Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve
Oh wondrous day when Thee I chose
When mercy reached my deepest woes
Oh wondrous day when Thee I chose
When mercy reached my deepest woes
And I in sorrow clung to Thee
To save my soul eternally!
My choice was made–the battle won
With past–with sin–forever done!
And yet each day I make a choice
As silently I hear Thy voice
So tender saying, ‘whose art thou?’
In this small matter wilt thou bow?
The bed seems oh so warm and sweet
Another sleep ‘fore Him I meet
Ah then I’m robbed of inner power
I choose to miss that ‘sacred hour’!
At school I choose to linger near
When dirty words I know I’ll hear
Or else I turn and run away
So that my heart can purer stay
At work I choose to compromise
And drift along with wrong and lies
Or else I stand for truth and right
Although it is a harder fight
I find the world doth beckon me
To places I should never be
And I must choose to walk alone
If I would reach that ‘Higher Home’
Temptation comes to me each day
To lead me from the narrow way
And I must ever cling to Him
Joshua 24:15
Jenny Daniel