Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 6

Collection of A W Tozer prayers volume 6

“Oh Good blessed Lord Jesus, blessed Lord Jesus. Thou didst come on a mission; our trembling hearts tell us thou should have come with raging eyes to be our judge. Thou shouldst have come as our executioner to put to death such moral vermin that crawl over the face of the earth, polluting each other and ourselves. But thou didst not come to condemn the world, but hast come that the world through thee might be saved. What can we say Lord? Thank you, Oh gentle saviour. How can we bar our language? But thank you. For whist thy dying sorrow and pity without end. We thank thee Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus we won’t fight about thee. And we won’t argue about hypotheses; we’ll only kneel and say, “My Lord, and my God!”


“We have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write, Jesus the Son of man, Son of God! We have found him, Hallelujah! We have found him, we thank thee. Pray thee for the friends present tonight; we thank you for those who responded last week. Lord we pray thee tonight, or grant that there maybe those who would go out of this place now, with a solemn lasting conviction, that this means the personal individual person, the one, knowing knowing knowing that good for them he came this way. Blessed Jesus, help us as we wait upon thee just a little longer tonight, in the name of Christ. Now Lord we pray for these probably forty people here that stand here tonight, Oh God. The world is busy counting numbers and the church is even counting numbers, worshipping success. Promoting flesh! Pushing Adam to the front! These are saved; I desire to put Adam under my feet, to promote Jesus Christ, and to glorify the Father who art in heaven, and to make Christ appear large and myself small. These are strange people Lord strange. For they’ve heard a strange voice from another world calling them to humility, and meekness, and lowliness, to take thy yoke upon them and follow thee, and to bare the cross that’ll slay them out to the place of death, that they might ride the means of life and promote the high glory of the Most High God. So we pray for these, we pray that all their hearts yearn for may be theirs, and that this may mark in each of their lives a specific, strong memorial a time when they’ll say, from that night on He’s changing my life, and things have been different, and the old desire for honour, praise and credits all gone, and only the desire to make Jesus all in all. By the Holy Ghost come and progress these friends, till they shall all but nothing in Christ, all in all. Grant this we beseech thee, for Jesus sakes.”


“God our Father, we bless Thy name, that thou did send us help from the sanctuary, out from the heavenly palaces, down from the lofty heights above He came. He came to be born under law to be born of a woman, that he might redeem us who were under law, and who by the curse of the law were lost hopelessly, down to the mud and the gut, down to the shadows and gloom, down to the tears and the tomb he came, we bless thy Holy name for sending him. He came because he wanted to come, that he came cause thou did send Him, and Father and Son agreed, we bless thee oh triune God. Praise thee oh blessed Holy Ghost, the conscience of the world that still keeps dimly alive, the racial memory of the world from which we fell. Great God, we do not want thy wrath to be upon us, we want to have that eternal life, which was with thee. We pray help tonight there might not be one go out of here who has not received the son, who has not obeyed the son, who has not now taken the son, believed the son. Oh Son of man, we here thy voice, Son of God we see thy light, would thou grant we pray that as we go from this place tonight, we may go driven by the hard overwhelming force of logic to Jesus Christ the Lord. And know that there is nothing on our level ancient or modern that can help us remotely, but only he who came from above, only Jesus, blessed be the name Jesus, we pray thee help us to love thy name and follow whithersoever ye goeth. Help these friends who have listened tonight we thank you for the privilege of speaking to them. Oh Lord we pray, send them out, with a bit of another world on their hearts, a yearning, a longing, an aspiration that ye open widely gates of their soul and receive the Lord Christ in. And rest in him and trust him and know that even now in Spirit they can be raised out of the valley, and finally at his coming, taken out for good, and the valley itself transformed. No longer come into the valley of death, but now of life, for thee knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covered the sea, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.”


“Let’s watch, lets pray, amen. Lord, we thank thee; we thank thee, for the faith once delivered. We thank thee for all the music and poetry and artistry. All the high flights of the religious spirit, all the dreams of holy men and the visions of sages here, we thank thee for the places that are marked to remind us of men who once walked on earth, good men, true faithful men and true. And we thank thee that all their activities and faith and belief and discipline and prayer and warfare all lead us to him who is its fulfillment, and now we have found him. We have found him this man who told us everything we ever did, this wondrous man who never sinned, who’ll sit and talk to us who never did anything else but sin. How we thank thee for this miracle, this wonderful shining miracle of the man who came from men. Blessed Jesus receive our thanks, we thank thee Lord we thank thee. We pray that thou would help everybody here tonight to open his heart, her heart, wide to the saviour, and to believe that he will come in instantly and at once to plant a well there to spring up and spring up and spring up on and on while the ages go by up into eternal life. Lord help us, help any who may be on the borderline tonight help any who may be partly backslidden, help any who may be wandering, help and who may be doubting. May we beseech thee this night, may there be a quick turning of the spirit, to the God of Spirits who seeketh such to worship him these who worship in spirit and in truth we ask it in Jesus Holy name. Amen.”


“If you’ll only believe, lets pray. Lord we love thee tonight, we confess we do, we want to be restrained and conservative, Lord we want thee to know and we want the public to know that we love thee for loving us. We love thee for coming for us, we love thee because thy holiness was not sullied, and thy character degraded when thou didst come down for me. We love thee for this Lord Jesus, we bless thee and worship thee this night, and truly we can sing, that thou art the one in whose presence our soul takes delight. Lord thou art with thy sheep thou art hunting thy sheep, art searching them out in the ravines and gullies and caught between sharp points of rock or among the briars, finding them here, finding them there, but finding them! Oh Lord we pray for any lost sheep here this evening. We pray Lord Jesus, thou wilt find thy sheep. May that sheep not go out any longer to be imperilled of its life, may it bleat until it attracts the shepherds notice, and he comes and takes it on His shoulder carrying it home rejoicing. Blessed be thy name, we thank thee for thy great flock. Of all tongues tribes and nations, everywhere oh Lord that have been found, the found ones! We think a lot of the lost ones, but we thank thee for the found ones. Which will make, in the aggregate, a group that nobody can number like the sands of the seashore all lost but all found, the found ones. Blessed be thy name. Bless every man whose preached in the city tonight or is now preaching, who is now or will be shortly, offering the gospel to many invitations. Oh Lord, blanket Chicago with the cloud of the Holy Ghost. Come down on us like we pray thee, like the descending shekinah. May many who are out tonight be in before ten-o-clock! Where lost tonight be found before this service closes. We trust thee to hear us and answer us through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”


“Shall we pray? Oh thou son of God, thou most holy lamb. We’re here thy servants this evening, and oh we thank thee Lord we’re not all there are. We thank thee Father that there are many others. Thank thee this is not the only church. Thank thee Lord it is not a choice between the alliance church and hell. For there are thousands of churches on this continent, where justice true and wonderful truth is preached, and many of them in this city, for this we thank thee this night and give thee praise, Father Lord of heaven and earth, for all the good churches and good preachers, and good faithful men of God. But Father, there are churches that fatten them and grow on those who won’t take the narrow road. Great God, pity and spare this refuge for cowards, these great ornate edifices dedicated to the deserters, paid for by the cowards, kept up by the ignoble deserters from the army of God. Have mercy on such, ooh have mercy on such. But bless every gospel church Lord. Bless every gospel church, whatever denomination. Let every man that stands to preach tonight, and Father, some of em will stand with robes on, but they’ll preach the word. Some choir tonight wearing robes will sing the wonders of redemption. Blessed be thy name, thou lookest not on the outward appearance, but on the heart. We bless thee and worship thee tonight. We have found the way past the veil through the blood, to the holy of holies with God. Blessed be thy name. Now Lord we pray thee for any who may be discouraged, who may be having a hard time, who may have been secretly toying with throwing it all up and saying what’s the use. They’ve been tempted and they have even fallen for their temptations. Pray God have mercy upon thy sheep tonight, that poor bruised battered sheep. Satan and wolves and bears and lions they’ve been after thy sheep. Their jaws are slavering and their eyes are keen and sharp and penetrating, and their paws are soft as they pad around waiting. Oh Lord save thy sheep from the maw of the dragon tonight. Bless this truth; show us plainly through it that there is nowhere to go but show us also that thou art the Christ the son of the living God. That Christ who should come, turn our feet towards thee as well as our hearts. Help us now as we wait upon thee Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
6.) Oh Lord, oh Lord Jesus, our Lord. The great world, the sons of Cain, nice people, many of them, friendly people, people that would give a dollar if we got in trouble, lend us their lawnmower, help us if we got a flat tire. Good people, but in religion, followers of that man who brought the flowers but didn’t bring the blood. Maybe Cain, maybe Abel’s disposition wasn’t as nice as Cain’s. But he found a refuge under blood, and he was born of the new Spirit, then he that was only born once murdered him that was born twice. Oh God, we hate to think it. We love people we love the world, we want to get along with everybody. We wish that we could always nod our head and “amen” everything everybody says, we hate to be on the other side we hate to be stubborn contentious. But oh Jesus they’re saying thou art a good man. Others are saying “no” religion deceives people. So there fighting it out and their both wrong. Oh Christ, thou art more than a man, thou art God’s man! Thou art God thyself God, begotten of the Father before all ages, thou art thyself man, born of Mary in time. Perfect man and perfect God compounded. This night Oh Lord Jesus, we pray that the carelessness and the breeziness might go out of our spirits; we might wait and know whose side we’re on. Oh Lord we take thy side; even if it’s against our friends we take thy side! The only Lord to boss us, to tell us what to do, and we promise to obey thee oh Lord, and would be disciples of thine, taking the cross and following thee. We pray for any who may this night, not have taken this way, we pray for such may be here, God have mercy, have mercy, have mercy oh son of God have mercy tonight. For the world is very evil and the times are waxing late and the judgment’s drawing near, we beseech thee Lord, pity and spare and forgive and have mercy upon our poor souls, we ask it in Jesus name.”


“Oh Lord Jesus, thou are the light of the world, the light of the world! Oh light house shine on me, shine on me. Please Lord don’t let anything prevent the light from shining. Thou hast said if anybody’s willing he shall know. We believe in the body of truth. And with fools stand tall and intone, we can say, “I believe in God the Father Almighty and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, and I believe in the Holy Ghost.” We thank thee we believe the body of truth. And we thank thee also thou hast taught us that there are depths beyond, beneath and the above that we must plunge into by obedience and faith, and when we find the inner soul and truth and were converted and not till that time. Oh God save us we pray thee from the snares and traps into which we so easily fall. Save us from textualism, save us from rationalism, save we pray thee our God from the error of the Pharisees. Save us from the cold hand in what teaches the code. And we pray thee give us more light from above where all light come down. Illuminate our souls, make heavenly things vividly real; make divine truth vividly real to our spirits. Turn the bright light on until we can see! The landscape of theology lies shrouded in night. Turn the bright sun on God so we can see everything, down to the four-leaf clover or a butterfly there. Make it so bright oh my God that we won’t perish in the midst of truth, but we’ll be saved by truth. Save us we pray from hanging on to the things that will bind us and going the way of evil, wanting to be good, but not wanting to be good enough to be good. We pray God help us to repent, help us to hate ourselves, help us to hate sin. Help us to hate the sin that makes thee mourn and keeps thee from our breast. Help us God. Bless these people tonight let there be no deceived people walk out these doors. Let there be none that go out of here that have a name to live but are dead. Let there be none go out who are reprobates. Let no one walk down these winding stairs onto the street if he weren’t blameless. May they obey, for thou hast told us if we would be willing to obey we should know that knowledge follows a willingness to obey. So help this night we pray, for Jesus sake.”


“Oh Lord, we’re more concerned that if everything be alright with us now, than in the day of our death, or at the coming of thy Son. Were more concerned while we stand in religion that we’ll have reputation among the saints, we’re more concerned Lord, that things be now, right with us. Oh we thank thee Lord Jesus, how thee say to such poor world wanderers such as we are, “Would ye become my disciples and follow me and we’ll long to become disciples indeed ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, and if the Son shall sets you free you shall be free indeed, for I am the light of the world and he that follows me shall never walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. Thank thee Lord then there need be no concern, need be no doubts, need be no worries, we can know that were following thee. As we walk in the light as thou art in the light we have fellowship with thee and with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ thy son cleanses us from all sin. This is a greater treasure than all the gold of Ophir and all the diamonds of Africa. More to be desired is it than all jewels, all rubies, all the corn, wheat, and all the granaries of the world. So we seek tonight to know and be sure that we’re not only sons of the descendents of the reformers, but true sons of their faith and obedience. Whatever our denomination is, we’re not only in the tradition of our denomination but that we have the spiritual experiences of those, who in other days brought those denominations to us by their faith and love. Thank thee for every true Methodist, thank thee for every holy Presbyterian, thank thee for every Godly Baptist, thank thee for every happy Nazarene, thank thee oh Lord for every blessed heart happy Quaker. Thank thee for every man and woman of God no matter their denomination that loves thee tonight, till we feel we’re part of their flesh. But oh save us we pray thee from the cudgeling and snare of entrenched privilege and vested interest, and believing everything is all right because we are descended from parents that are all right. Great God save us from this. Now we trust thee thou will send us out from this church with a quite, certain, sure, believes that the light of the world, weekly discounting all self-righteousness. How many denying ourselves, willing taking the cross, sorry for all religion perfectly known, glad for the blood that cleanses. Grateful for the grace that pardons, and remembers sin no more forever, blessed be thy name forever, Amen.”


“Oh thou shepherd of Israel, thou shepherd of the sheep. “The Lord’s my shepherd I’ll not want; he makes me down to lie in pastures green, he leadeth me the quite waters by.” Oh Lord thou art the shepherd of thy sheep, we’re so pleased with your arrangement, we’re so glad it worked out that way, we’re so glad that thou didst so have it. We wouldn’t have felt comfortable if thou hadst made Moses our shepherd, we remember Moses broke some rocks one time, smote another rock killed a man! We wouldn’t have been comfortable if thou hadst made Elijah our shepherd because Elijah called down fire. Oh Lord Jesus we are comfortable having thee as our shepherd, we’re relaxed and restful. For thou art a good shepherd, and a great shepherd, an understanding, sympathetic, loving shepherd, we thank thee Lord Jesus for being our shepherd. Thank thee for David, but we’re glad he is not our shepherd. He didn’t like a man, he ordered his head off. But oh Lord, we thank thee that thou art our shepherd. We pray thee for any who may be lost this night, for Jesus sake we pray before the lights go in this building they may have found the shepherd, or the shepherd found them. Grant it for Jesus sake, enlarge our hearts, make us big inside, bigger inside than we are outside, make us as big as the world, make us as big as the whole church of God, big enough to contain every saint. Let thy mercy be over us now for Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

A W Tozer
