Christian Business Directory
Below is a directory of businesses and products useful in Christian Family Life and Ministry. There is everything from recommended homeschooling materials, trips to Israel, books, sound equipment, software, insurance, and much more. Paul received gifts but also did tent-making on the side. We even have a page of examples of side hustles (i.e., tent-making) to help Christian workers survive in the ministry. As a bonus at no added cost to you (in fact, you often receive a discount for using our links + discount code), you support the moderator and co-founder of this site. Most of these businesses and products are Christian in their mission and vision, but some are just selling great products that are of practical benefit to a church (i.e., think sound recording or podcast system).
Disclosure: As an Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your kind support as we endeavor to find helpful, life-changing products.

Acts 18:3 ... by their occupation they were tentmakers.
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Business / Products S-Z
Christian Business Directory
Acts 18:3 ... by their occupation they were tentmakers.

Below is a directory of businesses and products useful in Christian Family Life and Ministry. There is everything from recommended homeschooling materials, trips to Israel, books, sound equipment, software, insurance, and much more. Paul received gifts but also did tent-making on the side. We even have a page of examples of side hustles (i.e., tent-making) to help Christian workers survive in the ministry. As a bonus at no added cost to you (in fact, you often receive a discount for using our links + discount code), you support the moderator and co-founder of this site. Most of these businesses and products are Christian in their mission and vision, but some are just selling great products that are of practical benefit to a church (i.e., think sound recording or podcast system).
Disclosure: As an Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your kind support as we endeavor to find helpful, life-changing products.