Christ’s ability to Save – Charles Spurgeon

ABLE to save is Jesus still. “No hope” is not to be said by any of the mariners’ life brigade while he sights the crew of the sinking vessel. “No hope” is not to be said by any one of the fire brigade while he knows there are living men in the burning pile. No hope” is not to he said by any one of the valiant brigade of the Christian church while the soul is still within reach of the sound of mercy. No hope” is a cry which no human tongue should utter, which no human heart should heed. Oh, may God grant us grace whenever we get an opportunity to go and tell all we meet with that are bowed down, “There is lifting up.” And tell them where it is like wise. Tell them it is only at the cross. Tell them it is through the precious blood. Tell them it is to be had for nothing, through simply trusting Christ. Tell them it is of free grace, that no merits of theirs are wanted, that no good things are they to bring, but that they may come just as they are, and find lifting up in Christ.
