When The Holy Ghost Is Come

When The Holy Ghost Is Come – Brengle, Samuel Logan Chapter 1 – WHO IS HE? Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. ” On that last eventful evening in the upper room, just after the Passover feast, Jesus spoke to His disciples about His departure, and, having commanded […]

The Way of Holiness

The Way of Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan Chapter 1 – What Is Holiness? A number of years ago, before many of the young people for whom this book is written were born, a girl asked me, ‘What is this sanctification, or holiness, that people are talking so much about? ‘ She had heard the […]

The Soul-Winner’s Secret

The Soul-Winner’s Secret – Brengle, Samuel Logan Chapter 1 – The Personal Experience Of The Soul Winner Every soul-winner is in the secret of the Lord, and has had a definite personal experience of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which brings him into close fellowship and tender friendship and sympathy with the […]

The Guest Of The Soul

The Guest Of The Soul – Brengle, Samuel Logan   Chapter 1 – THE ATONEMENT Note: It was my joyful privilege in the early part of 1907 to spend five months in intensive and fruitful evangelistic work in Norway. Two extreme movements were attracting wide attention in the country. In Oslo, then known as Christiana, […]


Love-Slaves – Brengle, Samuel Logan Chapter 1 – Love Slaves James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus. Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ. Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ. Paul, a servant of God. Thus boldly and proudly wrote James […]

Helps To Holiness

Helps To Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan INTRODUCTION On January 9, 1885, at about nine o’clock in the morning, God sanctified my soul. I was in my own room at the time, but in a few minutes I went out and met a man and told him what God had done for me. The next […]

Heart Talks On Holiness

Heart Talks On Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan   Chapter 1 – Death Of ‘The Old Man’ The Son of God came into this world, and lived, and toiled, and taught, and suffered, and died and rose again in order to accomplish a twofold purpose. The Apostle John explains this twofold work. In I John […]

At The Center Of The Circle

At The Center Of The Circle – Brengle, Samuel Logan PREFACE For many years, the writings of Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle of The Salvation Army have been a source of inspiration and guidance to Christians who aspire to walk the upward way. His knowledge of the Scriptures; his winsome personality; his deep fervor and mighty […]

Ancient Prophets

Ancient Prophets – Brengle, Samuel Logan   Chapter 1 – THE ANCIENT PROPHETS For about sixty years I have been reading the Bible, and for nearly fifty I have been reading it through regularly, steadily, consecutively, year after year. When I have finished Revelation, I turn back to Genesis and begin over again, and day […]


‘Retired’ – Brengle, Samuel Logan There is no discharge in that war.’ ‘They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.’ ‘Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.’ When I was a little lad, time went by so slowly and the years […]

‘God Is Faithful’

God Is Faithful’ – Brengle, Samuel Logan A devout little woman wrote me a letter from Texas recently and said, ‘My text for today is, ” He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust (unrighteous) in the least is unjust (unrighteous) also in much […]

‘Don’t Flinch’

‘Don’t Flinch’ – Brengle, Samuel Logan The other evening I asked a Captain for the story of her conversion. She told me that a few lines in a little book showed her the way to Jesus. She saw through these lines that if she would ask God to save her and would ‘not flinch’ in […]

‘As With Sons’

‘As With Sons’ – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘If ye endure chastening,’ wrote the Apostle to the Hebrews — and that word ‘chastening , means child-discipline for purposes of training — ‘If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is be whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be […]

‘A Man In Christ’

‘A Man In Christ’ – Brengle, Samuel Logan I knew a man in Christ,’ wrote Paul. Think of one writing: I knew a man in Bonaparte, in Buddha, in Caesar,’ and we shall see at once how striking, how startling is this expression. We should be not only startled but shocked to hear this of […]

“With Peace Unbroken”

“With Peace Unbroken” – Brengle, Samuel Logan “In holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of their life (Luke i. 75). The Rev. John Fletcher, whom Wesley thought was the holiest man who had lived since the days of the Apostle John, lost the blessing five times before he was finally established in the […]

“So Spake”

“So Spake” – “And it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and SO SPAKE that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed.” (Acts 14:1 .) Bless God for such preachers and such preaching! How did they do it? What […]

“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”

“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith” – Brengle, Samuel Logan (I Tim. vi. 12) A friend with whom I once billeted claimed the blessing of a clean heart, and testified to it at the breakfast table the next morning. He said he had doubted whether there was such an experience; but, since going to The […]


Zeal – Brengle, Samuel Logan It is said that Sheridan went to battle with all the fury of a madman, and recklessly exposed himself to the shot and shell of the enemy. He told General Horace Porter that he never went into a battle from which he cared to come back alive unless he came […]

Your Own Soul

Your Own Soul – Brengle, Samuel Logan I was once asked the question by a woman: “Cannot one take too much care of one’s own soul? I see all about me, everywhere, so much sorrow and suffering and injustice that I am perplexed at God’s way of ruling the world; and it seems to me […]


You – Brengle, Samuel Logan Don’t underestimate the power of God in you, nor yet what you, by working quietly and steadily with Him, may accomplish. Paul tells not to think too highly of ourselves. (Romans xii. 3.) But he said of himself, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’ (Philippians iv. […]

Wrestlers With God

Wrestlers With God – Brengle, Samuel Logan William Bramwell writes in one of his letters, ‘Almost every night there has been a shaking among the people, and I have seen nearly twenty set at liberty.’ Then he adds these heart-searching words: ‘I believe I should have seen many more, but I cannot yet find one […]

Why Should We Be Holy?

Why Should We Be Holy? – Brengle, Samuel Logan We should be holy because God wants us to be holy. He commands it. He says, ‘As He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation: because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy.’ God is […]

Why I Wanted My Wife To Be My Wife

Why I Wanted My Wife To Be My Wife – Brengle, Samuel Logan It was my pleasant privilege once to be entertained for several days in the home of some Swedish friends. The family consisted of husband and wife and three exceptionally bright and lovely children. He was a strong, manly fellow who had made […]

Whom Do You Trust, Yourself Or Christ?

Whom Do You Trust, Yourself Or Christ? – Brengle, Samuel Logan I have had experience enough to know that feelings do not count for much, and I do know that deep down in my heart there is a peace and sense of security that were not there when I was at your meetings last week. […]

Whitened Harvest Fields

Whitened Harvest Fields – Brengle, Samuel Logan Before fields are ready to harvest, they must be plowed and sowed and tilled. When Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest, He looked upon a land plowed by God’s faithful judgments and sowed […]

When Can We Be Made Holy?

When Can We Be Made Holy? – Brengle, Samuel Logan A bright young Soldier got up in one of my meetings several years ago, and said, ‘Since the Lord converted me, I never wanted any bad thing, but there was something in me that did.’ A little boy of my acquaintance got blessedly saved, and […]

What Is Holiness?

What Is Holiness? – Brengle, Samuel Logan A number of years ago, before many of the young people for whom this book is written were born, a girl asked me, ‘What is this sanctification, or holiness, that people are talking so much about?’ She had heard the experience testified to, and talked and preached about, […]

What About The Future Of The Salvation Army?

What About The Future Of The Salvation Army? – Brengle, Samuel Logan There are some questions always being asked and never fully answered, for the simple reason that only Omniscience knows the answer, and Omniscience is not disposed to answer questions which can be solved in measure by diligent attention to the spirit and principles […]

Union With Jesus

Union With Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan Jesus said, ‘I and My Father are one’ (John x. 30), and it is His loving purpose that you and I shall be able to say that too, and say it now in this present time, in the face of the devil and in holy, triumphant defiance of […]

The Worst Drunkard In Town Got Saved Last Night And–

The Worst Drunkard In Town Got Saved Last Night And– Brengle, Samuel Logan Many years ago I was visiting Riverside, California, for a brief campaign, and was met at the train by the Captain in charge at about ten o’clock in the morning. His face was glowing as he said to me: ‘We got the […]

The Terror Of The Lord

The Terror Of The Lord – Brengle, Samuel Logan Knowing…. the terror of the Lord, we persuade men (2 Corinthians v. 11.) ‘The Lord is known by the judgment which He executeth,’ (Psalm ix. 16.) The majesty of God’s law can be measured only by the terrors of His judgments. God is rich in mercy, […]

The Temptations Of A Sanctified Man

The Temptations Of A Sanctified Man – Brengle, Samuel Logan How can a man that is “dead to sin” be “tempted?” asked an earnest but unsanctified Christian of me some time ago. “If the very tendencies and inclinations to sin be destroyed, what is there in the man to respond to a solicitation to evil? […]

The Studies Of The Soul-Winner

The Studies Of The Soul-Winner – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. — Paul to Timothy.” (2 Tim. 2:15 .) “Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee. Meditate […]

The Special Campaigner

The Special Campaigner – Brengle, Samuel Logan I ‘And He gave some . . . Evangelists.’ For many years now my own work has been the work of an evangelist or campaigner. For five years, long before I met The Army, I resisted the Lord’s call to preach. I wanted to be a lawyer and […]

The Soul-Winner’s Commission To The Children

The Soul-Winner’s Commission To The Children – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Lovest thou Me? Feed My lambs.” Rough and ready Peter, that horny-handed old fisherman, thought he was cut out for and best fitted to be a prime minister or secretary of state, a bishop, a colonel, or a commander, and it seems had several disputes […]

The Soul-Winner And The Children

The Soul-Winner And The Children – Brengle, Samuel Logan Not only did Jesus say, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not,” but He gave to Peter the positive command, “Feed My lambs,” and in that command laid a responsibility upon soul-winners for the children, for “of such is the Kingdom […]

The Secret Of Power

The Secret Of Power – Brengle, Samuel Logan “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah xl. 31). If I were dying, and had the privilege of delivering a last exhortation to all the Christians of the world, and that message had to be condensed into three words, I would say, “Wait […]

The Seamless Coat Of Jesus

The Seamless Coat Of Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan Jesus never pitied Himself, nor did He seek the pity of any man. One day He asked His disciples, ‘Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?’ ‘John the Baptist,’ replied one Elijah,’ said another. Jeremiah or one of the prophets,‘ answered a […]

The Renewing Of Power

The Renewing Of Power – Brengle, Samuel Logan Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Paul. To do God’s work we must have God’s power. Therefore Jesus said: “Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49 .) And again He said: […]

The Radicalism Of Holiness

The Radicalism Of Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Cor. xiii. 5). “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. i. 27). Dear brother, do not think you can make holiness popular. It cannot be done. There is […]

The Personal Experience Of The Soul Winner

The Personal Experience Of The Soul Winner – Brengle, Samuel Logan Every soul-winner is in the secret of the Lord, and has had a definite personal experience of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which brings him into close fellowship and tender friendship and sympathy with the Saviour. The Psalmist prayed, “Hide Thy […]

The Outcome Of A Clean Heart

The Outcome Of A Clean Heart – Brengle, Samuel Logan David prayed, ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. . . . Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall […]

The Mystic Universe In My Back Yard

The Mystic Universe In My Back Yard – Brengle, Samuel Logan I but open my eyes — and perfection, no more and no less, In the kind I imagined full fronts me, and God is seen God In the star, in the stone, in the flesh, in the soul, and in the clod. — Browning […]

The Man God Uses

The Man God Uses – Brengle, Samuel Logan A while ago I was talking with a Christian merchant who expressed a great and important truth. He said: “People are crying to God to use them, but He cannot. They are not given up to Him; they are not humble and teachable and holy. There are […]

The Lord’s Own Prayer

The Lord’s Own Prayer – Brengle, Samuel Logan One day at a certain place, we are told, the disciples were with Jesus when He was praying, and after He had ceased — I wonder how long He prayed and what was the burden of His prayer? — one of His disciples said unto Him, Lord, […]

The Legacy Of Holiness

The Legacy Of Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan “after the death of Abraham, . . . God blessed his son Isaac’ (Gen. xxv. 11). We must die! We feel that we must live, must live for the sake of our sons, for the people of God whom we love as our own souls, and for […]

The Leakage Of Spiritual Power

The Leakage Of Spiritual Power – Brengle, Samuel Logan That man of God and lover of souls, James Caughey, tells in one of his books how he was invited out to tea one evening; and though there was nothing harmful in the talk of the hour, yet when he went into the meeting at night […]

The Heart Of Jesus

The Heart Of Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan Give me a heart like Thine; By Thy wonderful power, By Thy grace every hour, Give me a heart like Thine. We sang that verse with all our might, one morning, in one of those hours of heart-humbling and heart-searching, when I was a cadet in the […]

The Frankness Of Jesus

The Frankness Of Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan esus was not a whisperer. No one ever saw Him close to His neighbor’s ear, looking stealthily around lest some one should overhear what He was going to say. He stood upright, looked men squarely and kindly in the eye, and spoke what He had to say […]

The Dangers Of Middle Age

The Dangers Of Middle Age – Brengle, Samuel Logan We read and hear much about the dangers of youth, and they are very many and often very deadly; but how little do we hear about the dangers of the middle-aged! And yet they, too, are very many and very deadly. I was vividly reminded of […]

The Cost Of Saving Souls

The Cost Of Saving Souls – Brengle, Samuel Logan Some years ago a young woman-Officer wrote the Colonel in command of a Continental Territory telling him she meant to resign if she could not get souls saved. But she did not resign. A pastor, famous for the revivals which swept his churches and moved the […]

The Chained Ambassador

The Chained Ambassador – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which […]

The Chained Ambassador

The Chained Ambassador – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which […]

The Bible And Religious Experience

The Bible And Religious Experience – Brengle, Samuel Logan I Man does not discover God. God reveals Himself to man. God seeks men before men seek God. God reveals His wisdom and power through nature. He reveals His Holiness through conscience. He reveals His hatred of sin through His judgments. He reveals His redeeming love […]

The Angels Song Of Peace

The Angels Song Of Peace – Brengle, Samuel Logan Heavenly beings always put the things of Heaven first. Our Lord Jesus placed ever the thought of unseen and eternal glory before the trifles of earth. I have been much impressed with the order of the prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Before teaching them to […]

The Ancient Prophets

The Ancient Prophets – Brengle, Samuel Logan For about sixty years I have been reading the Bible, and for nearly fifty I have been reading it through regularly, steadily, consecutively, year after year. When I have finished Revelation, I turn back to Genesis and begin over again, and day by day read my chapter or […]


Thanksgiving – Brengle, Samuel Logan Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise be thankful unto Him, and bless His name’ (Ps. C. 4). In every thing give thanks‘ (i Thess. v. 18). As lilies of the valley pour forth perfume, so good hearts pour forth thanksgiving. No mercy is too […]

Testify To The Blessing

Testify To The Blessing – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony ‘ (Rev. xii. 11). A lieutenant got the blessing of a clean heart in one of my meetings the other day, and then told us that he had had the […]

Spiritual Power

Spiritual Power – Brengle, Samuel Logan God is the source of all spiritual power, and should be sought for constantly in two ways — by meditation in His word, and by secret prayer — if we would have and retain power. Several years ago I was ‘specialing’ at a New England corps, commanded by a […]

Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership – Brengle, Samuel Logan The soul-winner must have the power of spiritual leadership, and spiritual leadership is a thing of the Spirit, and not of birth, or rank, or title, or education, or circumstances. Here is the secret of the power of humble Salvation Army officers from the lowly walks of life. Joseph […]

Soul-Winners And Their Prayers

Soul-Winners And Their Prayers – Brengle, Samuel Logan “The inwrought fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James v. 16 , R.V.). All great soul-winners have been men of much and mighty prayer, and all great revivals have been preceded and carried out by persevering, prevailing knee-work in the closet. Before Jesus began His […]

Soul Winning

Soul Winning – Brengle, Samuel Logan Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890’s. He was mightily used of the Lord even more so by his many books. They were chiefly written during a convalescence following being badly injured while street preaching. This is […]

Some Of My Experiences In Teaching Holiness

Some Of My Experiences In Teaching Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan I once received a letter from one of the most devoted young officers I know, in which he said, “I love holiness more and more, but I am just about discouraged. It seems to me that I shall never be able to teach holiness, […]

Sins Against Chastity

Sins Against Chastity – Brengle, Samuel Logan The preceding chapter was originally published as an article in ‘The War Cry,’ and in various Army periodicals in other countries. One result was that I shortly after received a communication from across the sea, in which a man wrote: ‘I observe that you make a statement concerning […]


Shouting – Brengle, Samuel Logan Nothing is more completely hidden from wise and prudent folk than the blessed fact that there is a secret spring of power and victory in shouting and praising God. The devil often throws a spell over people which can be broken in no other way. Many an honest, seeking soul, […]

Saving Truth

Saving Truth – Brengle, Samuel Logan All truth is precious, but not all truth is adapted to secure the immediate conversion and sanctification of men, any more than all medicine is adapted to cure heart-disease or rheumatism. There are certain truths which, preached in the power of the Holy Ghost, are as much adapted to […]

Sanctification v. Consecration

Sanctification v. Consecration – Brengle, Samuel Logan A state senator’s wife regularly attended a series of our holiness meetings, and apparently became quite interested. One day she came to me, and said, “Brother Brengle, I wish you would call it “consecration” instead of ‘sanctification.’ We could all agree on that.” “But I don’t mean consecration, […]

Redeeming The Time

Redeeming The Time – Brengle, Samuel Logan “See that ye walk circumspect, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Eph. 5:15, 16 .) The soul-winner must value time. Diamonds and gold nuggets are not so precious as minutes. One morning, about five o’clock, John Wesley lost ten minutes […]

Recent Acts Of The Holy Ghost

Recent Acts Of The Holy Ghost – Brengle, Samuel Logan Someone has said that ‘The Acts of the Apostles’ should have been called ‘The Acts of the Holy Ghost,’ because it is here that His personality, who is the ‘other Comforter,’ whom Jesus promised, and His work and leadership are made manifest and shown large. […]

Present-Day Witnesses To The Resurrection

Present-Day Witnesses To The Resurrection – Brengle, Samuel Logan Several years ago, I knelt in prayer with a young woman who wanted to be holy. I asked her if she would give up everything for Jesus. She answered that she would. I then thought I would put a hard test to her, and asked her […]


Prayer -Brengle, Samuel Logan Prayer is the way of approach to God, and the soul-winner keeps it open by constant use. It is the channel by which all spiritual blessings and power are received, and therefore the life of the soul-winner must be one of ceaseless prayer. “Pray without ceasing,” wrote Paul. It is the […]

Practical Lessons Of The Resurrection

Practical Lessons Of The Resurrection – Brengle, Samuel Logan Paul tells us that the same power which raised Christ from the dead is in us who believe (Eph. i.17-20). He says of Jesus: ‘When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men’ (Eph. iv. 8). He says of himself, […]

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee” (Isaiah xxvi. 3). A wonderful promise is that, and it ought to be the aim of every one of us to make it our experience. The way to do this is […]

Paul A Pattern

Paul A Pattern – » Brengle, Samuel Logan Paul tells us that the Lord Jesus made him ‘a pattern to them which should hereafter believe’ (I Tim. i. 16). This fact makes his life and experience exceptionally interesting and valuable to us. And it is an especial mark of our Heavenly Father’s wisdom and love […]

Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day

Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day – Brengle, Samuel Logan How fitting, how beautiful, that a day should be set aside by the nation and the nations to do honour to that vast army of delicate soldiers, infinitely greater in numbers than the men who fought in the Great War, that numberless host whose […]


Obedience – Brengle, Samuel Logan “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,” said Paul, and in that saying he reveals the secret of his wonderful success as a soul-winner. The soul-winner is a man sent by God, and will have visions and revelations and secret orders that, if affectionately heeded and heartily and courageously […]

My Testimony

My Testimony – Brengle, Samuel Logan (1860 — 59 — 1919) Today (June 1, 1919) I am fifty-nine years old, and there is not a cloud in my spiritual heaven. My mouth is full of laughter and my heart is full of joy. I feel so sorry for folks who don’t like to grow old, […]

Must You Be Fed With A Spoon?

Must You Be Fed With A Spoon? – Brengle, Samuel Logan I I am watching with much interest and some personal profit the development of my grandchildren. They are a luxury to my old heart; but, like all children, they are somewhat of a problem as well as a joy to their parents. At first, […]

Misrepresenting God

Misrepresenting God – Brengle, Samuel Logan I read recently of a speaker who preached on the mercy of God ‘until it seemed there was nothing in God but mercy.’ But I fear he misrepresented God. Such misrepresentation is easy, and to people who do not think deeply, and who do not want to take life […]

Maintaining The Holiness Standard

Maintaining The Holiness Standard – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Salvation Army was born, not in a cloister, nor in a drawing-room, but on a spiritual battlefield — at the penitent-form. It has been nourished for spiritual conquests, not upon speculative doctrines and fine-spun verbal distinctions, but upon those great doctrines which can be wrought into […]

Love Slaves

Love Slaves – Brengle, Samuel Logan There was a law among the Hebrews that for sore poverty or debt or crime one man might become the servant of another, but he could not be held in servitude beyond a certain period; at the end of six years, he must be allowed to go free. (Ex. […]

Letting The Truth Slip

Letting The Truth Slip – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip” (Heb. iii. 1). The truth that saves the soul is not picked up as we would pick up the pebbles along the […]

Knowing Jesus

Knowing Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan What an astonishing thing that we can know Jesus! And yet nothing is more clearly taught in Scripture or more joyously testified to in experience by godly people than this fact. This is an age of specialists, when men devote their lives to the pursuit of special departments of […]

King David’s Use Of His Bible

King David’s Use Of His Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan David said, “Princes also did sit and speak against me; but Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes. Thy testimonies are also my delight and my counsellors.” (Psalm 119:23, 24 ) What a picture! Evil men are plotting against him, digging a pit for him, […]

Keeping The Flock

Keeping The Flock – Brengle, Samuel Logan The soul-winner must give much time and thought and prayer and effort to keep and strengthen his converts. He ought to say with Paul, “Now we live if ye stand fast,” and again like Paul he should pray “night and day exceedingly that we might perfect that which […]

Jesus Training Paul

Jesus Training Paul – Brengle, Samuel Logan We learn from the Gospels how Jesus, in the days of His flesh, trained the twelve. We learn from the Acts and Paul’s Epistles how the risen and glorified Jesus trained Paul. This paper is a fragmentary study of that training and of some of Paul’s struggles, inner […]

Jesus — The Working Man

Jesus — The Working Man – Brengle, Samuel Logan Peter the Great, Czar of all Russia, and in some respects the mightiest monarch of his day, used to make shoes like a common cobbler, that he might enter into sympathy with his people and help them to realize that labour is not menial, but honorable […]

In God’s School

In God’s School -Brengle, Samuel Logan Man is the supreme product in this world, and the struggle with adversity and evil forces is a part of God’s plan of developing him for mansions and thrones and crowns and kingdoms in the world to come. Therefore we must believe and hope and love and struggle on. […]

Importance And Benefits Of Bible Study

Importance And Benefits Of Bible Study – Brengle, Samuel Logan If someone had written a book so small that it could be carried in the pocket, and so cheap that the poorest could buy it, and if this book explained simply how anyone who followed its directions could surely, without any danger to themselves or […]

If You Have Lost The Blessing — What?

If You Have Lost The Blessing — What? – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God… and ye have not obeyed My voice. Return … and I will not cause Mine anger to […]

I Counted…And I Count

I Counted…And I Count – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Apostle Paul, in his young and fiery manhood, was on the way to Damascus, breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples,’ when Jesus met him and won his heart; and from that day Paul counted all things loss for Christ. He made an unconditional surrender, […]

How To Study The Bible

How To Study The Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan The other day I received a letter from a young Officer asking for a few suggestions as to how to read and study the Bible. Here they are: I. Read and study it as two young lovers read and study each other’s letters. As soon as […]

How To Prepare For The Meeting

How To Prepare For The Meeting – Brengle, Samuel Logan A long time ago, St. Luke tells us when Jesus was a boy of twelve, He went with His parents and neighbors up to Jerusalem to the Feast of the Passover. On the return of the company, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem. ‘And […]

How To Keep Holiness

How To Keep Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan Do you ask, ‘How can I keep the blessing?’ 1. Do not let your poor heart be burdened with the thought that you have to do it all yourself. In this, as in all else, you are only a worker together with God. He loves you more […]

How To Keep A Clean Heart

How To Keep A Clean Heart – Brengle, Samuel Logan It is possible to lose the blessing of a clean heart, but, thank God, it is also gloriously possible to keep it. How to do this is a vital question. Two or three years ago, a brother, going to the foreign field, arose in one […]

How To Get Holiness

How To Get Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan God never raises a crop of potatoes or a field of wheat or a bushel of oats without man’s help. He takes men into partnership with Him in such matters, He furnishes the sunshine and the air, the rain and the dew, the day and the night, […]

How A Nobody Became A Somebody

How A Nobody Became A Somebody – Brengle, Samuel Logan It is one of the shortest, simplest stories ever heard, and yet one of the sweetest and most wonderful, as told by Luke. Jesus had been across the little sea and had cast a legion of devils out of a poor fellow. The devils, by […]

Holy Covetousness

Holy Covetousness – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Covet earnestly the best gifts,’ wrote Paul to his Officers and Soldiers at Corinth. Not the highest promotions, not the best positions, but ‘the best gifts,’ those gifts which God bestows upon the people who earnestly covet them and diligently seek Him. Nero sat upon the throne of the […]

Holiness: What It Is Not, And What It Is

Holiness: What It Is Not, And What It Is – Brengle, Samuel Logan First of all. Holiness is not necessarily a state in which there is perpetual rapturous joy. Isaiah liii. 3 tells us that Jesus was ‘a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,’ and Paul tells us of himself that he had continual […]

Holiness: How To Get It

Holiness: How To Get It – Brengle, Samuel Logan “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea iv. 6). “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John xvii. 3). Said an old professor of over eighty years, in a certain […]

Holiness: A Love Service

Holiness: A Love Service – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘I wish I knew the secret of Paul’s piety,’ said that good man, Asa Mahan, to Mr. Finney one day. ‘Paul said, “The love of Christ constraineth us.” ‘ Just then the glorious truth burst upon his mind that we are sanctified not by works, but by […]

Holiness Before The Flood; Or, Do You Walk With God?

Holiness Before The Flood; Or, Do You Walk With God? – Brengle, Samuel Logan And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him (Gen. 23, 24 ). A remarkable biography! Nowadays men write hundreds of pages about their […]

Holiness And Zeal For Souls

Holiness And Zeal For Souls – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,’ said Jesus to Peter and Andrew; and now as then when Jesus saves a soul, that soul wants to catch men, wants to see others saved. Holiness increases this desire, and makes it burn with a […]

Holiness And Worry

Holiness And Worry – Brengle, Samuel Logan Worry is a great foe to holiness, and perfect trust puts an end to worry. ‘I would as soon swear as fret,’ said John Wesley. The murmuring and complaining of His children has ever been a great sin in the sight of God, and has led to untold […]

Holiness And Unconscious Influence

Holiness And Unconscious Influence – Brengle, Samuel Logan Some people often sing: “Oh, to be nothing, nothing;” but, in reality, to be something, to be useful, is one of the first and strongest desires that spring up in the heart of a truly saved person. And one of the blessed things about a holy life […]

Holiness And The Sanctification Of The Body

Holiness And The Sanctification Of The Body – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Prophet Isaiah says that God inhabits eternity (Isaiah lvii. 15); and Solomon says, ‘The heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee.’ (I Kings viii. 27.) But, wonder of wonders! Paul says that we are a habitation of God. What!’ says he, ‘know […]

Holiness And Self-Denial

Holiness And Self-Denial – Brengle, Samuel Logan One day John Wesley was to dine with a rich man. One of his preachers, who was present, said, ‘Oh, sir, what a sumptuous dinner! Things are very different to what they were formerly. There is but little self-denial now among the Methodists.’ Wesley pointed to the table […]

Holiness And Prayer

Holiness And Prayer – Brengle, Samuel Logan You are coming to a King, Large petitions with you bring: For His power and grace are such, You can never ask too much. Prayer is a puzzle to unbelievers, but a sweet privilege to us. A stranger will hesitate to approach a king, but the king’s child […]

Holiness And Humility

Holiness And Humility – Brengle, Samuel Logan Those who oppose holiness often say that we who profess it are proud, and that the doctrine tends to spiritual pride. But the truth is, that holiness goes down to the root of all pride, and digs it up utterly. A holy man is one who has found […]

Holiness And Duty

Holiness And Duty – Brengle, Samuel Logan If holiness delivers us from worry, it increases the sense of duty and of personal responsibility. It was the holiness of His heart that led the twelve-year-old boy Jesus to say to His mother, ‘Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?’ To Him the […]

Holiness — What Is It?

Holiness — What Is It? – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom, of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. vii. 21). Now, “This is the will of God, even your sanctification … For God hath […]

Holiness — How To Get It

Holiness — How To Get It – Brengle, Samuel Logan “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea iv. 6). “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John xvii. 3). Said an old professor of over eighty years, in a […]

Hindrances To Obtaining The Blessing

Hindrances To Obtaining The Blessing – Holiness has not legs and does not go walking about visiting idle people, as a lazy Christian seemed to think who told me that he thought the experience would “come” to him “some day.” A sister aptly remarked: “He might as well expect the hall to come to him.” […]

Hindrances To Holiness

Hindrances To Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan God has provided a salvation for us that is perfect in every particular, and that satisfies both the heart and the mind. It makes its possessor ‘more than conqueror’ over the world, the flesh and the devil, and enables him to do the will of God on earth […]


Health – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 2 .) The soul-winner must take the best care he knows how of his body, yet without everlastingly coddling and petting and pitying himself. This is his sacred duty. […]

Gideon’s Band

Gideon’s Band – Brengle, Samuel Logan (Judges vi. and vii.) One hundred and twenty thousand Midianites had come up to fight against Israel, and thirty-two thousand Israelites rose up to fight for their wives, their children, their homes, their liberty, their lives. But God saw that if one Israelite whipped nearly four Midianites he would […]

Future Punishment And The Bible

Future Punishment And The Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan Joseph Cook, one of America’s soundest and clearest thinkers, said to me a generation ago, ‘Let the Churches banish from their pulpits the preaching of Hell for a hundred years, and it will come back again, for the doctrine is in the Bible, and in the […]

Freedom From Sin

Freedom From Sin – Brengle, Samuel Logan The most startling thing about sin is its power to enslave. Jesus said, ‘Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin’ (John viii. 34), and everyday life and experience prove the saying to be true. Let a boy or a man tell a lie and he is henceforth […]

Fools For Christ’s Sake

Fools For Christ’s Sake – Brengle, Samuel Logan To the natural heart and the unsanctified mind the commands of God are foolishness. ‘Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee’ (Gen. xii. 1), said God to Abraham. How foolish to […]

First Things First

First Things First – Brengle, Samuel Logan One of the outstanding ironies of history is the utter disregard of ranks and titles in the final judgments men pass upon each other. And if this be so of men, how much more must it be so of the judgments of God. Nero and Marcus Aurelius sat […]


Finance – Brengle, Samuel Logan The soul-winner, to be successful, must not be over anxious about finance, but must laugh at the devil and all his fears, and count God faithful and trust Him to supply all his needs. He should again and again read over the last part of the sixth chapter of St. […]

Faith: The Grace And The Gift

Faith: The Grace And The Gift – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. vi. 12). Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them […]

Faith: The Grace And The Gift

Faith: The Grace And The Gift – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. vi. 12). Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them […]

Faith Is What You Want

Faith Is What You Want – Brengle, Samuel Logan Once in one of our holiness meetings I met a sister who was evidently in great spiritual distress, with intense hunger for full salvation. After a few moments’ conversation, I felt assured that she was ready to accept the blessing, and so we knelt in prayer; […]


Evil-Speaking – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Speak evil of no man’ (Titus iii. 2) This is a command of God, and should be meditated upon and obeyed. A failure to do this leads to innumerable evils. Myriads of souls have backslidden; multitudes, almost persuaded, have turned back into darkness; many revivals have been quenched; and many […]

Encouraging One Another

Encouraging One Another – Brengle, Samuel Logan Over and over again when Moses was preparing to give up his command to Joshua, he encouraged Joshua and exhorted him to ‘be strong and of a good courage.’ And so important was this matter, that when Moses was dead, God Himself spoke to Joshua and said, ‘Be […]

Don’t Argue

Don’t Argue – “The servant a” the Lord must not strive (2 Tim. ii. 24). In seeking to lead a holy, blameless life, I have been helped at one point by the advice of two men and the example of two others. 1. — COMMISSIONER DOWDLE Some years ago, in Boston, I attended an “all-night […]

Death Of ‘The Old Man’

Death Of ‘The Old Man’ – The Son of God came into this world, and lived, and toiled, and taught, and suffered, and died and rose again in order to accomplish a twofold purpose. The Apostle John explains this twofold work. In I John iii. 5, speaking of Jesus , he says, ‘Ye know that […]

Deal Gently

Deal Gently – Brengle, Samuel Logan Recently in my regular Bible reading I came to that tender appeal of King David to his generals as they were going forth to fight with Absalom: “Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even with Absalom” (2 Sam. 18:5), and my heart was touched with its […]

Confessing Other People’s Sins

Confessing Other People’s Sins – ‘Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?’ asked the Lord of Adam in the Garden of Eden. And Adam replied, ‘The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the Lord […]

Birds Of Prey

Birds Of Prey – Against the entire sanctification of believers Satan brings to bear all his devices, his sophistical arguments, and the full force of his powerful will; but the resolute soul, determined to be all the Lord’s, will find him a conquered foe, with no power but to deceive. The way to overcome him […]

Answering Atheism

Answering Atheism – Brengle, Samuel Logan A wide knowledge of history tends to sanity, to sobriety, and correctness of judgment of men and events, if we have seen God in history. We need such knowledge to give us perspective, to steady us, to save us from sharp judgments, to insure us against cocksureness on one […]

Another Chance For You!

Another Chance For You! – Brengle, Samuel Logan “They that stood by … said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them? Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, “I know not the Man” (Matthew xxvi. 73, 74). Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jones, lovest thou Me more thou […]

An Undivided Heart

An Undivided Heart – Brengle, Samuel Logan Unite my heart. — David. He who thinks to succeed in this infinite business of saving souls with a heart that is divided as yet knows nothing as he ought to know concerning the matter. That a man may by personal magnetism, grace of manners, power or persuasiveness […]

An Open Letter To A Young Man Seeking Spiritual Help

An Open Letter To A Young Man Seeking Spiritual Help – Brengle, Samuel Logan My dear Comrade, Your letter has just now reached me, and I hasten to reply. You say: ‘I have sought and found Holiness many times, but the longest I have been able to keep it was seven weeks,’ and then you […]

After The Holiness Meeting

After The Holiness Meeting – Brengle, Samuel Logan Were you at the holiness meeting? Did you come out to the Penitent-form? Did Jesus make your heart clean? And did you receive the Holy Ghost? If you gave yourself to God in the very best way you knew of; but did not receive the Holy Ghost, […]

A Word To You Who Would Be Useful

A Word To You Who Would Be Useful – Brengle, Samuel Logan Does the devil ever tempt you to feel that you are of no use and can do nothing? Every genuine Christian wants to be useful, fruit-bearing, and a soul-winner. This desire is characteristic of the new nature, received at conversion. When Paul was […]

A Word To Those Who Are Growing Old

A Word To Those Who Are Growing Old – Brengle, Samuel Logan In one of my recent Meetings a dear sister, who has been serving the Lord and walking in the Light for many years, confessed with tears that her joy was not what it used to be. In her youth joys were rapturous, leaping […]

A Common Yet Subtle Sin

A Common Yet Subtle Sin – Brengle, Samuel Logan There is a sin which a Catholic priest once declared that no one had ever confessed to him sin so deadly that the wrath of God comes upon men because of it; a sin so common that probably everybody has at some time been guilty of […]

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee” (Isaiah xxvi. 3). A wonderful promise is that, and it ought to be the aim of every one of us to make it our experience. The way to do this is […]

Paul A Pattern

Paul A Pattern – Brengle, Samuel Logan Paul tells us that the Lord Jesus made him ‘a pattern to them which should hereafter believe’ (I Tim. i. 16). This fact makes his life and experience exceptionally interesting and valuable to us. And it is an especial mark of our Heavenly Father’s wisdom and love that […]

Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day

Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day – Brengle, Samuel Logan How fitting, how beautiful, that a day should be set aside by the nation and the nations to do honour to that vast army of delicate soldiers, infinitely greater in numbers than the men who fought in the Great War, that numberless host whose […]


Obedience – Brengle, Samuel Logan “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,” said Paul, and in that saying he reveals the secret of his wonderful success as a soul-winner. The soul-winner is a man sent by God, and will have visions and revelations and secret orders that, if affectionately heeded and heartily and courageously […]

My Testimony

My Testimony – Brengle, Samuel Logan (1860 — 59 — 1919) Today (June 1, 1919) I am fifty-nine years old, and there is not a cloud in my spiritual heaven. My mouth is full of laughter and my heart is full of joy. I feel so sorry for folks who don’t like to grow old, […]

Must You Be Fed With A Spoon?

Must You Be Fed With A Spoon? – Brengle, Samuel Logan I I am watching with much interest and some personal profit the development of my grandchildren. They are a luxury to my old heart; but, like all children, they are somewhat of a problem as well as a joy to their parents. At first, […]

Misrepresenting God

Misrepresenting God – Brengle, Samuel Logan I read recently of a speaker who preached on the mercy of God ‘until it seemed there was nothing in God but mercy.’ But I fear he misrepresented God. Such misrepresentation is easy, and to people who do not think deeply, and who do not want to take life […]

Maintaining The Holiness Standard

Maintaining The Holiness Standard – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Salvation Army was born, not in a cloister, nor in a drawing-room, but on a spiritual battlefield — at the penitent-form. It has been nourished for spiritual conquests, not upon speculative doctrines and fine-spun verbal distinctions, but upon those great doctrines which can be wrought into […]

Love Slaves

Love Slaves – Brengle, Samuel Logan There was a law among the Hebrews that for sore poverty or debt or crime one man might become the servant of another, but he could not be held in servitude beyond a certain period; at the end of six years, he must be allowed to go free. (Ex. […]

 Letting The Truth Slip

Letting The Truth Slip – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip” (Heb. iii. 1). The truth that saves the soul is not picked up as we would pick up the pebbles along the […]

 Knowing Jesus

Knowing Jesus – Brengle, Samuel Logan What an astonishing thing that we can know Jesus! And yet nothing is more clearly taught in Scripture or more joyously testified to in experience by godly people than this fact. This is an age of specialists, when men devote their lives to the pursuit of special departments of […]

King David’s Use Of His Bible

King David’s Use Of His Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan David said, “Princes also did sit and speak against me; but Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes. Thy testimonies are also my delight and my counsellors.” (Psalm 119:23, 24) What a picture! Evil men are plotting against him, digging a pit for him, gnashing […]

Keeping The Flock

Keeping The Flock – Brengle, Samuel Logan The soul-winner must give much time and thought and prayer and effort to keep and strengthen his converts. He ought to say with Paul, “Now we live if ye stand fast,” and again like Paul he should pray “night and day exceedingly that we might perfect that which […]

Jesus Training Paul

Jesus Training Paul – Brengle, Samuel Logan We learn from the Gospels how Jesus, in the days of His flesh, trained the twelve. We learn from the Acts and Paul’s Epistles how the risen and glorified Jesus trained Paul. This paper is a fragmentary study of that training and of some of Paul’s struggles, inner […]

Jesus — The Working Man

Jesus — The Working Man – Brengle, Samuel Logan Peter the Great, Czar of all Russia, and in some respects the mightiest monarch of his day, used to make shoes like a common cobbler, that he might enter into sympathy with his people and help them to realize that labour is not menial, but honorable […]

In God’s School

In God’s School – Brengle, Samuel Logan Man is the supreme product in this world, and the struggle with adversity and evil forces is a part of God’s plan of developing him for mansions and thrones and crowns and kingdoms in the world to come. Therefore we must believe and hope and love and struggle […]

Importance And Benefits Of Bible Study

Importance And Benefits Of Bible Study – Brengle, Samuel Logan If someone had written a book so small that it could be carried in the pocket, and so cheap that the poorest could buy it, and if this book explained simply how anyone who followed its directions could surely, without any danger to themselves or […]

If You Have Lost The Blessing — What?

If You Have Lost The Blessing — What? – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God… and ye have not obeyed My voice. Return … and I will not cause Mine anger to […]

I Counted…And I Count

I Counted…And I Count – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Apostle Paul, in his young and fiery manhood, was on the way to Damascus, breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples,’ when Jesus met him and won his heart; and from that day Paul counted all things loss for Christ. He made an unconditional surrender, […]

 How To Study The Bible

How To Study The Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan The other day I received a letter from a young Officer asking for a few suggestions as to how to read and study the Bible. Here they are: I. Read and study it as two young lovers read and study each other’s letters. As soon as […]

How To Prepare For The Meeting

How To Prepare For The Meeting – Brengle, Samuel Logan A long time ago, St. Luke tells us when Jesus was a boy of twelve, He went with His parents and neighbors up to Jerusalem to the Feast of the Passover. On the return of the company, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem. ‘And […]

 How To Keep Holiness

How To Keep Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan Do you ask, ‘How can I keep the blessing?’ 1. Do not let your poor heart be burdened with the thought that you have to do it all yourself. In this, as in all else, you are only a worker together with God. He loves you more […]

 How To Keep A Clean Heart

How To Keep A Clean Heart – Brengle, Samuel Logan It is possible to lose the blessing of a clean heart, but, thank God, it is also gloriously possible to keep it. How to do this is a vital question. Two or three years ago, a brother, going to the foreign field, arose in one […]

How To Get Holiness

How To Get Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan God never raises a crop of potatoes or a field of wheat or a bushel of oats without man’s help. He takes men into partnership with Him in such matters, He furnishes the sunshine and the air, the rain and the dew, the day and the night, […]

How A Nobody Became A Somebody

How A Nobody Became A Somebody – Brengle, Samuel Logan It is one of the shortest, simplest stories ever heard, and yet one of the sweetest and most wonderful, as told by Luke. Jesus had been across the little sea and had cast a legion of devils out of a poor fellow. The devils, by […]

Holy Covetousness

Holy Covetousness – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Covet earnestly the best gifts,’ wrote Paul to his Officers and Soldiers at Corinth. Not the highest promotions, not the best positions, but ‘the best gifts,’ those gifts which God bestows upon the people who earnestly covet them and diligently seek Him. Nero sat upon the throne of the […]

Holiness: What It Is Not, And What It Is

Holiness: What It Is Not, And What It Is -Brengle, Samuel Logan First of all. Holiness is not necessarily a state in which there is perpetual rapturous joy. Isaiah liii. 3 tells us that Jesus was ‘a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,’ and Paul tells us of himself that he had continual sorrow […]

 Holiness: How To Get It

Holiness: How To Get It – Brengle, Samuel Logan Holiness is that state of our moral and spiritual nature, which makes us like Jesus in His moral and spiritual nature. It does not consist in perfection of intellect, though the experience will give much greater clearness to a man’s intellect and simplify and energize his […]

 Holiness: A Love Service

Holiness: A Love Service – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘I wish I knew the secret of Paul’s piety,’ said that good man, Asa Mahan, to Mr. Finney one day. ‘Paul said, “The love of Christ constraineth us.” ‘ Just then the glorious truth burst upon his mind that we are sanctified not by works, but by […]

 Holiness Before The Flood; Or, Do You Walk With God?

Holiness Before The Flood; Or, Do You Walk With God? – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him (Gen. 23, 24). A remarkable biography! Nowadays men write hundreds of pages about their heroes, […]

 Holiness And Zeal For Souls

Holiness And Zeal For Souls – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,’ said Jesus to Peter and Andrew; and now as then when Jesus saves a soul, that soul wants to catch men, wants to see others saved. Holiness increases this desire, and makes it burn with a […]

Holiness And Worry

Holiness And Worry – Brengle, Samuel Logan Worry is a great foe to holiness, and perfect trust puts an end to worry. ‘I would as soon swear as fret,’ said John Wesley. The murmuring and complaining of His children has ever been a great sin in the sight of God, and has led to untold […]

Holiness And Unconscious Influence

Holiness And Unconscious Influence – Brengle, Samuel Logan Some people often sing: “Oh, to be nothing, nothing;” but, in reality, to be something, to be useful, is one of the first and strongest desires that spring up in the heart of a truly saved person. And one of the blessed things about a holy life […]

Holiness And The Sanctification Of The Body

Holiness And The Sanctification Of The Body – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Prophet Isaiah says that God inhabits eternity (Isaiah lvii. 15); and Solomon says, ‘The heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee.’ (I Kings viii. 27.) But, wonder of wonders! Paul says that we are a habitation of God. What!’ says he, ‘know […]

 Holiness And Self-Denial

Holiness And Self-Denial – Brengle, Samuel Logan One day John Wesley was to dine with a rich man. One of his preachers, who was present, said, ‘Oh, sir, what a sumptuous dinner! Things are very different to what they were formerly. There is but little self-denial now among the Methodists.’ Wesley pointed to the table […]

 Holiness And Prayer

Holiness And Prayer – Brengle, Samuel Logan You are coming to a King, Large petitions with you bring: For His power and grace are such, You can never ask too much. Prayer is a puzzle to unbelievers, but a sweet privilege to us. A stranger will hesitate to approach a king, but the king’s child […]

Holiness And Humility

Holiness And Humility – Brengle, Samuel Logan Those who oppose holiness often say that we who profess it are proud, and that the doctrine tends to spiritual pride. But the truth is, that holiness goes down to the root of all pride, and digs it up utterly. A holy man is one who has found […]

Holiness And Duty

Holiness And Duty – Brengle, Samuel Logan If holiness delivers us from worry, it increases the sense of duty and of personal responsibility. It was the holiness of His heart that led the twelve-year-old boy Jesus to say to His mother, ‘Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?’ To Him the […]

Holiness — What Is It?

Holiness — What Is It? – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom, of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. vii. 21). Now, “This is the will of God, even your sanctification … For God hath […]

How To Get It

How To Get It – Brengle, Samuel Logan “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea iv. 6). “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John xvii. 3). Said an old professor of over eighty years, in a certain holiness […]

 Hindrances To Obtaining The Blessing

Hindrances To Obtaining The Blessing – Brengle, Samuel Logan Holiness has not legs and does not go walking about visiting idle people, as a lazy Christian seemed to think who told me that he thought the experience would “come” to him “some day.” A sister aptly remarked: “He might as well expect the hall to […]

 Hindrances To Holiness

Hindrances To Holiness – Brengle, Samuel Logan God has provided a salvation for us that is perfect in every particular, and that satisfies both the heart and the mind. It makes its possessor ‘more than conqueror’ over the world, the flesh and the devil, and enables him to do the will of God on earth […]


Health – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 2.) The soul-winner must take the best care he knows how of his body, yet without everlastingly coddling and petting and pitying himself. This is his sacred duty. The […]

 Gideon’s Band

Gideon’s Band – Brengle, Samuel Logan One hundred and twenty thousand Midianites had come up to fight against Israel, and thirty-two thousand Israelites rose up to fight for their wives, their children, their homes, their liberty, their lives. But God saw that if one Israelite whipped nearly four Midianites he would be so puffed up […]

 Future Punishment And The Bible

Future Punishment And The Bible – Brengle, Samuel Logan Joseph Cook, one of America’s soundest and clearest thinkers, said to me a generation ago, ‘Let the Churches banish from their pulpits the preaching of Hell for a hundred years, and it will come back again, for the doctrine is in the Bible, and in the […]

 Freedom From Sin

Freedom From Sin – Brengle, Samuel Logan The most startling thing about sin is its power to enslave. Jesus said, ‘Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin’ (John viii. 34), and everyday life and experience prove the saying to be true. Let a boy or a man tell a lie and he is henceforth […]

Fools For Christ’s Sake

Fools For Christ’s Sake – Brengle, Samuel Logan To the natural heart and the unsanctified mind the commands of God are foolishness. ‘Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee’ (Gen. xii. 1), said God to Abraham. How foolish to […]

 First Things First

First Things First – Brengle, Samuel Logan One of the outstanding ironies of history is the utter disregard of ranks and titles in the final judgments men pass upon each other. And if this be so of men, how much more must it be so of the judgments of God. Nero and Marcus Aurelius sat […]


Finance – Brengle, Samuel Logan The soul-winner, to be successful, must not be over anxious about finance, but must laugh at the devil and all his fears, and count God faithful and trust Him to supply all his needs. He should again and again read over the last part of the sixth chapter of St. […]

Faith: The Grace And The Gift

Faith: The Grace And The Gift – Brengle, Samuel Logan Be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:12). “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that […]

Faith: The Grace And The Gift

Faith: The Grace And The Gift – Brengle, Samuel Logan “Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. vi. 12). Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them […]

Faith Is What You Want

Faith Is What You Want – Brengle, Samuel Logan Once in one of our holiness meetings I met a sister who was evidently in great spiritual distress, with intense hunger for full salvation. After a few moments’ conversation, I felt assured that she was ready to accept the blessing, and so we knelt in prayer; […]


Evil-Speaking – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Speak evil of no man’ (Titus iii. 2) This is a command of God, and should be meditated upon and obeyed. A failure to do this leads to innumerable evils. Myriads of souls have backslidden; multitudes, almost persuaded, have turned back into darkness; many revivals have been quenched; and many […]

Encouraging One Another

Encouraging One Another – Brengle, Samuel Logan Over and over again when Moses was preparing to give up his command to Joshua, he encouraged Joshua and exhorted him to ‘be strong and of a good courage.’ And so important was this matter, that when Moses was dead, God Himself spoke to Joshua and said, ‘Be […]

 Don’t Argue

Don’t Argue – Brengle, Samuel Logan “The servant a” the Lord must not strive (2 Tim. ii. 24). In seeking to lead a holy, blameless life, I have been helped at one point by the advice of two men and the example of two others. 1. — COMMISSIONER DOWDLE Some years ago, in Boston, I […]

 Death Of ‘The Old Man’

Death Of ‘The Old Man – Brengle, Samuel Logan The Son of God came into this world, and lived, and toiled, and taught, and suffered, and died and rose again in order to accomplish a twofold purpose. The Apostle John explains this twofold work. In I John iii. 5, speaking of Jesus, he says, ‘Ye […]

Deal Gently

Deal Gently – Brengle, Samuel Logan Recently in my regular Bible reading I came to that tender appeal of King David to his generals as they were going forth to fight with Absalom: “Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even with Absalom” (2 Sam. 18:5), and my heart was touched with its […]

Confessing Other People’s Sins

Confessing Other People’s Sins – Brengle, Samuel Logan ‘Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?’ asked the Lord of Adam in the Garden of Eden. And Adam replied, ‘The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. […]

 Birds Of Prey

Birds Of Prey – Brengle, Samuel Logan Against the entire sanctification of believers Satan brings to bear all his devices, his sophistical arguments, and the full force of his powerful will; but the resolute soul, determined to be all the Lord’s, will find him a conquered foe, with no power but to deceive. The way […]

Answering Atheism

Answering Atheism – Brengle, Samuel Logan A wide knowledge of history tends to sanity, to sobriety, and correctness of judgment of men and events, if we have seen God in history. We need such knowledge to give us perspective, to steady us, to save us from sharp judgments, to insure us against cocksureness on one […]

Another Chance For You!

Another Chance For You! – Brengle, Samuel Logan “They that stood by … said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them? Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, “I know not the Man” (Matthew xxvi. 73, 74). Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jones, lovest thou Me more thou […]

 An Undivided Heart

An Undivided Heart – Brengle, Samuel Logan Unite my heart. — David. He who thinks to succeed in this infinite business of saving souls with a heart that is divided as yet knows nothing as he ought to know concerning the matter. That a man may by personal magnetism, grace of manners, power or persuasiveness […]

An Open Letter To A Young Man Seeking Spiritual Help

An Open Letter To A Young Man Seeking Spiritual Help – Brengle, Samuel Logan My dear Comrade, Your letter has just now reached me, and I hasten to reply. You say: ‘I have sought and found Holiness many times, but the longest I have been able to keep it was seven weeks,’ and then you […]

After The Holiness Meeting

After The Holiness Meeting – Brengle, Samuel Logan Were you at the holiness meeting? Did you come out to the Penitent-form? Did Jesus make your heart clean? And did you receive the Holy Ghost? If you gave yourself to God in the very best way you knew of; but did not receive the Holy Ghost, […]

A Word To You Who Would Be Useful

A Word To You Who Would Be Useful – Brengle, Samuel Logan Does the devil ever tempt you to feel that you are of no use and can do nothing? Every genuine Christian wants to be useful, fruit-bearing, and a soul-winner. This desire is characteristic of the new nature, received at conversion. When Paul was […]

A Word To Those Who Are Growing Old

A Word To Those Who Are Growing Old – Brengle, Samuel Logan In one of my recent Meetings a dear sister, who has been serving the Lord and walking in the Light for many years, confessed with tears that her joy was not what it used to be. In her youth joys were rapturous, leaping […]

A Common Yet Subtle Sin

A Common Yet Subtle Sin – Brengle, Samuel Logan There is a sin which a Catholic priest once declared that no one had ever confessed to him sin so deadly that the wrath of God comes upon men because of it; a sin so common that probably everybody has at some time been guilty of […]

 What Is Holiness?-Samuel Logan Brengle

What Is Holiness?-Samuel Logan Brengle A number of years ago, before many of the young people for whom this book is written were born, a girl asked me, ‘What is this sanctification, or holiness, that people are talking so much about?’ She had heard the experience testified to, and talked and preached about, for nearly […]

When Can We Be Made Holy?-Samuel Logan Brengle 

When Can We Be Made Holy?-Samuel Logan Brengle A bright young Soldier got up in one of my meetings several years ago, and said, ‘Since the Lord converted me, I never wanted any bad thing, but there was something in me that did.’ A little boy of my acquaintance got blessedly saved, and was very […]

 Whitened Harvest Fields-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Whitened Harvest Fields-Samuel Logan Brengle Before fields are ready to harvest, they must be plowed and sowed and tilled. When Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest, He looked upon a land plowed by God’s faithful judgments and sowed deep with […]

Whom Do You Trust, Yourself Or Christ? -Samuel Logan Brengle 

Whom Do You Trust, Yourself Or Christ? -Samuel Logan Brengle I have had experience enough to know that feelings do not count for much, and I do know that deep down in my heart there is a peace and sense of security that were not there when I was at your meetings last week. But […]

 Why I Wanted My Wife To Be My Wife-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Why I Wanted My Wife To Be My Wife-Samuel Logan Brengle It was my pleasant privilege once to be entertained for several days in the home of some Swedish friends. The family consisted of husband and wife and three exceptionally bright and lovely children. He was a strong, manly fellow who had made his way […]

 Why Should We Be Holy? -Samuel Logan Brengle 

Why Should We Be Holy? -Samuel Logan Brengle We should be holy because God wants us to be holy. He commands it. He says, ‘As He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation: because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy.’ God is in […]

Wrestlers With God-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Wrestlers With God-Samuel Logan Brengle William Bramwell writes in one of his letters, ‘Almost every night there has been a shaking among the people, and I have seen nearly twenty set at liberty.’ Then he adds these heart-searching words: ‘I believe I should have seen many more, but I cannot yet find one pleading man. […]

You-Samuel Logan Brengle 

You-Samuel Logan Brengle Don’t underestimate the power of God in you, nor yet what you, by working quietly and steadily with Him, may accomplish. Paul tells not to think too highly of ourselves. (Romans xii. 3.) But he said of himself, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’ (Philippians iv. 13.) He […]

Your Own Soul-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Your Own Soul-Samuel Logan Brengle I was once asked the question by a woman: “Cannot one take too much care of one’s own soul? I see all about me, everywhere, so much sorrow and suffering and injustice that I am perplexed at God’s way of ruling the world; and it seems to me as though […]

 Zeal-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Zeal-Samuel Logan Brengle It is said that Sheridan went to battle with all the fury of a madman, and recklessly exposed himself to the shot and shell of the enemy. He told General Horace Porter that he never went into a battle from which he cared to come back alive unless he came as a […]

“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”-Samuel Logan Brengle 

“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”-Samuel Logan Brengle A friend with whom I once billeted claimed the blessing of a clean heart, and testified to it at the breakfast table the next morning. He said he had doubted whether there was such an experience; but, since going to The Salvation Army, he had been led […]

“So Spake”-Samuel Logan Brengle 

“So Spake”-Samuel Logan Brengle “And it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and SO SPAKE that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed.” (Acts 14:1.) Bless God for such preachers and such preaching! How did they do it? What […]

“With Peace Unbroken” -Samuel Logan Brengle 

“With Peace Unbroken” -Samuel Logan Brengle “In holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of their life (Luke i. 75). The Rev. John Fletcher, whom Wesley thought was the holiest man who had lived since the days of the Apostle John, lost the blessing five times before he was finally established in the grace […]

‘A Man In Christ’-Samuel Logan Brengle 

A Man In Christ’-Samuel Logan Brengle I knew a man in Christ,’ wrote Paul. Think of one writing: I knew a man in Bonaparte, in Buddha, in Caesar,’ and we shall see at once how striking, how startling is this expression. We should be not only startled but shocked to hear this of any but […]

 ‘As With Sons’-Samuel Logan Brengle

‘As With Sons’-Samuel Logan Brengle ‘If ye endure chastening,’ wrote the Apostle to the Hebrews — and that word ‘chastening , means child-discipline for purposes of training — ‘If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is be whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement […]

 ‘Don’t Flinch’-Samuel Logan Brengle 

‘Don’t Flinch’-Samuel Logan Brengle The other evening I asked a Captain for the story of her conversion. She told me that a few lines in a little book showed her the way to Jesus. She saw through these lines that if she would ask God to save her and would ‘not flinch’ in her faith, […]

‘God Is Faithful’-Samuel Logan Brengle 

‘God Is Faithful’-Samuel Logan Brengle A devout little woman wrote me a letter from Texas recently and said, ‘My text for today is, ” He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust (unrighteous) in the least is unjust (unrighteous) also in much ” (Luke […]

 ‘Retired’-Samuel Logan Brengle 

‘Retired’ – Samuel Logan Brengle There is no discharge in that war.’ ‘They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.’ ‘Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.’ When I was a little lad, time went by so slowly and the years […]

What About The Future Of The Salvation Army? -Samuel Logan Brengle 

What About The Future Of The Salvation Army? -Samuel Logan Brengle There are some questions always being asked and never fully answered, for the simple reason that only Omniscience knows the answer, and Omniscience is not disposed to answer questions which can be solved in measure by diligent attention to the spirit and principles revealed […]

 Union With Jesus-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Union With Jesus – Samuel Logan Brengle Jesus said, ‘I and My Father are one’ (John x. 30), and it is His loving purpose that you and I shall be able to say that too, and say it now in this present time, in the face of the devil and in holy, triumphant defiance of […]

The Worst Drunkard In Town Got Saved Last Night And–Samuel Logan Brengle 

A changed attitudeThe Worst Drunkard In Town Got Saved Last Night And – Samuel Logan Brengle  Many years ago I was visiting Riverside, California, for a brief campaign, and was met at the train by the Captain in charge at about ten o’clock in the morning. His face was glowing as he said to me: […]

 The Terror Of The Lord-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Terror Of The Lord – Samuel Logan Brengle Knowing…. the terror of the Lord, we persuade men (2 Corinthians v. 11.) The Lord is known by the judgment which He executeth,’ (Psalm ix. 16.) The majesty of God’s law can be measured only by the terrors of His judgments. God is rich in mercy, […]

 The Temptations Of A Sanctified Man-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Temptations Of A Sanctified Man – Samuel Logan Brengle How can a man that is “dead to sin” be “tempted?” asked an earnest but unsanctified Christian of me some time ago. “If the very tendencies and inclinations to sin be destroyed, what is there in the man to respond to a solicitation to evil? […]

The Studies Of The Soul-Winner-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Studies Of The Soul-Winner – Samuel Logan Brengle “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. — Paul to Timothy.” (2 Tim. 2:15.) Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee. Meditate upon […]

 The Special Campaigner-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Special Campaigner – Samuel Logan Brengle I ‘And He gave some . . . Evangelists.’ For many years now my own work has been the work of an evangelist or campaigner. For five years, long before I met The Army, I resisted the Lord’s call to preach. I wanted to be a lawyer and […]

 The Soul-Winner’s Commission To The Children-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Soul-Winner’s Commission To The Children-Samuel Logan Brengle “Lovest thou Me? Feed My lambs.” Rough and ready Peter, that horny-handed old fisherman, thought he was cut out for and best fitted to be a prime minister or secretary of state, a bishop, a colonel, or a commander, and it seems had several disputes with […]

The Soul-Winner And The Children-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Soul-Winner And The Children – Samuel Logan Brengle Not only did Jesus say, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not,” but He gave to Peter the positive command, “Feed My lambs,” and in that command laid a responsibility upon soul-winners for the children, for “of such is the Kingdom […]

The Secret Of Power – Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Secret Of Power – Samuel Logan Brengle “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah xl. 31). If I were dying, and had the privilege of delivering a last exhortation to all the Christians of the world, and that message had to be condensed into three words, I would say, “Wait […]

The Seamless Coat Of Jesus -Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Seamless Coat Of Jesus -Samuel Logan Brengle Jesus never pitied Himself, nor did He seek the pity of any man. One day He asked His disciples, ‘Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?’ ‘John the Baptist,’ replied one Elijah,’ said another. Jeremiah or one of the prophets,‘ answered a third. […]

The Renewing Of Power-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Renewing Of Power – Samuel Logan Brengle Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Paul. To do God’s work we must have God’s power. Therefore Jesus said: “Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49.) And again He said: “Ye […]

 The Radicalism Of Holiness-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Radicalism Of Holiness – Samuel Logan Brengle “Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Cor. xiii. 5). “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. i. 27). Dear brother, do not think you can make holiness popular. It cannot be done. There is […]

The Personal Experience Of The Soul Winner-Samuel Logan Brengle

The Personal Experience Of The Soul Winner – Samuel Logan Brengle Every soul-winner is in the secret of the Lord, and has had a definite personal experience of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which brings him into close fellowship and tender friendship and sympathy with the Saviour. The Psalmist prayed, “Hide Thy […]

 The Outcome Of A Clean Heart-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Outcome Of A Clean Heart – Samuel Logan Brengle David prayed, ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. . . . Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall […]

The Mystic Universe In My Back Yard-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Mystic Universe In My Back Yard – Samuel Logan Brengle I but open my eyes — and perfection, no more and no less, In the kind I imagined full fronts me, and God is seen God In the star, in the stone, in the flesh, in the soul, and in the clod. — Browning […]

 The Man God Uses-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Man God Uses – Samuel Logan Brengle A while ago I was talking with a Christian merchant who expressed a great and important truth. He said: “People are crying to God to use them, but He cannot. They are not given up to Him; they are not humble and teachable and holy. There are […]

 The Lord’s Own Prayer-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Lord’s Own Prayer-Samuel Logan Brengle One day at a certain place, we are told, the disciples were with Jesus when He was praying, and after He had ceased — I wonder how long He prayed and what was the burden of His prayer? — one of His disciples said unto Him, Lord, teach us […]

The Legacy Of Holiness-Samuel Logan Brengle 

A changed attitude “after the death of Abraham, . . . God blessed his son Isaac’ (Gen. xxv. 11). We must die! We feel that we must live, must live for the sake of our sons, for the people of God whom we love as our own souls, and for the perishing sinners about us. […]

The Leakage Of Spiritual Power-Samuel Logan Brengle

The Leakage Of Spiritual Power-Samuel Logan Brengle That man of God and lover of souls, James Caughey, tells in one of his books how he was invited out to tea one evening; and though there was nothing harmful in the talk of the hour, yet when he went into the meeting at night his soul […]

 The Heart Of Jesus-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Heart Of Jesus-Samuel Logan Brengle Give me a heart like Thine; By Thy wonderful power, By Thy grace every hour, Give me a heart like Thine. We sang that verse with all our might, one morning, in one of those hours of heart-humbling and heart-searching, when I was a cadet in the training home, […]

The Frankness Of Jesus-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Frankness Of Jesus – Samuel Logan Brengle Jesus was not a whisperer. No one ever saw Him close to His neighbor’s ear, looking stealthily around lest some one should overhear what He was going to say. He stood upright, looked men squarely and kindly in the eye, and spoke what He had to say […]

The Dangers Of Middle Age-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Dangers Of Middle Age – Samuel Logan Brengle We read and hear much about the dangers of youth, and they are very many and often very deadly; but how little do we hear about the dangers of the middle-aged! And yet they, too, are very many and very deadly. I was vividly reminded of […]

The Cost Of Saving Souls-Samuel Logan Brengle 

A changed attitude Some years ago a young woman-Officer wrote the Colonel in command of a Continental Territory telling him she meant to resign if she could not get souls saved. But she did not resign. A pastor, famous for the revivals which swept his churches and moved the communities where he labored, was sent […]

The Chained Ambassador-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Chained Ambassador – Samuel Logan Brengle My soul was stirred within me the other morning by Paul’s appeal for the prayers of the Church, in which he declares himself to be “an ambassador in bonds” or as the margin reads, “in a chain.” “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and […]

 The Chained Ambassador-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Chained Ambassador-Samuel Logan Brengle “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am […]

The Bible And Religious Experience-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Bible And Religious Experience – Samuel Logan Brengle I Man does not discover God. God reveals Himself to man. God seeks men before men seek God. God reveals His wisdom and power through nature. He reveals His Holiness through conscience. He reveals His hatred of sin through His judgments. He reveals His redeeming love […]

The Angels Song Of Peace-Samuel Logan Brengle

The Angels Song Of Peace-Samuel Logan Brengle Heavenly beings always put the things of Heaven first. Our Lord Jesus placed ever the thought of unseen and eternal glory before the trifles of earth. I have been much impressed with the order of the prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Before teaching them to ask for […]

 The Ancient Prophets-Samuel Logan Brengle 

The Ancient Prophets – Samuel Logan Brengle For about sixty years I have been reading the Bible, and for nearly fifty I have been reading it through regularly, steadily, consecutively, year after year. When I have finished Revelation, I turn back to Genesis and begin over again, and day by day read my chapter or […]

Thanksgiving-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Thanksgiving – Samuel Logan Brengle Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise be thankful unto Him, and bless His name’ (Ps. C. 4). In every thing give thanks‘ (i Thess. v. 18). As lilies of the valley pour forth perfume, so good hearts pour forth thanksgiving. No mercy is too […]

 Testify To The Blessing-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Testify To The Blessing – Samuel Logan Brengle ‘And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony ‘ (Rev. xii. 11). A lieutenant got the blessing of a clean heart in one of my meetings the other day, and then told us that he had had the […]

 Spiritual Power-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Spiritual Power – Samuel Logan Brengle God is the source of all spiritual power, and should be sought for constantly in two ways — by meditation in His word, and by secret prayer — if we would have and retain power. Several years ago I was ‘specialing’ at a New England corps, commanded by a […]

 Spiritual Leadership-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Spiritual Leadership – Samuel Logan Brengle The soul-winner must have the power of spiritual leadership, and spiritual leadership is a thing of the Spirit, and not of birth, or rank, or title, or education, or circumstances. Here is the secret of the power of humble Salvation Army officers from the lowly walks of life. Joseph […]

 Soul Winning-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Soul Winning – Samuel Logan Brengle “The inwrought fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James v. 16, R.V.). All great soul-winners have been men of much and mighty prayer , and all great revivals have been preceded and carried out by persevering, prevailing knee-work in the closet. Before Jesus began His ministry, when […]

 Some Of My Experiences In Teaching Holiness-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Some Of My Experiences In Teaching Holiness – Samuel Logan Brengle I once received a letter from one of the most devoted young officers I know, in which he said, “I love holiness more and more, but I am just about discouraged. It seems to me that I shall never be able to teach holiness, […]

 Perfect Peace-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Perfect Peace-Samuel Logan Brengle “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee” (Isaiah xxvi. 3). A wonderful promise is that, and it ought to be the aim of every one of us to make it our experience. The way to do this is simple: it […]

Paul A Pattern-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Paul A Pattern-Samuel Logan Brengle Paul tells us that the Lord Jesus made him ‘a pattern to them which should hereafter believe’ (I Tim. i. 16). This fact makes his life and experience exceptionally interesting and valuable to us. And it is an especial mark of our Heavenly Father’s wisdom and love that He has […]

 Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Our Mothers — Thoughts For Mother’s Day-Samuel Logan Brengle How fitting, how beautiful, that a day should be set aside by the nation and the nations to do honour to that vast army of delicate soldiers, infinitely greater in numbers than the men who fought in the Great War, that numberless host whose sentinel watch […]

Obedience-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Obedience – Samuel Logan Brengle “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,” said Paul, and in that saying he reveals the secret of his wonderful success as a soul-winner. The soul-winner is a man sent by God, and will have visions and revelations and secret orders that, if affectionately heeded and heartily and courageously […]

 My Testimony-Samuel Logan Brengle 

My Testimony-Samuel Logan Brengle (1860 — 59 — 1919) Today (June 1, 1919) I am fifty-nine years old, and there is not a cloud in my spiritual heaven. My mouth is full of laughter and my heart is full of joy. I feel so sorry for folks who don’t like to grow old, and who […]

 Must You Be Fed With A Spoon?-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Must You Be Fed With A Spoon? – Samuel Logan Brengle I I am watching with much interest and some personal profit the development of my grandchildren. They are a luxury to my old heart; but, like all children, they are somewhat of a problem as well as a joy to their parents. At first, […]

 Misrepresenting God-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Misrepresenting God-Samuel Logan Brengle I read recently of a speaker who preached on the mercy of God ‘until it seemed there was nothing in God but mercy.’ But I fear he misrepresented God. Such misrepresentation is easy, and to people who do not think deeply, and who do not want to take life seriously, it […]

Maintaining The Holiness Standard-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Maintaining The Holiness Standard-Samuel Logan Brengle The Salvation Army was born, not in a cloister, nor in a drawing-room, but on a spiritual battlefield — at the penitent-form. It has been nourished for spiritual conquests, not upon speculative doctrines and fine-spun verbal distinctions, but upon those great doctrines which can be wrought into and worked […]

Love Slaves-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Love Slaves -Samuel Logan Brengle There was a law among the Hebrews that for sore poverty or debt or crime one man might become the servant of another, but he could not be held in servitude beyond a certain period; at the end of six years, he must be allowed to go free. (Ex. 21:1-6; […]

Letting The Truth Slip-Samuel Logan Brengle 

Letting The Truth Slip-Samuel Logan Brengle “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip” (Heb. iii. 1). The truth that saves the soul is not picked up as we would pick up the pebbles along the beach, but […]


Why I wanted my wife to be my wife – Samuel Logan Brengle Why i wanted my wife to be my wife it was my pleasant privilege once to be entertained for several days in the home of some swedish friends. The family consisted of husband and wife and three exceptionally bright and lovely children. […]


THE ANCIENT PROPHETS -Samuel Logan Brengle For about sixty years i have been reading the bible, and for nearly fifty i have been reading it through regularly, steadily, consecutively, year after year. When i have finished revelation, i turn back to genesis and begin over again, and day by day read my chapter or chapters […]

Unite my heart

Unite my heart – Samuel Logan Brengle Unite my heart. — David. He who thinks to succeed in this infinite business of saving souls with a heart that is divided as yet knows nothing as he ought to know concerning the matter. That a man may by personal magnetism, grace of manners, power or persuasiveness […]
