Christian Poetry
Deu 32:2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, ...
Approximately 33% of the Bible content is christian poetry. These include reflections, songs, and prophetic resistance. In addition, poems are often prayers, as in Habakkuk’s last chapter, which is called a prayer and a song. The Bible is full of poems, especially the old testament. The New Testament alludes to poetic phrases from the old. The King James version of the English Bible is translated poetically and thus is more accessible to memorize than many other versions (including older versions of different languages). Two hundred years ago, the world’s most famous authors included poets, and poems were sought after in churches and by Christians worldwide. Something of this has been lost in the last 120 years, which is a massive pity as God has chosen to use poetry (especially in scripture) to teach doctrine, edify, preach, and teach. So don’t miss out; start the journey of loving Christian poetry today..