Christmas Evans Text Sermons
Well-known as the one-eyed Welsh speaker, born on Christmas Day thus his name Christmas, whose life had impacted countless lives. His father had died when he was but a child. His widowed mother in her destitution let Christmas Evan go to her brother. This uncle of Christmas was a cruel and unprincipled man who caused much hardship, ill treatment, and suffering. He did not allow him to have any education. He was still totally illiterate at the age of 17! Christmas Evans had many close brushes with death at that time. It was at this time that God stepped in. A Revival broke out in a Presbyterian Church at Uwynrhydowain in which Christmas Evans and several others were saved.
They all made a concerted effort to read, gathering in an old barn using the Bible as their textbook! It was at this stage of his life that former friends, upset that Evans would not join them in their doubtful pursuits, attacked him and blinded him in one eye. Evans first sermon was copying an old work verbatim and his prayer was also a quoted one. He was soon to preach his own words, fervently, with Heavenly unction and convicting power. A great opportunity came when they needed someone to fill in the shorter sermon before the main message and a person suggested the one-eyed Welsh boy! There was initial scoffing, disinterest and mocking when he stood up, but as he started speaking the crowds were arrested and drew nearer, spellbound by his imagery, vivid language and practical illustration coupled with Biblical truth. Spontaneously the crowds called out the Welsh words for ‘Glory! Glory!’. From that day he was sought out as a preacher across the whole of Wales. He married Catherine Jones in 1972, who was the perfect wife for him in every way, insightful, frugal, devoted to God and above all things cheerful in all circumstances. They dwelt in an one-roomed cottage on £17 for 20 years!
Christian Evans’ prayer life was the secret behind all the awakenings in his time. He would spend hours calling on God for congregations and ministers before preaching to them. No wonder God came. His self-studies enabled him to master Hebrew and Greek putting scholars to shame! At the age of 60, his wife Catherine died. Well-known sermons of his include ‘The World A Graveyard!’, ‘Hind Of The Morning’, ‘The Demonic O Gedara’ and many others which in written text can inspire us today!

Christmas Evans Text Sermons
Well-known as the one-eyed Welsh speaker, born on Christmas Day thus his name Christmas, whose life had impacted countless lives. His father had died when he was but a child. His widowed mother in her destitution let Christmas Evan go to her brother. This uncle of Christmas was a cruel and unprincipled man who caused much hardship, ill treatment, and suffering. He did not allow him to have any education. He was still totally illiterate at the age of 17! Christmas Evans had many close brushes with death at that time. It was at this time that God stepped in. A Revival broke out in a Presbyterian Church at Uwynrhydowain in which Christmas Evans and several others were saved.
They all made a concerted effort to read, gathering in an old barn using the Bible as their textbook! It was at this stage of his life that former friends, upset that Evans would not join them in their doubtful pursuits, attacked him and blinded him in one eye. Evans first sermon was copying an old work verbatim and his prayer was also a quoted one. He was soon to preach his own words, fervently, with Heavenly unction and convicting power. A great opportunity came when they needed someone to fill in the shorter sermon before the main message and a person suggested the one-eyed Welsh boy! There was initial scoffing, disinterest and mocking when he stood up, but as he started speaking the crowds were arrested and drew nearer, spellbound by his imagery, vivid language and practical illustration coupled with Biblical truth. Spontaneously the crowds called out the Welsh words for ‘Glory! Glory!’. From that day he was sought out as a preacher across the whole of Wales. He married Catherine Jones in 1972, who was the perfect wife for him in every way, insightful, frugal, devoted to God and above all things cheerful in all circumstances. They dwelt in an one-roomed cottage on £17 for 20 years!
Christian Evans’ prayer life was the secret behind all the awakenings in his time. He would spend hours calling on God for congregations and ministers before preaching to them. No wonder God came. His self-studies enabled him to master Hebrew and Greek putting scholars to shame! At the age of 60, his wife Catherine died. Well-known sermons of his include ‘The World A Graveyard!’, ‘Hind Of The Morning’, ‘The Demonic O Gedara’ and many others which in written text can inspire us today!