Christ to be Praised – Charles Spurgeon

LET the loftiest panegyrics be heaped upon the head of Christ, and he will deserve something better. Let the angels make way for him, and let them pile their thrones one upon the other. Let them conduct him to the seventh heaven—even to the Heaven of heavens, and let him fill a lofty throne there, yet, even then, is not he so high as his Father has set him. Words cannot describe his glory—it bows down all language beneath its weight. Metaphors, similes, though they were gathered with the wealth of wit and wisdom from all quarters of Heaven and earth, cannot reach even to the skirts of his garments. Your love and your fidelity, your diligence and your zeal, are not fit even so much as to unloose the latchets of his shoes, he is so great and so good. O talk much of him then! Let your talk run over like the language of Rutherford in his letters, where he seems sometimes to break through reason and moderation to glorify his Lord. Let your language of Christ be like the apostle Paul, where he puts aside all syntax, grammar, speech, and all else, and makes new words, and coins fresh expressions, and confounds tenses and moods, and I know not what beside, because his soul could not express itself after the common place language of mankind. O let your praise run over to your Lord and King. Love him, praise him, exalt him, magnify him, live out his life again. You can but praise him so; die in his arms, that you may forever extol him in the upper skies.
