Christ Glorified, Attractions of – Charles Spurgeon

NOWHERE on earth is Christ, and therefore nowhere on earth may our heart build her nest. Nowhere—no, not in the high places, or in the quiet resting places; not in the garden of nuts, or in the beds of spices; not in the tents of Kedar, or between Solomon’s curtains; not even at his sacramental table, nor yet among the means of grace, is Christ bodily, actually, present. So we will take the sweetness of all, and the spiritual good there may be in all outward means; but still they shall all point us upward; they shall all draw us away. As the sun exhales the dew, and attracts it upward towards Heaven, so shall Christ magnetize and draw our hearts away, and our thoughts up, and our longings up, and our whole spirits up, towards himself! “He is not here.” Then why should I be here? Oh, get you up, my soul; get you up, and let all your sweetest incense go towards him who “is not here, for he is risen.”
