Earnestness essential to Testimony – Charles Spurgeon HOW much depends in bearing testimony upon the way in which it is done. If our sermons were to hang like icicles around our lips, they would not be very likely to melt the ice in your minds; and if, in speaking to your Sunday-school class, your words […]

Early Saints, Enthusiasm of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Saints, Enthusiasm of – Charles Spurgeon THERE was a trumpet ring in ancient Christian testimony which startled the old world which was lying in a deep sleep, dreaming filthy dreams; that world loved not to be so aroused, and turning over in its sleep, muttered curses deep and many, and vowed revenge against the […]

Early Piety, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Simplicity of – Charles Spurgeon EARLY in the morning, when we have just risen from slumber, work is easy; our occupation in the vineyard is a cheerful exercise rather than a toil such as those find it who bear the burden and heat of the day. The young Christian is not oppressed with […]

Early Piety, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon NO one can ever over-estimate the great privilege of being brought to God in childhood or youth. If it were only to be saved from the injury which a course of sin brings upon the mind, if it were only to escape from the regrets for the past […]

Early Piety, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon

Early Piety, Beauty of – Charles Spurgeon EARLY in the morning the dew still twinkles on the leaves, the maiden blush of dawn remains and reveals an opening beauty, which is lost to those who rise not to see the birth of day. There is a beauty about early piety which is indescribably charming, and […]

Excuses to Not Tithe

Excuses to Not Tithe If you are looking for an excuse, the devil has plenty of reasons for you to keep the tithe: In January because of Christmas bills due In February because of fuel bills and car upkeep In March because of income taxes In April because of clothes for Easter In May because […]

Efforts of Man and Spiritual Fruit

Efforts of Man and Spiritual Fruit A number of years ago, the Associated Press released a study done by an agricultural school in Iowa. It reported that production of 100 bushels of corn from one acre of land, in addition to the many hours of the farmer’s labor, required 4,000,000 lbs. of water, 6,800 lbs. […]

Escaping Sin’s Penalty

Escaping Sin’s Penalty A duck hunter was with a friend in the wide-open land of southeastern Georgia. Far away on the horizon he noticed a cloud of smoke. Soon he could hear crackling as the wind shifted. He realized the terrible truth; a brushfire was advancing, so fast they couldn’t outrun it. Rifling through his […]

English Evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) – George Mueller

English Evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) – George Mueller English evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) learned that it was more important to please God than to please men. Knowing that he was doing what was honoring to the Lord kept him from discouragement when he was falsely accused by his enemies.At one point in his ministry, Whitefield […]

Evangelizing Cannibals

Evangelizing Cannibals In the 1840s, John Geddie left the pastorate of a church in Canada to take his wife and two small children to the South Sea Islands to begin a mission work there. After a voyage of more than 20,000 miles, they arrived in the New Hebrides Islands at Aneityum. The island chain was […]

Encouragement Is Not Soon Forgotten

Encouragement Is Not Soon Forgotten “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Esquire, written by Robert George, editorial page-George Mueller

Esquire, written by Robert George, editorial page-George Mueller Esquire, written by Robert George, editorial page writer of the New York Post, entitled, “The Worst Generation.” George wrote: “The Baby Boomers are the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-interested, self absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in American history. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Earlier this month, President George W. Bush granted-George Mueller

Earlier this month, President George W. Bush granted-George Mueller Earlier this month, President George W. Bush granted a pardon to I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, sparing him from a 2 ½ year prison term in a CIA leak case. Libby was the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. He was convicted in March […]

Every Christian Is Important

Every Christian Is Important A fourteenth-century Italian stained-glass artist was summoned to design and create a huge portrait for the window of a cathedral in Chartres, France, a place well known for its stained-glass work. He laid all of the pieces he was going to use out on the floor of the cathedral. They were […]

Excused at Last. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Excused at Last. – Dwight Lyman Moody It is a very solemn thought that God will excuse you if you want to be excused. He does not wish to do it, but He will do it. “As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn […]

Epitaph of an Empty Pew

Epitaph of an Empty Pew I am an empty pew.I vote for the world as against God.I deny the Bible.I mock at the preached Word of God.I rail at Christian fellowship.I laugh at prayer .I break the Fourth Commandment;I am a witness to solemn vows broken.I advise men to eat, drink and be merry, for […]

Even a Child Is Known by His Doings

Even a Child Is Known by His Doings After school one day, a first-grade boy said, “Mom, the teacher asked me today if I have any brothers or sisters who will be coming to school.” The boy’s mother replied, “That’s nice of her to take such an interest, Dear. What did she say when you […]

Enjoy Your Age

Enjoy Your Age In a Family Circus comic, Dolly once asked, “When will I be old enough to wish I was younger?” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Eager to Redo a Job

Eager to Redo a Job One spring day, three-year-old Douglas helped his grandfather fertilize the lawn. When the job was finished, Grandpa handed his grandson two quarters. “Well, Douglas,” Grandpa said, looking at the lawn, “what do you think?” Looking at the money in his hand, Douglas confidently replied, “I think it needs to be […]


EASTER CONFUSION Five-year-old Brian had a pivotal verse to recite in an Easter program: “He is not here, he is risen” (Luke 24:6). Unfortunately, he could not remember what to say, and the director had to quietly remind him of his line. He then confidently grabbed the microphone and triumphantly shouted, “He’s not here; He’s in prison!” […]

Excused At Last – Dwight Lyman Moody

Excused At Last – Dwight Lyman Moody It is a very solemn thought that God will excuse you if you want to be excused. He does not wish to do it, but He will do it. “As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the […]

Engaging Rooms Ahead – Dwight Lyman Moody

Engaging Rooms Ahead – Dwight Lyman Moody Mr. Sankey and myself — going about and preaching the gospel, is nothing new. You will find them away back eighteen hundred years ago, going off two by two, like Brothers Bliss and Whittle, and Brothers Needham and Stebbins, to different towns and villages. They had gone out, […]

Eighth Commandment – Dwight Lyman Moody

Eighth Commandment – Dwight Lyman Moody “Thou shalt not steal.” During the time of slavery, a slave was preaching with great power. His master heard of it, and sent for him, and said: “I understand you are preaching?” “Yes,” said the slave, Well, now,” said the master, “I will give you all the time you […]

Emma, This is Papa’s Friend – Dwight Lyman Moody

Emma, This is Papa’s Friend – Dwight Lyman Moody A gentleman one day came to my office for the purpose of getting me interested in a young man who had just got out of the penitentiary. “He says,” said the gentleman, “he don’t want to go to the office, but I want your permission to […]

Effects of Redemption – Dwight Lyman Moody

Effects of Redemption – Dwight Lyman Moody Ephesians 1:7In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; A few years ago I was going away to preach one Sunday morning, when a young man drove up in front of us. He had an aged woman […]

Excerpt from “Pilgrim of the Heavenly Way

Excerpt from “Pilgrim of the Heavenly Way 3) Excerpt from “Pilgrim of the Heavenly Way” by Daniel Smith, Cap-de-la-Madeleine: Publications Chretiennes, n.d. pp 215-216I recall an incident when returning to China after a furlough. As my custom was, I gathered believers on board for prayer and Bible study. Among those who came was an Anglican […]

Even God cannot get into some churches

Even God cannot get into some churches Even God Cannot Get Into Some Churches For more than a year a little old charwoman who lived on the wrong side of the tracks had been trying to join a fashionable downtown church. The preacher was not eager to have a seedy looking person in faded, out-of-style […]


Evangelism Evangelism It was in 1873, in Dublin that D. L. Moody heard British evangelist Henry Varley utter those life changing words: “The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” It was after an all-night prayer […]

Erring Christians

Erring Christians Erring Christians In the Greek, the verb to “err” is planomai. This is the word from which we get the English word “planet.” These heavenly bodies are called planets because they seem to wander (“err”) in the sky. There are not only planets in the solar system, but also erring ones in the […]

Eliminate the Little Sins

Eliminate the Little Sins Eliminate the Little Sins When a person becomes a Christian, he usually undergoes some radical life changes, especially if he has had an immoral background. Through the first steps of spiritual growth and self-denial, he gets rid of the large, obvious sins. But sad to say, many believers stop there. They […]

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs Easter Eggs Two brothers were getting ready to boil some eggs to color for Easter. “I’ll give you a dollar if you let me break three of these on your head,” said the older one. “Promise?” asked the younger. “Promise!” Gleefully, the older boy broke two eggs over his brother’s head. Standing stiff […]

Early days of Salvation Army

Early days of Salvation Army Early Days of the Salvation Army During the early days of the Salvation Army, William Booth and his associates were bitterly attacked in the press by religious leaders and government leaders alike. Whenever his son, Bramwell, showed Booth a newspaper attack, the General would reply, “Bramwell, fifty years hence it […]

Encouraging predictions for 2011

Encouraging predictions for 2011   Written by THEUNIS, JOHANNES CLOETE  tjcloete@absamail.co.za                 ENCOURAGING PREDICTIONS FOR 2011   With all the problems the World is facing, it can be somewhat unsettling.  Today, I want to share with you ten predictions that are true!                   Top 10 Predictions for […]
