Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 5
Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 5
“Father, Bless Thou this exhortation on our shoulders Father, and send us out a happy people. For surely we are to be a happy people, Since Thou art our Father, and Jesus our brother, and the Holy Ghost our indwelling Paraclete. Save us from anger, and help us to sing unto the Lord a new song, and rejoice continually. For, oh Lord, hath set our feet upon a rock, put a new song in our mouth, even praises, Amen.”
“Dear Heavely Father, We pray this night, oh Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, we bring our petition. Father, we apologize to Thee this night, for the way we’ve been living. We’re sorry for carelessness, in that insidious need in Zion, who cares nothing for the troubles of Jacob. Oh God, oh God, we pray this evening that Thou wilt burn through clay. We dare to ask, and we do ask. Don’t let anybody escape the arrows of the Almighty. Don’t let anybody escape the net of the Divine Fisher. We beseech Thee that Thou would so rule upon us, that one after the other, board members, and Sunday School teachers, and people of every reputation for being holy and all that, all of us together will see how desperately we need a visitation from Thee, and how Word can bring it. Thou rot. Thinking in the rot, praying in the rot, expecting in the rot, living in the rot. Oh Lord, we thank Thee there is a way out. Precious blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin, and where the blood cleanses, the Holy Ghost anoints. So we pray this night, there might be some, even one that will say, “I am the man. I am the man.” , and will do something about it.
And we believe that if we will repent of the rot, that Thou will repent of the rot that Thou art leading us in, and will bring us out to a wealthy place. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen.”
“Son of God, Immortal Love, We that have not seen Thy face, by faith and faith alone embrace. We believe tonight. We reject the claims of men and we’ll follow none of them; but we own Thy claim, oh Man who is God. We admit the validity of Thy claim. Teach us we pray Thee, to bring in our scattered lives and concentrate them upon Thee with all this and the other saints. Teach us we pray to listen to the sound of Thy musical voice until we’re charmed, and enthralled, and enraptured by it. That we might not go our sleepy way, be mediocre, half awake Christians. Father, the coming of the Lord God’s nigh. Grant we pray, that these friends may take this home and do something about it. We ask in Christ’s name, Amen.”
“Oh God, oh God, Thou knowest the world is spinning on. Time is running out. Children are becoming youth, and youth becoming middle age, and middle age are getting old and older. And Thou hast said redeem the time, for the days are evil: Lord, Thou dost want us to be revived again. Revive Thy people, oh Lord, individual people, and in it, numbers of individual people can band together. But oh, revive Thy people. Grant Lord, to help.
Now the other people, just for a minute more of prayer. who would say, ‘Mr. Tozer, please pray for me, that i might have heart to God in my soul, alone. Apart from our relation to others, that I might have a new inflow, power,and purity, and grace, that I might be a revived soul. Pray for me. Would you raise that hand?'”
“Father, Bless thy Word. Help us to see how wondrous are Thy judgements and Thy ways past finding out. We thank you Lord that these be praying through out-number the others, perhaps a thousand to one. Bless Thou the word. For Jesus sake. Amen.”
“Oh Father, We pray for all these who raised their hand, Oh God we pray: Break them loose from their friends. Break them loose from their little block of society. Break them loose we pray Thee, from the little things that interest them and take them aside. It may be into the desert. Take them into the silence of their own room. Take them somewhere and in awe-full glorious vision, may they come through to a place where they’ve taken Christ as their all in all forever, and surrender to the Spirit of God, to be in them, to guide them through, with them inward and outward and around and beneath and above: all that the water is to the fish, all that the air is to the bird on the wing, more than that, all that the soul is to the human body, all that the spirit is to the soul, may they do this Lord, for Jesus sake. Disturb them Lord. Don’t let them forget this. Don’t let them settle down oh God, to another week of grubbing, and may this be the week that all that we’ve heard over the last week and heard today may become a living reality in our hearts. We ask this in Christ’s name.”
“Jesus break the repenter, Jesus break the repenter, Jesus break the repenter and touch them quick. Even though that doesn’t quite, that’s not quite in mood with the message, i have a feeling that alot of people have been fettered by men in preventing them from entering into moral understanding with what I’ve talked about. Let’s trust God to break the fetters. Sing for a minute and let us stand.”
“Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, We thank Thee for all Thy dear saints, all Thy children, every color, and every age: Jacob Tewold, May DeHumahn, Bea Latertime, Oley Ann, Sole Distrug Vomenn, Billy Bray, Henry Sousa, and John LaCrosse, Francis Harrigan. Oh God, we could name them. A whole telephone directory filled up full of them, if we had time, That they would shine like stars in the dark world. some of them are gone. Some of them are still among us; but they shine in a dark world and they show forth the glory of Him who called us out of darkness into His light. We thank Thee for every one of em’. Oh God, help us, it were as bad as it, help us we pray to come full Christianity, to be willing to take the stigma of cross carrying light. Now that Thou’ld bless this company of people. We thank Thee for them. We pray tonight as we gather, that there’ll may be some who’ll make specific decisions. Some young people will be here tonight, probably, and maybe some who’ll wander in that aren’t Christians. We pray for them. We pray Thou’ll prepare speakers, and singers, and those in charge of musicians, and those in charge of everybody, that there’ll be a unity within our spirits, so that the Holy Ghost can without hinderance lay conviction upon those who need it. And give faith to those who are as desperate need faith. Bless us now we pray Thee, Through Christ our Lord.”
“Lord Jesus, Thou art nearer than our breath. Thou art nearer than the impulses of our nerves. Thou art nearer than our thoughts. Oh, Lord Jesus, Thou art here, walking amid the seven golden candlesticks, with eyes like fire, and a sword going out of Thy mouth, and Thy head lighted world, and Thy face is the sun shining in it’s strength, and Thou art girt about the patch with a golden girdle. Thou art the High Priest of the church.
Oh, Lord Jesus, we pray for the lost sheep here tonight. We pray Lord Jesus for the half-saved Christian. We pray for the backsliders. We pray for those who have turned from the thing they knew was right. Their first memory, is a Sunday School class, in prayer at table. Oh, they’d turn from it, and only go to church occasionally and then only to listen and go home. My Lord Jesus, tonight we for them, who would listen for the voice of the animal, the dull voice of the brain, that ignored that emblem that cries for God in eternal life. Have mercy we pray upon them, and how the two voices are sounding: the voice of Esau and the voice of Jacob, the voice of earth and the voice of heaven, sounding. We pray that they may have the wisdom and courage to turn their backs on the siren voice of the world and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ while it’s called today. Great God, this is Thy meeting. We don’t know what to do with it. It’s up to Thee Lord. Great God, tonight, don’t let the devil have everybody. Please God, save some for Thyself. Rescue some for yourself.”
“Our God, our hope in ages past, help in ages past, our hope for years to come. We lift our hearts to Thee. We thank Thee Thou didst ever createst. We grieve that we ever marred that creation by sin; but, having done that, we rejoice that Thou didst find a way through love to save us: the sacrifice of Thy Son. He who was from the beginning, yielded Himself on a tree that He might die. We can never thank Thee enough. We pray Thee for those who are lost in our midst this evening. Oh Holy Spirit, Thou would draw and pull. May the unsaved hear the voice of Jesus say, ‘Come unto me and rest.’ May the thirsty hear Him say, ‘Come unto me and drink.’ May the blind hear Him say, ‘Come unto me and see.’ May the dead hear Him say, ‘Come unto me and live.’ Oh Lord, kindly do this for Jesus sake. Amen.”
“Father, oh God, Thou art near us. Thou art here. My Jesus, we’re tempted to say, ” Thou art in this place and i knew it not.” But we did know it after a fashion. This is none other than the Amen, this is the house of God, Bethel. We will raise our altar here, at this presence. Now, we pray for men and women and particularly young people who are charmed. The serpent of the world has charmed them like a bird. They gaze with fascination on all the showy glamour of the world, and they would die to become famous. Women here would give their 20 years off their lives for five years to be a movie star. Great God, we’re sick, sick, sick inside, that we have sought the gutter instead of your glory. We have learned to love and live in and admire and imitate and follow the filthiest lowest most profane element in society. And there’s a light, and men don’t see it; and a voice, and they don’t hear it; and Your presence, and they don’t feel it. Oh, we pray, get hold of men and women and young people and children tonight, and pull them out of this mud, their own intellectual mud. Get them out of it we pray. But apart from sin, Oh God, Thou art in the world out here. Pray Thee help us, morning and night, and all during the day and night, and wherever we may be, to keep in contact with Thee Lord as He is in the world. And the great grief of the world is, the world knows Him not. But oh, we Christians can say, ‘Thank you, Father. We know Thee. We know Thee through Jesus Christ Thy Son. We call Thee Father. We have called Thee as the Father. We have stayed our hearts on Thee. Blessed be Thy name. How we trust Thee.’ Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”
“We’re going to pray for you tonight. Oh Lord, We pray for these five persons, who have raised their hands and asked us to remember them. Oh Lord Jesus, the world is so full of temptations and the magnetism of the world is all but impossible to resist. These people want to do it. They want to turn from everything that grieves the Lord and follow Him. They want to be Thine completely, fully. We pray for them. I said, “pray one for another.” We lift our hearts in prayer now, and ask, oh Lord, that you will help these five persons, to put away their resistance, to throw down all opposition, and meekly surrender now their hearts to Thee, for Thee to come in, take over, set up Thy throne and reign from within, king of their lives, by Thy grace. Grant this,we pray Thee, Lord Jesus, For Thy names sake.”
“Would you bow your heads in a moment of prayer with me please? Thy going forth has been from of old, even forever. Thou art moving from eternity that was, to eternity to be, passing by. And the magnetism of Thy presence is finding a few: a few that are one with Thee, and yearning and longing, a few. Oh Christ, even as Thou did walk down the streets of Jerusalem, and they came out of houses and leaned out windows. Others glowered and walked away. So it is today. My Lord, we beseech Thee, help those that are rejecting, we pray Thee, let them reject. Those that will receive, we beseech Thee, let them receive. We say Selah. Amen. So be it God.”
“Thou invisible mysterious person, present in our midst. The physician is near: the sanctifying healing Jesus. The Lord and the Saviour is near.
We pray for those who up to this hour have been careless, shallow, modern, irresponsible believers. Through want tonight, change all that, and to settle it with Thee, that they will take Thee as their Saviour now. That they will make Thee Thine, theirs, that they will make themselves Thine. They will lay hold of Thee by all their aggressive acts of their personality, believe on Thy name, and receive Thy person, cease to be sinners, and move over into the new and heavenly birth that makes them children of God. Grant it for Thy names sake.”
A.W Tozer