Christless Souls, Danger of – Charles Spurgeon

I UNDERSTAND drinking bitter medicine, if it is to make me well; but who would drink wormwood and gall with no good result to follow? I can understand toiling if a wage is in prospect, but I cannot see the sense of toiling when there is no reward for it. Now, you who love not God, your lives are not all flowers and sunshine. It is not all music and dancing with you now. I know you have your cares and troubles, you have your thorns in the flesh, and perhaps a great many of them; but you have no Savior to run to. You are like a ship in a storm, and there is no harbor for you; you are as birds driven before the wind, and you have no nests in which to shelter, but must be driven forever before the blast of Jehovah’s wrath. Consider this, I pray you, meditate upon your condition and prospects, and when you have so done, may your heart cry out, “I would gladly have God to be my friend.
