Psalm 47 – Clap Your Hands, Ye People All
Clap your hands, ye people all,
Praise the God on whom ye call;
Clap your hands, ye people all,
Praise the God on whom ye call;
Lift your voice, and shout his praise,
Triumph in his sovereign grace!
Glorious is the Lord most High,
Terrible in majesty;
He his sovereign sway maintains,
King o’er all the earth he reigns.
Jesus is gone up on high,
Takes his seat above the sky:
Shout the angel-choirs aloud,
Echoing to the trump of God.
Sons of earth, the triumph join,
Praise him with the host divine;
Emulate the heavenly powers,
Their victorious Lord is ours.
Shout the God enthroned above,
Trumpet forth his conquering love;
Praises to our Jesus sing,
Praises to our glorious king!
Power is all to Jesus given,
Power o’er hell, and earth, and heaven!
Power he now to us imparts;
Praise him with believing hearts.
Wonderful in saving power,
Him let all our hearts adore;
Earth and heaven repeat the cry,
“Glory be to God most High!”
Psalm xlvii.