Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 3
Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 3
Father, we pray Thy blessing upon these words, and upon the little commentary that weve made on them, trying to apply to them to our practical living. We pray that Thou will give consent of heart and willingness to obey, and cheerful faith to do as were told by the Spirit in the Scriptures; and bless us during the day and for the afternoon and for the evening, and may this day be a big day, a great day, not a dramatic day necessarily, that the newspapers will talk about, but a day deep in the things of the Spirit. We give Thee praise. Amen.
Let us pray. Lord, oh Lord, we love Thy church, we love Thy Kingdom. Her walls before Thee standing there as the apple of Thine eye engraven in Thy hands. For her our tears shall flow, and for her our prayers shall rise, and for her we promise to labour and work, but oh Lord, Thy poor church is only a ragged beggar woman, when she could be a queen, when she could be a princess leaning upon the arm of her beloved. Oh Lord Jesus, we pray for Thy church. We pray for Thy people who believe Thy word, or claim to believe it, who cannot pray now, at the moment; for the liberal, for the toughest, for the false teacher we cannot, but we pray for those who believe the Bible. We pray for those who claim theyre evangelical, and yet they wear rags where they should wear silks. Oh God, we pray Thee revive Thy church in the midst of the years. Revive this church oh Lord. Revive the Alliance. Revive every denomination that stands for the truth. Oh Lord, save us from fear and save us from intimidation. Weve grieved Thy Hold Spirit by neglecting Him. Weve quenched Thy Holy Spirit. Weve listened to the blandishments of men who ought to know better, and they have made us afraid to believe in the power of the Holy Ghost. We grieve for this, and we apologize to Thee for it. We pray Thee, oh God, of grace, out of infinite grace send to this church a sweet wave of power to be, a sweet wave of ability to be holy and good and faithful and tempered and joyful and right. Send, we pray Thee, such a wave. We thank Thee for the blessed Spirit, Father. Thou didst send Him to the Earth to be our advocate, our indweller, to show us the Lord Jesus, to lead us as a shepherd leads his sheep and to be in us a mentor and teacher showing the things of Christ to us. We have acted as if He didnt exist, and were sorry. We apologize and we repent for our neglect of the Spirit and our mistreatment of the Spirit. Oh Father, wash us clean and make us white in the blood of the Lamb, and then pour more oil on our heads for the poor world bleeds and dies and we have naught to help them, they starve and we have naught to give them, forgive us Lord. Breathe, oh breathe Thy breath upon us and say, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Save us, we pray Thee, our God, from logicians and men with pencils and rules and squares and levels, always guiding us away from the fountain. Lord we would put them behind us and under our feet, and rise on our dead selves for better things. Help us, we pray Lord, these evenings together. May the total result be that one after the other of us shall be filled with a new power and a new grace and a new ability to be endued, that we might show forth the excellency of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light. We ask it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Let us pray. Oh our Lord Jesus, weve entered into what many call holy week, and were going to be thinking this week about Thy suffering and Thy death: the next Lords day were going to celebrate Thy resurrection. Oh blessed Lord Jesus, we thank Thee that all this has passed, and while we may commemorate it now, it doesnt repeat ….. its not repeated: Thou art not going to die Friday, nor rise Sunday, nor send the Holy Ghost 50 days later all thats history and done, and were the beneficiaries of it all if we only dared believe it. Help us to believe it oh Lord, and forgive us for doubting. We are the recipients of all that it cost Thee and all that Thou didst bring by death and suffering and tears and groans and sweat, and by resurrection and by ascension to the Fathers right hand we are the heirs of the ages. Upon us the ages have converged and we, oh Lord, are richer, richer than angels for Thou didst do this not for angels but for men. We are Thy church Lord. We are a people set aside here that are met in this corner, in this building, which Thou hast graciously provided for us. Here we are Lord, and were waiting Lord. Were expectant Lord. We need help Lord. Oh Lord, we pray Thee, put Thy arms about us and squeeze us together so tight that there be no pockets between us, no non-conducting elements that ground nor hinder the power from flowing. Let it be this week, let it be all over Easter, let it be for the days ahead we beseech Thee oh Lord, and let one after another of us we pray, oh Lord, find the secret place and there wait with our open Bible until our vessels are clean and empty, and we are waiting and believing, and then we believe that one after the other Thou wilt give power, and were looking forward Lord Jesus to that moment when there shall be a sudden nearness of the Saviour, instantaneously bestowed, lovingly bestowed upon a thirsty people. Save us, we pray Thee, from the cheap pattern of the worldly churches, and bring us back to Calvary, back to Pentecost, back to all that they meant and mean, and is now perpetuated for us. Oh blessed Lord Jesus. Amen.
We pray Thee, oh God, for Thy work there in French Quebec, where the … everything is stacked against the people, against the true people of God. Bless our young brother we pray. May Thine oil be upon his head in such measure that everybody there, even though they hate him for his Protestantism, may love him for the fragrance of his life, and slowly turn and see that the fragrance of a holy life comes from the same doctrines that they hate, and thus give up their opposition and turn to Thee, that mercy, we pray Thee, attend the ministry of this young man, and all of those who labour there. We ask this in Christs name, Amen.
Let us pray. Oh look on us Thy love, Thy undying affection, a love that a few hours later would die also. That love hasnt lost of any of its content: no weaker no smaller, big as God is big and as eternal as God is eternal. Oh Lord Jesus, were Thy sheep, and the world is big, and the devil is going about like a roaring lion, and the temptations are strong, and the flesh is weak, and maybe some of us are cooling off inside our hearts. Please Lord, before its too late, help us to get enough of it quick before its too late. Please Lord, dont let us harden and backsliders: people that have lost their conscience can no longer grieve because they no longer sorrow, but they dont feel sorrow. Oh we plead, look at us again today in our hearts. Were no better than Peter, but maybe Lord, some who like Peter have sleeped out of discipleship, or at least inwardly they have: look on us Lord and break our hearts. Look on us and make us weep. Give the grace of tears this morning Lord, oh Jesus a few tears. If we knew that we could have this morning $10,000 on offering plates for the Church and for missions wed be glad, but if we knew instead we would have 10,000 tears of grief and repentance and penitence and faith and hope and joy, wed lay the $10,000 away and take the tears that we might weep, because we cant weep. Oh help us this morning in Jesus name.
So let us pray and lets believe God together. Now were going to close, and when you go to the in-sing tonight, dont sing junk. I know you dont think you do, but sing only that which warms your heart and makes Jesus Christ glorious, and then slip away home and dont waste your time telling jokes and making quips, and lose everything you got today in the House of God. Let us stand and sing.
Have dealings with God, wont you friends, have dealings with God before you close your eyes in slumber this night? Father we want to thank Thee that in Thine infinite mercy Thou hast not let us go like cattle to the slaughter not knowing where were going because were fast asleep, imaging that were alright, when actually were being fattened for the slaughter. We thank Thee Lord that Thee brought light on this, now help us to walk in it. Bless us, every one. Take away all false hopes and all unscriptural expectations, and pull us back to the Word of the Lord. Oh Father, help as we go down the steps and onto the sidewalk tonight: mark the foreheads of them that sigh and cry. Great God, have mercy upon our America. Have mercy we pray upon our America, with dozens of gods, at least a dozen gods. Have mercy Father, and help us to turn from idols to serving Thee and to wait for Thy coming from heaven. Dismiss us now we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
God and Father of our Lord Jesus, we thank Thee this hour: Thou hast not allowed us to wander into the serpent infested valley and left us there, but Thou hast allured us and wooed us, and even there hast placed the door: wherever we are theres a way out and a way in from that spot. Thou hast so arranged it in Thy grace, how Thy sent Thy son Jesus to die, to rise, to live, to plead, and to be for us advocate above, a saviour by the throne of love, and while Hes there and we are here. We bless Thee. We will not despair. We will not give up. We will not surrender to the chains of the enemy. We will dare to believe that with every temptation Thou wilt make a way that would turn our tin into silver, and our silver into gold, and Thou wilt give us the garments of praise for the garments of heaviness. Bless Thou the word spoken this morning. We ask it of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus, were unworthy to be members of Thy church, but we are not dominated by the devil into letting our unworthiness make us morbidly unbelieving. Even though were not worthy to be, were accepted in Thee, and Thou hast made us members of Thy body, and we accept it, and we leave the matter of our work with Thee, and if angels or archangels question our right to be there, we look to Thee as a sheep looks to his shepherd and say, Answer for me Lord, answer for me. I admit I am not worthy, but answer for me dear Lord, and Thou wilt answer for us for Thou didst come from high heaven to low earth, from the immortal and eternal liberty of the Godhead to the confines of the virgins womb, that we might be redeemed, and Thou didst die on the cross of shame and suffering and rise that we might be justified and forgiven, and you reunited again with the father from which we fell in the fall. God all this is true and we leave it with Thee. Now wilt Thou bless and help us to see how wonderful it is to be a member of however small a group that believes in Thee. We leave the great top-heavy Christendom to find its own way. We shall pray, oh God, for all the Church, all who call themselves Christians. We shall be tolerant and kind and charitable and loving and friendly to them all, but well only go with those that love Thy name, that trust the precious work of Christ on the cross, and that are ready to leave all and follow Him. We pray, oh God, for every Christian in Toronto. We pray for all the ministries of the truth and apparently there are many who preach the truth. Bless them all father, and grant that over these weeks that lie before us we may see a constant rising tide that shall eventuate in a flow that shall be like the river that flows out from the Throne of God, and all this we ask in Christs name. Amen. Amen.
Alright, let us stand and well pray. Now our Father in heaven we pray for these Thy servants and children. Lord, satan is such an evil enemy and the world is everywhere about us, and the flesh is so persistent. Now I would you know that some of us are having a tough time of it. Sometimes the flesh conquers and sometimes the world gets the better of us. We want it to be reversed. We want it to be the other way around. We want always to have Thee win. We want to see Thee victorious always, as Thou were victorious through David Thy servant. Oh God we pray for these. We pray that Thou would take them through, bring them to an experience in their lives where they can truly and positively know nothing is between them and Thee: no strength, no family, no reputation, no ambition, no money, no property, nothing is between them and Thee for Thy face beams down upon us as clear as the sun on a bright day with no cloud in between. Lead we pray Thee in this, and we pray for the days that are before us. We pray that Thou wilt bless us Lord, and let there be a deposit of glory left in this city as a result of these meetings. We beseech Thee Holy Ghost in power and might from the throne above, from the heart of Jesus the Lord: come and bless this city, these friends, in the day and in the evening, and do what Thou hast planned to do sovereign Lord, do what in Thy mind is for these people, for the churches of this city, for the people who will be here, whether there be many or few. Do something Lord, we pray Thee, work it out, do it oh Lord God we pray Thee, as clearly as raising a dead man or healing a sick man or, as in olden days, when Thou didst do these physical miracles, do Thou we pray Thee within the hearts and lives of people, miracles as sharp and clear as those miracles were, that when the meetings are over, there will be those who have a deposit of power placed within their heart they didnt have when the meetings began.
A.W Tozer