Christ Our Wisdom, Righteousness, Etc.
Buried in shadows of the night
We lie till Christ restores the light;
Buried in shadows of the night
We lie till Christ restores the light;
Wisdom descends to heal the blind,
And chase the darkness of the mind.
Our guilty souls are drowned in tears
Till his atoning blood appears;
Then we awake from deep distress,
And sing, “The Lord our Righteousness.”
Our very frame is mixed with sin,
His Spirit makes our natures clean
Such virtues from his suff’rings flow,
At once to cleanse and pardon too.
Jesus beholds where Satan reigns,
Binding his slaves in heavy chains;
He sets the pris’ners free, and breaks
The iron bondage from our necks.
Poor helpless worms in thee possess
Grace, wisdom, power, and righteousness;
Thou art our mighty All, and we
Give our whole selves, O Lord, to thee.
Isaac Watts
1 Cor. 1:30