ORDER – of Gracious Operations, – Charles Spurgeon

ORDER – of Gracious Operations, – Charles Spurgeon “A DISCUSSION arose between some members of a Bible class, in reference to the first Christian exercise of the converted soul. One contended that it was penitence or sorrow; another that it was car, another love, another hope, another faith, for how could one fear or repent […]

ORDER IN DUTY – its Beauty. – Charles Spurgeon

ORDER IN DUTY – its Beauty. – Charles Spurgeon Linnaeus, the great Swedish botanist, observing the beautiful order which reigns among flowers, proposed the use of a floral clock, to be composed of plants which open and close their blossoms at particular hours ; as for instance the dandelion which opens its petals at six […]

OMNISCIENCE. – Charles Spurgeon

OMNISCIENCE. – Charles Spurgeon A plate of sweet cake? was brought in and laktupon the table. Two children played upon the hearthnif before the fire. “Oh, 1 want one of these cakes. ,; cried the little boy, jumping up as soon as his mother went out, and going on tiptoe towards the table. “No, no,” […]

OBEYING GOD— with Delight. – Charles Spurgeon

OBEYING GOD— with Delight. – Charles Spurgeon ” I WISH I could mind God as my little dog minds me,” said a little boy, looking thoughtfully on his shaggy friend ; ” he always looks so pleased to mind, and I don’t.” What a painful truth did this child speak ! Shall the poor little […]

Overruled To Promote Joy – Charles H Spurgeon

Overruled To Promote Joy – Charles H Spurgeon Our afflictions are like weights, and have a tendency to bow us to the dust, but there is a way of arranging weights by means of wheels and pulleys, so that they will even lift us up. Grace, by its matchless art, has often turned the heaviest […]

Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise

Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping […]

Only One Way to Get Saved

Only One Way to Get Saved Starbucks can serve a cup of coffee 19,000 different ways. Many people view salvation like a Starbucks coffee, but there is only one way to get saved. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Object of Worship

Object of Worship We don’t worship what should be used, and we don’t use what should be worshiped. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email

Overconfident Golfing

Overconfident Golfing Golfer, Arnold Palmer related, “It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. I felt I was in pretty good shape. As I approached my ball, I saw an old friend standing at the edge of the […]

2 Oranges and an Agnostic

2 Oranges and an Agnostic While crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner, F.B. Meyer was asked to address the first class passengers. At the captain’s request he spoke on “Answered Prayer .” An agnostic who was present at the service was asked by his friends, “What did you think of Dr. Meyer’s sermon?” He […]

Outward and Inward Religion – Charles Spurgeon

Outward and Inward Religion – Charles Spurgeon ALL the costly gifts cast into the treasury are valuable chiefly as representing an inner spirit of devotion, and of self-consecration. They may exist as outward acts without the living spirit which gives them value in God’s eyes. We need therefore to cultivate the soul, and to see […]

Ordination, the True – Charles Spurgeon

Ordination, the True – Charles Spurgeon THE Puseyite mind utterly fails to fathom the depth of horror which is contained in the idea of an unauthorized man preaching, and a man out of the apostolical succession daring to teach the way of salvation. To me this horror seems very like a schoolboy’s fright at a […]

Oracle, Divine—Simplicity of the – Charles Spurgeon

Oracle, Divine—Simplicity of the – Charles Spurgeon I HAVE been amazed in times of difficulties to see how plain the oracle is. You have asked friends, and they could not advise you; but you have gone to your knees, and God has told you. You have questioned, and you have puzzled, and you have tried […]

Omnipotence of Christ – Charles Spurgeon

Omnipotence of Christ – Charles Spurgeon THERE are no ebbs and flows with Christ’s power. Omnipotence is in the hand that once was pierced, permanently abiding there. Oh, if we could but rouse it; if we could but bring the Captain of the host to the field again, to fight for his church, to work […]

Obstinacy – Charles Spurgeon

Obstinacy – Charles Spurgeon THERE’S a queer chap in our village who keeps a bulldog, and he tells me that when the creature once gives a bite at anything he never lets go again, and if you want to get it out of his mouth you must cut his head off; that’s the sort of […]

One Good Deed Too Many

One Good Deed Too Many Peter stopped a man at the gate of Heaven and asked him to give an account of himself. “Tell me one good thing you did in your life,” demanded Peter. The man paused for a moment and then responded, “I saw a gang harassing an elderly woman, so I kicked […]

Outrunning a Friend

Outrunning a Friend Two men were out hunting in the northern U.S. Suddenly one yelled and the other looked up to see a grizzly charging them. The first started to frantically put on his tennis shoes and his friend anxiously asked, “What are you doing? Don’t you know you can’t outrun a grizzly bear?” “I […]

Overtime and Family

Overtime and Family A New York Times article on people who are sick of too many hours at work tells the story of Diane Knorr, a former dot—com executive: “The first time I got a call way after hours from a senior manager, I remember being really flattered and thinking, wow! I’m really getting up there now.” But […]

Obedience. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Obedience. – Dwight Lyman Moody Suppose I say to my boy, “Willie, I want you to go out and bring me a glass of water.” He says he doesn’t want to go. “I didn’t ask you whether you wanted to go or not, Willie; I told you to go.” “But I don’t want to go,” […]

Out of Libby Prison. – Dwight Lyman Moody

Out of Libby Prison. – Dwight Lyman Moody There was a story told me while I was in Philadelphia, by Capt. Trumbull. He said when he was in Libby Prison the news came that his wife was in Washington, and his little child was dying: and the next news that came was that his child […]

Old Sambo and “Massa.” – Dwight Lyman Moody

Old Sambo and “Massa.” – Dwight Lyman Moody A friend of mine said he was down in Natchez before the war, and he and a friend of his went out riding one Saturday— they were teaching school through the week—and they drove out back from Natchez. It was a beautiful day, and they saw an […]

Our Best Days Are Yet to Come

Our Best Days Are Yet to Come A bright young girl of fifteen was suddenly cast upon a bed of suffering, completely paralyzed on one side and nearly blind. She heard the family doctor say to her parents as they stood by the bedside: “She has seen her best days, poor child!” “No, doctor,” she […]

“O Edward.” – Dwight Lyman Moody

“O Edward.” – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember going into a young converts’ meeting in Philadelphia, where I heard a story that thrilled my soul. A young man said he had been a great drunkard. He had lost one situation after another, till finally he came to the very dregs. He left Philadelphia, and went […]

One of the modern day heroes of faith is George Mueller-George Mueller

One of the modern day heroes of faith is George Mueller-George Mueller One of the modern day heroes of faith is George Mueller. George Mueller started many orphanages without raising the funds to do so. He simply trusted God to do the work and keep it going. On more than one occasion God provided for […]

Only on Easter Sunday

Only on Easter Sunday I heard of a man who attended church one week and become increasingly agitated with the message. On the way out he stopped to speak to the Pastor. He said, “You really have to do something about your sermons. You speak about the same topic every time I am here.” The preacher said, “You only […]

Our Greatest Need

Our Greatest Need If our greatest need had been information,God would have sent us an educator;If our greatest need had been technology,God would have sent us a scientist;If our greatest need had been money,God would have sent us an economist;If our greatest need had been pleasure,God would have sent us an entertainer;But our greatest need […]

Only a Boy

Only a Boy An old preacher was met one of his deacons, whose face wore a very resolute expression. “I came early to meet you,” he said. “I have something on my conscience to say to you. Pastor, there must be something radically wrong in your preaching and work; there has been only one person […]

Only Children Joined the Church

Only Children Joined the Church A Philadelphia congregation watched as three 9-year-old boys were baptized and joined the church. Not long after, unable to continue with its dwindling membership, the church sold the building and disbanded. One of the boys was Tony Campolo, who is now an author. He remembers: “Years later when I was […]

One Got Out!

One Got Out! A man and his five-year old son were driving past a cemetery and noticed a large pile of dirt next to a freshly dug grave when the little boy said, “Look, Dad, one got out!” Next time you drive past a cemetery, think of the One Whom the grave could not hold. […]

One Word. – Dwight Lyman Moody

One Word. – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember I took up the word “love,” and turned to the Scriptures and studied it, and got so that I felt I loved everybody, I got full of it. When I went on the street, I felt as if I loved everybody I saw. It ran out of […]


OVERLOOKING OUR BLESSINGS While at the grocery store picking up a turkey, little Billy of the Family Circus told his mother, “Thanksgiving should come AFTER Christmas, then we’d have more things to be thankful for.” Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest Email


OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE A businessman well known for his ruthlessness once announced to writer Mark Twain, “Before I die I mean to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I will climb Mount Sinai and read the Ten Commandments aloud at the top.” ”I have a better idea,” replied Twain. “You could stay […]


OVERSIZED WAISTS In 2008, Japan enacted a national law requiring their citizens to have their waistline measured. Those Japanese whose waistline is greater than the government prescribed standard will undergo diet counseling. We may not like the way Japan holds their citizens accountable for their weight, but they certainly understand the power of accountability. Facebook […]

Out of Libby Prison – Dwight Lyman Moody

Out of Libby Prison – Dwight Lyman Moody There was a story told me while I was in Philadelphia, by Capt. Trumbull. He said when he was in Libby prison the news came that his wife was in Washington, and his little child was dying: and the next news that came was that his child […]

One Word – Dwight Lyman Moody

One Word – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember I took up the word “love,” and turned to the Scriptures and studied it, and got so that I felt I loved everybody, I got full of it. When I went on the street, I felt as if I loved everybody I saw. It ran out of […]

One Book At a Time – Dwight Lyman Moody

One Book At a Time – Dwight Lyman Moody I have found it a good plan to take up one book at a time. It is a good deal better to study one book at a time than to run through the Bible. If we study one book and get its key, it will, perhaps, […]

Obedience – Dwight Lyman Moody

Obedience – Dwight Lyman Moody Suppose I say to my boy, “Willie, I want you to go out and bring me a glass of water.” He says he doesn’t want to go. “I didn’t ask you whether you wanted to go or not, Willie; I told you to go.” “But I don’t want to go,” […]

O Edward – Dwight Lyman Moody

O Edward – Dwight Lyman Moody I remember going into a young converts’ meeting in Philadelphia, where I heard a story that thrilled my soul. A young man said he had been a great drunkard. He had lost one situation after another; till finally he came to the very dregs. He left Philadelphia, and went […]

Opportunity – Dwight Lyman Moody

Opportunity – Dwight Lyman Moody Isaiah 55:6-9Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you on him while he is near:… I remember one day as I went through the woods near Mount Hermon School, I heard bees, and asked what it meant. “Oh,” said one of the men, “they are after the […]

Obedience Indispensable

Obedience Indispensable – Dwight Lyman Moody Deuteronomy 4:40You shall keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command you this day, that it may go well with you… Suppose I have a son, say ten years old, and I want him to go to school until he is fifteen or twenty years, but he […]

On his way to India in 1916

On his way to India in 1916 4) On his way to India in 1916 , Silas Fox and his wife arrived in Hong Kong, expecting to take a boat to Ceylon with fellow missionaries. When he tried to book passage, he was told, “Sorry, fully booked. We can give you two berths on a […]
